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Dave in Ohio

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Everything posted by Dave in Ohio

  1. I know this is really late, but........................................ It isn't uncommon to have the situation Cliff described in either residential or commercial wiring. In the familiar 120/240v setup that most homes and many small commercial buildings have, there are two legs, each at 120 volts, that are exactly opposite in phase. Line-to-line voltage will be approximately 240 volts, and either line-to-neutral(or ground) will be about 120 volts. The neutral will carry the unbalanced current from two opposing 120v legs back to the source, in a multiwire branch circuit. Electrical professionals should understand this, but it's not intuitive to the untrained person. This is why the NEC was changed a few years back to require that all legs of a multiwire branch circuit(one with a shared neutral) open simultaneously. As is usually the case, existing circuitry was not required to be changed. Of course, many residences suffer from uninspected "bootleg" electrical installations, as well, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms. There is also a three-phase flavor of MWBC's, but very few of them apply to residential occupancies. I hope this helps a little. Dave
  2. Be careful that you don't get a mirror with an old man stuck inside. I see those everywhere nowadays! Dave
  3. Quite an exercise in patience and persistence, but it paid off! Now it's ready for some "battle scars"!! Great job, Gerald! Dave
  4. John, once you have the shop organized the way you think you want it, take the time at the end of each day to straighten up the shop. Unless you enjoy the organizing process, that is. Steve, good luck on your show. I doubt the first one will be perfect, but try to enjoy it. My wife and I will be all over Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky on Saturday with kids' football games, Shorthorn Association activities, and Emmaus events. Sunday afternoon we will dig some furniture out of storage so that we can donate it to a friend who can use it, and maybe watch a little NFL action. Dave
  5. An Imperial rule laid out in tenths can come in handy at times, although it's a bit harder to find than one laid out in fractions. Dave
  6. Keith, as I recall from the WOOD forum discussions, the fellows who went felt that they got good value for their money. I have gone to the Woodworking Show at the state fairgrounds(Voinovich Building) when I lived near Columbus. Weekend with Wood is not like that show, as I understand. Not as commercially oriented. I am considering visiting WIA in Covington, Ky., on Friday as it's only about 60 miles away, but my schedule is getting tighter by the minute at this point. I expect to be a trade show, primarily. Dave
  7. Seems like a lot of money for a jig you can only use one time!! Dave
  8. I use mine with a pair of DMT "stones". I usually finish with a strop. I like it. Dave
  9. Good job, Grandpa!! Dave
  10. It's really nice that you and she combined on the cabinet. It makes it even more special. Dave
  11. Well, boxing rings are square, but the bouts themselves are in rounds. Same reasoning, I'd guess. Dave
  12. My favorites are Cherry, Walnut, White Oak, and Maple, in that order, more or less. Glad to see you here, Ralph. Dave
  13. The thing that stands out to me is how well the sideboard fits the space, as far as looks. It appears that there is no other possible use for that place! You do good work. Dave
  14. That really shows how pretty red oak can be when quartersawn. Not all red oak will look this good quartered, but this is a beauty! Dave
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