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  • Help – quick survey for a tool you never even dreamed about!

    Hi everyone. I am thinking about manufacturing a completely new type of device for woodworkers, but first I am trying to understand if there would be market for it. Would you be so kind as to support me with a quick survey? If so, just let me know and I will send a PM. Thank you very much - any help is really appreciated! Paolo

    General Woodworking

    Thinking New Table Saw Time

    My old Craftsman (13 model) keeps giving me fits.  Pulleys won't stay lined up and that leads to a lot of vibration and heat.  Looking at a new replacement table saw.  I don't need anything fancy so a low end entry level small shop one should work ($1200 +/-).  I also have to get it down to the basement and the doorway is 29 inches wide.  Been considering the Laguna F1, but there seems to be a quality and alignment with them.  The Grizz 962 looks promising, but the fence isn't the greatest -----

    Machinery, Tools, Research, Reviews and Safety 2

    Adirondack chairs

    Another one of the projects I got to a point and wasn't sure I wanted to use all my Sapele on. Stopped and think Im gonna use it to get rid of it.    The base has been an issue. I borrowed a sample chair from a relative but took it back before I got the holes, etc on the base pattern. After a couple days of refiguring,adjusting and rebuilding I think I've got it.    The bases are treated for ground contact.  

    General Woodworking 23

    CNC cut wedged mortise and Tenon.

    A prototype done.  Intended to knock down and go back together reliably.  Mortise is 1/16" deep than the tenon is long.  Embedded square 1/4-20 nut to pull snuggly with the flat head bolt. Can't see the nut when the joint is tight together. The bolt head could be a cap screw and more discretely counter bored.  Not simple to draw up or quick to cut, but as I'm retired now time isn't that important and challenges are enjoyable to figure out.  

    General CNC Work 6

    Bar window

    Tryingvto get this done over winter.    

    General Woodworking 19
  • Our Mission

    Objective Of course just like most online woodworking communities we are centralized in the arts, crafts, and trades that are woodworking. But, we have another focus in our Patriot Woodworker community, we are the only woodworking community that was founded on our care and concern for our disabled veterans. Mission 1st To create an online woodworking community that is sensitive and respective of the men and women who are serving and have served in our United States Military.

    John Morris
    John Morris
    Administrative Topics 1


    Volunteer The Patriot Woodworkers are an all volunteer community, from the staff and hosts who run our online woodworking community to the members who frequent our forums, you'll find volunteers in all of us. We are not on a payroll, unless you consider the spiritual rewards gained from volunteering, as compensation. How you can help If you are a woodworker, and if you want to help us help our American veteran and honor both our veterans and active duty, then look no further than

    John Morris
    John Morris
    Administrative Topics


    Education One of the many projects we are working on is a wiki for our online community. A wiki is a great way for woodworkers and enthusiasts to share their knowledge to others, and to impart their knowledge for others to learn from, and utilize as well for their own benefit. We hope you'll consider being a wiki contributor. Research Do you love researching? Do you like to write about subjects in a factual non-biased style? Do you like leaving your footprint of knowledge behind f

    John Morris
    John Morris
    Administrative Topics

    Who We Are

    About Us We are a woodworking community with an emphasis on sharing and learning the skilled craft of woodworking and all of its related disciplines. Our community is open to everyone who wishes to join us. We support our American veterans and active duty, being a veteran is not a prerequisite to join. Join us now! The Spirit of Our Forums First off you'll be a member of a very grown up group of woodworker's where drama is non-existent. Your discussion forum experience will be com

    John Morris
    John Morris
    Administrative Topics
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