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Woodman last won the day on July 23 2022

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    The beginning of wisdom is 'I do not know'.

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  1. Dreary weekend but this Monday afternoon should be famously perfect for snoozing in the park. With a table of ignored woodcrafts available for purchase. The blanket covered with obscure kitchen utensils and gadgets, along with a box of 1990s CDs, will get all of the attention.
  2. Oh, THAT explains it . . . . . . As i like to explain to people, "All I need in the mornings is eight to ten hours of alone-time. Then I'm ready to tackle the day!"
  3. Good morning! Over the weekend I made this shop assistant. I'm thinking of adding a head and a tail. Hoping all is well in your world!
  4. That's perfect outdoor vending weather. Yep, it was me in the park for six hours.
  5. Peanuts also grow out front. Not enough to trigger the peanut tax police If I was in AZ right now, my shop time would consist of this . . . I fired up my boiler yesterday. Warm dry heat just what the lungs wanted on a damp chilly day!
  6. Yesterday dad noted the farm market empty at his usual time. I'm thinking the sniffles are going around. Plus chilly morning, extra two hours in blankets flew by like a nice vacation. Me, yes, I slept in as well And this morning too Plant identification request: Is this poison?
  7. Amazing. I notice three types, typically. Small, medium, large . . . Little brown ones know the sound of my front door and line up for sunflower seeds ....
  8. I'm thinking it may be red pine. Not a wood seen often in these parts, these days. Knocking apart the cut-offs for burning, I notice a deep hue to the grain. Last time I saw wood like this was knocking apart a (signed) c.1912 built-in-place side-cabinet which yielded eastern white pine, poplar, a little red pine, some stellar plywood, and light buttery drawer fronts (elm?)
  9. Can't say I ever recall seeing a chestnut leaf. Looks like spearmint.
  10. Thanks, Doc! Yes, joist tattoos like the wearing of a wrist watch. The rough sides were lightly planed but uneven thicknesses led to some bards getting a closer shave. It's interesting how age yellowed the wood even into the plank. These will be primed and used as 'panels' for a triptych. Unless Hollywood calls, and wants them as set candy triptych • \TRIP-tik\ • noun. 1 : an ancient Roman writing tablet with three waxed leaves hinged together 2 a : a picture (such as an altarpiece) or carving in three panels side by side b : something composed or presented in three parts or sections; especially : trilogy.
  11. Yeah, but you haven't seen the boards I got. My buddy's daughter's garage is being turned into an ADA bathroom. There was a 1950s storage deck of ½" S3S planks. 9' x 6' maybe? So I got the planks and got them cleaned up.
  12. Yesterday I had chicken and a donut at a grease pit in town. Mmmmmm! But I always have to sleep three hours after that food This morning I FIN-ally cleaned the rollers on my newish 13" 2-speed DW thicknesser. Resin and self-feed do not mix. And also cleaned the top of the TS, and vac'd the fence guide channels. Mmmmmm! Better than donuts!
  13. From the west? If it blows long enough, do you ever get the scent of salt water in the air (I do, from the Delaware Bay)? Or is it too dusty to try (cough cough)?
  14. One or two more cold days would help reduce my kindling pile. Warm chimney, warm house
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