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John Morris

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John Morris last won the day on November 22 2024

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About John Morris

  • Birthday 11/03/1966


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  • My Location
    San Jacinto, CA, USA
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  • My skill level is
    You got me, you figure it out!
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  • Favorite Quote
    “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln

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  1. Dang @Ron Dudelston, you started a fire storm here, look at these replies!
  2. When CalDot went to metric about 15 years ago for all their improvement projects, all the plans were in metric, I had to rewire my brain and my pacing and my visual comprehension of what metric looks like in the field as a land surveyor. For pacing meters, had to take a longer un-natural two step to make a meter, the cut and fills in dirt work were a PITA to get down but got used to it after some time. We normally work in US Survey Foot, so we are working in a foot decimal, as far as the math goes it wasn't that far of a reach to add and subtract on the fly metric, since it was in tenths both US Survey Foot and the Meter. Then when we finally got used to it, they went back to US Survey Foot after a few years, but it wasn't that big of a deal since our local govt jobs were still using US Survey Foot, it was only CalDot that was using Metric, it was common to go between different jobs in a single day, and my brain had to make the metric to survey foot switch during the drive. How'd I survive!
  3. English Ron. It's just natural to me. About the only time I would use metric in woodworking is because something is mentioned in metric or some kind of instruction. I like to peruse the green woodworking community websites out of Europe, a lot, so much of what they discuss is metric, such as tool sizes, etc. But when it comes to my own work, Englis. And of course, whenever I can get away from measuring completely, I will!
  4. ASteinfield welcome to our community! Great to have ya aboard :) 

  5. Feet and Inches Calculator Inch Calculator
  6. Does that benefit the taxpayer or the gov?
  7. Got the side of our house all cleaned up over the weekend, demoed a storage shed and getting a replacement. Replaced some fencing. Back to work today. Last night did our taxes , Fed didn't change from last year, owe about 1500 bucks, we knew it was coming so we put a little away each month for it, but we went from a 64 dollar state refund last year, to a 2400 dollar bill with the State of California! Nothing changed from last year either! OUCH!
  8. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured Topic Our February MWTCA What's It is live. Featured Link Featured Video Last time we were out to SC and NC, we drove right past this family store, I wished I knew it about it just a few months ago! Well, since we are moving out that way, it'll be on my bucket list
  9. Winner @Zack is the winner of this months What's It. With Handy Dan's buy off we decided to award the annual subscription to Zack, good job Zack! Award Zack, for your best answer you have won a 2025 Calendar Year membership into the MWTCA. Please Private Message me your contact info, shipping address, spouse or significant others name (if applicable). Thank you all for your participation! Links https://mwtca.org/about https://mwtca.org Gristmill Magazine Sample
  10. "What's It" Basic Rules Reminder For a full run down on this project and rules please go to: The Patriot Woodworker and MWTCA "What's It" project Only Patriot Woodworker Members are eligible to participate and receive the award. The MWTCA only accepts a verified source to support your answer, so one should be submitted with your answer, such as a patent, catalog entry, tool book reference, or a respectable website on the subject. Do not let these requirements prevent you from having fun and submitting educated answers on the subject without verification, we can worry about references later. All answers are welcome, as well as healthy debates regarding "What's It". If a verified and referenced answer is not arrived at by the end of each month's "What's It" project, a random draw will be performed for a "One Year MWTCA Club Membership". Only Patriot Woodworker's who participate in this "What's It" topic will be included in the random draw. Additional What's It Rules Unless you are completely sure what this item is, please avoid "definitive statements" that appear that you are without a doubt claiming that you know what the item is. For example stating, "this item is called a "widget xx" used for "insert purpose here". If you are making a definitive statement you must accompany your statement with evidence or proof from a secondary source. An example of acceptable statements within the realm of having fun and educated guesses would be something like this, "I believe it could be", or "It appears it's made for this or that", etc etc etc... Ok ladies and gentlemen, we now have our "What's it" live and ready! The image(s) below is a MWTCA "What's It" image for you to research, and tell us all here in this topic post, just what the heck is it! Project Details The information provided hereon is all the information that is provided, no further information on this item will be added. Text on it says “AM PUB SUPPLY.” The 3/8″ thick blade is held in place with a screw cam.
  11. John Morris

    Oblique View

    Late to the show here Lew, absolutely gorgeous sir.
  12. Nothing like the buzz sound of metal on wood while sanding inside corners, Doooh!
  13. A couple more days Dan and you are the default recipient of a year of MWTCA!
  14. Nice table Zack! Love it, ya definitely leave all those character marks in there, wonderful memories.
  15. nice plan Billy! I went ahead and moved your topic to Plans and Software forum
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