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I am getting my but kicked.


I built some little  "toss 'em together quick boxes"  in which to mount (two each) momentary switches.  They are to provide moment of  power to two solenoids that will depress two manually activated buttons on my DC.


The manually activated buttons are that two on my Felder RL 160.  I opened it up and the electronics frightened me - I can' suss 'em out.  so instead of a spendy remote I opted for Each Station having an on / off power stitch Plus there's no remote to lose or batteries to change. 


Two 12 VDC solenoids on a wood rig connected to the RL each with soft rubber pads to activate the puch buttons on the RL .  a 12VDC power supply with enough Amps to drive the solenoids and the power looping through the little momentary switches around the shop.

Simple straight forward  - - easy peasy.  Or - - it would be IF  I had opted to go with Cat 5, 4 Conductor cable instead of individual little tiny wires.  stringing them is a Nightmare forcing me to make up wood conduit to house the little wires.

  I spent nearly a whole day screwing with this yesterday.    Today I think I'm getting some Cat 5 Cable


Well I was planning to use this small solid conductor wire I already have

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15 minutes ago, Fred Wilson said:

Getting ready for a new show is always stress time for me.  What are perspective customers looking for?  How much product should I bring?  What are the promotors REALLY like?  Who are my neighbors going to be?


"Well, Wilson, just forget that load of crud and do what you have always done and it will all work out."


That being said, here is what's left on my bench to finish up on.  (Judy already has packed a couple dozen items).


In the forground is a 10 piece nativity made frm



Fred that is some nice work. That horned piece in front is it one of those 3D type that looks different from full frontal?

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6 hours ago, Gerald said:

Fred that is some nice work. That horned piece in front is it one of those 3D type that looks different from full frontal?

Gerald - that's the beginning stages of the "White Tail Buck Mounting" as found in Scroller catalog.  The also have a moose and a steer.  See them at:  http://www.scrolleronline.com/product/Whitetail-Buck-Mount-Pattern-Set/288


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I have thoroughly enjoyed the shop tours and I thought I was messy.  Thanks for the encouragement.  My first thought was not the stuff on our work benches, but the project on the bench.  So, here is a pic of one that is almost finished.  It has been two weeks since the wife needed a pacemaker and it has been that long since I've gotten to work on it.  I have some basic touch ups and it will be ready to return to the owner.  I suppose this shadow box was made in Asia during a war time.  The plywood on the back is really torn up.  The maker apparently did not have the right type saw.  The glue had come loose, patched with screws and nails and a couple of these X things broken.  So, I sanded to make it work again, but I have found mistakes since I glued it up.  During dry fit, it seemed to work well.  Hmmm.  Did I move things, even though I had them labeled?  I used a biscuit cutter to make deposits for the splines.  The basic box is glued with epoxy since I was uncomfortable with yellow glue.  I could not get the pieces of wood to fit together, even though I did not disassemble the box itself.  There is a toy truck holding it up.  I realize this is not the ideal background for a picture, but did it on the run.  Maybe, get a better pic later. 



Today is the tomorrow of yesterday.



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9 minutes ago, FlGatorwood said:

It has been two weeks since the wife needed a pacemaker and it has been that long since I've gotten to work on it

Steve, Praying Anne is doing well and making a good recovery.

Appreciate seeing what's going on in the Sunshine State...from the pic looks like there is some sunshine too.:P

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