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Found 4 results

  1. Hard to believe that March is half over already! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker posted some handles he turned for a friend! Steve says he did not use a duplicator but you sure could have fooled me! Check out Steve's post for more about this project- We continue to have more posts in our thread "What's On Your Lathe"! Check out what @forty_caliber is doing- @Smallpatch gave us a look at his setup for duplicating piece on the lathe. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Carl Jacobson put together a short video on aligning the head and tail stock. From Kent Weakley "Turn A Wood Bowl", a checklist of things to do for lathe maintenance (click on the image)- Expand Your Horizons- If you don't have a steady rest, here's an instructional video where the author builds one patterned after one built by Mike Waldt Jim Rodgers makes a really interesting segmented vase- Alan Stratton turns a cool toothpick holder. Might make a nice craft show item- Easter is not far away and Mike Peace demonstrates how to turn some Bunnies! At the end of Mike's video, are some other Easter oriented turning ideas/links. New Turning Items- Not really a new item but some mods on an older device to hold odd shaped pieces- Available at- https://woodturningtoolstore.com/product/elio-dr-safe-drive-2-5/?receiptful=923&receiptfultype=reviewsadminfb&fbclid=IwAR0bWspnfZ-Tx5be43_wuR3mi0wfVQA1OB1GAg6HkS29Mx2qziuyjg9PFXY Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter It Works For Me When you work up the courage to demonstrate in front of your club or the public, someone will always ask, “Why do you do it that way?” The short answer is “it works for me.” Turning, apart from most other forms of woodworking, relies heavily on the skills of the turner. Cabinet-making, for example, relies more on design, careful measurements, and the ability to cut relatively large pieces of sheet goods perfectly square. Ask five woodturners the right way to do something, and you will likely get ten different answers. Do what works for you until it doesn’t, then do it another way until it does. Everyone’s shop is different; different lathes, sharpening setups, lathe chisels, people are different heights, ages, strengths, lighting, some are left-handed, etc. Yes, there are generally accepted “Best Practices”, but my encouragement is to use the method that works for you as long as it is safe. However, keep an open mind to different approaches. As I view different turners making shavings, I still notice little things that might just be a better way to do something I have been doing for many years. I try their way and sometimes it works better, sometimes not. Most of my shop time these days is spent making accessories for turners and for that we are very grateful. My production shop would make most woodturners see double. I have the quintessential 5-pounds of stuff in a 3-pound sack. I wouldn’t recommend anyone set up their shop like mine. But it works for me, for what I do with the equipment and space I have. And I love it! In case you’ve seen some of my YouTube videos filmed in a nice clean uncluttered perfectly lit woodturning shop, that is a purpose-built film studio in a whole separate building set up just for making videos. I never actually make shavings in that area. Why? Because it works for me. When it doesn’t, I’ll do something else. For now, remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
  2. We are almost there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woodcraft, one of our generous sponsors, is helping us reach our goal by spreading the word on our annual campaign. Check out their blog- https://www.woodcraft.com/blog_entries/woodcraft-supports-patriot-woodworker-to-thank-veteran Our Patriot Turners- Member @Larry Cutlip posted some of his awesome turnings for us to drool over. Larry's designs cover a wide spectrum of shapes as can be seen in his post- Our resident ornament designer, @Ron Altier gave us a look at one of his earlier works- Ron explains a little about this red beauty- @Gerald gave us an update on the bowl job on which he was working. These beauties are ready for shipping- @forty_caliber also finalized his monkey pod bowl for a customer- Check out the fancy laser engraving on the bottom! What’s Coming Up- From the AAW- https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=af6fae66-aa2c-45ce-bf24-18e8c3a5c442&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=bTDs2 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=ddc59ff8-1a11-42f9-9043-155bb3347a48&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=cTDs2 From Cindy Drozda- http://www.cindydrozda.com/?fbclid=IwAR0LRPwo1BK3tK2rFy6PhTYyqqdWuwxBk1kte7gpG41BQGgFsxqNZ1fNp3A For The Newbies- Ornaments are the thing to do this time of year. A couple of videos recommended by the AAW- @Gerald gave me a heads up on the Richard Raffan YouTube channel. There are a few videos posted there. Not so much of "how-to" but just watching how efficient a profession turner works is a real pleasure- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2tEGrCP1GiVwfaT4K9bcNw/videos Want to turn a bowl but have some questions? This video from "Turn a Wood Bowl" may have the answers your answers- Expand Your Horizons- Our own @Steve Krumanaker recently posted his birdhouse ornaments. Steve is kind enough to share his knowledge with anyone who would like to have help making these. Here's a video from Mike Peace and his take on making this type of ornament and one on making his little birds- Steve also creates beautiful little birds to adorn his ornaments. This is from Steve's YouTube channel about putting the birds together- OK, get a cup of coffee, or your beverage of choice, and enjoy Frank Howarth make a Christmas ornament- Many of us follow Lyle Jamieson. He has a series of videos called Tuesday's Tips. Check them all out at- https://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonLyle/search?query=tuesday Jim Rodgers has made yet another improvement in his technique for turning a scoop. The why and the what are explained in his video- New Turning Items- This is not a new turning item but a change in a turning product. This video, starting about halfway through, talks about Niles Bottle Stoppers and something that can now be made public- Everything Else- Rick Turns must be on vacation as he did not post his usual roundup of YouTube woodturning videos. Hopefully you can find something interesting within our post, this week. I finally put the finishing touches on those rolling pin holders. There is no lathe work involved with these so I'm going to bore you with the flat work. These start out as 3/8" x 2 1/4" x 23" pieces of walnut- Using a template for all measurements the pieces are marked Before they are shaped into ellipses, a dovetail is milled into each end to accept the rings to hold the actual pin. The rings are milled from maple and have the corresponding dovetail shape The top maple piece is an open ring- The bottom maple piece has a recess cut made with a Forstner bit Both are glued into place. Nine more to go, only took a couple of days- I'm not @steven newman Finish is next. 2 coats of oil based poly, steel wool rub down and an application of paste wax Next to install the hangers Locate the holes using the same template Drill for the nails Well this sucks. The shortest nail is too long. As Steven would say- "we have ways..." Hanger...Done! ...and finished- Safe turning and stay well
  3. Can you believe this was made from gluing together toothpicks (Wayne Kusy)
  4. First of May already. I am so ready for warm weather. Our Patriot Turners- Lots of cool activity this week by our turners! @Jim from Easy Wood Tools was so impressed with @HandyDan's inside out cross project that he created a PDF instruction set. Jim was kind enough to post it for all of us to use. Thanks Dan for the original post- The PDF can be downloaded from Jim's post, here- There was a discussion generated from last week's "Wednesday's..." post about the skew chisel by @Mijohnson1984. @Gerald was kind enough to search out and post a great video, by Allan Batty, on using the skew. @Steve Krumanaker posted his finished walking sticks. These are real beauties and should be a "me to" project for many of the folks in his turning club- Steve also shared with us a very personal account from his YouTube channel. You gotta love grandkids! What’s Coming Up- I received an update from the Mid Atlantic Woodturners group about their fall symposium. One of the demonstrators will be Trent Bosch. Many of our turners don't do FaceBook so I copied the notification- More information and registration can be found at- http://www.mawts.com/?fbclid=IwAR386ELIjYYu_lM9fE3q3lAIbXkCP4e5sYthfOIgIOMPohzougBu9qJFawg For The Newbies- Tim Yoder has uploaded a video of a cute little turning that can be created with basic tools and turning skills. The turning would make a neat gift for the summer picnic table- Expand Your Horizons- Carl Jacobson's turned vase video with inlay and epoxy finish demonstrates a neat way to add interesting detail to what might be an otherwise less than spectacular piece of wood. Carl also uses a finish that will really protect the piece. New Turning Items- Recently, one of the hybrid blank turners, who uses Easy Wood Tools, has started a new market place. Bradley McCalister's Spiracraft has a full line of Easy Wood Tools as well as a wide variety of materials for creating hybrid blanks. Check out his website at- https://spiracraft.com/ Everything Else- I'm finally getting the finish on the cherry bowl I mentioned last week. Finishing is my achilles heel- especially film finishes. Anyway, the inside is done and the outside will probably take a couple more goes of poly. I left all of the natural defects in the piece. This bowl will go the the lady who cuts my hair. The cherry log was her father's but he passed away before he had a chance to turn it. Safe turning.
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