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  1. Congrats to all of those who participated in this summer's annual fund raiser. Thanks for the donations and the help in keeping our site alive. As @Gerald pointed out last week, we are in the summer doldrums. Not much turning taking place. This week's post is all about videos. Hope you find something interesting among them. Our Patriot Turners- What’s Coming Up- Something from Todd Raines- Click on the image for the link to registration. For The Newbies- A bandsaw is probably the turners second most used power machine. Kent Weakley offers this video for Bandsaw safety. As turners, we typically reach for the "old standby" tool for a specific task. Turning a spindle? Spindle gouge. A bowl? Bowl gouge. Here are videos that use some not so typical tools for turning- Richard Raffan- Craft Supplies USA- Expand Your Horizons- August brings another installment of the "4 Ways" series. This month the topic is turning a wheel. From Tim Yoder- A short video on using colors to enhance your turnings- New Turning Items- From Mike Peace, a 6Pc M2 Cryo HSS Woodturning Tool Set Review- Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter- In A World Full Of Problems, Be The Solution- There is plenty to complain about every day. I am issuing a 7-day challenge: every day for the next 7 days address a problem that has been bothering you and implement a solution. Here are some common challenges that every woodturner faces. I bet you can think of plenty non-turning problems you can fix too. 1) If you are having difficulty because your tools need sharpening and you are not very good at sharpening them yourself, find someone to teach you how to sharpen them properly. If you need a sharpening jig, buy one and learn how to use it. 2) If you always get catches with a skew chisel, watch some YouTube videos or spend a minute with someone who knows how this tool works. Then practice until you can show someone else without getting catches. 3) You always get torn grain on the inside of a bowl and sanding to remove them takes forever. Watch some videos on shear scraping and practice until you can sand the surface beginning with 180-220 grit. You might have to learn to use a negative rake scraper to get the results you expect. 4) You would turn more but the wood is too expensive. Visit the owners of a tree service company and make a deal to get free green wood in exchange for a few salad bowls. This is a perfect solution when you have more time than money. 5) Your shop has so much sawdust that you can’t walk. Take time to sweep up the shavings and save them for your flowerbeds. Be careful with each dustpan full, there might be long-lost treasures (spur drives, sockets, T-handle Allen wrenches, scroll chuck jaws and/or screws!) 6) Your scroll chuck is hard to operate, open, or close. Take time to disassemble and clean your chucks and jaws. Re-oil and reassemble. 7) The banjo sticks and is difficult to move. Clean and wax the bed ways often. I prefer ceramic car polish. Turning green wood coats them with a lot of moisture. You might have to do this every day or two if you turn a lot of wet stuff. 8) Your tools stick and don’t slide on the tool rest anymore. Dress the top of the toolrest with a file to remove the nicks. This is basic maintenance. 9) Turned-lidded boxes are always a crowd favorite with threads or without. You can use exotic timber, branchwood, glued-up blanks, or domestic timber, they all look marvelous. Practice until you can get a suction-fit lid or, if you are up for the challenge, learn to hand-chase the threads. 10) If nobody participates in show-and-tell at your turning club, bring extra things yourself. If you have trouble getting guest presenters, volunteer yourself. These are obvious issues, but the point is that someone has to do something, it might as well be you. Safe turning
  2. Our member @Gerald is recovering from knee surgery and some complications. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker decided to get a head start on next years Christmas ornaments! Steve does awesome turnings and embellishments. Check out our member's comments- @RustyFN asked a question concerning a specific bowl saver system. If you can give him some information, I'm sure he would appreciate it. @knockonit posted some of his recently turned rolling pins in the "What's On Your Workbench" forum. You can see his post at- @Grandpadave52 gave us a heads up on a video from Tom Silva (This Old House). Tom makes a segmented bowl. Dave's post is here- We've had entries in both our continuing threads of lathe projects. From "What's On Your Lathe" an almost finished platter And from the "Off The Lathe And Just Finished" thread- @RustyFN showed us his sweet pyrography work on his latest bowl- Also posted was a little, odd shaped walnut bowl- You can catchup on this thread at- What’s Coming Up- Just after the first of the month and the "4-Ways" video series continues. From Sam Angelo From Tomislav Tomasic From Richard Raffan- From Mike Peace- Free web presentation from All Things Woodturning- Registration link- https://streamyard.com/watch/gGs2fUP3i5Fq?receiptful=65c254ccf68490003ed627d1&utm_source=CM Commerce&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-314&utm_term=newsletter&utm_content=other&receiptfultype=newsletter For The Newbies- A turning tip for finishing, from Lyle Jamieson- Expand Your Horizons- I saw this finished item on a couple of social media sites and was intrigued by how it was made. Then this popped up! Tim Yoder turned a "bowl from a board" In the video he used a device from Ron Brown's Best. https://longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=64 Kind of a neat idea from Alan Stratton. I'm always amazed at how easily he make it look to turn spheres. New Turning Items- From Ron Brown's Best- And a sale on sanding supplies from Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/ultimate-sanding-system?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Today was laser day in my shop. Had several turnings and other stuff that needed signed/dated. The little scissor lift works really well for focus adjustments. I usually wait until I have several items as it requires a little space to set up everything. Safe turning
  3. Just 2 weeks left is our fundraising drive. Please consider donating and taking a chance on wining one of our sponsors' awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker continues to supply his unique turnings for a local "Bee" business- Steve's post has more images of some of the custom things he makes! @RustyFN scored some Bradford pear and showed us his blank preparation. Looks like some awesome bowls in his future Check out Rust's post- @Gerald has been busy replenishing his craft show stock- Check out his post to see what these are! @PostalTom updated us on the chess set he made. Tom included a closeup of the turned chess pieces, in his post Tom also posted some kitchen utensil items in our "What's On Your Workbench" forum- Our "What's On Your Lathe" continues to showcase our turners' projects! @nevinc, @forty_caliber and @Gerald all shared images of what's happening What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links- For The Newbies- A variety of topics from around the web- From Tim Yoder, a couple of short video tips- From Mike Waldt, help for using my old nemesis- the Skew! This is a live demo so it is really long- Have you ever tried to cut a round blank on the bandsaw? Not a bowl blank, but rather an end off of a cylinder shape. If not secured properly, the blade can grab the piece and even break the blade. Mike Peace cautions about this and shares a video on making it safer. Expand Your Horizons- Craft Supplies USA created a video demonstrating the use of the Easy Core One Way Coring System. This is a rather long video but does demonstrate using the system. In the description, the presentation is broken down so the viewer can select sections to view. We've noticed several discussions about finishing, on other Patriot forums, and the subject of shellac pops up frequently. This link, from Kent Weakley, is to an article on making and using shellac as a bowl finish. https://turnawoodbowl.com/make-shellac-wood-bowl-finish/ I think everyone here knows my love of carbide turning tools. @smitty10101 posted about using Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) to turn a bowl. The video is from Craft Supplies USA New Turning Items- Ron Brown has been creating and posting videos, on his YouTube channel, discussing his hollowing stabilizer. You can check them out at- https://www.youtube.com/@Ronbrownsbest/videos With SWAT happening this weekend, there will probably be some new products shown. Be sure to check out the Vendor showcase listed above for live feeds of some of the products. Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter, something I think we all have struggled with from time to time- What Is It Worth? I’ve had lots of questions about pricing one or two special pieces. For the vast majority of woodturners, it is a hobby, they never intend to sell anything they make. Some folks are interested in turning as a side gig but have no idea how to price their work. As someone who has experience in just about every conceivable selling venue, I would like to pass along what I have learned. Any object is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. When I’m considering how to price anything I’ve made or plan on making, there is a formula I use: Cost of material + Time @ desired labor rate = Hard Cost Hard Cost X 4 = Suggested Retail Selling Price Hard Cost X 2 = Wholesale Selling Price Average Market Price For Similar Items; Am I Close? This is only a starting point. Determine the “Market Price” for similar items depending on the selling venue, are you in the ballpark? The Market Price in an Arts & Crafts Gallery is very different from the Market Price at a street craft fair and those prices are different on Etsy, eBay, your own website, or Amazon. Don’t forget about the associated cost for each venue. The last measure is a selling price that I feel good about. In other words, it is a Win-Win; the customer is happy at that price and I was happy to make it for them. An absolute fact of life is that everybody loves a bargain. (See the scripture below). Your “Retail Price” should be some amount above the price you hope to sell it for. Every retail store on the planet understands this and so should you. If you are selling one-on-one, you can comfortably offer a deal if they take it now and still earn what you needed in the first place. If you are selling online, this is the perfect scenario for a sale with either free shipping or a percentage discount. You must also consider why you want to sell at least some of your work. Perhaps you want to fund additional tool purchases. In that case, forget the time you put in and consider the amount of profit dollars such a sale will contribute to your “new widget” fund. If the income is important as a supplement to other household income, it needs to be worth your time. If you are thinking of this as a main income stream, you need to maximize the return on your capital and your time and this will require counsel and careful consideration. Try to pick items that are fast, easy, and cheap to make that you can sell tons of i.e. pens, bottle stoppers, pepper mills, spinning tops, utility bowls, cutting boards, kitchen utensils, etc. The bottom line is complicated depending on your specific situation. Only you can make that determination. I recommend setting your initial asking price higher than you think you should. Often someone else thinks your widget is worth more than you do. You can always lower the asking price, but it is difficult to raise it. As I said before, something is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it. Here is a true quick story. I used to sell fancy laser-cut Christmas ornament kits and made finished samples for display at The Woodworking Shows. I got many inquiries from folks wanting to buy the finished ornaments that I really didn’t want to sell. I finally put a price of $150 on each one figuring that would stop all of the questions because nobody would pay that much for a Christmas Ornament. The first year we sold 12! Don’t sell yourself short Safe turning
  4. Snowing a little outside but tomorrow it's to be 70°! You gotta love Pennsylvania weather! Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber gave us a heads up on a very worthwhile endeavor for kids suffering from life altering conditions. Please check out his post and see if you can find the time to participate. @Gerald turned some little boxes for the folks at his physical therapy location. Really beautiful combination of species- His post has more information about the species and comments from our members- Our continuing topic of "What's On Your Lathe" has had a few additions. Sure would like to keep this thread going as our members work on projects. @Steve Krumanaker was commissioned to make some handles. His post gives us lots of ideas on how it is done- What’s Coming Up- Quite a lot of events coming up. Click on the images for links and more information- A week or so ago, we shared a new thread chaser tool. Bradley, from Spiracraft, will be demonstrating it. A YouTube reminder and the link- https://www.youtube.com/@Spiracraft For The Newbies- An article from Kent Weakly on recommend equipment for bowl turning. https://turnawoodbowl.com/recommended-equipment/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 From the Woodworker's Journal, the Woodturners Monthly newsletter, nice article on making a texturing tool. Click on the image for link to the article. Another article from the Woodworker's Journal on wood holding on the lathe. Click on the image for the link- Richard Raffan gives us an insight into the wood turning lathe- Expand Your Horizons- Last week we shared a video from Alan Stratton showing his shop made Longworth chuck. In this continuation, Alan demonstrated making bracelets using the chuck- Pizza cutters make awesome gifts. Here's a way to have your work showcased in its new home- Mike Peace demonstrates how to add a fluted rim to a wooden vase- Mike Waldt turns a beautiful ash bowl with an undercut rim. We've been seeing a lot of turners using this technique for a finish. I have been forbidden to try this unless I carry the lathe outside! New Turning Items- You may have seen the "teases" on social media about Easy Wood Tools' new product. Here it is! Can't wait to get to try them! ( @Jordan Martindale ) Here's the complete, current list of EWT pricing- EWT Customer Pricing - 1-1-2023.pdf Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- From Ron Brown's Newsletter- You Are Unique You’ve heard that all your life. Good or bad, you are the only one exactly like you. But what if you are an identical twin, or have found your doppelganger, what are you going to do with that information? You are still unique with your own combination of gifts, abilities, and talents. There is a famous parable about servants who were given different talents in Matt 25:14-30 that would serve us well. The lesson is not how many talents each of us has but what we do with the talents we are given. You may have many more talents than I do, but what are you doing with those talents? I sometimes watched various turning demonstrators thinking “I could do a better job than that guy.” But he or she was the one up there doing it and I was the one with my butt in the chair not doing it. I used to have the same reaction to certain YouTube videos. But they were the ones showing the world what they had learned and I was the couch potato watching them do it. You might be thinking that you don’t have a creative mind or know where to start. I have some suggestions that will catapult you to great and wonderful things. 1) Consider an existing item. a. Make a larger version b. Make a smaller version c. Use it for something totally different that what it was designed for d. Add capabilities by adding some new features to an existing item 2) Consider an existing challenge like roughing down a spindle or a bowl blank a. Use a different tool to make it easier, faster, safer i. Have you ever brought a spindle square to round with a skew? ii. Have you ever ground your own negative rake scraper from scratch? iii. Have you ever made your own parting tool from an industrial hack saw blade? iv. Have you ever ground a miniature hollowing tool from an Allen wrench and fabricated your own handle? You’ve heard the expression “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” My suggestion is to take an existing wheel and make it better. Everyone has ideas for how something can be a little bit better. I know because you tell me those things about my tools frequently. Start today, and remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
  5. Middle of February and it was 70° today in South Central PA! Our Patriot Turners- @Thad posted an image of a garden tool he turned. These are really handy for anyone planting both garden veggies and flower bulbs- Check out the comments at Thad's post- Last week, @RustyFN told us about the turned boxes he had made. Check out more about the one he entered into his club's contest and the awards presented- Also, a great big thanks to Rusty for starting a great new thread called "What's On Your Lathe"! Hope we can keep this going!! Our turners are already starting to post their stuff- @HandyDan used some of the Easy Wood Tools carbide cutters to top off a couple of turning tools he made. Dan's post describes the construction and why he chose round bar stock @jthornton continue work on his dizzy bowl. He has posted lots of progress shots along with explanations of what he is doing. This is going to be an awesome bowl! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links and more information- For The Newbies- Richard Raffan continues with his video series to help the new turner and us old turners that need some reminders Expand Your Horizons- Looking for something different to turn? Check out the latest from Mike Peace- Having just the right device to hold a turning makes life a lot simpler. Look what Alan Stratton has created- New Turning Items- Several things on hollowing. Two from Trent Bosch Some more from the Woodturning Tool Store on the Woodcut Tools Pro Forme Flexi Just got word today that Easy Wood Tools is about to release a new product! Hopefully @Jordan Martindale will keep us in the loop! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- and from Ron Brown- If You Never Try, You Will Never Know Have you been turning for 5, 10, 20 years, or longer? You are just beginning to understand the fascinating craft of woodturning. This might make more sense if I used the analogy of someone who had one year’s experience twenty times. Think of it like this, a baker who only makes one kind of bread over and over might be pretty good at making that one kind of bread but most folks wouldn’t consider him much of a baker. While someone who makes several different kinds of delicious bread, bagels, cakes, pies, and muffins would be considered a thoroughly accomplished baker. I’m not suggesting you give up making what you love, only that you add other types of projects into the mix. That is how you keep our craft alive, interesting, and growing. Or, just consider adding embellishments this time such as pyrography, carving, texturing, or painting. Besides, the skills you learn by turning something different often carry over and make you even better at turning what you love. I’ve met scores of folks who make mostly bowls who ventured out with spinning tops, bottle stoppers, pepper mills, pens, and hollow forms and discovered a completely new passion. I would like to suggest you try a few different kinds of projects this year. You might just be surprised at what you learn. If you are mainly a bowl-turner, try some spindle projects. If you are mainly a spindle turner, try some plates, platters, bowls, and hollow forms. I can tell you from experience that it takes making more than a few to understand your new project. I’ve made somewhere over 10,000 spinning tops and it took a few hundred before I started to “Get It.” Fancy delicate finials were the same way. I’ve made hundreds for Christmas ornaments, turned lidded boxes, and lidded hollow forms. Looking back at the first ones, they now seem clunky and disproportionate but they were fun and educational, well worth my time and effort. Besides, having an arsenal of quick easy projects that you are good at is a great way to demonstrate turning to the public, or to introduce someone new to woodturning as a fascinating hobby or side business for a little extra income. Always be on the lookout to show someone how fun a wood lathe can be. Keep it simple and they will understand. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
  6. Only 6 days until Valentines day! Maybe your significant other would like a new turning tool Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN turned a couple of small boxes, one of which he entered into his turning club's contest. Both are beauties! Check his post to see which one got entered into the contest! @forty_caliber got a new chuck for his lathe. This baby is a monster, too! He did a super job of sharing his findings and comparing it to one of his other chucks. Please see his post for lots more images and additional findings- Forty also posted his splated pecan bowl. Really gorgeous color and finish See his post for some more details- @Masonsailor used a couple of spare minutes to turn another one of his gorgeous bottle openers- Paul tells us a little more in his post- @jthornton is working on a gift, requested by his Mrs. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this "dizzy bowl" comes out! The glued up blank looks marvelous- JT has lots more process images in his post- @Bob Hodge's post about carbide quality and availability has a new entry. Thought it would be good to catch up- What’s Coming Up- Lots going on! Click the images for links and information- This is supposed to be on YouTube and Facebook- For The Newbies- Several videos from Richard Raffan explaining important aspects of turning. Tools, creating blanks, chucking small pieces and more Chucking methods- Spindle gouge and skew practice- Expand Your Horizons- Should I use a mortice or tenon to hold the piece? Ask 10 turners and you will probably get 15 different answers. Instead of asking a turner, ask the piece you are about to turn- @RustyFN showed a finial he turned and there was some comments on design. We posted this video before but it's worth another look- Our member @Steve Krumanaker turns beautiful honey dippers. This is how Mike Waldt does it- Several of our turners make segmented project. Having a way to assure the pieces are flat is a must. Mike Peace shows us how to make a disc sander attachment for your lathe- If you have a Facebook account, Tim Yoder posted a short video on getting to know your bowl gouge- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=612976757305709&ref=sharing New Turning Items- This video was taken at TAW trade show. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  7. Nice little 3" snowfall this morning. Used the snowblower for the first time this winter. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker Showed us a really neat beading tool handle he made. The handle serves the normal handle function while turning but Steve also designed it to act as a storage place to protect the tip during transportation- Steve created a video of the build and posted it to his YouTube channel- Instead of just making a just a handle, @HandyDan made a complete beading tool! Dan details the tool fabrication and the operation in his post- Beading tools and bowls dominated our posts this past week. @HandyDan has been turning some little bowls and used his beading tool to decorate them! He shows us what he made in this post- @jthornton continues working on his popcorn bowls segments. If you missed what JT has done, check it out here- @smitty10101 is looking for some ideas on making a hand help drill chuck. He posted his questions in our Woodturners Tips sub-section Our members have offered several ideas/suggestions. Maybe you could drop by his post and see if you can help him. @Bob Hodge added to his post on lathe tool carbide cutters. He was curious about the cost and quality of the various suppliers. Check the latest in his post and see if you can offer some suggestions- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. For The Newbies- Neat little project from Carl Jacobson to practice spindle turning- A short video from Stuart Batty on grain direction- Want to make that turned bow even more attractive Kirk DeHeer shows what can be done in this video from Craft Supplies USA- Twice turned bowls are a great way to have finished bowls that are symmetrical and less likely to crack. Richard Raffan discusses it in this video- If you've been turning for awhile and thinking about moving up to a new lathe, Mike Peace has some things to consider- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan discussed the procedure of twice turned bowls but bowls can be turned start to finish with "green" or wet wood. Alan Stratton turns this bowl and adds carved feet. I think I found what my relatives will be getting next year for Christmas- New Turning Items- You may remember that Easy Wood Tools has purchased Yorkshire Grit. Another product often used in conjunction with the grit is Hampshire Sheen. Hampshire products are featured on their YouTube channel. They are constantly adding new products. https://www.youtube.com/@HampshireSheen Their products can be ordered from https://thewalnutlog.com/ Everything Else- I see Rick is back! Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  8. December 21, first day of winter. Guess I should start to think about doing some Christmas shopping... Please don't forget we still have about a week left in the Ward 57 program. Lot's of spectacular prizes in the raffle. Remember ALL of the proceeds are forwarded to the Forney family! Our Patriot Turners- We have had a bunch of additional input to @Bob Hodge's request for information on a finial spindle gouge. @forty_caliber picked up Cindy Drozda's version and posted some of his results. The post continues at- @Masonsailor decided it was time for a new mallet. He turned a real beauty! Check out the additional images in Paul's post. What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is having a tool talk on THURSDAY DECEMBER 22. Here's the information from social media- Click on the above image for the link to registration. For The Newbies- Turners know there is always more that one tool to get the job done. In this video, Jim Rodgers uses practically every tool in his shop and the ones he didn't have, he makes! Jim shows, in detail, how to create some specialized tools. A nice video from the Woodworker's Journal featuring Ernie Conover turning some tops and yo-yo's. Expand Your Horizons- Although you probably have completed turning your Christmas ornaments, this article may be helpful in getting you started on next year's batch. From the Woodworker's Journal and the AAW- The full article can be found at- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/project-hollow-sphere-ornament/?utm_medium=email "Waste not; want not" -Richard Raffan uses just about all of this gorgeous log- Last week we posted a project from Mike Peace where he did hand cut threads. In this follow-up, Mike talks about what you should know before purchasing a set of thread chasing tools- New Turning Items- Not a new product but these blends are being sold by StarBond Adhesives- All of StarBond's products can be seen at- https://starbond.com/ Everything Else- No videos from Rick Turns this past week, maybe he is taking a well deserved vacation. Actually got to spend a day at the lathe! A friend is refinishing a piece of furniture but it is missing the legs. Pretty simple tapered pieces. Used Sketchup to get the measurement, story pole for the layout. Left some waste on the "foot" ends to allow for leveling. Working via text and pictures is a little difficult to get precise dimensions. And for the traditionalist, not one Easy Wood Tool was used on these turning- unless you count the awesome Easy Chuck and the Multi-Spur Drive Center Safe turning
  9. December 7th, never forget the sacrifices- We have made it past the half way point in donations for our Ward 57 Christmas project. If you haven't gotten around to donating, please don't wait! We are purchasing gifts for the family and need the funds to fulfill their requests. Jump over here and make that donation! Our Patriot Turners- We've had lots going on this past week. Some turnings, some questions and even an Internet appearance by one of out own! @forty_caliber posted a bowl he made from the log he questioned the origin, last week. Everyone seemed to come to a consensus about the species See what everyone said about this turning and check the additional images- @RustyFN showed us a gorgeous, turned, flat sided vessel. He told us he had wanted to make one for quite some time. Everyone had lots of positive comments. More images and the dimensions are in Rusty's post- @StaticLV2 added to a previous thread on turning center finders. His is a quick shop made device- An explanation and more action shots are here- Static also posed a question about duplicating a turning. To freehand multiple copies and have them be identical isn't easy. Here's what he is working on- And these are his thoughts- Yesterday, Cindy Drozda held one of her Zoom show and tell get togethers. Our own @Gerald presented his copper rimmed platter and his "poke-a-dot" platter. Gerald has shared both those turnings with us in the past. Cindy usually posts those Zoom talks on her YouTube channel. Not there yet but keep checking to catch our Star in action!! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- @forty_caliber gave us a heads up on this. For The Newbies- @HandyDan posted this to show the versatility of the spindle gouge. This artist proves you don't need a dozen tools to create some beautiful pieces Another entry into the gnome turning. This one is from Craft Supplies USA- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan turns a cross grain green ash spatula pot- New Turning Items- Found another source for those threaded rings. These are brass. The ones from Ruth Niles are bronze and are advertised specifically for urns. https://spiracraft.com/product/threaded-brass-rings-for-vessels/?inf_contact_key=a4e1cb7d17423b01ff886ccc58b30487 These are called "Ron's Pearls". Bits of wisdom put together by Ron Brown and are free to download. Get your copy at- https://www.ronbrownsbest.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=4&product_id=927 Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  10. We are almost half way to our Ward 57 goal! If you haven't donated yet, please don't delay! Your donations will help the Forney family and get you entered into our raffle for some fantastic prizes! Our Patriot Turners- @Masonsailor has been cranking out a wide variety of Christmas presents. He showed us some of what he had started for last week's "Wednesday's...". Paul has added several more images of his turnings as a continuation to that post- Have a look at the other beautiful turnings Paul has completed! @forty_caliber has a bunch of turning blanks all sealed up and awaiting their turn on the lathe! Forty also showed us the results of a bowl he started a little while back. The color is fantastic! Check out where it all started- He also posted a quick update on a Pecan bowl he is roughing out. Really nice shape- @RustyFN posted his really neat bottle stopper turnings! There's gonna be some very happy folks at Christmas! Rusty got lots of great comments and answered some questions in this post- Rusty's Mrs. really keeps him busy cranking out presents (I know the feeling) and this one is a winner- Rusty explains more in his post- @PostalTom completed the chess set for his grandson. This will surely become a family heirloom. Tom explains there were a lot of "firsts" in this project- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for more information- If I ever won the lottery, I know what I would spent some of it on- For The Newbies- Some sanding tips from Richard Raffan- Cute little turned characters from Mike Peace- Expand Your Horizons- Make a neat ornament and practice you thread chasing skills with this Mike Peace project- Looking for ways to enhance your turning designs? Alan Stratton has some thoughts- New Turning Items- The bronze threaded rings are now available from Niles Bottle Stoppers- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/threaded-inserts-for-urns/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  11. Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. For Pennsylvania hunters, good luck on Monday- the first day of white tail buck season! Our Ward 57 Christmas project is underway. We are about 1/3 of the way to our goal. Please check out this and donate to get your raffle tickets for some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted these fantastic bowls after we put up last "Wednesday's..." chapter. Tony creates his bowls using the Ring Master. See his post for more details on the species and more images of his bowls! Last week @Steve Krumanaker showed us the walking sticks he was creating. He used his shop made spirally jig to embellish the handles and they look incredible- Steve was kind enough to post a video of his spiral cutter, on his YouTube channel- @Masonsailor continue to crank out Christmas presents. Paul always fins the most interesting wood combinations to make each piece unique! The hardware for his turnings comes from Niles Bottle Stoppers. Head over to his post and see more of the turnings and what they are to become. What’s Coming Up- From the AAW. Click on the image for more information. For The Newbies- Expand Your Horizons- New Turning Items- Didn't find anything new and exciting. Hoping Santa will come up with some new stuff! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- This has nothing to do with turning but there is an interesting history lesson here. I was coerced into going with Mimi to Thanksgiving Eve church service. Fortunately lightening didn't strike the church or any of the attendees. Mimi's family have been long time members of the local Zion Reformed Church in Chambersburg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zion_Reformed_Church_(Chambersburg,_Pennsylvania) On Thanksgiving eve and Christmas eve they light the original chandelier for the service. Real candles, this chandelier is not electrified. Keep in mind the church was originally built in 1811 to 1813. It was one of the few structures that wasn't destroyed during the Civil War when the Confederate Army burned the town. Pretty amazing. Safe turning
  12. Our Ward 57 Christmas project is underway! We've made it to about 20% of the way to our goal! If you haven't donated yet, please checkout this link- Also, Easy Wood tools has added some awesome prizes to the Ward 57 raffle! And, speaking of Easy Wood Tools, we have a new member to our turning forum. Please welcome @Jordan Martindale! She is the Administrative Assistant & Sales Support person at Easy Wood Tools. Jordan is also working to expand Easy Wood Tools' involvement in the social media world of things. Our Patriot Turners- Last week's posted video on the skew prompted @forty_caliber to challenge us to show the eggs we created. @HandyDan accepted the gauntlet and posted this- Fantastic work, Dan!! Leave it to @Steve Krumanaker to create another awesome mechanism for embellishing a turning. This one is so cool! Thanks, Steve!! About a year ago, @smitty10101 posted a question about turning end grain and how to handle tear out. New member @Bill Blasic picked up with the posted and added his thoughts. Check out the additional comments- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information/registration- For The Newbies- Mike Peace continues with his series of videos covering the use of turning accessories- Richard Raffan demonstrates turning a small cross grain box. Expand Your Horizons- We mentioned last week about Cindy Drozda's live presentation of using a camera to assist in hollowing. If you missed it, she posted the video on YouTube. Couple of weeks ago, @HandyDan was looking for a video on turning a natural edge wine glass. Not quite a wine glass but maybe this will help- What to try ebonizing? Really short video from Richard Raffan- Alan Stratton reuses a bandsaw jig to add interesting details to his turnings- New Turning Items- Niles Bottle Stoppers has added a new product. Carl Jacobson demonstrates the new bronze threaded inserts. Woodturners Wonders is having their Black Friday's sale for the entire month! https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finished and delivered the walnut bowls. Nothing special. I really need to get more experience with the Sorby spiral/texture tool. I've watched Darryl Jones ( https://www.youtube.com/Dreadknotwoodshop ) and Jeff Hornug (https://www.instagram.com/jeffreyhornung/ ) to try and understand how they get those beautiful designs but so far mine are miserable failures. I used the sanding paste, Yorkshire Grit from Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ). Love the results! The lady was happy o I guess that's what matters. Safe turning
  13. Our annual Operation Ward 57 is underway! Please checkout this post for more information on our selected family. Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber turned another bowl from Pecan. That species sure does have some beautiful grain and color. Please hop on over to his post and see some of the great comments from our members- New member @Bill Blasic commented on one of our older "Tip" entries on the woodworm screw. He made some great points in his post. Please check this out and give him a warm welcome to our forum- @HandyDan found some inspiration from last weeks "Wednesday's..." and turned some sweet little projects- Dan offers more information in his post- Sorry, Dan, I looked all over the place and couldn't come up with the wine glass turning. What’s Coming Up- Check this out for tomorrow, Thursday November 10, from Cindy Drozda. A live tool talk on using the camera for hollowing. Our own @Steve Krumanaker has been using his camera to do hollowing for quite some time. For The Newbies- Another presentation from Cindy on creating the 40/40 Bowl Gouge grind. Some great lighting tips from "Robo Hippy" Rolling pins are easy to turn and make excellent presents. Nice article, with tutorial, from the Family Handyman. It also features the use of Easy Wood Tools for turning. https://www.familyhandyman.com/project/wood-turn-a-rolling-pin/ Expand Your Horizons- Want to give a big shoutout and THANKS to @forty_caliber for the heads-up on this video on creating eggs. Using the Skew has always been my downfall but this turner makes it look so easy. Sam Angelo demonstrates creating a basic basket illusion Carl Jacobson turns an absolutely gorgeous pedestal vase. Lots of turning and some carving- Master Woodturner Kirk DeHeer takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a Calabash Bowl in this video from Craft Supplies USA- New Turning Items- OK, not a tool but a useful resource that I recently discovered. From StarBond Adhesives- Starbond_eMagazine_Oct_2022_E1.pdf The link to the source-- https://starbond.com/blogs/tutorials Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Been hectic around here but the 2 little walnut bowls reached moisture equilibrium and have moved to the lathe. We are supposed to get some rainy weather on Friday so maybe I'll get a chance to finish them- Safe turning
  14. Can you believe it? November already!! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker Finished up his turned, carved and pyro embellished platter. It is incredible- Check out this post for other images and the positive comments from our turners- Steve also showed us some really special ornaments he turned from his scrap bin- I really love these birdhouses! Included in his post is an image of some really nide ornament display stands. Check it out- @Ron Altier created an angular ornament that has some lathe work, too. Ron shows us how he created the pyramid shaped top- @RustyFN finished up a beautiful pecan bowl. Really spectacular grain patterns- See his post for more images @Headhunter spent some long awaited quality time at the lathe using his Ringmaster tool. Looks like he has lost any of his skills while away! These are some real beauties!! Check out more of his bowls in this post- We've also had a couple of questions posted this week. First comes from @smitty10101. Smitty is trying to match the headstock spindle to some of his accessories. Seems like his lathe had metric threads and he needs to adapt to Imperial threads. Please check out this post and offer any suggestions for sources- The second question came from @Jlockard1 and was posted in a thread started by @Ron Altier on stainless steel measuring cup kits. Jamie found the quality of the PSI cups less than satisfactory due to poor quality of the welds. He wondered if anyone could provide a source for a better quality kit. He explains in his post to Ron's thread- If you know of a source, please give him a heads up. What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy's live hollowing presentation, using Lyle Jamieson's equipment, she posted it to YouTube- From the AAW, Todd Raines will have an lesson on turning candlesticks. Looks like these will make super Christmas presents- For registration- https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=4c1e49a4-b327-419c-8977-83da01e77a45&Home=%2fevents%2fmanage-events&_zs=ceDib&_zl=npbJ3 Picked this up from social media. Our very generous sponsor, Easy Wood Tools, is helping out with the Small Turning Expo! Registration and more information from this link- https://www.accelevents.com/e/mpg-small-turning-expo For The Newbies- Looking for some ideas for Christmas gifts? Christmas ornaments might just be the ticket! From Alan Stratton- Burls (burrs) can be used to create some gorgeous turnings. Mike Peace has posted a video covering some of the information to help you get started- Picked this up from Ron Brown's Newsletter- "The Divot – A Turner’s Secret Weapon Def: a small dent: a small depression or hollow Some things are intuitive and just obvious, but the importance of the divot was not one of them for me. I had been turning for quite a while before Chris Stott, a well-known English turner looked at me with amazement and asked, “Why don’t you leave the divot?” Chris was spending a week with me during one of his annual summer trips to America. He is the author of “Turned Lidded Boxes – 50 designs”. That book became a springboard for my turning career because it laid the foundation for so many basic skills one needs as a turner. Chris is the same professional turner who asked me on the second day if we were friends yet. I said yes and he replied, “Everything you are doing is wrong!” Let’s learn the right way. And so it began. Chris explained how incredibly handy leaving a divot until the last possible moment could be with all sorts of projects. Bowls, plates, platters, hollow forms, etc. When you turn the tenon on the bottom and form the outside, make a divot in the very center of the tenon and leave it there for now. During the last step, cleaning up the bottom and removing the tenon, the divot will act as an easy center-locating device. No matter what device you use to grip your project for the last step, using the divot and a cone center in the tailstock will help you perfectly re-center it quickly and easily. This applies to Longworth-style chucks, doughnut chucks, friction chucks, all kinds of jamb chucks both internal and external, Cole jaws, Nova chuck jaws, and vacuum chucks. Spindle turnings – turned lidded boxes, acorns, Christmas ornament globes, spheres, etc. For spindle-turned projects that require you to turn them end-for-end to work on what was the headstock end, a divot can be incredibly useful for quickly aligning it to run concentrically when you turn it around. As an example, let’s consider any small turned-lidded box project. There are two pieces to plan for: the base and the lid. Both will need to be flipped end-for-end, once to finish the inside and once to finish the outside. A divot speeds up this process immensely rather than the old turn and tap method. My turning life got much less difficult when Chris taught me this simple trick. Just as a divot helps us keep our turning work centered, our faith in the One who holds our tomorrow helps keep us centered when our day-to-day world tries to get out of alignment. For that kind of divot, I use my daily guide for living. Remember that wherever you go, there you are." Expand Your Horizons- These videos are from the AAW and provide maybe a little more information than you ever wanted to know about spalting. New Turning Items- Niles Bottle Stoppers has a new stopper design. These can really help focus on the stopper tops you design. Check them out at- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/ss-7000-bottle-stopper/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  15. For everyone who got to know Jim Luley, from Easy Wood Tools, he posted this message to all our turners- Please drop by his post and wish him well. As @Steve Krumanaker said on another site, "he's the nicest friend I never met". Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN posted a gorgeous cherry bowl he has finished- Rusty tells us a little about the shape and finish in this post- In addition, Rusty is tackling a large walnut bowl! Can't wait to see how this one comes out- Rusty also asked us what type of sanding discs we used. Several of our members offered what they prefer. How about giving Rusty your opinion- @HandyDan got a really good jump on his Christmas ornaments- Check out his post for more images and what he used to create the colored stripes- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. For The Newbies- Handy Dan gave us a look at his batch of Christmas ornaments. Here's a video from Rick Turns demonstrating how to turn another type- Mike Peace posted an video explaining why considering grain direction is important when making a turning. Thinking about learning bowl turning? Watch Richard Raffan turn one from start to finish. Lots of great details. Expand Your Horizons- @RustyFN showed us his rounded bottom bowl. Here's Lyle Jamieson demonstrating turning a similar bowl with a natural edge. Turning a bowl from wet/green wood is mostly a two step process. Rough turn and then allowing the moisture to equalize before finishing. Here is Sam Angelo's process- Last week we mentioned a method of sealing bowls/vessels using milk. This is an update from Debbie Coull Experiment in sealing wood with milk update: IT WORKED !!!! Woohoooooo! The wood surface has a waxy feel. Smooth. Absolutely no odour. The wood was sycamore, but I doubt it matters. Stone age man would have used whatever was the local wood. I will now use this daily and plan to make more. Maybe a cup to see if it adversely flavours tea, but I doubt it. The method the worked was I submerged in milk and simmered for 2 hours, then left in the milk overnight. I used semi skimmed, but I doubt that matters as it's the milk protein (casein) that seals the wood. The next day i rinsed with fresh water and left to dry. It was incredibly heavy now, having almost doubled it's original weight. I left it to dry for a few days. Here is the porridge test (scientific test used by bears). Perhaps others could maybe use this for their food bowls. I'm really pleased this worked, and I would have persevered until I figured it out. Ancient techniques may be lost in time - but they definitely have their merits. For the Instagram Post- https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGFH0-jNhx/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D For Facebook- https://m.facebook.com/groups/229189982049033/permalink/662821255352568/ New Turning Items- More on the Yorkshire grit sanding paste from Easy Wood Tools- Turning a natural edge bowl- like the one shown by Lyle Jamieson, has special challenges. Some reverse chucking methods could damage the fragile natural edge. Ron Brown has a solution. Check out his site at- https://www.ronbrownsbest.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=47&product_id=865 Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  16. Frantic week here, unfortunately absolutely no time at the lathe. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN rough turned a bunch of bowls- In his post he tells us about the type of wood and shows us some of the blanks- Rusty also finished a beautiful mahogany bowl Check out the nice comments by our turners- Last week, @forty_caliber picked up some really nice bowl blanks. He created some awesome pieces from them Check out more from his continued post- What’s Coming Up- Lots happening in the near future. Click on the images for links to more information and registration. For The Newbies- This is copied and pasted from Ron Brown's latest newsletter. Good advice for new turners when selecting tools. Should You Use A Butter Knife For Everything? Why not? Because there are times when a butter knife just won’t cut it. Sometimes you need a butcher knife to cut up chicken, steak, or a pork roast. You might need to peel a potato or an apple or cut up ingredients for a chunky salad. It is the same thing with lathe tools. Sometimes you need to slice, other times you need to scrape, and sometimes you just need to make a lot of material go away. When I first began to learn about turning, my turning buddies thought the key to turning like the professionals was having their tool with their grind. So, I bought a new tool with every new demonstration I watched. Turns out, it isn’t the tool! I began to analyze High-Speed Steel lathe tools and it didn’t take long to realize that there are only 6 basic categories for HSS tools; 7 if you include tools for hollowing. There are many different sizes within each category and many different grinds within each category. I even developed a helpful chart so you can better visualize each one. I’ve made it available as an Instant Free Download here: We call it “Turner’s Reference Guide.” You will have to be registered, also free, and logged into your account. I recommend you print this out and post it in your shop. My recommendation is to acquire a limited number of HSS tools in each category and add different sizes and grinds as you need them. Simply having 100 HSS turning tools doesn’t make you a better turner. This I found out the hard way. Here's the link to register for Mr. Brown's newsletter. Once registered, you can download the reference guide mentioned above. "It's Free"!! https://www.ronbrownsbest.com/index.php?route=account/register Want to expand your creativity? A video from the AAW on turning a mushroom- Turned beads are a great way to add interest to almost any turning. In this video, Mike Peace demonstrates some of the tools for turning beads- Turning a bowl from a log can be done several ways and it's always good to see the method used by other turners. Here Kent Weakley demonstrates his style- And, Richard Raffan's method- Expand Your Horizons- Need to turn a thin spindle? Jim Echter shows how it's done. Awesome skew work!! Always fun to watch Mike Waldt create a new item. This is part 1 of an elderberry vase. Yet another scoop version from Alan Stratton- I happened upon this on a social media site. We are always looking for food safe methods of finishing turnings. This may, or may not, be an effective but it sure is interesting. This is a copy and paste from Debbie Coull's Instagram post ( https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3BgYgjbrC/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D ) so all can read it. "Sealing a food safe vessel with hot milk. No idea of the exact process as I struggled to get anything online for doing this with wood. Lots about how to do it with earthenware. So, since this is an ancient technique, I figured, keep it simple. Sycamore cereal bowl (hopefully), turned and sanded to 320. Exterior sealed with wax, interior left naked (I know the wax exterior will wash off after it's been in use and washed). Milk was heated till I burned the tip of my finger, then poured in till it lipped the rim. Now leaving it to cool. The process requires the casein protein in the milk penetrating and sealing the wood grain. I know there will be several folk comment about the milk going rancid, but I'm trusting the process. If it didn't work, then it wouldn't have been practiced for centuries." New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has expanded their product line to include CA adhesives. You can check out their complete selection at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/adhesives Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  17. Well, a day late. Yesterday got away from me and by the end of the day I was beat. Added stair rails to the deck steps. Mimi has been having difficulty navigating the steps while trying to keep control of the new puppy. First one wasn't as perfect as I would have liked- angles slightly off. Second one went a little better. Apparently my Sketchup drawing was not accurate for the stairs that were already in place. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker gave us an update on the platter he is making. The weave design is coming along nicely- See Steve's post for our turner's comments and more images of the platter- @Ron Altier posted one of his earlier turned ornaments- In his post, Ron explains a little on how this one was made- @RustyFNhas been really busy in his shop turning bowls, plates and refinishing. He posted two of the bowls he made This post has both along with comments from our turners- The plate, Rusty turned, got lots of comments on how perfectly it was centered- Rusty told us this one almost didn't happen! Rusty also decided to refinish a bowl he had turned Part of his finishing process included the use of wax. He explained what he did and what happen. He received lots of advice on finishing in this post- @Bob Hodge showed us some of his Christmas ornaments and shared his thoughts on spindle turning versus bowl turning. His ornaments combine several different materials and ideas- See his post for all of the details- What’s Coming Up- Lyle Jamieson has a couple of IRD's coming up- https://lylejamieson.com/product-category/live-interactive-remote-demonstrations/ Accelevents Small Turning Expo- The link for more information- https://www.accelevents.com/e/mpg-small-turning-expo For The Newbies- From the Woodworker's Journal, the monthly email for woodturners. Check out the t really neat spindle projects included in the publication. The link- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Have you tried wet sanding using an abrasive paste? In this video, of an IRD, Mike Peace demonstrates the processes- Watch Richard Raffan turn a sweet little bowl. What we start with and what it turns out to be is can often be quite different- New Turning Items- From Craft Supplies USA, the new digital catalog- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/emailsales/oct-6-22.html Not so much new but a few sales currently running- From Carl Jacobson, some Niles bottle stoppers https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/whiskey-sample-kit/ If you are looking to upgrade your sharpening system, Woodturners Wonders is having a "Build Your Own" Kodiak sharpening system https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/kodiak-sharpening-system Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning-
  18. I posted this in a separate listing in the Turner's Forum earlier this week but am adding it here to help spread the word. During SWAT, our most generous sponsor- Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) donated the profits from a special T-Shirt sale to the Vetsturn program provided by ToolMetrix. The Vetsturn program is looking for 8 additional qualified veterans to participate in their next session. They have posted this YouTube video with the information and additional details. Please watch this video at the YouTube site and check out the links provided for additional information and links. In addition, the following link will take you to an article in The Woodworker's Journal detailing the program- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/vetsturn-helping-heal-ptsd-through-turning/ Our Patriot Turners- @HandyDan was kind enough to create a detailed how-to on his baby rattles. The complete steps are here- Thanks, Dan! @forty_caliber worked on rough turning some pecan bowl blanks. These surely have some gorgeous grain- More about each one can be found in these posts- "Forty" also posted a picture of some bowl blanks from which he is going to turn presents for his Mrs. The blanks are from Cook Woods- Check out his post for more about the species. @aaronc posted images of some maple limbs he cut and set aside for turning. The dark and contrasting light colors should make for some fantastic turnings. Check out his post at- @Steve Krumanaker started a large platter on which he will perform his pyrography magic! In his post, Steve shows us a bit his plan for the design- What’s Coming Up- Last week we mentioned the 2022 Christmas ornament contest was about to start. Here's the video with all of the necessary information- For The Newbies- The screw chuck is often overlooked as a method of holding pieces on the lathe. In these two Richard Raffan videos, he demonstrates using this method for several types of turnings Expand Your Horizons- Picked this up from the AAW. Using the beading tool to create some nice designs- Last week we posted a video from Alan Stratton where he turned a vase from OSB. He has since improved the end results by stabilizing the material. Bird house turnings make fine Christmas ornaments. With the ornament contest just starting, this video from Mike Peace may give you some ideas for an entry- New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has a sale on lights- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale Everything Else- Whether you are doing an IRD, in-person demo or instructional video, these are some great tips from Ron Brown. Copied and pasted from Mr. Brown's newsletter: Start At The End That sounds backward. There is a very famous quote from Napoleon Hill, “What the mind can conceive, it can achieve.” Scripture tells us that “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” If you will take the time to see the end, the finished project, and the final result before you ever begin, all you have to do is figure out how to get there from here. If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll get there every time, and all too often, you won’t like where you ended up. In this age of YouTube, Vimeo, and TikTok videos, it aggravates me to no end when folks present a video of them making something. They start at the beginning without any preview of the finished project. You most often have no inkling of even what they are making until almost the very end. And about 90% of the time, it was something I had no interest in viewing. My plea, especially in this age of hybrid meetings including Zoom, is to begin at the end. Have examples of the finished project, or at least illustrations so folks know where you are going. Then show them how you get there. Your presentations will be much more effective when your audience knows where you expect to end up. That approach also keeps you focused on the end result of your process. As an example, let us use something as simple as turning a natural edge bowl from green wood. It could even be a limb or a branch. 1. Show a finished natural edge bowl so folks know what you are talking about. 2. Begin with a half log with the bark still attached. 3. Mount the blank in the lathe between centers with the bark side toward the headstock. 4. Bring up the live center and shape the outside of the bowl including a tenon at the tailstock end. Be sure to leave a divot in the center of the tenon. You will need it later. 5. Sand and finish everything but the tenon. 6. Turn the blank around and mount it in a 4-jaw chuck. 7. Remove the inside and turn the walls to final thickness leaving the bark attached. 8. Use a jamb chuck to press against the inside of the bowl and turn it around with the tenon toward the tailstock. 9. Use the divot you created in the center of the tenon. Place the point of your live center in the divot and lock the bowl against the jamb chuck. 10. Carefully shape, or remove, the tenon down to a small nub and finish the outside of your bowl. 11. Remove the bowl from the lathe and finish the nub by hand. 12. Since the blank was green, it will go oval. Expect it, celebrate it, love it. 13. You can leave the bowl unfinished, but my preference is to apply a few coats of Walnut Oil finish. You began by showing folks a finished Natural Edge Bowl so they knew what it should look like. Then you executed all of the steps to make one before their very eyes. When you finished, they knew what to expect and how they can do it themselves. You are a master!!! You may have been the most effective demonstrator they ever saw. Follow this recipe and you will have great success every time. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  19. Beautiful late summer day here in south central PA. Unless you are very new to woodturning, you probably have heard of "Cap'n Eddie"- Eddie Castelin. Cap'n provided education and products for turners. A video he posted last week- Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier upped his ornament game by refurbishing a windchime! Ron explains about some of the wood he used on this upgrade in his post- @Gene Howe gave us a heads-up on an interesting website from Ron Brown. If you create an account, at the bottom of the create an account page, there is a place to check to subscribe to Ron's newsletter. @Gerald is into mushrooms- the legal kind . He explains about his techniques in his post- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to information and registration. For The Newbies- Chuck maintenance is often overlooked but extremely important If you are considering whether or not you want to try carbide tool, this video from Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) may answer some of your questions- A nice, short video from Richard Raffan on using the spindle roughing gouge- We have discussed dust extraction for the lathe here several times. Richard Raffan shows us his setup- Expand Your Horizons- Measuring tools for the turner can be very useful. Mike Peace demonstrates several types of shop made measuring devices- Carl and Robin Jacobson are the new owners of Niles Bottle Stoppers. Carl has been producing videos to demonstrate some of the other product sold by Ruth. This offset jig is pretty slick- New Turning Items- In keeping with Mike Peace's video on measuring tools, Woodturners Wonders have a sale on their calipers- Check it out at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/calipers-compass/products/full-caliper-set Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Last week we posted a video from Alan Stratton on turning a ball within a ball. Ala's octagon technique for turning a sphere was different than what I had used before- David Reed Smith's shadow technique. Thought I'd give it a try. No finish or fine grit sanding and a bit of a catch on the larger sphere. The inside of the walnut sphere could have been a little more accurate. I think it would have been better for the species to be reversed but these were scraps. Safe turning
  20. Awesome news from our sponsor Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools )! Easy Wood Tools has acquired Yorkshire Grit. Yorkshire Grit abrasive paste produces a super smooth finish, with less sanding! Check Easy Wood's site for more information- https://www.easywoodtools.com/. This pdf lists locations for purchasing- Yorkshire Grit - Purchasing Options Customer Email.pdf Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber posted a pecan bowl he finished. The grain in that wood is spectacular! Head on over to his post and see what our turners had to say about this beauty- A couple of weeks ago, @Gerald posted a bowl he had embellished with flamed copper pieces. He posted the finished work this week. See how he decided to protect the copper- Gerald explains in his post- @Steve Krumanaker wore his Easy Wood Tools/VetsTurn T-shirt to a an antique show and was rewarded- Steve shares the story here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and links to registration. From As Wood Turns, a Christmas Ornament Challenge with prizes! There is more information here- https://www.aswoodturns.com/challenges/ For The Newbies- Use tenons or mortices when turning? Here's Mike Peace's take on it- Expand Your Horizons- Jim Rodgers turns a transitional vessel- New Turning Items- If you haven't tried the Yorkshire Grit sanding paste, give it a try! When used as per the instructions, you can apply any finish to the turning. Everything Else- Ron Brown's newsletter came this week and there was a story that we can all relate to when it comes to pricing our work. I asked Mr. Brown if I could share it here and he graciously agreed. You can sign up for his newsletter at his site- https://www.ronbrownsbest.com/index.php?route=account/login While you are there, check out all his great deals! Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  21. We've had a little over 3" of rain in the past 3 days, a little late for the corn but good for the ground water. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier, our resident ornament master, posted another one of his awesome creations- He tells us a little history of the wood in his post- @RustyFN showed us a gorgeous salad bowl he turned from ambrosia maple- He received lots of positive comments on this one. Check out his post at- @Gerald is working on different methods of adding embellishments to some platters. I especially like this one- Gerald added more images and some of his techniques in his post- What’s Coming Up- The Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium is in a couple of weeks. Not too late to get tickets. https://www.mawts.com/ From Cindy Drozda- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Demo.html For The Newbies- It's always nice to get a new lathe. It's even nicer to have someone review that product after using it for a while. What's good, what's not so good. Here Mike Peace reviews his new Powermatic 3520C- A nice video for a useful shop project- Expand Your Horizons- Gerald showed us a couple of embellishment techniques. Here's a video from the AAW with Mike Peace demonstrating a few more methods- Alan Stratton posted a neat turning project. It combines some special jigs and sphere turning Came across these from Andrew Hall- the guy who turns wooden cowboy hats- looks like he is creating a how-to series. He has parts 1 & 2 up so far- New Turning Items- Last week we mentioned that Cindy Drozda had interviewed/toured several vendors at SWAT. Here are links to those videos- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Next weekend we will be at our VA-65 Navy reunion. I haven't seen the guys in several years and am glad to be able enjoy the comradery. There's only a few of us original A-6 guys left who come to these get togethers. We try to raise some money to to cover expenses for the host of the reunion. Mimi said I should make something to auction off. I had a platter I turned from white oak and decided to laser our insignia in it. Maybe someone will like it- Safe turning
  22. Please don't forget about the fund raiser that our very generous sponsor- Easy Wood Tools- is currently having. Head on over to the EWT site and order yours today- https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN Is making a fabulous lidded box for his Mrs. In his post, Rusty tells us about the material he used for the "metal" bands. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for the links to more information and registration. These are from the AAW. If you catch this post in time, Cindy Drozda is having another live bottle stopper video. You can watch it on her YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AR8MzQJOBs I picked this information from social media. Jeff Hornung, who does fantastic embellishment work, also does IRDs and demonstrations for clubs. For more information, contact him through his site, The Walnut Log. https://www.thewalnutlog.com/ For The Newbies- Jim Rodgers continues his video series on catches- Lyle Jamieson has made his "Tuesday's Tips" available on his YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonLyle/videos Search his channel for "Tuesdays Tips" IF you use your worm screw, here is a useful addon that you can make to improve stability. If you are thinking about getting into turning but not sure what tools you might need, Richard Raffan discusses some traditional choices. Don't overlook the possibility of using carbide tipped tools as well. Expand Your Horizons- Scroll chucks hold your work firmly but can mar the piece and sometime be less that ideal for odd shaped pieces. In this video, Alan Stratton discusses creating soft, custom replacement jaws. Mike Waldt turns an earring stand from English Yew- Carl Jacobson turns a gorgeous maple burl lidded box- And yet another two piece scoop. This one from Mike Peace- New Turning Items- Save your lunch money! With SWAT happening in about a week, thee may be some new toys presented. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I've been finding it really hard to get to the lathe lately. Life is funny that way. My lighting equipment for turning has been cobbled together from old desk lamps. They work but can sometimes be difficult to position and still be able to see what's happening. I saw a neat idea for a small LED light that helped overcome some of the disadvantages I was experiencing. Being a cheap scape frugal, I decided to build one. The parts If you have an old cell phone charger and cord, that's the perfect power supply. The other parts are a magnet- this ones is from an old computer hard drive. The LED light board- available from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256804164219166.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.2856f19c9S68hd . They were 6 boards for $1.00 plus $3.00 shipping and came all the way from China in 4 weeks!! Epoxy. Miscellaneous Harbor Freight stuff. Started by preparing the wire. Cut off the end that wasn't the standard charger USB connector. Removed the green and white wires. Added the shrink sleeving because I had a box from Harbor Freight. Stripped, tinned and knotted the wires on the board Soldered the wires to the LED board. The board has a miniature USB connector but I figured the solder would be more robust. Added a zip tie- because I had a bag from Harbor Freight- as a strain relief. Turned the board over and epoxied the magnet to the metal heatsink. I had to add a couple of washers between the magnet and heatsink to allow space where the wire passed thru the board. This allowed the LED board to sit flat. On the small tool rest- With the LED lamp off- LED lamp on- I'm happy but I think I'll build another one. I failed to take into consideration that the "chuck side" of the tool rests are not vertical. The light board angles "down" slightly. I think that can be fixed by adding a shim between the LED board back and the magnet before applying the epoxy. Also, if you have ever played with hard drive magnets, they are incredibly strong for their size. It is almost a struggle to get the lamp off of the tool rest. Regular rare earth magnets would probably work just as good. Safe turning
  23. It's been a slow week here for our turners. However, Easy Wood Tools is helping veterans get started and enjoy the satisfaction of woodturning and dealing with their PTSD. You can help this awesome cause by purchasing T-shirts. Head over to the Easy Wood Tools site and order yours while there is still time- https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- Everyone was busy cleaning their shops What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. The mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium- From Craft Supplies USA- For The Newbies- Scroll chucks are are excellent for holding turnings but they can leave jaw impression marks on your work. In this video, Richard Raffan demonstrates how to almost completely eliminate them- A great video from Jim Rodgers on why catches occur when using gouges- Alan Stratton comes up with yet another method for turning scoops. This is a one piece scoop- Speaking of scoops, here's an old video from Tim Yoder demonstrating how he does it- Expand Your Horizons- How thin do you turn your bowls?? Here, Kent Weakley demonstrate techniques for turning really this bowls- Sometimes the turning we had in our mind isn't quite what comes off the lathe. Here, Tim Yoder makes design modifications on the fly. The results are pretty neat! If you have one of Ruth Niles' Joyner Off Center Jigs You know it can be a little frustrating imagining exactly what the final pattern will look like. In this video, from the AAW, Dawn Petrie-George shows how to create a template to help with this. Speaking of Ruth Niles, Cindy Drozda recently did a live stream on YouTube making bottle stoppers using Ruth's products- New Turning Items- Mike Waldt demonstrates a modular tool rest system. Not sure if this manufacturer is available in the U.S. Here in the U.S., there are several sources of similar products including Nova, Sorby and other woodworking outlets. Not a new item but a sale on sanding supplies from Woodturners Wonders- Check out the deals here- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  24. Congrats to all the winners of our summer fundraising/raffle event. A great big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in helping keep our site alive!! The Patriot Woodworker site is dedicated to helping veterans. Our very generous sponsor Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) is offering a limited edition T-Shirt and they are being sold to support combat veterans through VetsTurn. Please show your support by ordering a shirt today. The shirts are $35 each and include shipping within the USA. Please consider helping out VetsTurn and our combat veterans. Shirts can be ordered at https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald gave us a look at a tool stand he made. This one certainly won't tip over! Gerald tells us about where he got the base in his post- What’s Coming Up- From the AAW list of upcoming events- https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-kitchen-series-part-one-woodturning-platte-tickets-392861458197 For The Newbies- Mike Peace continues to produce short videos covering turning topics often over looked. This one is on lathe vibration- You don't necessarily need a large chunk of a log to turn something beautiful. In this video, Richard Raffan demonstrates using a flitch to create bowl blanks. Watch how a professional handle the occasional chuck problems, too. Here's a project that can be sent home with the grandkids. Take the phone off of the hook after they leave- Expand Your Horizons- It has always bothered me to waste so much material when creating a bowl. In this video, Mike Peace visits a turner who demonstrates using the Oneway Coring System- I know @Steve Krumanaker and @Gerald both embellish their turnings with pyrography techniques. This video, from the AAW, provides some tips for those who might be interested in getting started with this- Not a material I have ever considered using to do a turning but Alan Stratton creates a really nice looking segmented vase from OSB! Mike Waldt turns a gorgeous vessel from "American Mountain Mahogany". I had never heard of this species but it sure is beautiful when turned- New Turning Items- Not a new item but new sale price from Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- If you missed the online Virtual Craft Festival last week, each presenter's video is listed in Rick's post. Safe turning
  25. Just a couple of days left in our summer fund raiser. Please consider getting those raffle tickets, if you haven't already done it. Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald posted a fantastic walnut platter he just finished- Check out more images and the comments from our turners- @PostalTom moved his chess piece post into our woodturning forum. He has a great start on a bunch of the pieces. He is getting ready to turn the "Knights" and was curious about the procedure. Maybe you can help him with some ideas. What’s Coming Up- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/2022VirtualSymposium/2022-Virtual-Symposium---Main.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=kVAC3 For The Newbies- A chuck, stuck on the headstock threads, can be a real problem. In this video, Mike Peace discusses some of the ways to remove it and how to prevent it. Cindy Drozda hosts live tool chats from time to time. You can sign up for notifications when they will be available. http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html This is the video she posted from her last presentation- This video, from Kent Weakley, is on twice turning a bowl. What I found interesting is the type of chuck he used to hold the bowl to get it ready for mounting on his chuck. Expand Your Horizons- Last week we posted information on cleaning CBN grinder wheel. @Gerald pointed out there is some disagreement on whether or not this is necessary. Not having used CBN sharpening products, I was not aware of this difference in opinion. I searched the AAW boards for some more information and found this- https://www.aawforum.org/community/threads/cbn-wheel-cleaning.13014/ The discussion touches on several "cleaning" ideas as well as some other wheel care. Along the CBN lines, here's a video from Mike Waldt setting up a grinder with CBN wheels. Although the video is about a specific manufacturer, there are lots of great tips- From the AAW, a video on multi-axis spindle turning How does a true artist deals with the unexpected? Richard Raffan demonstrates- New Turning Items- Ken Rizza, from Woodturners Wonders, has a video demonstrating the Kodiak MAX sharpening system. Everything Else- The Richard Raffan video demonstrated how to work around the unexpected. Frank Howarth takes it to a whole other level. Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
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