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Found 10 results

  1. My dad remembers his uncle, my great uncle Jeroid Merle Tate USMC, coming home for Christmas from WWII and while home, went to his dad's job, his dad worked in a machinist shop, and he had his dad make a knife that was ragged on the top and nasty and it would have been very painful to the victim, Uncle Jeroid had exact specifications for this custom knife, he took it back to war with him when he left. Uncle Jeroid was battle hardened by the time he came home for that Christmas, he'd already been in several South Pacific campaigns, fighting in the jungle, I guess he ordered that knife for a reason. He later landed on Guam, fought, wounded and died of his wounds aboard his ship and buried at sea. He must of seen some pretty bad things to want to inflict that much pain on his enemy with a custom knife like he had made. This story in the video reminded me of the story my dad told me, only because it seems the men brought quite a few things from home to help them stay alive in battle back in the day. That Christmas, they opened their presents December 20th, my dad remembers all the kids gathering at his uncle Jeroid's home for an early Christmas, because he was shipping out the next day, never to be seen again. You can read about my great uncle HERE if you'd like.
  2. I am asking about having an urn made for my son, Nicholas, an young combat infantry vet. He served with honor and distinction with the 1/32IN, 3rd BCT, 10thMD in Afstan. He fought the good fight but finally lost his battle to PTS and deep depression. My son died by suicide on the afternoon of June 11, 2021. He was the father of two young sons. We'll be bringing Nick to Arlington when they can schedule his burial, most likely 2-4 months from now. One of my friends at lumberjocks suggested I contact this group to ask about an urn for Nick.
  3. Introduction Every year The Patriot Woodworker's adopt a Wounded Warrior or Gold Star family for Christmas. We do this through a great veterans support organization named Operation Ward 57. The Patriot Woodworker's submit an application to Ward 57 to be accepted to receive our family for Christmas, and each year we are chosen to participate. And each year, our sponsors donate wonderful items for us to giveaway for this cause. We use 100 percent of your contributions to purchase gifts for the kids, and a Christmas dinner for the family and to fund related project expenses such as shipping fees for gifts. Our Mission We need your help to accumulate funds for Christmas presents for our Wounded Warrior adopted family, who has given much to our nation in physical and emotional sacrifice and much more in family sacrifice. The Wounded Warrior Family I have had the honor of communicating with Mrs. Hine and learned much about her wonderful family, her husband, the kids, and they are of course just really great folks. I could, in my own words introduce the family to you as I always do, but I thought this time I'd let Mrs. Hine's own words stand for her family, with her permission I am sharing our communications. Our Christmas Family Top Row Left to Right: Haley, Mr. Hine, Mrs. Hine, Mackenzie | Bottom Row Left to Right: Hunter and brother Hudson The Kids Haley and sister Makenzie, and brothers Hunter and Hudson. Our Guest of Honor 2nd Image: Mr. Hine right, in country on mission. | 3rd Image: Mr. Hine center right with buddies and local boy. | 4th Image: Mr. Hine far right, Marine Corp Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Hine, their younger years. Mr. Hine with daughter Haley. Mr. Hine center in country with buddies and locals. Rules Sorry, only Residents of the US and Canada may participate. Outside countries may contribute but you will not be entered into the system for receiving items due to shipping costs. If you are in an outside country, and do contribute, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. All are welcome to participate, members, forum hosts, admins and non-members. (John Morris (Founder) and family may not participate). Please allow 1 to 3 weeks for delivery of prizes, most of the time prizes are sent out immediately. You may contribute as much funding as you like to earn entries into our random draw. Your contributions will be accepted up to December 31st 12 am Pacific Time, at which time project will close and item recipients will be chosen. 4 names will be randomly drawn by Random Picker software, and items will be awarded in the order of names drawn, starting with the Laguna Bandsaw, then the Easy Wood Tools, then the Woodriver hand planes. To contribute to our Adopted Family please click on "Donate" button This year, the items our sponsors have donated can be seen in the image below, these are some great prizes folks! You can donate only 2 dollars with multiple entry bargains, and your odds of receiving a sponsored item are very high given our typical turnout. To view the entry fees, and to purchase your entries please click on the Donate button above! Item links Laguna 14|12 Bandsaw for one recipient Easy Wood Tools Parting Tool for two recipients Woodriver Standard Block Plane with Adjustable Mouth for one recipient Woodriver No.4 Bench Plane for one recipient In Closing Ok Patriot Woodworker's, it's time to muster and it's time to show everyone what we are all about! The purpose our woodworking community was created is for this reason, to help those who have served us, and paid the price. Remember this is not charity, this is not a hand out, this is payback! Thank you sponsors! We also need to thank our sponsors Woodcraft Supply, Laguna Tools, and Easy Wood Tools for their generous support and for donating those wonderful items for the raffle! For without them, we would not have a community, nor would we be able to perform the work we do. Thank you guys! Prior Years Projects Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for the Holidays 2015 Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for the Holidays 2016 Adopt a Gold Star Family for the Holidays 2017 Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for the Holidays 2018 Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for the Holidays 2019
  4. Died of his wounds received during the initial assault on Guam, he was transported back to his ship, where he succumbed 3 days later. May God have a place of eternity for my Uncle Jeroid Merle Tate, and the rest of his Devil Dogs and all the men and women who paid the ultimate price. Uncle Jeroid, or as my father called him Uncle Jerry, was involved in many of the South Pacific campaigns before his life ended, he fought in the jungles of the South Pacific from island to island, he was war tested. We proudly named our son after our Great Uncle, we wanted to name him with a meaningful name. As a side note, his mother did not get the news of his passing for an entire month, news just moved slow back then.
  5. Cpl. Matthew Conley was only two or three days away from returning home to Killen, Alabama from Iran in 2014. He was training his replace went the unthinkable happened. The Hummve He was in hit an IED and took his life. He was returning home to a wife and new baby. His Family was devastated to learn the news when two marines showed up on Sunday morning following the event to tell the family. They have created a foundation in his Memory and honor. To raise money they recently held a Cornhole tournament and the Killen Founders day event. We had a booth set up across from them. They had borrowed cornhole boards for the tournament but saw the custom ones we had. They were using plywood boards and approached us about making some special boards for this years event. They called my son and got with him and these are two of the sets they wanted. As Josh was putting the decals on the boards he said it brought tears to his eyes and chills up his spine as he thought about the price Cpl. Matthew Conley paid for his freedom. How thankful we we were to be ask to participate in this and build a first class set of Cornhole boards for their tournament. The set with the Marine logo is Cherry, the set with the full American Flag is Poplar. They turned out really nice and they were excited to have them to use in their tournament this year.
  6. Check out this link to see Marine Sergeant Major Grace Carle! hat https://www.google.com/search?q=marine+sergeant+major+grace+carle&tbm=isch&source=hp&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjy9cu2iIPhAhVJ04MKHS7SAOMQsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1680&bih=895#imgrc=760l2Kpv8rCTqM:
  7. Yep, tell it like is is Drill!
  8. http://www.alloy.com/news/homeless-man-gives-woman-money-repay-amazing/7/ Preston
  9. PTSD takes the life of Marine Cpl Casey Owens. This is reality, 5000 veterans a year take their own lives to escape the suffering caused by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. To see the face of one of our own who served, and most recently has passed hits home. You would never know the torture that was going on inside Mr. Owens by the image below. Please click on the image to be taken to Impact A Hero Facebook Page and leave your prayers for Casey and his family.
  10. Groundbreaking Ceremony, Sunday Oct. 19 at 12:30 p.m. Homes for our Troops is excited to announce that we are breaking ground in Wilminton, OH for Cpl Joshua Sams' new home. This home is provided mortgage-free to the Veteran and we need your help to make it happen! About the Groundbreaking: This is the first official ceremony to help kick off and celebrate the start of Cpl Sams' new home. Join us as Homes for Our Troops pairs with the Wilmingtoncommunity to kick off the build process. This is a chance to learn how you, your family, you company and friends can support this project throughout construction! Please RSVP What we Need: Community Support Volunteers, Tents, Tables, Chairs, Podium & Sound System, Escort Coordinator, Fund Raising Heroes Lunch Sponsor, Bake Sale & Raffle Coordinator, Honor Guard, National Anthem Singer
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