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Your Privacy On The Patriot Woodworker

John Morris

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Good day Patriot Woodworkers, 

Since we have had a wonderful influx of woodworkers join us as of late, I thought we would talk about our Privacy Policy for a minute. You can click on the preceding link to view the actual privacy policy, but I would also like to talk about a tradition that we are very proud of here on The Patriot Woodworker.

Privacy Policy sm.jpeg

Our tradition

The Patriot Woodworker Woodworking Community holds your privacy in the highest regard. Please see a list of the things we will never do.

  • We will never ever, sell or share your email addresses to third party scaly-wags known as email spammers or anyone for that matter.
  • We will never ever, sell or share your email addresses to our sponsors (we love them by the way, but they do not have access to your information)
  • We will never ever use your email addresses or any of your private information for anything.
  • We will never ever snoop, go undercover, or access your profile account without your permission (for technical support only).


The Patriot Woodworker Woodworking Community also wants to ensure you have a pleasurable experience here, this is what we will do.

  • We will send you the occasional email newsletter from time to time. Rarely is the newsletter a solicitation to purchase anything. Yet just a heads up on what is going on in your woodworking community, and with the veterans organizations we support. There is a link at the footer of every newsletter for you to opt-out of the newsletters.
  • We will present you with promotions within our forum from time to time that are released by our sponsors at Woodcraft, Easy Wood Tools and Laguna Tools and General Finishes.
  • And last but not least. We will patrol our community, always on the look out for scammers, dirt bags, thieves, and spammers who may come here from time to time to get you, our highly valued members to purchase something from their own website, or to get our members to click on a link that may take them to an unsecured area.


In closing

Lastly, we realize if you have a negative experience on The Patriot Woodworker, you are more than likely to leave us, we strive every day to make you happy, and we strive to make you feel welcome. Thank you for being here, we are very proud of what we have here and the causes we support. And we are always just a shout away if you ever need our help with anything related to using your online woodworking community.


You may contact any of our Administrators for any questions, concerns, or suggestions!



Ron Dudelston

John Moody

John Morris


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