We have a patio off the rear of our home, that is a-joined to our home. We have a sliding glass door that access the patio out to the backyard.
My wife and I were sitting around today, and thinking, hmmmm, we could enclose the patio, make it a heat-able space, and add to the square footage of our home through the permitting process and accessor's office.
I have had a shop since we moved here in 2001. Something I have had a guilt complex about the entire time, is my wife has never had a space to call her's, an art room if you will, she loves art. The patio enclosure would be her space.
We are not looking for a sun room kit, nor a screen room kit, and I don't have the money nor the time to stick build an addition. Does anyone know of a kit manufacture that produces kits for permanent installation, as heat-able space?
Thanks for any help.