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  1. Just a little reminder for the newer folks who may not know, Project Gutenberg is a great resource for open source free books to download. For the subject of woodworking here you go. Books: woodworking (sorted by popularity) WWW.GUTENBERG.ORG Project Gutenberg offers 74,589 free eBooks for Kindle, iPad, Nook, Android, and iPhone. We also have it in our Links Directory
  2. Apparently the "Season" has begun? Spent a whopping $1 today...for..a book? Did not see any rusty & krusty tools...but, This might be nice to have around?
  3. Chris has made six of his Lost Art Press books free for download. Danl https://blog.lostartpress.com/2024/04/14/a-free-download-now-and-forever-the-anarchists-tool-chest/ Currently he has made available: The Anarchist Tool Chest The Anarchist Design Book The Art of Joinery Roman Workbenches The Stick Chair Book
  4. Lots happening this past week! Our Patriot Turners- @keith long stopped by to say "Hi". He is busy with life and doing well. He had some questions about lathe parts. Check out his post and see if you can add to what has been said- Keith also had a question about what wood species would be best for making duck calls. If you make them or know what would work best, maybe you could help him out- @kreisdorph resurrected an older post about bowl drying. He added some great additional information. Check out the entire thread here- Kent also gave us a nice review on a book for identifying wood species. Thanks!!! @Gerald is recovering from knee surgery and snuck back into the shop to work on some projects. Hope he got back into his recliner before the Mrs. got home See what else he did at- Our "What's On Your Lathe" thread continues to generate awesome projects. @kreisdorph, @teesquare and @RustyFN showed us some fantastic work. Start here to catch up on all the projects- @StaticLV2 continues to work on his segmented turnings He posted this one in the "What's On Your Weekend Agenda" And, from our "OFF The Lathe and Finished' thread- @kreisdorph and @RustyFN posted some gorgeous turnings. Catch up with all these items here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- Ask ten turners what is the best finish and you will likely get at least 15 different answers. One finish that often mentioned is shellac. This video from Kent Weakley explains why shellac is appropriate. This is the link to his article on shellac and how to mix it- https://turnawoodbowl.com/make-shellac-wood-bowl-finish/ Turned wooden boxes make nice gifts. Sam Angelo demonstrates turning one from start to finish. Looks like Sam needs to turn the heat up in his shop. I don't endorse wearing gloves, but that's just me. Craft Supplies USA has a step by step video on turning a pepper mill. Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan demonstrates turning one of his signature scoops. Awesome skew work and check out the shop made, lathe mounted sanding disc. Lyle Jamieson provides tip for preventing vibration when turning finials New Turning Items- Ron Brown has a new parting tool to use with his "Bowl From A Board" jig- Everything Else- This past week, in another Patriot forum, there has been a very informative discussion on liability for the stuff we make. This video, from Alan Stratton, addresses some of the regulations for a specific item. Safe turning
  5. A resource for old books scanned and in print form, you can become a member for at 9 dollars a month to download as many book as you like up to 1000 books per month. These are all out of copyright, old books, there is some wonderful knowledge base historical information here that relates to our woodworking craft. Here is a link directly to our realm of interest: https://www.forgottenbooks.com/en/Technology_and_Engineering/Carpentry
  6. One of my daughter's family has a lot of readers. She asked for a couple of book racks to hold reading in process. Here is the result
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  8. View File Workbench Magazine July-August 1968 Book Rack This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 07/02/2023 Category Arts and Crafts  
  9. Preserving the legacy of WWII's last veterans.
  10. My (step) grandson needed a bookcase for his room and asked if I was able to make one. I made one using premium pine from the mill. I still need to give it a final sanding, but for the most part is done. He and his girlfriend want to do the finish work. God knows what that will look like, but maybe they will surprise me.
  11. Introduction Dear folks, I have a wonderfully pleasant surprise for you, Hal Taylor contacted our community here at The Patriot Woodworker and asked us if we'd like to showcase his original rocking chair book and the first three chapters of his new book, to you all. The premise of this generosity is to help folks make it through their Covid19 Quarantine time in their homes, in their shops. To give you something to read, to take your mind off it all, and hopefully, to start your own journey in making a rocking chair that you and yours will cherish for generations to come, and to even quite possibly help you on your own journey to create a new business for yourself, building chairs. This is an incredible gesture by Hal, and I want to thank him completely for giving us this wonderful opportunity. The main book that Hal is allowing us to view, is the same book I purchased years ago for a pretty penny, it wasn't cheap, and for good reason, it discloses all the secrets into making these incredible chairs, the book takes all the mystery out of the joinery, the bends, the curves, and shapes, the lamination's, all of it. It will become clear once you delve into Hal's book and build your first chair. And the sense of pride you'll have, is incredible, I know it was an awakening moment for me building this chair, there is so much to learn and so many skills you'll learn along the way that will open up your mind to a much wider perspective in woodworking. View To view his main book "How to Make a Beautiful Rocking Chair by Hal Taylor" and his newest first three chapters that contain video links to the process of building these chairs, you can see his Dropbox files by clicking on the image below. I would also like to personally ask you all, that if you do choose to view Hal's books, please consider leaving the books in the Dropbox account, I'd prefer they not be downloaded for copyright reasons, and I'd prefer they be read and viewed online. Given that, I also completely understand that some of you may not have internet access out at the shop thus the ability to view online as you build would not be possible, so the download feature was left intact for you to put on your laptops hard drive to be able to take out to your shop and view it there.. Hal is a very trusting and generous man, please use my suggestions as out lined above. I completely understand there may be the rare instance a download must occur, but please use that feature sparingly, Hal put a ton of work into the production of this book, and we will respect that. In closing I'd like to thank Hal Taylor from the bottom of my heart for allowing us this wonderful opportunity at a great cost to him, but for us it's completely at no cost. I have worked with Hal for a few years now with my own rocking chairs, Hal is always available for questions, he wants you to succeed, he is a philosopher, a gentleman, and something many may not know, he is a veteran, and his heart is big. Thank you Hal, Links of interest Hal Taylor Rocking Chairs Hal Taylor YouTube Channel Hal Taylor Vimeo Channel Hal Taylor Rocking Chair University Hal Taylor Rocking Chair Group (forum) Chairs by John Morris (made by Hal Taylor's book)
  12. Heads Up! The Patriot Fundraiser has been extended for a few days. If you haven't had the opportunity to get those raffle ticket, you're in luck! Check this post- Sorry about no post last week, we were at the shore last week celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary, Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN gave us a tip on where to purchase some upgrades for a vacuum chuck as well as some other great specialty lathe drive accessories- Check out their website at https://www.rubberchucky.com/#/ Rust also added a new piece of equipment to his turning arsenal- He received lots of positive comments on his acquisition. Check out his post- @AndrewB is finishing up a pepper mill. He is really getting to be a professional at cranking these out Check out his post for some more images of his progress- We don't hear much from @Cliff but when we do, he is always looking at some thing interesting. Recently he is considering making a thread chasing jig for his lathe. Hope he posts it when it's finished- It may be the beginning of summer but that isn't stopping @Ron Altier from making Christmas ornaments! Please hop over to Ron's post for a description of what he did- Ron also posted a picture of a bowl he found at the thrift store. Someone put a lot of work into this turning! Please see Ron's post for additional photos- Speaking of bowl finds, @Steve Krumanaker came across a unique bowl while on vacation- In his post, Steve tells a little more about this one- @forty_caliber put his Longworth chuck to good use in making a project for his daughter. He tells us a little more about this sweet segmented turning in his post- @Gerald got a great start on a bowl being turned from a root ball. The colors in this are fantastic- Gerald shows us some more images and explains some of what he has done in this post- Gerald provided us with a way to keep up with the Magnolia Woodturners Club, of which he is a member. This is a Facebook page. Facebook has become a popular way for woodturners to communicate and display their turnings. You can see some of the awesome turnings produced by the club's members by following the "Visit Website" button. @HandyDan helped out a friend by reproducing some chair spindles. These sure are perfect replicas! Check Dan's post for all of the kudos he received from our members- Although posted in our general woodworking forum, the content applies to all aspects of woodworking. @kmealy gave us a link to an article on pricing your work, originally published in Fine Working. A great discussion ensued. Thanks, Keith! New member @woodburner59, gave us a his first impressions of a new book he has added to his library. We are looking forward to seeing some of the turnings Scott produces. What’s Coming Up- With the AAW Symposium coming up, I've been trying to provide the latest information. These two items are related to that symposium. Click on the images for links to more information- Vendor Showcase! Free Zoom meeting! This one is a little bit in the future- Do you have a special interest and want to see/do an interactive demo? Captain Eddie and the World Wide Woodturners group is looking for ideas- For The Newbies- Another Mike Waldt video aimed at the beginning woodturner. As this is a live demo, it is quite lengthy but has a lot of great tips- From Woodworker's Journal, a nice project by Ernie Conover turning a tray- Expand Your Horizons- A short video on making a lamp from green wood, from Woodworker's Journal Captain Eddie was one of the early experimenters with CA glue as a finish. Capt. recently added a video on tips and hints of CA finishes- New Turning Items- Didn't come up with anything, although, the Rubber Chucky website Rusty mentioned does have an alert on their homepage to watch for some new products. Everything Else- Rick Turns You Tube woodturning videos for the past 2 weeks- Before we left, I did have a chance to finish up the little spalted elm bowl. I turned it to the finish dimensions and then left it dry in my little air kiln ala Rick Turns. Need to get some better picture- It's been warm here so I spent time in the cool basement shop. Got started on a large cherry bowl that had bee drying in the air kiln- Had to make a run for some supplies today. Mimi said she was going to vacuum the pool. This is what I found when I got home- They stayed most of the afternoon! Safe turning and stay well
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Editor: Hasluck, Paul N. (Paul Nooncree), 1854-1931 Title: Rustic Carpentry Contents: Light rustic work -- Flower stands, vases, etc. -- Tables -- Chairs and seats -- Gates and fences -- Rosery walk -- Porches -- Canopy for swing -- Aviary -- Foot-bridges -- Verandahs -- Tool houses, garden shelters, etc. -- Summer houses. Release Date: Dec 20, 2012 Copyright Status: Public domain in the USA.
  14. A couple weeks ago I purchased a couple books from Amazon's used book service. You can see the first book that arrived in my mail at this discussion Fine Woodworking Building Small Projects. My newest book arrived in the mail from Amazon, it is simply titled "Tools", by the Garrett Wade Company and some beautiful photography by Dick Frank. This book is awesome, it's a hard cover book in near new condition with over 240 pages of great information about our tools, and some history behind them. The illustrations are wonderful and the images are to drool over. Here is a link to the same book I now have, at Garrett Wade Tools or you can click on the image to the left to view the book. I bought mine for a mere 5 bucks used from a book store in Utah, they shipped it shortly after I purchased it and it arrived in a week. This book normally retails for about 30 bucks brand new in wrapper, if you can even find it anymore, but you can find many at Amazon for less in near new condition. I am very happy with my new found source of used books. For years I bought new books, but not many because they are expensive, now this Amazon used book store has opened up a whole new world of high quality books for me, and I am enjoying it completely. Links of Interest Garrett Wade Garrett Wade Tools Book List Here is a neat excerpt from this book So, now I go lie down in my bed for the evening and flip through these awesome pages of tools!
  15. For the past few weeks I have been completely engrossed in a book "The Art of Violin Making". Been reading it every night, pouring over the text, and the images, it is a wonderful book that starts off with the history of the violin, the main characters or makers, and of course, eventually a quarter of the way through the book, you get to the actual making of the violin. I love this book, my interest is completely peaked, and I want to make a violin in a big way. I have my violinist daughter encouraging me on my way as well. I have one burning question thus far. I have read in depth about the early makers from Amati, Stradivari, Guarneri, and Stainer. They all used Amati's designs and styles in way or another, and etc etc. It's a great book, so back to my burning question. There is no place in this book that states if these greats ever played a single note on the violin, if they ever slid the bow across a single string. From what I could read, they depended wholly on the feedback of the artists who purchased their violins. So, my question to you is, can you come up with any research, googled, or otherwise, that declares that any of the greats mentioned above, actually played the violin. It's amazing, I have this wonderful book, and again, no where does it state they ever played a violin, or any other stringed instrument. I know if I spent some time I could find the answer, but I just thought it'd be a fun discussion to kick around here. Back to my new thirst for making a violin, it looks incredibly fun, and a complete challenge. Not a single powered tool is needed, obviously, nor is a single powered tool used even by the great makers of today, but they may use a band saw to re-saw their logs for the tops or backs. Beyond that, it's all hand work, I love it. Woodworking, in a big way.
  16. John Morris

    Rob Penn

    An interesting blog and self promotional site about a man who loves to bike, and work in green wood.
  17. Something near and dear to my own heart is reading, and I love reading manuals and how to books about our craft. How would you all feel about a sub forum for reading books for each pertinent forum such as General Woodworking, Turning, Scrolling, etc. In this sub forum we could share the books we read and review them as well and exchange tips on where to find those books for a great price etc etc. Just trying to get a feel for the popularity or not. Thanks for hearing me out.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Publication date 1953 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International This is from the site WKFineTools.com.
  19. View File Disston Saw, Tool, and File Manual Publication date 1953 Usage Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International This is from the site WKFineTools.com. Submitter John Morris Submitted 11/24/2018 Category Book and Literature
  20. Not too long ago, I bought a #5 Veritas jack plane from Lee Valley. I'm realizing now that I don't really know how to use this tool effectively. For example, I tried to flatten a board that was too wide to run across my jointer, so that I could run it through my planer, and it came out looking worse than when I started. What I am looking for is a comprehensive guide for someone who is a newby regarding bench or jack planes. Or just planes in general. I realize I have other options, such as ripping the board to fit my jointer, flattening it, and gluing it back together for the planer, or building a "shimming sled" to use on the planer, but I would also like to be able to use the plane to do this. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
  21. honesttjohn

    Wedding/Anniversary Plaque

    From the album: from honesttjohn's Lab

    Can put any text desired. Rings can be eliminated. I have a few different variations of this. Glued up a couple pieces of 3/4 x 1 x 12 of Baltic birch boards on sale at Menards.
  22. Hey big Lew, or anyone for that matters, I am looking for a great book that spells out the basics of turning bowls and vases, like a Woodturning For Dummies, do you have any suggestions?
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