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Found 16 results

  1. Been one of those computer days from He$$ Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB converted some logs into turning stock the old fashioned way- hammer and wedge!!! A lot of work! New member @DeVere posted some images of the musical instruments he builds. These are some fantastic items!! Please check these out and give him some feedback. @windward woodturning added additional information to his post on deep pour epoxy. Great observations and reviews of several brands- Our turners are keeping the "ON/OFF" posts alive with gorgeous pieces! From ON- @RustyFN and @kreisdorph both posted More images and details start here- And from OFF- @DeVere posted some of his beautiful pieces- Check out more of his turnings here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information. For The Newbies- Scroll chucks are not the only way to hold a turning. Kent Weakley shows us how versatile the Jam Chuck can be- Sam Angelo explains how to mill a bowl blank from half a log- Expand Your Horizons- The Woodworker's Journal published this month's edition of Woodturning Monthly Some neat turning ideas. The entire newsletter is at: https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- Not exactly a new item but Sam Angelo discusses some of the features of the Trent Bosch Laser Bar. Everything Else- The smaller cherry bowl came out of the drying box today. Larger sycamore still needs a couple of days. Maybe I'll finally be able to get back to the lathe!! Safe turning
  2. Just days left in our fund raising raffle. If you haven't picked up your tickets for some really special prizes, check out- Every little bit helps keep our site alive! Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 is getting rid of his extensive stash of pen making supplies. If you are looking for kits or pieces, see his post- @Gerald and @kreisdorph added some gorgeous items to our "What Finished" post. Gerald's project is for an AAW swap he participate in- And, Kent's are a couple of turned Chalices made from elm. This is where the new entries begin- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines will host a free Sharing Session this Friday, August 2nd, at 2:00pm Eastern (18:00 UTC). It's FREE, live, and interactive on Zoom! https://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html https://woodturningtoolstore.com/ For The Newbies- Woodworker's Journal published their monthly issue of the Woodturning Monthly. Lots of neat ideas and projects. Here's the link- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan turns some "twig pots"- New Turning Items- OK, I know this is a stretch, but hey, I'm trying Sketchup is not generally thought of as software used by turners. This video demonstrates that the software is versatile enough to create elaborate shapes for the turner. For a smaller learning curve, this free software is available. Lathe Magic can create visual, 3D renderings of turning shapes. Free download is available here- https://www.shapemagic.com/lm/index.htm Everything Else- The rolling pin workshop is done. They made about 21 Celtic knot rolling pins of various shapes and designs. We started with this- This was one of the finished pins- Safe turning
  3. Looks like a thunderstorm brewing off to the west. Garden could use a little water. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted a couple of beautiful segmented bowls he created using a Ringmaster! These became gifts for friends. He tells us more about them in this post- Our What's ON/OFF Your Lathe again had some gorgeous content! From "ON"- @kreisdorph worked with several different species of wood to produce these lovely pieces- New items start here- And from What's OFF Your Lathe- @kreisdorph and @User74 showed us what they are doing! You can catch up and see more images here- What’s Coming Up- Just a reminder that this Friday, May 24, Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines are having a free Sharing Q&A Session on Zoom. Here are 2 links for signing up for the Zoom meeting. https://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/sharing-session-free-and-live-on-zoom-4/ If you don't have Zoom on your computer/phone, here's the link for the free download- https://zoom.us/download For The Newbies- Mentioned before that Sam Angelo has started a new YouTube channel to assist the new turner. This video compares and contrasts the spindle and bowl gouges. New turners are often confused why/where to use these two gouges. This is the opening lecture from a nine-hour seminar on how woodturning tools work, from Jim Rodgers. Lots of good information on the various HSS materials. Craft Supplies USA has a nice video on chuck maintenance. Although this video is for a specific brand/model, much of the information is common to all scroll chucks. Expand Your Horizons- If you have watched Richard Raffan for any length of time, you've probably noticed most of his turning tools have been resharpened many, many times! Not one to let tings go to waste, Richard repurposes an old spindle gouge. I remember @Gerald using various painting schemes and came across this method of creating a Cosmic Clouds motif with iridescent paints. I think this was done by Tim Yoder- Cosmic Clouds #shorts.mp4 Thinking about working with acrylics? Craft Supplies USA posted a start to finish hybrid handle. Casting and finishing tips included! Last week we posted that Niles Bottle Stoppers had their bronze threaded rings for sale. Carl Jacobson created a very stylish urn using a set of rings- If hand chasing threads is more your thing, Mike Peace recently posted this video creating threads in a piece of Palo Santo Wood, Bulnesia sarmientoi, from Argentina. Finally, the Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturner's Monthly newsletter. Here's the link to the entire newsletter- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- OK, this is something you can create in your shop. I thought it was pretty neat as I do not have an accurate cross sled for my drill press. What is the vertex#diy #woodworkingtools #woodworking.mp4 Everything Else- A few thoughts from Ron Brown- Sharing Makes You Better Three reasons you will be better: 1) When you explain your process, you must organize your thoughts. You will discover some steps are unnecessary while others need more attention. 2) Your audience usually asks questions that spark new ideas to improve your process and ultimately the result. 3) Explaining how you do it will often uncover why you do it this way. There is always room to be more efficient and you usually discover them by accident often during an explanation. The skills you have learned are a gift and make you who you are. The laws of sowing and reaping are in full effect. The more you share what you have discovered, the deeper your understanding will become. This is true with any skill or knowledge set you have Safe turning
  4. I hope everyone can enjoy a peaceful Easter accordance with your customs. Our Patriot Turners- @Smallpatch was hitting the yard sale circuit when he spied an old lathe. Not one to pass up a bargain, he took it home a refurbished it. Check out his post for more images and the back story- New member @User74 posted a question about carbide tools. We had a very informative discussion about the quality of tools and cutters. Check out the post and see if you can add to it- @Steve Krumanaker created a beautiful Beads of Courage box. Steve used a special technique to create the staves for his turning project. Head on over to his post for more images and our members' comments Another great week for our What's ON/OFF your lathe discussions. From ON the lathe, @Gerald and @User74 gave us a look at their current turnings New information starts here- And, from OFF the lathe- @RustyFN and @User74 completed some really nice turnings- New posts for this week starts here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Last week, we posted a link to the Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium. One of the presenters is Alan Lancer. Here's a short video of what you can expect to see from him- For The Newbies- A tip, from Lyle Jamieson, for holding small turnings without a chuck- Easy Wood Tools shared a new video on how their products are made. Easy Wood Tools are made, in America, entirely in house- even their carbide cutters! @Jordan Martindale Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder shows us how he makes his French rolling pin. Tim is always fun to watch! Richard Raffan is bucking the trend of large turnings. In these two videos, he creates lovely small turnings. His commentary, while turning, gives an insight into his turning techniques- The Woodworker's Journal has published the Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Nice article on how to add butterfly patches to a turning. The newsletter can be found at- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- Got a heads-up from @Grandpadave52 about a great price on a Longworth chuck sale. Everything Else- Safe turning
  5. 60° this afternoon. Storm front passed over a few minutes ago, now down to 51° Our Patriot Turners- We've had a couple of entries in our "What's On Your Late" continuing post- @kreisdorph and @teesquare posted some of their work- You can catchup with all the comments and more images at @Gerald is still recovering from knee surgery but is slowly getting back into his shop. He is working to put together a JaHo jig. From the video in his post, it looks like an awesome device to add incredible embellishments to turned pieces. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and registration information- This is the video from Todd Raines (All Things Woodturning) on jam chucking that was presented live this past Friday. A little long but some interesting pointers. https://streamyard.com/watch/dRHpgGNz55hV For The Newbies- Thinking of buying a new lathe? Kent Weakley has an article on some of the things you may want to consider- https://turnawoodbowl.com/buying-a-wood-lathe-5-things-you-need-to-know/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 Expand Your Horizons- A week or so ago, we posted Part# 1 of a Mike Wald video "A Lidded Box an In Depth Guide". Mike has added part #2- Woodworker's Journal has published their Woodturning Monthly newsletter The entire newsletter can be read here- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email One of the articles is from Ernie Conover in which he turns an Hawaiian Calabash bowl- Several of our turners have made this style of bowl. The article links to an Hawaiian turner- Emiliano Achaval- and conversation about turning this style of bowl- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/video-emiliano-achaval/ New Turning Items- "Nothing to see here, move along" Everything Else- I have never been very skilled at creating pleasant looking designs/forms/proportions. Every now and then something turns out OK but usually it's pretty neanderthal and my hollowing is mostly confined to bowls. There was some of that wind shake cherry left, so I decided to play a little. I have a set of Easy Wood Tools Mini Hollowers as well as a set of mid-sized hollowers. Used some of each to make these. I think the one on the right should have had a smaller diameter "neck". I didn't make any real effort to finish them- just some sanding. Safe turning jhdgfj
  6. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember, only 25 shopping days until Christmas! Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 and @Gerald added to our running thread on "What's On Your Lathe"- Read the comments and see Gerald's videos at- @Bob Hodge Posted a beautiful piece of art in our continuing thread "OFF the Lathe and Just Finished"_ Lots of nice comments here- What’s Coming Up- Actually, in case you missed it, this happened last week from Cindy Drozda on making a pizza cutter- And then coming up, Cindy and Todd Raines are co-hosting a live interactive sharing session, Friday December 1, at 2pm EST. You need to signup- it's free- at this link: http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- The Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Some nice projects, just one example- Read the entire newsletter at: https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Happen to catch our local PBS airing of The Woodsmith Shop. It was a rerun from season 15 but the guest was Jimmy Clewes demonstrating his colored platter techniques. Here's the link to the Woodsmith site and information about the episode, including a PDF of the project. https://woodsmithshop.com/episodes/season15/1511/ New Turning Items- Lots of sales but nothing new. Woodturners Wonders and Easy Wood Tools among others. Everything Else- Relatives left and I had a chance to complete a shallow table centerpiece bowl requested by a dear friend. Walnut, about 11.5" in diameter and 2.5" deep. Finished with mineral oil and beeswax. Engraved with my little Ortur laser. Safe turning
  7. October is almost in the books! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald was busy turning out some really neat projects- He posted these in "Friday's Weekend" thread. See his post for some other colorful items- He even managed to score some beautiful cherry over the weekend- There are more pictures at- And he managed to get at least one piece underway- Our resident Christmas ornament professional, @Ron Altier, posted some beautiful maple items. I think he used his patented epoxy finish on them. Check out his post for more about where he got the wood- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- New turners typically have difficulty getting proficient with the skew. I still haven't mastered it! Watch Richard Raffan make it look easy- Mike Peace demonstrated how to do some tool "makeovers" Woodturning Monthly was published by the Woodworker's Journal. Some nice projects and articles- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton is always coming up with unusual turning ideas and this one is no exception- Wish you had a Genie? Well Carl Jacobson has turned a Genie Bottle in case you ever find one New Turning Items- Niles Bottle Stoppers has added a couple of new items- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/artisan-coffee-scoop-kit/ https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/artisan-rasp-grater-kit/ Woodturners Wonders is having a sale on their lathe "Track System". Check their website at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/lathe-track?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- From Ron Brown's newsletter- Side Gig – Sage Advice I had a long visit with a friend who will be retiring in 5-6 years and is thinking about starting a woodworking business to keep busy and generate some extra income. I have been hearing from more folks than usual about generating a little cash from a side hustle in view of the current economic situation with a dollar buying less every day. I’ve made extra income from my side hustle for the last 55 years. Even when I was in the corporate world, I still made and sold wooden items on the side. Sometimes for pocket change, sometimes as a second income when the first one wasn’t enough. I’ve picked up a few things along the way that you might be interested in or passing along to a friend. 1) Demand – don’t just make and try to sell what you love, make and sell what they want to buy (even if you don’t particularly like it). I tell my family that I would sell dried cow patties if that was what the demand called for. a. In general woodworking the good sellers might be cutting boards, stove top covers, 2x4 basic bunk beds, etc. b. For woodturners it could be pens, tops, pepper mills, salad bowls, etc. I’ve learned from experience that just because I’m wild about something, doesn’t mean it will sell. 2) If an item is in high demand and everyone else is doing it, don’t be afraid to make them also. a. A prime example of this is metal tumblers like the Yeti. In the laser engraving world, there are thousands of people making laser engraved tumblers, wrapped tumblers, or personalized tumblers. I know, my kids have given me several every Christmas for the past bunch of years. My church even gave me a pair. b. Hamburgers are another great example. If people were afraid of making something someone else made, there would only be one place to get a hamburger instead of a hamburger joint on every corner. 3) Don’t be the cheapest guy on the block. Find out what the market price is and be somewhere around there. You might have to be creative to make a profit. 4) If no one is doing it, there is probably a good reason. No demand, impossible to make a decent profit due to the material cost or excessive labor. Before you bring something totally new to the market, get half a dozen regular items well established and selling consistently before you attempt to blaze a totally new trail. 5) You might be a perfectionist, but your customers won’t pay for perfection. They will pay for great or even good, but perfect is in the eye of the beholder. You can be perfect if you don’t mind making $2/hr. But that is not how you make a profit in the real world. 6) Listen to your wife. She loves you and wants you to succeed. She will tell you things your friends won’t. There are many more tidbits of advice, based on years of experience, but these are some of the important ones. Safe turning
  8. Summer's about over and the days are getting shorter. Less yard work means more lathe time! Our Patriot Turners- @nevinc has really put his lathe to work this week. He showed us a bunch of bowls, with different design! He describes what he has done in this post- Nevin also worked on a box elder bowl with a unique shape- He provides us with more information in his post- @forty_caliber also has been busy with more of his pecan stash! he posted a couple of bowls for us to drool over- There's more images and descriptions at- Forty then had a chance to finish up the bowl on which he used epoxy and diopside inlay- More images and specifics can be found in this post- @Gerald added a video of a neat little toy on which he has been experimenting. He calls them "Tippy Tops". Check this post to see what they do! Another addition to our continuing thread- "Off The Lathe And Just Finished" What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and registration- For The Newbies- A few video short from Tim Yoder and Ron Brown Both Tim and Ron have been producing these short videos to help the newer turner understand some of the nuances of turning. You can check out their series at https://www.youtube.com/@woodturningwithtimyoder/featured and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMD5dw_8FCyaHPjztP5sklw I think everyone knows how I hate to sand, mainly because I never get the results I see from other turners. Cindy Drozda recently did a live Tool Talk showing her sanding techniques. I learned a lot. Expand Your Horizons- @Gerald's post on Tippy Tops coincided with this video from Alan Stratton. Alan revisited these in hopes of having better success. Check out Alan's process from turning spheres freehand. Kent Weakley turns a wooden bowl but not without some difficulty. He explains what happened and how to correct it. Mike Peace shared a video of an IRD he recently conducted. The video is rather long but the demonstration of the threading jig/device is interesting. Not all tree logs are suitable for turning bowls or larger pieces. Richard Raffan explains the phenomena of "wind shake" or "cup shakes". New Turning Items- Not new but some better prices- https://lylejamieson.com/ Free shipping continued until September 25. https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturning Monthly newsletter. https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Safe turning
  9. Snowing a little outside but tomorrow it's to be 70°! You gotta love Pennsylvania weather! Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber gave us a heads up on a very worthwhile endeavor for kids suffering from life altering conditions. Please check out his post and see if you can find the time to participate. @Gerald turned some little boxes for the folks at his physical therapy location. Really beautiful combination of species- His post has more information about the species and comments from our members- Our continuing topic of "What's On Your Lathe" has had a few additions. Sure would like to keep this thread going as our members work on projects. @Steve Krumanaker was commissioned to make some handles. His post gives us lots of ideas on how it is done- What’s Coming Up- Quite a lot of events coming up. Click on the images for links and more information- A week or so ago, we shared a new thread chaser tool. Bradley, from Spiracraft, will be demonstrating it. A YouTube reminder and the link- https://www.youtube.com/@Spiracraft For The Newbies- An article from Kent Weakly on recommend equipment for bowl turning. https://turnawoodbowl.com/recommended-equipment/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 From the Woodworker's Journal, the Woodturners Monthly newsletter, nice article on making a texturing tool. Click on the image for link to the article. Another article from the Woodworker's Journal on wood holding on the lathe. Click on the image for the link- Richard Raffan gives us an insight into the wood turning lathe- Expand Your Horizons- Last week we shared a video from Alan Stratton showing his shop made Longworth chuck. In this continuation, Alan demonstrated making bracelets using the chuck- Pizza cutters make awesome gifts. Here's a way to have your work showcased in its new home- Mike Peace demonstrates how to add a fluted rim to a wooden vase- Mike Waldt turns a beautiful ash bowl with an undercut rim. We've been seeing a lot of turners using this technique for a finish. I have been forbidden to try this unless I carry the lathe outside! New Turning Items- You may have seen the "teases" on social media about Easy Wood Tools' new product. Here it is! Can't wait to get to try them! ( @Jordan Martindale ) Here's the complete, current list of EWT pricing- EWT Customer Pricing - 1-1-2023.pdf Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- From Ron Brown's Newsletter- You Are Unique You’ve heard that all your life. Good or bad, you are the only one exactly like you. But what if you are an identical twin, or have found your doppelganger, what are you going to do with that information? You are still unique with your own combination of gifts, abilities, and talents. There is a famous parable about servants who were given different talents in Matt 25:14-30 that would serve us well. The lesson is not how many talents each of us has but what we do with the talents we are given. You may have many more talents than I do, but what are you doing with those talents? I sometimes watched various turning demonstrators thinking “I could do a better job than that guy.” But he or she was the one up there doing it and I was the one with my butt in the chair not doing it. I used to have the same reaction to certain YouTube videos. But they were the ones showing the world what they had learned and I was the couch potato watching them do it. You might be thinking that you don’t have a creative mind or know where to start. I have some suggestions that will catapult you to great and wonderful things. 1) Consider an existing item. a. Make a larger version b. Make a smaller version c. Use it for something totally different that what it was designed for d. Add capabilities by adding some new features to an existing item 2) Consider an existing challenge like roughing down a spindle or a bowl blank a. Use a different tool to make it easier, faster, safer i. Have you ever brought a spindle square to round with a skew? ii. Have you ever ground your own negative rake scraper from scratch? iii. Have you ever made your own parting tool from an industrial hack saw blade? iv. Have you ever ground a miniature hollowing tool from an Allen wrench and fabricated your own handle? You’ve heard the expression “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” My suggestion is to take an existing wheel and make it better. Everyone has ideas for how something can be a little bit better. I know because you tell me those things about my tools frequently. Start today, and remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
  10. Well, a day late. Yesterday got away from me and by the end of the day I was beat. Added stair rails to the deck steps. Mimi has been having difficulty navigating the steps while trying to keep control of the new puppy. First one wasn't as perfect as I would have liked- angles slightly off. Second one went a little better. Apparently my Sketchup drawing was not accurate for the stairs that were already in place. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker gave us an update on the platter he is making. The weave design is coming along nicely- See Steve's post for our turner's comments and more images of the platter- @Ron Altier posted one of his earlier turned ornaments- In his post, Ron explains a little on how this one was made- @RustyFNhas been really busy in his shop turning bowls, plates and refinishing. He posted two of the bowls he made This post has both along with comments from our turners- The plate, Rusty turned, got lots of comments on how perfectly it was centered- Rusty told us this one almost didn't happen! Rusty also decided to refinish a bowl he had turned Part of his finishing process included the use of wax. He explained what he did and what happen. He received lots of advice on finishing in this post- @Bob Hodge showed us some of his Christmas ornaments and shared his thoughts on spindle turning versus bowl turning. His ornaments combine several different materials and ideas- See his post for all of the details- What’s Coming Up- Lyle Jamieson has a couple of IRD's coming up- https://lylejamieson.com/product-category/live-interactive-remote-demonstrations/ Accelevents Small Turning Expo- The link for more information- https://www.accelevents.com/e/mpg-small-turning-expo For The Newbies- From the Woodworker's Journal, the monthly email for woodturners. Check out the t really neat spindle projects included in the publication. The link- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Have you tried wet sanding using an abrasive paste? In this video, of an IRD, Mike Peace demonstrates the processes- Watch Richard Raffan turn a sweet little bowl. What we start with and what it turns out to be is can often be quite different- New Turning Items- From Craft Supplies USA, the new digital catalog- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/emailsales/oct-6-22.html Not so much new but a few sales currently running- From Carl Jacobson, some Niles bottle stoppers https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/whiskey-sample-kit/ If you are looking to upgrade your sharpening system, Woodturners Wonders is having a "Build Your Own" Kodiak sharpening system https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/kodiak-sharpening-system Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning-
  11. For our Irish members, Happy St. Patrick's Day! (Thursday!) Getting this out a little early today as relatives are expected shortly and staying the rest of the week. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker gave us a look at the start of a beautiful turning to which he has added resin in order to highlight a natural void. Check our Steve's post and the comments from our turners- @jthornton has been showing us some of his turnings and his pampered chickens! Here's one of his gorgeous segmented bowls. He gives us a look at his glue-up procedure- And in this post he goes into more detail about his segment sled used to turn these bowls- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda reminds us the Spring Vendor Showcase is coming up in a couple of weeks. Click on the above image for the link to registration. Don't forget about "Meet The Turner" event this weekend March 19 and 20. Click on the above image for the link to more information. For The Newbies- Cindy Drozda posted a video demonstrating using negative rake scrapers to get a perfect fit. This link takes you to Facebook videos, hope it works for everyone- https://www.facebook.com/cindy.drozda.3/videos/298113892412909/ Expand Your Horizons- Mr. David Reed Smith creates fantastic turnings and always has some interesting jigs to help with making them. Two articles with step by steps on turning a heart- http://davidreedsmith.com/Articles/TurnedHearts/TurnedHearts.html http://davidreedsmith.com/Articles/TurnedHearts/TwoCenterAuxChuck/TwoCenterAuxChuck.html Mike Waldt returns to finish up a bowl- Lyle Jamieson's Hollowing rig was reviewed in Popular Woodworking. Click on the above image for the link to the article. It goes to a Facebook page so I hope it is available for everyone. The latest edition of Woodturning Monthly from The Woodworker's Journal is available. Lots of neat turning ideas. This one looked really interesting for the "tea drinker"- Here's the link to the entire newsletter- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- Ruth Niles has the deluxe Pizza Cutters back in stock and a special deal to go along with it! Click on the above image for the link to Ruth's store. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I finished up my little Manzanita turning. It measures about 10" x 7" x 2". Turned entirely with Easy Wood Tools products. Finished with a few coats of gloss wipe-on poly. Safe turning
  12. Been a busy week here at the Patriot with lots going on with our turners! Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber showed us an oak crotch bowl he is turning. Really looks fantastic- He received lots of positive comments on this one. Here's his post- "Forty" also posted a picture of a rough turned pecan bowl. Some beautiful grain in this one! He tells us a little about it and posted a few more pictures here- @Steve Krumanaker has been busy with several turnings. The first one is a sweet looking bowl that he said ran him through the funnies! Steve explains what happen- Regardless, he received lots of positive comments. Bowls weren't the only type of turnings Steve did this week. He made another vase from the Flame Box Elder log. I love the finish he obtained on this one! Check out the comments from our gang- @AndrewB is setting up to do some resin casting. You may remember, he purchased a pressure pot sometime back. In this post, Andrew tells us about the resin he purchase. He received several comments and questions. I'll be following along on this one!! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration. Woodturner's Retreat- Click on the above image for more information and registration. For The Newbies- An informative short video from Mike Peace on the chuck held drive center. One of these could certainly reduce the need for removing your chuck- Looking for a fun little project? Carl Jacobson turns some honey dippers- Woodturning Monthly from the Woodworker's Journal is available- Click on the above image for the link to the newsletter Expand Your Horizons- @forty_caliber found an interesting video on bowl drying. The video's author uses a dehydrator to speed up the process. This is "Forty's" post. If you view the video on YouTube, the author has a second video with additional tests. @Gerald has posted several bowls he has turned for the Beads Of Courage group. This video is from Kent (Turn A Wooden Bowl) and demonstrates the turning process as well as providing links for getting involved- While I was at this bowl turning site, I noticed another video on end grain bowls. You can create some really impressive turning when the bowl is oriented in this position. We posted a multi-axis turning from Alan Stratton. He has updated that video with some shop made jigs. New Turning Items- Well, open those wallets! Lots of new items are hitting the market. Navigate to site links by clicking on the images Woodturners Wonders- Ron Brown's new jam chuck kit- Klingspor from the virtual AAW. Kinda long but lots of good information- Vendor showcase- Not new but really handy- Everything Else- A well deserved honor- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finally finished up the little walnut end grain bowl and the large cherry bowl. Both bowls have rounded lips. The bases of the bowls have a rounded foot that mimics the lip. Both finished with gloss poly and of course both were turned completely with Easy Wood Tools. Safe turning and stay well
  13. Ok gang, only two weeks left before the end of the raffle and we are not even half way there. Please open your wallets and buy some tickets. Part of your donation will help the Hine family with grocery money. And, you just might score some awesome tools from our very generous sponsors. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanakeris creating federal housing for his local yard gnomes ! Steve turned some really clever little houses to decorate their lawn. Steve received some really nice comments on these- @steven newmanwas treasure hunting and proved that used lathes can be had for a reasonable price. He was kind enough to show us what in his area- Check out some of his other discoveries- @forty_caliber added some more images to his post from last week. He also added a new tool to his arsenal which looks like it came in really handy- More images in his post- What’s Coming Up- Lots of stuff cropping up! Click on any of the images for the link to more information and registration- The AAW has added the rotation of presenters for the next symposium- For The Newbies- The bowl gouge Part #2 from Jim Rodgers- This month's Woodturning Monthly from the Woodworker's journal. Click on the image for the link- A nice video from Rick Turns making a bowl with embellishments. Rick adds subtitles/cc with additional information during his videos. Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace added an interesting video/project to his channel. Mike shows us how to make a "reversing bar" that can be used to finish off the bottom of a hollow vessel. New Turning Items- @RustyFN gave me a heads up for those of you using the Work Sharp sharpening station. The folks at Woodturners Wonders have replacement CBN wheels. https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/cbn-wheels/products/cbn-discs-for-work-sharp Not exactly a new item, but this video, from Carl Jacobson, shows the possibilities when using Joyner off center jig from Ruth Niles. Check out Ruth's site at https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/. Sign up for her monthly newsletter, too!! A new affiliation for the Lyle Jamison hollowing tools. Click on the image for the link to the Woodturning Tool Store- Buffalo Woodturning Products has a sale on some of their finishes. Mahoney's- https://buffalowoodturningproducts.com/collections/finishes/mahoneys-finishes?utm_campaign=emailmarketing_114852986962&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email Doctor's Woodshop- https://buffalowoodturningproducts.com/collections/finishes/docs-woodshop?utm_campaign=emailmarketing_114852986962&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email Everything Else- Some of our members keep bees. This popped up while I was writing this weeks "Wednesday's...". Last weeks woodturning videos from Rick Turns- Sometime back, @Gerald, commented that he was surprised I didn't have a vacuum chuck. Although I have considered adding one, up until today I've always been able to use my shop made chucks/jigs to hold any turning. I was tinkering with a glue-up and decided to try a square bowl. My new Jet lathe has a 16" swing and I decided to go as large as possible. That calculated out to be a square a little over 11" on a side. Reversed it and turned the "bowl". Then when I went to finish off the bottom- getting rid of the mortice- I discovered that my Cole jaws just weren't quite big enough. Same with my shop made Longworth chuck. Finally tried my oldest (first), large shop made chuck. Got it to fit but absolutely nothing to spare! Needs more sanding and some finish. Safe turning and stay well
  14. Sorry, this weeks post is a little skimpy. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB provides most of this week's subject matter. He is trying out a different finish for his bowls. Andrew compares this finish to the one he was previously using in this post- In this post, Andrew does another Padauk bowl. It gave him a little trouble but like all turners, we adapt and overcome! Andrew's post on this project- It happens to all of us. Maybe just a little thinner, one more pass.... Oh $h!t!! Sorry Andrew, how about a soap dish! Undaunted, Andrew pressed on with a maple blank. This one is a complete success! What’s Coming Up- More and more interactive remote demonstrations are becoming available. A short promotional from Lyle Jamieson- Just a reminder about the AAW's event with David Ellsworth- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration. Cindy Drozda is doing a demonstration of gilding a turning. This is a great way to add flair to a project! Click on the above image for the link to Cindy's site and registration information. While you are there, check out the future demonstrations on October 31 and November 13. For The Newbies- The latest edition of Woodturning Monthly is available at- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Head on over to the site and look for an article on Banksia Pods- Expand Your Horizons- Looks like Cindy is our featured performer this week! She provided a free video showing how she fits finials to lids- She also posted a video demonstrating how to sharpen a bandsaw blade while it is installed on the bandsaw. She admits that this process doesn't produce the results of a new blade but in a pinch it works! New Turning Items- I must be looking in the wrong places. Couldn't find any thing to spend your money on! Everything Else- Rick Turns posted the list of last weeks YouTube videos- Back during the summer, the tree guys dropped of a large cherry log. I cut it into bowl blanks and turned several roughed out bowls. I have been experimenting with the soap/water soak on rough blanks. Each blank was submerged for about 3 days and then transferred to a paper bag of shavings. Life got busy and I didn't get back to them until over the weekend. This is one of the blanks. It stayed round and no splits. There was some warping but not too bad. There were two knots, one larger than the other. The Starbond medium thick black CA really did a nice job of affixing them and creating an interesting color contrast. This bowl will have 2 smaller siblings and will go to the guys who work on our HVAC stuff. The smaller ones are currently soaking. I think I might try Rick Turns' light bulb dryer instead of the shavings. We'll see how it goes. Safe turning and stay well
  15. Latest issue of Woodturning Monthly arrived. Find it here- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email
  16. Arrived in my email this afternoon- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email
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