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  1. We only have a little over a week left in our fund raiser. If you haven't had the chance to get your raffle tickets, don't wait. Some really great prizes- Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN finished up a beautiful cherry vase for his Mrs. Here is the entire thread Rusty posted that takes us along from start to finish! What’s Coming Up- There is still time to get tickets for the Woodturner's Retreat- Get your ticket now for the next level of LIVE woodturning demonstrations. 6 Turners LIVE is bringing you our Summer Fun Extravaganza. On July 23, 2022 we will run a Zoom-based event showcasing 3 live 1.5 hour long demonstrations, followed by a short break and 3 MORE live 1.5 hour demonstrations! You get to pick and choose which demos you see and have the ability to pop in and out of them as you like. We plan to record the demos and make all 6 videos available to ticket holders after the event. More information is at- https://woodturnersretreat.com/?fbclid=IwAR0h2BSaucz6JcVDZ_0gcWNkIUtLWvNgRKi7ORogBYAE5Pv3BJYzoldH6Mo Cindy Drozda is having a live FREE tool talk on July 21 via YouTube- The Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium is coming this September- For registration and more information- https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ej1qyiwj1a79db74&oseq=&c=fa444490-93d3-11e7-adbb-d4ae52753a3b&ch=fa644fb0-93d3-11e7-adbb-d4ae52753a3b Then in October, the AAW virtual symposium is scheduled- More information will be available at this web site- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/2022VirtualSymposium/2022-Virtual-Symposium---Main.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=nClB3 For The Newbies- A nice spindle turning project from the AAW- Turned kitchen scoops make nice gifts. Here's another presentation/method from Wood Magazine- Expand Your Horizons- One of the nicest compliments you can get from another turner is- "OK, how'd you do that?" Here's a video from Carl Jacobson that will surely get someone to ask that!! New Turning Items- This has been available from Woodturners Wonders for a while. Ken Rizza demonstrates the process/products used to clean CBN grinding wheels- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  2. OK, we are getting close to the end of our summer fund raiser and we are seriously short of our goal. If you haven't donated, please consider helping our site stay alive. Our very generous sponsors have donated some awesome items as prizes. Please head on over to this post and donate. Every little bit helps! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald started catching up on some older projects and in the process did some cleaning- Part of Gerald's post was a challenge to our members to show us some of the unfinished projects we are procrastinating about completing! One of Gerald's projects to be finished up was a turned vase that cracked. Instead of the burn pit, Gerald used this as a chance to turn it into spectacular embellishments. In his post, he shows us his process- @RustyFN Finished up a gorgeous lidded box. Perfect glue-up and centered on the lathe. Made from two of my favorite woods. In his post, Rusty explains a little on how he mounted it on the lathe. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information- For The Newbies- Another informative video in the series from Mike Peace- From the AAW, a video demonstrating a beautiful turning from shop scraps- Alan Stratton posted a video turning a bowl from start to finish. A couple of things of interest are his reason for not band sawing the blank round at the beginning and his thoughts on drying. Check out his faceplate jig for uneven surfaces! Expand Your Horizons- Watch Mike Waldt turn a beautiful, shallow mahogany bowl! Off-center and eccentric turning are similar but different. In this video, Carl Jacobson turns an eccentric goblet. Notice he does this without the aid of jigs. Cindy Drozda posted a short video demonstrating sphere turning- New Turning Items- From Craft Supplies USA, their new turning smocks- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  3. Our annual Adopt A Wounded Warrior campaign is going gangbusters! We are at about the 3/4 point in our goal. If you haven't made your pledge, please consider doing so in the next week. That gives our "Santa" a chance to do the necessary shopping to fulfill the Christmas wishes. Our Patriot Turners- Over the weekend, @forty_caliber posted one of his pecan bowl turnings. He added copper enhancements as a way to fill some voids. His post turned out to be one of the best conversations we have had in a long time, here in the Turner's Forum. I think you will find a lot of great comments that pertain not only to turning but also to creative thinking for any project. Another topic that crosses over from one forum to another was posted in the General Woodworking forum by @Gene Howe. Gene asked about our favorite wood species with which to work. Lots of great content and some super images. One of the images- @Bob Hodge is considering upgrading his lathe. His primary turning projects will be larger bowls, platters and hollow vessels. Bob asked the forum's thoughts on what might be a good lathe for his upgrade. Check out his post, our members comments and see if you can provide some input- Bob also took the time to share a couple of jewelry towers he has made. These would make excellent gifts for any wife or girlfriend (or both) who has a lot of bling! @Gerald updated us on the progress on some commissioned bowls. Looks like they are about ready to ship! Gerald also posed a question to the group asking if anyone had ever turned a full sized "Nut Cracker" soldier. None of members could really offer much in the way of useful information (although lots of wisecracks were offered up). If you have done this, or know someone that has, maybe you could help Gerald- @Ron Altier has been busy cranking out projects. The first one he showed us was some fantastic earrings. Ron has the awesome ability to combine the most gorgeous wood combinations- Ron also posted a new ornament he just finished! And speaking of ornaments, @Steve Krumanaker has made a bunch of birdhouses, Some of these are a new design for Steve and they are fantastic! He received lots of great comments and he offered additional information about how he makes the little birds. @Masonsailor is starting on his Christmas presents- I think I should take the hint! What’s Coming Up- If you are quick- Lyle Jamieson has an IRD, tomorrow (Thursday December 9, 2021), on turning natural edge, hollow forms. https://lylejamieson.com/product/december-9-2021700-930pm-eastern-time-thursday-natural-edge-hollow-form/ https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/woodturners-retreat-six-turners-live-12-turnings-of-christmas/ For The Newbies- Hand made toys are always a treat for the little ones and with Christmas fast approaching this is a timely video from the AAW- We must be cautious when creating these, especially for those who might be thinking about chewing on the toys. The AAW has a short article with guidelines and some embedded links to more information- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Resources/Safety-Materials/Safety--Turning-Safe-Toys.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=k8mr2 Lyle Jamieson has some tips on lathe speed- Expand Your Horizons- A live edge bowl from "Turn A Wood Bowl" Richard turning a little bowl. Just nice to watch his skills- New Turning Items- Craft Supplies USA has ornament kits available. A short video showing some of the products and turning a snowman. https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/t/62/Ornaments?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=videos Ruth Niles has a new bottle stopper design. It is functional as a stopper as well as being able to show off the stopper top- Check it out at Ruth's site- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/ss-1000/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of last week's woodturning videos on YouTube-
  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Here's hoping this year has been kind to everyone and that you are trying to get back to "normal". Well gang, we are about 1/3 the way to our goal! Don't wait until the last minute to get in on the fun! Our Patriot Turners- With the holiday season upon us, the main theme this week seems to be Christmas ornaments. @Steve Krumanaker posted a little birdhouse ornament and asked the group their opinions on the design. Steve received lots of positive comments and suggestions- @Ron Altier is always ahead of the game when it comes to ornaments. This one has a beautiful combination of species/colors. Ron tells us about why he turned this one- @Gerald started a post asking what we were making for Christmas gifts this year. Gerald has turned a colorful bell ornament- And @HandyDan posted one of his gnome ornaments- See what our members had to say about these and add pictures f what you are making! @Gerald also gave us a more detailed look at his new kiln. He posted several images of the working parts and answered questions- I want to thank @FlGatorwood for giving me a heads up this turning video from Mike Peace. Really show the processes for turning a pepper grinder from a pre-drilled blank. Thanks, Steve! What’s Coming Up- Join Cindy Drozda, Lyle Jamieson, Steve Worcester, Joe Fleming, John Jordan, and Tod Raines for 3 evenings of fun to kick off the holiday season. There will be six mini demonstrations, questions & answers, tool showcase, vendor specials, raffle prizes, and fun and popcorn as we hangout together. This is a FREE Zoom meeting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday- November 26-28. Sign up here- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvduuurTgoHtH9C61nkAf2dy14df57RmrB 6 Turners LIVE Holiday Special! IT’S THE 12 TURNINGS OF CHRISTMAS! Registration- https://woodturnersretreat.com/ For The Newbies- Looking for a simple Christmas and would like to try bowl turning? Kent from "Turn A Wood Bowl" shows us how to get two for one! Scott Hampton's presentation on sharpening from World Wide Woodturners- @Gerald's little Christmas ornament really stands out with his choice of using color as an embellishment. The New Jersey Woodturners recently hosted an IRD with Michael Kehs demonstrating embellishing techniques on a turning. Expand Your Horizons- A couple shop made lathe hacks from Fine Woodworking- A disk sander- https://www.finewoodworking.com/2011/07/19/turn-your-lathe-into-a-disk-sander Using a router at the lathe- https://www.finewoodworking.com/2020/02/21/using-a-router-at-the-lathe Another awesome multi-axis Christmas ornament from Alan Stratton- Jim Rodgers turns a sweet little one piece scoop, on the lathe, using a custom made chuck- New Turning Items- Tim Yoder turns a huge chunk of olive wood into a utensil holder. He does the hollowing using his new Eblo 2 hollowing rig. Tim provides some great tips on using the hollowing system. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
  5. Been a busy week here at the Patriot with lots going on with our turners! Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber showed us an oak crotch bowl he is turning. Really looks fantastic- He received lots of positive comments on this one. Here's his post- "Forty" also posted a picture of a rough turned pecan bowl. Some beautiful grain in this one! He tells us a little about it and posted a few more pictures here- @Steve Krumanaker has been busy with several turnings. The first one is a sweet looking bowl that he said ran him through the funnies! Steve explains what happen- Regardless, he received lots of positive comments. Bowls weren't the only type of turnings Steve did this week. He made another vase from the Flame Box Elder log. I love the finish he obtained on this one! Check out the comments from our gang- @AndrewB is setting up to do some resin casting. You may remember, he purchased a pressure pot sometime back. In this post, Andrew tells us about the resin he purchase. He received several comments and questions. I'll be following along on this one!! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration. Woodturner's Retreat- Click on the above image for more information and registration. For The Newbies- An informative short video from Mike Peace on the chuck held drive center. One of these could certainly reduce the need for removing your chuck- Looking for a fun little project? Carl Jacobson turns some honey dippers- Woodturning Monthly from the Woodworker's Journal is available- Click on the above image for the link to the newsletter Expand Your Horizons- @forty_caliber found an interesting video on bowl drying. The video's author uses a dehydrator to speed up the process. This is "Forty's" post. If you view the video on YouTube, the author has a second video with additional tests. @Gerald has posted several bowls he has turned for the Beads Of Courage group. This video is from Kent (Turn A Wooden Bowl) and demonstrates the turning process as well as providing links for getting involved- While I was at this bowl turning site, I noticed another video on end grain bowls. You can create some really impressive turning when the bowl is oriented in this position. We posted a multi-axis turning from Alan Stratton. He has updated that video with some shop made jigs. New Turning Items- Well, open those wallets! Lots of new items are hitting the market. Navigate to site links by clicking on the images Woodturners Wonders- Ron Brown's new jam chuck kit- Klingspor from the virtual AAW. Kinda long but lots of good information- Vendor showcase- Not new but really handy- Everything Else- A well deserved honor- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finally finished up the little walnut end grain bowl and the large cherry bowl. Both bowls have rounded lips. The bases of the bowls have a rounded foot that mimics the lip. Both finished with gloss poly and of course both were turned completely with Easy Wood Tools. Safe turning and stay well
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