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Thought I'd play a little with transferring the wiki completely to our community here. So everything would be in one place. Would our members find it useful to have these resources here. I started with The Eastern White Pine. The main category "Wood"
Did you know that the Mighty Oak was chosen as our national tree in 2004? I didn't either! Here is a link to the designation: America’s National Tree WWW.ARBORDAY.ORG Oak - The People’s Choice for America’s National Tree Also, you can find the state trees at our wiki, the list is complete, but not all the trees are in our wiki yet, I am working on it though! Wiki | United States of America State Trees THEPATRIOTWOODWIKI.ORG Wiki
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- wiki
- state tree
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Dear folks, I am looking for any pecan project images you may have that you can donate to our new wiki page for Pecan. Remember when you release your images to our wiki, they become open source, usable by any parties for any non commercial purpose. Your images will be attributed to you, and full credit given. Any parties that use your images will be required to give full attribution and credit to you as well. See our open source policy at Copyrights and License. Please upload your images here in this topic or you can PM me as well. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! Wiki | Pecan THEPATRIOTWOODWIKI.ORG Wiki To have a look at what @Gerald and @lew contributed for our Black Walnut page click on the preceding link.
I want to thank @lew and @Gerald for their contributions to our "Black Walnut" wiki page. I put out the call in our Monday topic this past week for Black Walnut project images to be used in our wiki, and Lew and Gerald came to the rescue, thanks so much guys! Have a look at our updated page with some great walnut projects now in the page, thanks to these two gents. Wiki | Black Walnut THEPATRIOTWOODWIKI.ORG Wiki
Milestone It's been a year since I started transferring the chapters of Shelly E. Schoonover's "American Woods" into our wiki. I started with the opening chapters and the Conifers section of the book. After much scanning, typing, and searching for open source images to help give the reader a more interesting view, I have finally installed the last conifer in the Conifers structured pages. Pacific Yew Wiki | Pacific Yew THEPATRIOTWOODWIKI.ORG Wiki What's Next Now, I'll be populating our wiki with The Hardwoods (Broadleafs) chapters of American Woods. I think these will be more interesting to our readers here on The Patriot Woodworker as you'll be familiar with the woods we use in our shops daily, we do prefer hardwoods for many of our projects don't we? I hope you'll drop by our Patriot Woodwiki and take a look at the hardwood trees as they are entered into our wiki. Enjoy! If you have not yet dropped by our wiki and taken a tour of our "Conifer" trees, you can see all the American Conifers indexed at this page. Wiki | The American Woods Project THEPATRIOTWOODWIKI.ORG Wiki
- research
- woodworking
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I have installed a few new pages into our wiki. Populating a wiki with a subject as vast as woodworking will take a lifetime, and help from contributors as well. I know I keep saying, we'll be open soon, and we will, for you to contribute and edit. For now though, I have started transferring over an old out of print, out of copyright book titled "American Woods" by Shelley E. Schoonover. My goal is to have the entire book entered into our wiki, under the category "Wood". Recent wiki activity: The above pages are works in progress, as wiki pages always are. Enjoy!
Good Monday Morning Patriot Woodworker's! This is your official Monday wake up call and all around nosy inquiry regarding your activities over the weekend and what you may have planned for the week ahead. We like to see what you have built, working on, or are ready to launch into. So go ahead and show us your work, and tell us what's in the oven. Even if your shop was or is dead for the time being, we'd also like to know just overall how the heck are ya. How's life, how's family, how are you? Updates on current happenings As many of you know our winners have been chosen for the Homes for Our Troops raffle fundraiser and the prizes have already shipped, and our lucky recipients have already reported receiving them. I'd like to thank all the participants who donated to Homes for Our Troops in exchange for raffle entries, we raised over $1100.00 with more than 550 ticket purchases. These funds were donated directly to Homes for Our Troops, as usual with these fund raisers, we do not handle any of the transactions, nor the funds, all donations are entered directly to Homes for Our Troops. We only provide the excitement! Wiki progress Also, our Patriot Woodwiki is coming to be a reality soon. I have been working feverishly on article creation templates for our editors and collaborators (you) to make it easy to populate a blank page, with pre-made templates of information. All you need to do is provide the content! If you'd like to see our wiki in progress, please click on the navigation tab above titled "Wiki". There are some research projects I started already to spur activity when we do open our wiki. New members And of course, we'd like to welcome once again all our new members here to The Patriot Woodworker, we are happy to have you aboard, and we are excited to share, learn, teach, and work through this wonderful experience called woodworking! Have a wonderful week ahead folks, and don't forget to let us know what you been working on! Eye Candy Image of the week By Andy Dingley (scanner) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Good Monday Morning Patriot Woodworker's!!! Well, what have yall been up to this past weekend? Did you get some time in the shop? Did you go somewhere special? Or, if it was hot enough in your area, you may have just felt like staying in your home with the air conditioner cranked up and watch some great movies or read a good book! The later was us, my family and I kind of just closed up our home and took it easy, cranked the air conditioner to 78 degrees and hung out with each other, while it was not woodworking related, my son and I had a marathon model building day on Saturday. Our son was building a Stearman WWII PT-27 flight trainer. And I was building a F-14D Tomcat as seen in the image below, we had a dinner table full of model stuff! After working all week long at my day job, outdoors in 104 plus degree weather, I was ready to just call our weekend a shut-in. We did however go for a few bicycle rides locally while the sun was setting, although it was still in the high 90's around that time! But we had to get outside. Charles Nicholls Our Forum Host Charles is finally out of the hospital, for some great news! He is still hurting a tad, and unable to get back to his wood turning as full speed, but he is managing some pen turnings. It's great to have ya back Charles! The Patriot Woodwiki status I know I know! It's been forever since we had this brilliant idea to fire up a wiki for our forum and community, and you have all heard, "it's almost ready" many many times. The wiki software is a different animal, challenging and time consuming and it's just taken a lot longer to get under control than I had estimated. But we are closer than ever! I worked on some more user templates for research article creation this weekend, and I started another seed page for folks to edit and collaborate on. You can view the seed page at Easy Wood Tools. I created a new category called "Merchants" for our researchers and editors to share their subjects regarding the retailers and merchants in the woodworking trades, arts and crafts arena. The MWTCA What's It Don't forget folks, we still need your help to figure out what the heck these implements are! Remember, when you correctly name the implements, you'll be awarded a 1 year membership to MWTCA. Click on the following links. June What's It July What's It Cool Image of the Week So that's if for now folks, have a wonderful Patriot Woodworker week ahead! We wish you the best in life, and be safe in your shops and remember, safety first! If your woodworking operation feels uncomfortable, then it's unsafe!
- charles nicholls
- wiki
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Good Monday Morning folks! We hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a safe one as well! I was in the shop part of Saturday building a couple jigs for some up coming chairs I am making. The one main jig is called a Side Rung Mortising Jig for the back and front seat posts to accept the side rungs of the post and rung chairs at the correct angles. Here is a picture of the jig being used by the author of the book I am using as a guide called "Chair Making Simplified" by Kerry Pierce. We also want to know in this topic, what did you all get done over the weekend! In life and in the wood shop, share your time with us here, and post some images of your work, or your travels! Charles Nichols Site Host Charles is still in the hospital and recovering from his surgeries, he has been plagued by issues for years and we all pray and hold him in our thoughts. He is not making it here too often these days but he is communicating with friends and family via Facebook, if you'd like to leave a message of good thoughts you can do that at his original post at Hospital Round Two or at his Facebook Page. Our Wiki The Patriot Woodwiki is shaping up, I am working on some templates that are pre-filled out for research page starters for each category. Our members and guests only need to enter the title of the research page they want to create, then click on the ready made template with headers and directions for creating a great wiki page, and that template will populate their article, and then they can manipulate the article as they see fit. We also installed a wonderful interactive map for our wiki at Geolocated Wiki Pages. You can click on a red icon and see the link to the related wiki page. The red marker is placed in a specific location according to the wiki page content. If the page is about a person, the red marker will be in either the location they were born, or the location they died. If the wiki article is about a college for example the red marker will be in the location of the college. If you go to the map, see the red marker in Northern California, and click on the red marker to see a link to "College of the Redwoods". Our Member Map Our Member map has a new default look to it, you can see the satellite imagery of our world at Member Map. You can still view the world with borders, countries, and streets, but the new default imagery just makes it fun. MWTCA We also have a new MWTCA "What's It" for the month of July, check it out and try your hand at historical research into these fascinating old tools and implements, and win yourself a membership to the MWTCA while your at it! I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead and be well, and be safe!
Good Monday morning woodworkers! Well out here in the west we are dealing with sweltering heat and it's hard to even get out and cut grass these days. We'll wait until the sun sets then make a mad dash out and run the mower. The shop is a nice and toasty 90 degrees so it's a tad warm in the old woodshop as well but at least it's in the shade. So, what have you all been up to this weekend in your woodworking endeavors? Please post your pics and stories about your weekend here so we can follow your progress and chime in. Charles Nicholls We have a Patriot Woodworker in the hospital right now, Charles Nichols is dealing with some surgery and discomfort so if you'd like, please drop on by his topic and wish him well at Charles in Hospital. Website FUBAR We had a FUBAR this past weekend, long story short our server was having some issues so you may have noticed our site was down for a while, we apologize for that, there may be some more interruptions this coming week as we work on securing our site with security patches and upgrades and our site is being moved yet again to a server. So please bear with us and thank you in advance for your patience. Homes for Our Troops We are also kicking off another raffle fundraiser for Homes for Our Troops starting appropriately on 4th of July. We'll have some terrific tools up for grabs donated to us for this purpose by our wonderful sponsors. So stay tuned for that! Our Wiki Our Patriot Woodwiki is taking shape as we put the final touches on the user interface and we should finally be opening our wiki up for public collaboration and editing and sharing. Below are a few of the "seed" articles that we planted to give our wiki a jump start and to encourage folks to jump in and contribute their knowledge. Please see links below. Wiki Seed Pages Adze College of the Redwoods Sam Maloof That's that run down for now folks, have a wonderful week ahead and stay safe in all you do, and please keep coming back and share your stories, life, and work with us here at The Patriot Woodworker.