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  1. View File Tree of Life This file is donated by @TJ Brown. A finished tree of life is seen below, enjoy! Submitter TJ Brown Submitted 01/01/2024 Category Scroll Saw Patterns  
  2. My son had an oak tree brought down it was 42" dia at base and has been split in 3' to 4' sections. I am attempting to quarter saw these shorter logs but most except my 17" band saw capacity of 12" so what I do is start trimming up the log then turn it 90 then run in through the band saw again. The challenge is the saw to cut 12" of green oak stumbles badly and stalls the motor. I found out my BS was set to the lowest speed possible. I moved it up to the next pulley and now it cuts much better. But as you can figure when Chain sawing the logs into quarters the plan is not very flat. I am considering building a bandsaw sled guided by the slot in the table. some of these quarter logs go close to 350#. and are 18" or so wide at the widest. So my sled will be 19" w x 36" long with qty 2 3/4" tables. The top table will has slots the bottom table tee nuts they set the distance to the blade and pray it will be tables enough to travel in the table groove. the top table will have a large fence with large gussets qty 3 mid and ends. My question is a sled a pain or savior? if worth it I will build it and upload pictures. As it is my sled could be off the edge of the table so do I need counterweights ? Should i be concerned that the heaviest part of the log will be the last cut . For example I have a log that has 18" wide but about 11" tall.. but I want to put the screws into the chain sawed face and slice off 1" strips until we are at 11" x 11" then I saw then turn 90 saw turn back 90 saw until I am down to nothing. The existing fence will be used when I get smaller pieces. But the sled i am thinking is the only way I can move 250# pieces of wood across the band saw. You see the chain sawed split is often slightly concave or convex and there by no very smooth sliding into and out of the BS. HOw do I lift the 250 to 300# sections with a chain lift to a table the same height as the band saw. The slot is 7" off the blade. The table is only roughly 14W" x 14"L So far the band saw has not tipped over and is not deflecting noticeably. For 3/4" finished wood i cut 5/4" for 1.5" I cut 8/4 and for 2" I cut 10/4.
  3. Hey gents and ladies, can you tell me what this tree was? Is that spalting in the center? My gut tells me it's pretty nice wood, and what a shame it got cut into those small pieces! Unless you are a bowl turner of course. It free wood near me, thinking of picking up a few cookies.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This file is donated by @TJ Brown. A finished tree of life is seen below, enjoy!
  5. Reflecting on this GIANT White Oak documented back in 2018 that eventually passed away due to old age.... It was in Strongsville, Ohio (near Cleveland) and it was over 245" in circumference and 64' tall.
  6. "Almost There" Hi everyone !Mike Mathieu here. Been a long time since I 've had anything to share with the group. Glad to be back. Here is the latest and greatest progress picture of my latest Intarsia project. I got the birds in the bush and the buck inlayed into the background. I still have the rabbits and a few more bushes and trees to add to the foreground and maybe a pileated woodpecker on the big tree. We'll see if it scales out. 325 pieces from 22 woods so far
  7. Did you know that the Mighty Oak was chosen as our national tree in 2004? I didn't either! Here is a link to the designation: America’s National Tree WWW.ARBORDAY.ORG Oak - The People’s Choice for America’s National Tree Also, you can find the state trees at our wiki, the list is complete, but not all the trees are in our wiki yet, I am working on it though! Wiki | United States of America State Trees THEPATRIOTWOODWIKI.ORG Wiki
  8. I just found this old picture that shows that you can have fun with an old tree. I saw this area that made a perfect frame for a “tree man”. I pulled some bark off the edge and hot melted this guy in. Then did the same with some bark to fill in the open places. The kids walking from school loved it & some brought mom back to see it
  9. I made this tree about 10 years ago. It is about 8”high. i found some mini lights that have a timer and uses aaa batteries. I fashioned a tree & stand and found a mini train. it’s lost some paint over the years. It’s still one of my wife’s favorites
  10. I've been working on a present for my son and his family. We've all seen the clothes trees we put in the corner of our bedroom, on which we can hang a robe, belt, etc. This is modeled after that concept, except that my stocking tree will look like what I just described, but had it's growth stunted. It will be only about 4 feet tall, give or take a couple of inches. It is being made in three sections. A base, a bottom section that will be joined to the base with a tenon, and a top section, joined also to the bottom section with a tenon. The top of the top section will have a finial. At least, that is the plan if I can get everything done right. This is the base. The legs are joined by half laps, or is that just a lap joint? Most half laps I have seen are only connected on the ends, like a frame. This is a shot of the bottom section, shortly after I started working on it. The holes are for pegs to be glued in later, on which to hang the stockings. I am putting in more pegs than will be needed for stockings, in case they want to decorate it. On the other end is the tenon, and a mounting block for the headstock on my lathe. The mounting block will be cut away later. This is shot #2 of the bottom section. Better shot of the peg holes. The square section on this end will remain, and I will drill a 1" hole in the center of the block to accept the tenon from the top section. Once everything is glued together, I will work down those connections so that they look better. Shot #3 of the bottom section. More peg holes, and some coves and beads. I obviously need more practice on coves and beads, but they actually came out better than I expected. BTW, I just purchased a 1/2" spindle gouge from Carter and Son Toolworks. I am using both traditional and EWT tools (a little redundancy there, sorry about that) on this project, trying to learn as I build. Top section. Just started it today. Tenon on the left, mounting block to be cut off, and another set of peg holes. The blank section on the right, which will be the "top of the top", will have a finial turned into it. I am hoping to put a couple of beads in between the two sets of holes, but I don't know if I have enough room to do that without every thing looking too busy. A cove will go in the area below the holes and the tenon area. This project is being made from 3" square hard maple billets which I purchased from Woodpeckers when they ran a sale on them. I am finding out why this wood is named HARD maple, but that is a different story. Suffice it to say, when I tried to rip one of those pieces on my table saw, I would up having to repair my saw.
  11. Hard to believe that on Friday we will have put 2020 behind us. Let's hope 2021 will see the end of the pandemic! Our Patriot Turners- @PostalTom finished up his Christmas stocking tree. It turned out fantastic and can be seen in his update to a previous post- @RustyFN has a laser and he has combined it with his CNC machine to design some emblems to finish off his turned bowls. Check out his post to read more about what he is doing and the comments from our members. @HandyDan gave us a Christmas eve peek at some of the ornaments and displays he made- He received lots of positive comments in his post and he gave us a source for some of the embellishments. @AndrewB is looking for some ideas on reverse chucking a bowl. Our members came through with flying colors! They offered techniques, sources and photos to help Andrew figure out the best way- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda Has a live online demonstration/class coming up in January- Click on the above image for the link to her site and more information. For The Newbies- It's a little late for this year but a great time to get a jump on next year's ornaments and gifts! Here's Carl Jacobson creating a Christmas Gnome! If that's not your cup of tea, how about Mike Peace turning a nativity scene. A two video set turning all of the pieces- Part 2 is linked from this video. Expand Your Horizons- We all have turned small lidded boxes. Most of them have had slip fit type lids. Here, Sam Angelo demonstrates how to add threads to the box and lid. This is a two part video set. Part 2 is linked from Sam's YouTube channel. Tim Yoder always brings something new to the plate. In this video he demonstrates how to turn a beautiful Christmas ornament using a cardboard mailing tube. Several months ago we were discussing ways to liquid proof turned vessels. The use of epoxy seemed to to be the preferred material but the trouble was in how to apply it evenly. Zac Higgins shows what he did with a rotisserie motor. Zac provides sources for all the items he used. New Turning Items- I copied this from Ruth Niles' latest newsletter- Click on the above image for the link to Ruth's site. Everything Else- Last week's YouTube woodturning videos from Rick Turns- I am always mesmerized by the work of Frank Howarth. His video style, the projects and the detail are top notch. This one is no exception- I finally finished up the lathe dust collection modifications. The PVC elbow sat a little high. The replacement is made of wood and turned pretty thin. Hope it is strong enough- It's hard to get the light just right to see the dust movement but it does work a lot better than the old hose mount. This was softwood and 80 grit but you get the idea- Safe turning and stay well
  12. (As you may know) I am not a turner, but a friend of mine turned these and his wife will paint. He found a set of 3 at a craft store for $110 and decided "I could do that"
  13. From the album: Collage of Interesting Images

    Just a really neat ol picture of some loggers.
  14. This project started last spring when I had my neighbor cut this Silver Maple down. In August of 1999 I build this 10x12 building with a 10x11 deck. In the middle of the deck was a tree. And I thought hey that will look great and be so cool. Fast forward to 18 years more of growth and the tree is winning the battle against the deck. Roots pushing on posts, circumference of the tree is now 26 inches and I have cut rafters underneath 7 times to accommodate the tree. Frankly my great idea had a limited lifetime. So I took the deck apart, posts and all and down the tree came. Waited till spring this year and started on getting rid of the stump. Got that stump and some pesky roots out of the way. Now all the mistakes I made in the first build attempt come to light. Under that building I had poured concrete between the posts. Great idea and that has been nice when getting under it for repairs and such. BUT I only closed in three sides. The cats have been getting underneath the building through the hole under the deck. So my first order of business was to fix this mistake. I laid a concrete foundation and then added some blocks. Even remembered to put two conduits for the power. With that done I laid the post again. This time I sunk them 2 feet down. Don't even want to talk about how deep they were previously. To keep weeds out and make it easier to do the yard I laid a concrete foundation 1 inch under the deck level. Trying to keep that pesky water issue at bay. I saved a good portion of the previous deck boards so only a few new ones had to be bought. Someone gave me 2 gallons of deck stain so I gave everything 2 coats before, and sometimes right after assembly. Also added some more post to support the ramp to the deck. Over 52 inches I had to come up about 3 inches up to meet level with deck. Too small for a step, unless I wanted to kill myself so a ramp seemed better. Still working on this, I get about 2 hours a night, and two t-shirts soaked through in the current hot and humid Ga summer.
  15. View File Workbench Magazine March-April 1967 Doll's Tree House This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 05/01/2019 Category Wooden Toys
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  17. Got these done. On to boxes.
  18. Finished this picture. Don't know why it got my attention enough to spend time trying to recreate it with wood.. Still not glued in so the gaps are still showing. I used baltic birch on this picture..
  19. Yep, I find when I get down to the almost done portion of shaping this stuff I need to slow down and smell the roses, kinda...step back and observe, so, I find if I start an other picture I give myself more time to think what should I do in slow motion more or less.. So this is the next picture that has me thoughts..me thoughts on how nature does its thing whether good or bad, it works its magic of destruction like it or not.. So while I'm running this picture through my little brain I am still deciding how much more I can grind off here and there off the other picture and have things still definable to the general public of one of two total peoples... Amazing how this tree has wrapped around this obstruction....Fruitless mulberry grows like that here in my part of this world...but have no idea where this picture was taken???
  20. Several years ago, I got an idea. I saw sales people with tiny battery powered lights on their shirts. I made a Christmas tree that used those lights , put the batteries below and added some colorful straight pins with a train and cars. It came out really cute
  21. This was posted on Facebook as a joke. However I found this tree very interesting. You can see where it was cut down and the color difference shows. Can't tell where it came from. Any idea what kind of tree this is?
  22. I have finished the box made from a damaged birch tree on my sons' property. He loved his birches. The box is a gift to my daughter-in-law. finished with 2 coats of brushed on varnish and 1 wipe on coat. The bark was finished using water based urethane.
  23. This is the last of my sea Urchin shells. The difficult part was getting a good fit between the shell and the wood. I solved that with some very dense foam from Micheals, it is 1" dia X 1" long. I CA glued it to a dowel and turned it to thickness. Then used goop to stick it to the shell, lightly clamped it overnight. Same on both ends. I turned the Purple Heart pieces and used goop to attach to the foam.
  24. I'm from Ohio and I wondered why I have never heard of any one using Buckeye wood in any project. George Washington loved the tree because of the flowers. Of course there are the Ohio State Buckeyes. After a bit of research I quickly found out that the way Michigan Wolverines describes a buckeye is true. "a poisonous nut on a worthless tree"
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