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  1. Can you believe that September is almost over. I guess I should have know by how many people have their Christmas decorations up already! Our Patriot Turners- @kreisdorph and @Gerald both posted some gorgeous pieces in our "What's Off..." this past week! Check out all their images and descriptions - @kreisdorph creates beautiful pieces from his stash of Spalted Sugarberry! This one is from our "What's On..." More images here- What’s Coming Up- The Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium is this weekend. You can register here- https://rmwoodturningsymposium.com/registration/ If you can't make it to the event, Cindy Drozda will be there and will be hosting a live tool talk Registering for the live tool talk can be done here- https://streamyard.com/watch/Tg6ab65bnRhE This is a little different. Maybe a chance to purchase an item from a well known turner. https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Exhibitions/Luce-Collaboration-Exhibition.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=l1qE4 For The Newbies- Sharpening turning tools is a topic that cannot be covered enough. So many different grinds, jig and techniques. Recently @AndrewB posted he was in the process of learning how to do different grinds, Hope this video helps him and others- If you are starting on you journey of bowl turning, Mike Peace has some very useful tips to make it easier. Expand Your Horizons- Do you know what "Bowl Stitching" is? I didn't. I thought when I saw the title it was referring to using lacing as a way to embellish a crack or split. Turns out there's a lot going on. In this live demonstration video, Vern Stoval, shows several techniques. What I found most interesting was the variety of jigs being used! Frank Howarth's videos are always fun to watch. This bowl turning video with embellishment doesn't disappoint! New Turning Items- Ron Brown has another new turning item- a banjo table. Product information is here- https://longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=78&product_id=554 Everything Else- Been working on some bowl blanks. Have two in the drying box- Spalted sycamore and a small cherry. For those who think I only use Easy Wood Tools carbide, surprise! Just wanted to see if I still remembered how to use the ancient variety Three small cherry bowls roughed out today and are in the soap/water soak. Safe turning
  2. Our Summer fund raiser is still happening! Remember, this is to provide funds for the site operation and unexpected expenses. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB posted a couple of new items he is working on, check out his posts! And- We had a post on our "What's Off Your Lathe And Finished" by @kreisdorph. That Black walnut sure is lovely! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda posted the video of her live tool talk event from last week. Always some great tips! Cindy and Todd Raines will be hosting a Woodturning Sharing event on August 2, 2024 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=22337b94-ff08-4811-a511-019074232f14&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=EQRA4 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=48fd6950-9604-44ed-b3d9-0190c7ad94e2&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=AQRA4 https://mawts.com/ For The Newbies- @AndrewB posted about learning to turn bowls. Member @Gerald was kind enough to locate a video from Stuart Batty on the subject. Reposting Gerald's link here- Also, here's a video from Kent Weakley on the correct use of the bowl gouge- Some great tips from Tim Yoder! Check out the one on turning speed. Expand Your Horizons- Do you do craft shows or just looking for some new ideas for turnings? Mike Peace has two neat turned "animals" that might interest you. New Turning Items- A couple of weeks ago, we posted a video from Todd Raines demonstrating the Robust "Tru-Arc" tool. Sam Angelo gives us his impression of the tool in this video- Everything Else- I did an Easy Wood Tools demonstration for The Catoctin Area Turners' club last Thursday in Leesburg, VA. I thought @Gerald would be interested in their Beads of Courage boxes shown during the show and tell portion of their meeting Well the rolling pin blanks are finally finished- yesterday! The demo/workshop is this Saturday. 24 blanks here and 2 more at the workshop location. I make my blanks 22" long and 2 x 2" square. The lathes available for the workshop max out at 15" and 17" so angles had to be adjusted for a pleasing look when turned. Also some of the supplied blanks were smaller that 2 x 2 all that required different cutting angles. Some blanks were larger (almost 3 x 3) and my jig for cutting the angles wouldn't let the saw blade reach a high enough point to cut the proper insert slots. Had to design another jig for those blanks. Now on to Mimi's honey-do list that has been expanding exponentially! Safe turning
  3. Been really cold here, compared to last winter, even had some snow! Our Patriot Turners- @PostalTom asked a question about vacuum chucks. He received several responses on various brands. If you use a vacuum chuck, please help Tom with your experiences to help him make an informed decision. We had another entry into our "What's On Your Lathe" thread. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration or you can use the following link- https://streamyard.com/watch/pNG2QZxkG2uY Picked this up from the Niles Bottle Stopper Newsletter- Live Remote Video Demos As you all know, we are doing live remote videos of any Niles product for turning clubs free of charge. There are presently 7 club videos scheduled, you can ask questions or comment and you do not need to be at the meeting, you can watch from home on your PC, smart phone or tablet. We also discuss other aspects of turning or can try to help with problems or techniques and finishes. Here is a list of the clubs we have scheduled so far for 2024. You can contact one of your officers for the link to get access to the video. Wed. Jan. 17 = Gold Country Woodturners, northern Sierra Nevada foothills. Threaded bronze urn inserts will be the subject. Thurs. Jan 18 = Georgia Assoc. of Woodturners, Metro Atlanta area. The Joyner Jig will be demonstrated with many of it's uses. Thurs. Feb. 15 = Diamond State Woodturners, Jacksonville, Arkansas. Bottle stoppers and other kitchen utensils. Sat. April 20 = Oregon Coast Woodturning, cover the whole coast of Oregon. Demo on various embellishments for your projects. Thurs. June 13 = Willamette Valley Woodturners, Oregon Threaded bronze urn insert rings is the subject. Thurs. July 25 = Beaver State Woodturners, Coburg, Oregon. The Joyner Jig is to be demonstrated. *note: We are working on a "Calendar" or "Events" page on our website where all club demos will be listed as they are scheduled. This will give you time to get the link to attend. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact Carl Jacobson at "[email protected]" or call 503-939-4565. For The Newbies- If you spend anytime watching turning videos, or visit another turners shop, you'll probably notice that the turner has an impressive assortment of chucks. We are not talking chuck jaws but complete setups. In this video, Richard Raffan discusses his collection. Ask "why" and they will tell you that they do not like taking the time to change jaws. If you haven't purchased a chuck, yet, consider a chuck that doesn't use screw to hold the jaws. Hint: the Easy Wood Tools "Easy Chuck"- I know, I know but I couldn't resist after seeing the video. Lyle Jamieson's Tuesday Tip can help with clearing chips when turning hollow pieces that have an entry hole smaller than the inside diameter of the piece. Expand Your Horizons- If you have a nice laser setup and thinking about making a segmented turning, Alan Stratton has you covered! @Gerald does a lot of embellishing using various tools. Mike Peace recently posted a video on making a chatter tool. Unlike tools that use wheels that are crosshatched or spiked, this tool uses vibrations to create unique patterns. New Turning Items- Not really new, but a recommendation from Tim Yoder about a supplier for turning blanks. I know some of our members are customers. If the Easy Chuck is not in your future, Woodturners Wonders has the Axminster Systems on sale- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/axminster?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Safe turning
  4. Hey, Turners!!!! Please consider posting your projects- completed or in the process- in the Woodturners main forum! We want to have your work get the attention it deserves!!
  5. Ok, I know I am missing something here so I am going to ask the collective. What is the trick to turning two things that match? Earlier this week I turned a couple pegs for the patio chair I am working on and those went pretty well. They are within a couple hundredth of each other and there are no real curves to them as they need to contact the back in a level manner. Fast forward to doing a couple of shaker style pegs for the bottom of the back assembly. I cannot get these to match. After a couple days this is as good as it gets. I can see the difference but I don’t understand how with the same marking layout they can be so far from each other. The domes just aren’t the same curvature even though they are the same diameter and height, one is much flatter than the other. Is there a trick to getting these similar or do I just need to chuck them up and spend a couple hours trying to sand them to the same profile?
  6. A decent article on glues and techniques. I still have no love for Gorilla Glue 42-Glue Management-3.pdf
  7. Please don't forget about the fund raiser that our very generous sponsor- Easy Wood Tools- is currently having. Head on over to the EWT site and order yours today- https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN Is making a fabulous lidded box for his Mrs. In his post, Rusty tells us about the material he used for the "metal" bands. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for the links to more information and registration. These are from the AAW. If you catch this post in time, Cindy Drozda is having another live bottle stopper video. You can watch it on her YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AR8MzQJOBs I picked this information from social media. Jeff Hornung, who does fantastic embellishment work, also does IRDs and demonstrations for clubs. For more information, contact him through his site, The Walnut Log. https://www.thewalnutlog.com/ For The Newbies- Jim Rodgers continues his video series on catches- Lyle Jamieson has made his "Tuesday's Tips" available on his YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonLyle/videos Search his channel for "Tuesdays Tips" IF you use your worm screw, here is a useful addon that you can make to improve stability. If you are thinking about getting into turning but not sure what tools you might need, Richard Raffan discusses some traditional choices. Don't overlook the possibility of using carbide tipped tools as well. Expand Your Horizons- Scroll chucks hold your work firmly but can mar the piece and sometime be less that ideal for odd shaped pieces. In this video, Alan Stratton discusses creating soft, custom replacement jaws. Mike Waldt turns an earring stand from English Yew- Carl Jacobson turns a gorgeous maple burl lidded box- And yet another two piece scoop. This one from Mike Peace- New Turning Items- Save your lunch money! With SWAT happening in about a week, thee may be some new toys presented. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I've been finding it really hard to get to the lathe lately. Life is funny that way. My lighting equipment for turning has been cobbled together from old desk lamps. They work but can sometimes be difficult to position and still be able to see what's happening. I saw a neat idea for a small LED light that helped overcome some of the disadvantages I was experiencing. Being a cheap scape frugal, I decided to build one. The parts If you have an old cell phone charger and cord, that's the perfect power supply. The other parts are a magnet- this ones is from an old computer hard drive. The LED light board- available from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256804164219166.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.2856f19c9S68hd . They were 6 boards for $1.00 plus $3.00 shipping and came all the way from China in 4 weeks!! Epoxy. Miscellaneous Harbor Freight stuff. Started by preparing the wire. Cut off the end that wasn't the standard charger USB connector. Removed the green and white wires. Added the shrink sleeving because I had a box from Harbor Freight. Stripped, tinned and knotted the wires on the board Soldered the wires to the LED board. The board has a miniature USB connector but I figured the solder would be more robust. Added a zip tie- because I had a bag from Harbor Freight- as a strain relief. Turned the board over and epoxied the magnet to the metal heatsink. I had to add a couple of washers between the magnet and heatsink to allow space where the wire passed thru the board. This allowed the LED board to sit flat. On the small tool rest- With the LED lamp off- LED lamp on- I'm happy but I think I'll build another one. I failed to take into consideration that the "chuck side" of the tool rests are not vertical. The light board angles "down" slightly. I think that can be fixed by adding a shim between the LED board back and the magnet before applying the epoxy. Also, if you have ever played with hard drive magnets, they are incredibly strong for their size. It is almost a struggle to get the lamp off of the tool rest. Regular rare earth magnets would probably work just as good. Safe turning
  8. Jeeze, half way thru June already! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN showed us a new vase he is turning. I really like the shape on this one. Check out his post for all the positive comments- As so often happens, a new turning requires an additional piece of equipment. Rusty's vase project needed a Steady Rest. The one he built looks awesome- Here's more and some comments- @Masonsailor created a beautiful base for a protective glass globe. The entire project displays a prized possession As always, Paul's post contain informative images about his processes. An update on an older thread about lathe tool sharpening. @Bob Hodge has added CBN wheels to his sharpening arsenal and had some questions about using the Wolverine system with the wheels. Please check out his post and offer any advice you can- What’s Coming Up- This Friday, June 17 2022, there will be a free Vendors Showcase Here's the link provided by Cindy Drozda- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41FJ5JM109M From the Art Of Turning- Link to more information- https://www.artofturning.com/?mc_cid=dee7298ffb&mc_eid=480d9e65bf For The Newbies- Some projects require the use of metal inserts to hold threaded utensils. In this video, Carl Jacobson show a neat way to install the inserts from Ruth Niles- A bowl turning video from Alan Stratton. What I found interesting in this one was the faceplate jig and the safety measures used when reverse chucking with the mortice. Not sure if everyone can view this video from Lyle Jamison, on Facebook. An interesting method of assuring a reverse chuck maintains the original centerline axis. https://fb.watch/dFPTsQz-05/ Expand Your Horizons- Several of our turners have made "gnomes" in the past. Here's another how-to video on making them. Check out the use of our sponsor's tools- @Jim from Easy Wood Tools!! Kent, from Turn A Wood Bowl, has an interesting video and discussion about turning and dust collection. New Turning Items- Some new information on the Kodiak Sharpening system from Woodturners Wonders- A special on Ruth Niles pizza cutters! https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/pizza-night-special-kit-2/ Recently we mentioned that Ron Brown had released a stabilizing device for hollowing bowls. Sam Angelo puts it through its paces Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week-
  9. Our annual Adopt A Wounded Warrior campaign is going gangbusters! We are at about the 3/4 point in our goal. If you haven't made your pledge, please consider doing so in the next week. That gives our "Santa" a chance to do the necessary shopping to fulfill the Christmas wishes. Our Patriot Turners- Over the weekend, @forty_caliber posted one of his pecan bowl turnings. He added copper enhancements as a way to fill some voids. His post turned out to be one of the best conversations we have had in a long time, here in the Turner's Forum. I think you will find a lot of great comments that pertain not only to turning but also to creative thinking for any project. Another topic that crosses over from one forum to another was posted in the General Woodworking forum by @Gene Howe. Gene asked about our favorite wood species with which to work. Lots of great content and some super images. One of the images- @Bob Hodge is considering upgrading his lathe. His primary turning projects will be larger bowls, platters and hollow vessels. Bob asked the forum's thoughts on what might be a good lathe for his upgrade. Check out his post, our members comments and see if you can provide some input- Bob also took the time to share a couple of jewelry towers he has made. These would make excellent gifts for any wife or girlfriend (or both) who has a lot of bling! @Gerald updated us on the progress on some commissioned bowls. Looks like they are about ready to ship! Gerald also posed a question to the group asking if anyone had ever turned a full sized "Nut Cracker" soldier. None of members could really offer much in the way of useful information (although lots of wisecracks were offered up). If you have done this, or know someone that has, maybe you could help Gerald- @Ron Altier has been busy cranking out projects. The first one he showed us was some fantastic earrings. Ron has the awesome ability to combine the most gorgeous wood combinations- Ron also posted a new ornament he just finished! And speaking of ornaments, @Steve Krumanaker has made a bunch of birdhouses, Some of these are a new design for Steve and they are fantastic! He received lots of great comments and he offered additional information about how he makes the little birds. @Masonsailor is starting on his Christmas presents- I think I should take the hint! What’s Coming Up- If you are quick- Lyle Jamieson has an IRD, tomorrow (Thursday December 9, 2021), on turning natural edge, hollow forms. https://lylejamieson.com/product/december-9-2021700-930pm-eastern-time-thursday-natural-edge-hollow-form/ https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/woodturners-retreat-six-turners-live-12-turnings-of-christmas/ For The Newbies- Hand made toys are always a treat for the little ones and with Christmas fast approaching this is a timely video from the AAW- We must be cautious when creating these, especially for those who might be thinking about chewing on the toys. The AAW has a short article with guidelines and some embedded links to more information- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Resources/Safety-Materials/Safety--Turning-Safe-Toys.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=k8mr2 Lyle Jamieson has some tips on lathe speed- Expand Your Horizons- A live edge bowl from "Turn A Wood Bowl" Richard turning a little bowl. Just nice to watch his skills- New Turning Items- Craft Supplies USA has ornament kits available. A short video showing some of the products and turning a snowman. https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/t/62/Ornaments?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=videos Ruth Niles has a new bottle stopper design. It is functional as a stopper as well as being able to show off the stopper top- Check it out at Ruth's site- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/ss-1000/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of last week's woodturning videos on YouTube-
  10. I have continued to scan my collection of Workbench Magazine plans for our guests and members to download from our Files Department, and I thought I'd share the Shop Tips section of the magazine as well. As is the case with my file downloads for plans from Workbench Magazine, the same applies here, I have received permission from the current Workbench Magazine to publish the old articles and plans on the open source web. Please see the collection of plans as well at https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/files/ Enjoy! These tips still apply to our work today, very cool!
  11. Work with Sketchup textures? Great video showing how to add, make and manipulate textures to your Sketchup models.
  12. I have continued to scan my collection of Workbench Magazine plans for our guests and members to download from our Files Department, and I thought I'd share the Shop Tips section of the magazine as well. As is the case with my file downloads for plans from Workbench Magazine, the same applies here, I have received permission from the current Workbench Magazine to publish the old articles and plans on the open source web. Please see the collection of plans as well at https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/files/ Enjoy! These tips still apply to our work today, very cool!
  13. Thought it might be best to start off with what my current setup is or at least parts of it. My Dust collector is a Grizzly 1029 2 hp operating on 220v. It had a 5 micron bag top and bottom when purchased and was upgraded to a canister filter from Penn State. My collector is located in the attic of my shop in a insulated enclosure and a 12x24 filtered return to the shop. Power is controlled with a Long RAnger remote. Ducting I used is 4 inch thinwall PVC. We will get into ducting and turning corners later. I have limited amounts of Flex hose in 4 and 6 inch. My bblast gates are a combination of homemade and manufactured plastic gates of two types. Since the Dc is located in the center of the shop ducting goes out in a spider like orientation. Ducting to machines is split in several places by use of wyes and boxes (made from Shop Notes plans). I have a cyclone based on some plan I found somewhere and a control box on it based on Shop Notes plans expanded. I recently added a Dust Deputy cyclone and may do away with the wooden cyclone. DC Room under construction on the left. Chip collection box and ducts to DC in attic on right. Another view of lower ducts and chip box. Above is Dust deputy with connections turned on the lathe to adapt openings to 6 inch flex hose. Ducts attached to ceiling spread to machines from this point. Of note here it is best to keep Duct runs as short as possible and as straight as you can get them. Any turn should be gradual and not an immediate 90 degree. This can be done with purchased wide and ducts or put two 45 angles together with a short 4-6 inch piece of duct between them. More on this in the next entry about choosing and installing ducts and blast gates .
  14. Okay I'm running into a couple minor problems. I basically ruined a piece playing with the new jaws but that's okay. I was prepared for that. A new piece is being glued up and getting ready to be worked hopefully for later this evening. How ever I'm running into a slight bit of a problem and am in need of some advice. I've been using short screws with the face place in order to make sure it says tight. That worked for a bit now I'm finding that sometimes the screws are actually getting broken off in the face plate which is not a good thing. meaning the heads snapped off. Probably due to operator error. how ever that was solved. I think I am using too small of screw length wise, the piece doesn't get enough grip I guess and it comes loose from the face plate. What would be the suggestion here to solve this problem. Being safety cautious as I am I don't let it make me jump but I don't want to break a hand or worse hurt someone else with a flying projectile. Suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
  15. AndrewB

    Well Now

    I’m fairly pleased with this turn out. I did not use the dovetail jaws on this one just the face plate. I guess you could say it’s okay for a beginner candle stick holder we shall see. I’ve still got to put a coat of wax on it I just finished with the boiled linseed oil how ever I think the wax will just add more too it. I used nothing but carbide tipped tools. I was going for the more rugged beat up kind of look and got it. So once I get this thing cut off from the base I guess I could call it a successful turn.
  16. Hope this Wednesday finds everyone healthy and still sane. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier is holding up well under the lockdown. He finished up a sweet little ornament that has a whole bunch of glue-ups! Here's his post- @Gerald had a new comment one of his beautiful bowls in our gallery. Check out his post and read about the tree species- What’s Coming Up- It has been tough coming up with shows and symposiums. Last thing I read was that the Mid-Atlantic Woodturners are unsure if they will be able to have their symposium in the fall. For The Newbies- If you turn with traditional tools, sharpening skills are necessary to keep the tools cutting at their best. Sometime the sharpening process can change the tool cutting tip profile. Here is a video, posted by Woodturners Wonders, showing how to correct the profile on a bowl gouge. From their Facebook feed, Jet Tools has a series of short videos tips for their tools. If the hand wheel, on the tailstock, is getting stiff- here's a cleaning tip- There's an entire series of these tips at- https://www.youtube.com/user/JETTOOLSUSA/videos Need a mallet to set the drive spur? Check this out! https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/turn-a-better-mallet/ Expand Your Horizons- You know I'm a jig junky. This is an idea that can really create some interesting effects- Part 2 is linked from the video. Mike Peace shows us how to make a footed bowl- New Turning Items- Recently, I was reading a discussion about which scroll chuck to purchase. The author was lamenting about the hassle of changing jaws. Several of the responders indicated how many different chucks they owned. It seemed to me, if they were to have purchased the Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) chuck, they could save the hassle of changing jaws and a ton of money to boot! This video, from Tracey Malady, shows the versatility of the EWT awesome Easy Chuck. Everything Else- This past weeks videos from Rick Turns- Last week @Gerald asked to see that antagonistic spalted maple bowl. I used a beeswax/mineral oil finish. There were so many soft/punky places embedded within the harder wood that it was impossible to a completely smooth surface. There is also that hole left from where the ingrown branch went diagonally through the piece. As a glutton for punishment, I pulled out an elm, roughed out blank from a bag of shavings. Maybe I'll have better luck this time- Safe turning and stay well
  17. A beautiful November day here in Pennsylvania. Too bad I'm substituting and can't enjoy it. Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald is working on Christmas presents! He is turning some gorgeous pendants. Checkout Gerald's post and look at the neat chuck he is using- @Pauley is looking for some help finding snowflake patterns or sources. Please head on over to his post and see if you can provide any help- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for more information and registration. For The Newbies- Looking for an easy project that will make a really nice gift? Maybe this will give you some ideas- Expand Your Horizons- M. Saban-Smith has an interesting video showing how to embellish your turnings. He demonstrates what the Sorby texturing tool can do. New Turning Items- The folks at Woodturners Wonders have a couple of new sanding disk backer pads Check out these products at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/sanding-pad-holders Everything Else- In @Gerald's post on the offset pendants, he mentioned about making beads as part of the project. Mike Peace has a video on how he does them- Gerald's project of offset turning really has lots of related information this week. Mr. David Reed Smith published an article using offset turning to add Celtic like rings to a turning- The complete article is at- http://davidreedsmith.com/Articles/InlaidRings/InlaidRings.html. Mr. Smith's tutorials are extremely well documented and easy to follow. He also references several other articles on useful jigs. In case you missed it, we added another tip to the Woodturning Tips Forum. You can see it at- @John Morris has made available just about all of the old Woodturning Forum posts. Some great memories from the archives. https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/forums/forum/5-wood-turning-archives/ The Woodturning OnLine newsletter is available at- https://www.woodturningonline.com/index.php?edition=112019. As you are looking through the newsletter, take advantage of the great selection of resources for projects, videos, and tutorials. As I pointed out at the beginning of this week's post, I'm substituting today, Thursday and Friday. Yesterday I received a phone call from the local Jet supplier- So there it sets, in the back of my truck- it's just not fair!! Have to wait until Saturday to begin unpacking and muscling parts to the basement. Safe turning
  18. Just got a email from Woodcraft with a article on hand planes . Has some good info in it for those who know and especially those who do not . MASTERING THE HAND PLANE
  19. I ran across this collection of tips, tricks, jigs, etc from Mike Peace. He explains this is a rehash of some earlier tips that he thinks he didn't do a good a job of presenting them as he could. The video is about 31 minutes long. The video was listed on the September Woodturning Online Newsletter.
  20. I have the first edition and Jim Tolpin has written an updated version. I did not read the whole book, just looked at the pictures . Well I did read some because I have made several jigs from the books and still use them today. The jigs and other tips are very well illustrated and information is easy to understand to build the jigs. I would recommend this for anyone from newbie to experienced woodworker. He covers everything from tuneup , blades, jigs, crosscuts ripping , accessories, and grooves and dados and much more. You can get it as low as 1.99 at Barnes and Noble or 4.99 at Thrift Books. I have on my saw the magic fence pictured below. it can be added to for tenon jig that can do more than tenon.
  21. Like Ernie, my tool well became a junk catcher and I filled it in recently. A "Mil" is 0.001" the 4 mil is called the wet mil, and the resulting 1 mil is called the dry mil. Note this is sponsored by Waterlox. I took a class from Ernie 15 or so years ago. His shop is in a barn right across the road from the Boy Scout camp I went to years ago. Now a county park. Amish buggies still trot by on the road. https://www.waterlox.com/project-help/video?id=469e6831b68d431db75d2d4d355a93d1
  22. This LINK takes you to a method to make holders for sanding discs for your drill. I will add to this you will need to add a pad to the holder and velcro . For gluing the pad ( garden knee foam works) on Shoe Goo works very well. For the velcro use either plain back and glue on or self adhesive. Also I shape mine with the wood being smaller than the sanding pad and then shape the foam on the lathe with a skew , kinda like a little funnel shape.
  23. This page has several tips and there are more pages to this tips section. Of note on the first page are the depth gauge, wire burner (always use handles for these) , and sawbucks. Some of the later pages are common sense and some like using wood chisels on a lathe I do not condone. So have a look and see what you can use and we can discuss usefulness . Wood Turning Tips - 1
  24. We had a great club meeting today and got some great tips from Mark Sillay. 1. Turning bowls end grain instead of side grain gives a whole different pwerspective. 2. When turning hollow form (end grain ) put CA around the inside of the neck opening and on the bottom of tenon. Spray accelerator inside to create barrier on bottom so the CA does not go thru and bowl will not crack. 3.When remounting a piece and is not running true . Leave the chuck slight loose and with lathe running slow place a gouge with flutes down over tool rest and lever the workpiece very gently till is true and then tighten chuck. 4.Use a Spindle Roughing Gouge with a steeper than 45 angle grind to act like a skew to smooth the outside of a bowl. This will be angled like a skew and rubbing the bevel. There was more but do not know how i could explain.
  25. So how do y'all attach a backing to a fretwork piece? Specifically, how do you apply the adhesive so that it dosen't get on the finished sides? Additionally I would like to use a waterproof glue (Welcome sign for the front door), polyurethane comes to mind but it seems to be pretty messy and ugly if too much is applied. Thoughts?
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