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  1. We all enjoyed getting away last week. Nothing like eating your way up and down the boardwalk Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN asked some questions about rough turned bowls- He received lots of input from our members. Check out his post and see if you can add to the conversation Rusty also shared a completed Bradford Pear bowl he made. It sure is a beauty- He tells us a little about the turning in his post What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Lyle Jamieson For The Newbies- Rusty's question concerning rough turning wood bowls ties into these videos on drying turning blanks- Not sure if everyone can see this video on Instagram. This is a screen grab from John Jordan and the link- https://www.instagram.com/p/CcWy7uYLwqp/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY Need a portable way to carry your lathe tools? Mike Peace may have just what you need Spring is busting out all over- so they tell me- Alan Stratton is making flowers that won't freeze! Couple of smaller projects picked up from the AAW- Salt and Pepper mills- and a little scoop- Expand Your Horizons- Cindy Drozda is doing more online, live presentations. You can find her on the web at https://www.facebook.com/cindy.drozda.3/ https://www.youtube.com/user/cindydrozda https://twitter.com/CindyDrozda Her latest YouTube video Vacuum chucks are one of the easiest way to reverse chuck a bowl to finish off the bottom. Here Jim Rodgers explains Lyle Jamieson turns a beautiful crotch hollow vessel Carl Jacobson has a super easy way to do beautiful inlays- Mike Waldt turns a beech goblet- New Turning Items- Ron Brown has a new stabilizer for those who do hollowing- Some sale prices on our most generous sponsor's products ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools) from Craft Supplies USA- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/Sales/8/Easy-Wood-Tools?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ewt&utm_campaign=22-04-ewt-1 They also have a new, small lathe available- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/p/216/7390/artisan-1420-EVS-Mini-Lathe?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=1420&utm_campaign=22-04-1420 Ruth Niles has a special deal on an assortment of stoppers designed for liquor bottles Click on the above image for the link to her store. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last two weeks- Safe turning
  2. Hard to believe that on Friday we will have put 2020 behind us. Let's hope 2021 will see the end of the pandemic! Our Patriot Turners- @PostalTom finished up his Christmas stocking tree. It turned out fantastic and can be seen in his update to a previous post- @RustyFN has a laser and he has combined it with his CNC machine to design some emblems to finish off his turned bowls. Check out his post to read more about what he is doing and the comments from our members. @HandyDan gave us a Christmas eve peek at some of the ornaments and displays he made- He received lots of positive comments in his post and he gave us a source for some of the embellishments. @AndrewB is looking for some ideas on reverse chucking a bowl. Our members came through with flying colors! They offered techniques, sources and photos to help Andrew figure out the best way- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda Has a live online demonstration/class coming up in January- Click on the above image for the link to her site and more information. For The Newbies- It's a little late for this year but a great time to get a jump on next year's ornaments and gifts! Here's Carl Jacobson creating a Christmas Gnome! If that's not your cup of tea, how about Mike Peace turning a nativity scene. A two video set turning all of the pieces- Part 2 is linked from this video. Expand Your Horizons- We all have turned small lidded boxes. Most of them have had slip fit type lids. Here, Sam Angelo demonstrates how to add threads to the box and lid. This is a two part video set. Part 2 is linked from Sam's YouTube channel. Tim Yoder always brings something new to the plate. In this video he demonstrates how to turn a beautiful Christmas ornament using a cardboard mailing tube. Several months ago we were discussing ways to liquid proof turned vessels. The use of epoxy seemed to to be the preferred material but the trouble was in how to apply it evenly. Zac Higgins shows what he did with a rotisserie motor. Zac provides sources for all the items he used. New Turning Items- I copied this from Ruth Niles' latest newsletter- Click on the above image for the link to Ruth's site. Everything Else- Last week's YouTube woodturning videos from Rick Turns- I am always mesmerized by the work of Frank Howarth. His video style, the projects and the detail are top notch. This one is no exception- I finally finished up the lathe dust collection modifications. The PVC elbow sat a little high. The replacement is made of wood and turned pretty thin. Hope it is strong enough- It's hard to get the light just right to see the dust movement but it does work a lot better than the old hose mount. This was softwood and 80 grit but you get the idea- Safe turning and stay well
  3. Well, normally this would be Tax Day but this year is anything but normal. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier did a couple of really neat "pulls". Even in the dark, you can tell the function of each. Here's Ron's explanation of what he did- Ron also showed us how he displays some of his gorgeous ornaments! Head over to his post to see some more of his work- What’s Coming Up- In case you missed it, here is yesterday's video from Woodcraft's "Turning Tuesday". Frank turns a salt and pepper set- As you can see, Frank is no stranger to those Easy Wood Tools! ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) For The Newbies- Mr. David Reed Smith has a new project available. His well documented projects are free to view but they are also available in PDF format for an very small fee. This particular project is well suited for the beginning woodturner and would make a nice gift for any youngster. Check out Mr. Smith's tutorial here- http://davidreedsmith.com/Articles/RainbowPegDolls/RainbowPegDolls.html The Woodturning monthly newsletter is available. Lots of interesting information- Here's the link- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- A project that none of us really wants to consider, nevertheless, we just might be asked to make one of these. Mike Peace has a 2 part video on making an urn. Mike details how to use commonly available PVC components to create the threaded lid. Part #2 is linked from Mike's channel- Bottle stoppers are always a nice gift to the host or hostess. The Woodworker's Journal has a nice article on turning some cool examples. This article uses cork stoppers but there are some really great stainless steel ones available. I get mine from Ruth Niles- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/ We live in an area where Amish and Mennonites are prevalent. I copied this stopper from one that I saw in Ruth's shop- Easter is over but that gives you time to make one of these "Cadbury Eggs" for next year. Carl Jacobson shows us how! New Turning Items- In several videos, from different turners, I've seen this tool in use and it looks pretty handy. Sam Angelo shows us how to make one- This second video shows a little more about the tool- Everything Else- I've been playing with a piece of spalted maple. I wanted to make a symmetrical shaped bowl but was having trouble getting the upper and lower halves even. Then this popped into my head- I used this Duplication gauge and flipped it back and forth until the halves were even. Sanded the outside. This will not be one of those mirror finishes! Soft spots and cracks. Rechucked it and started hollowing. There was a rotten branch buried in the center. Not sure how much meat will be left when I get to the bottom of the defect. Using the depth gauge to determine the bottom thickness. Still have a little ways to go. That missing chunk on the rim is where the rotten branch started and proceeded diagonally thru the piece. Safe turning and stay well
  4. Kids got out of school for the summer, today. No subbing until August! Lots of activity by our Patriot turners this week! @PostalTom made a set of pen jaws from an article by Mr. David Reed Smith. Tom reports that the jaws worked like a charm. Check out the sweet looking pen he made using the jaws- @Charles Nicholls has been turning some gorgeous bottle stoppers. Charles answers comments about this project in his post- @Steve Krumanaker is adding details to a beautiful maple bowl he turned. Steve's talent with wood burning techniques is awesome! Our turners had lots of great comments- @RustyFN started a log bird house. Unfortunately the log cracked before he had a chance to finish the turning. Rusty asked our turners what might have caused this and what could be done to prevent it. Maybe you can add some more tips/techniques that you have found that work for you. @Ron Altier posted a question about an unfamiliar turning product. Several turners offered identification and use- This little item popped up on Nova's Facebook feed. If you do a lot of both outboard and spindle turning, you might find this useful. Capt. Eddie has a new video on "Better Sanding". It's nice to see him still teaching and giving us great information- I finished up the handle for the hedge shears that were left on the front porch. Fortunately, the original tang holes were round which made the replacement handle easier to make. I used my steady rest to stabilize the work while drilling the holes. Then just shaped the handle to match the original. Used a mallet to drive the handle onto the tang. Finished with wipe-on poly Also got time to finish up the natural edge bowl made from that flame box elder. A bunch of coats of wipe-on poly. Safe Turning
  5. OK Ladies and Gentlemen, only 16 days left to raise $412 for our Gold Star family. Please head over to- https://raffles.ticketprinting.com/raffle/6605-Adopt-A-Gold-Star-Family-For-Christmas-Project-2017/ Let's make this a special Christmas for these kids! @Steve Krumanaker posted an absolutely fantastic walnut vase. He talks about the process and finish here- @Ron Altier asked a great question about adhesives. He wants to glue acrylic to wood. Currently he is using CA but was looking for other options. @HandyDan was cruising the Habitat Restore and found a couple of bottle stoppers. He remade them into a couple of beautiful gifts Read more about his find and what he did, here- Tim Yoder has a two part video on turning an LED christmas tree- Pretty Cool The second part is linked on his YouTube page. A couple of our turners make birdhouse christmas ornaments. Here the first part of a two part video from Mike Peace showing how he does it. The second part is linked on his YouTube page- I think I have my last 2 Christmas presents done- unless Mimi adds more. These are "cake platters" or "cake servers". Made from hard maple with a little walnut on the bases. The texturing was done with a Sorby spiral/texture tool. Then acrylic hobby paint to fill the recesses. Sanded away the excess paint. A bunch of applications of rattle can lacquer. These are about 12" in diameter and 5" high. Except for the texturing, these were made entirely with Easy Wood Tools @Jim from Easy Wood Tools! Safe turning
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