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Looks like we might have to opportunity to help a deserving family for Christmas! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB updated us on his new lathe purchase. Really nice lathe stand for his new Jet. He mentioned there was some vibration as certain speed. I'm wondering if it might be a "heavy spot" in the bowl blank he was turning and creating a resonance vibration. Check out Andrew's post here: @Headhunter posted some of his Ringmaster turnings in our Ringmaster Sub-Forum He received lots of comments and some questions about the pieces. Check out his work at- @Bob Hodge posed an interesting question about an item he was asked to duplicate. After a lot of input, ideas and guesses, Bob decided to decline the request. We had some really interesting input! @RustyFN gave us an update on the beautiful winged bowl he turned. He said the picture is of the "unfinished" piece! Wish my unfinished turnings looked that good! We've had some entries on our "What's Off..." this week! @Gerald posted several of his recently completed items. Catchup with all of the images here- And, we've had entries in the "What's On..." too! @calabrese55, @Gerald and @Fred W. Hargis Jr added to the continuing post! There are a lot more images at- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration Lyle Jamieson is hosting an IRD on hollowing, December 10, 2024 Friday, November 22, 2024 at 2pm EST For The Newbies- Texturing tools can add a new dimension to your turnings. In this video, Mike Peace compares and contrasts several of the available tools. A short video from Alan Stratton on designs and where to get inspirations. Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder turns a HUGE piece of Osage orange JumBowl.mp4 A little late for Halloween and Thanksgiving but it gives you plenty of time for next year New Turning Items- Nothing for this week Everything Else- If you have been turning for any length of time, you will probably recognize the name Nick Agar. Nick has been diagnosed with cancer. Here is more information- The link to the Go-Fund-Me page Safe turning
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I have been painfully delinquent from here the last while and have missed the talks. 2021 brought real challenges and changes but I am still out here and “kicking!” Hope to be more active in 2022. Here are some of the couple hundred Snowmen I made for the Christmas season, a few of the Vikings and “Gnomen” I have been dabbling in the winter, and my daughters first attempt at the wood lathe which happened last Sunday afternoon. She has been asking to give turning a try and her and I spent a couple hours at the lathe together. I am still learning technique so hope I am not sending her too far astray. The honey dipper and bullet are hers. I only helped with a few cleanup cuts to smooth a few things out for her. She wants to learn to make ornaments and other smaller things so I suspect I will get more of these sessions. I am sort of watching for an economical mini or midi lathe to cram in the shop so I can set her up with her own work station. She is showing potential and interest right now and want 5o nurture that interest while I can. Proud dad moment for me.
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- wood lathe
- snowmen
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Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. Not sure if that's good or bad news. Seems like winter has been wasted around here. When it's cold there's no precipitation. It warms up and then we get rain. Our Patriot Turners- Our resident ornament master is at it again. @Ron Altier posted some things he created from just scrap pieces. Ron sure has an eye for design- Check out his post for additional details and some of the comments left by our members- @Steve Krumanaker picked up some elm from his son. Steve turned some lovely bowls. As always, he adds his personal touch to the bottoms- Steve showed us more images in his post- Steve also found a way to keep busy when it was too cold to work outside In his post, Steve explains how he attaches the removable roof @Bundoman Has been teaching his daughter about turning. Looks she is a natural and has created several imaginative pieces- Head on over to this post to see what he and his daughter have made- @Gerald decided to try his had at making a scoop shown in a video from last week's post- You can check out what he said here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for the link to more information- For The Newbies- A couple of turning safety videos from Mike Peace- I recently saw another turner use this method of reverse chucking a roughed out bowl to finish turning. Here's Richard Raffan showing us who it's done- Wondering how to dry that wet wood turning? Tim Yoder tries a different way. Check out Tim's use of those Easy Wood Tools! ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) Expand Your Horizons- The Woodturners Worldwide Online Symposium offered many interesting presentations. This one from Cindy Drozda on turning a sphere- Mike Peace has a 2 part video on embellishment and embellishing tools. These were made available through the AAW. Richard Raffan turns a beautiful wide rim dish- Alan Stratton continues his series on offset turning. The beginning of this video describes the modifications he made to his original shop made jig- New Turning Items- From Turners Warehouse for the pen turner (click on the image for the link)- Package deal for bowl turners from Woodturners Wonders (click on the image)- Craft Supplies USA has some new kitchenware items (click the image) Ruth Nile has Penn State Pizza Cutters back in stock! Check Ruth's site- This past weekend was the on-line symposium from Woodturners Worldwide. Cindy Drozda did an informative presentation on live tail stock centers. Although these are not new, it should provide guidance for those in the market for one- Everything Else- From the AAW, a tribute to Stephen Hogbin- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
- 6 replies
- wednesday
- wisdom
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- honey dipper
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- easy wood tools
- sphere
- cindy drozda
- richard raffam
- embellish
- mike peace
- eccentric jig
- alan stratton
- pen pushing
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- pizza cutters
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- live centers
- stephen hogbin
- rick turns
- videos
- snowmen
Friday is Christmas, guess I'd better start thinking about doing some shopping. Hope everyone here at the Patriot Woodworker has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year! Our Patriot Turners- Speaking of Christmas presents, @Masonsailor completed another turning to add to his list of items. Paul provides some process shot of this piece in his post- @Steve Krumanaker tried out a new design for his bird house ornaments. It's really quite spectacular- Steve tells us where he "appropriated" this idea- Steve wasn't just working on ornaments this week. He scored a fantastic maple slab and started a large bowl Steve's post shows us more images! @Ron Altier also finished up some hybrid ornaments. For someone who doesn't like working with acrylics, Ron really does a fantastic work! Please see the wonderful comments our turners left in Ron's post- It was extremely cold in @HandyDan's workshop! The wood ornaments he made turned into icicles! But, they sure do look nice on his Christmas tree @John Hechel had some time this week to get to his lathe. He turned some really awesome salt and pepper grinders. He used some of the Chromaply that Ron uses on some of his ornaments Head on over to his post and see what his wife thought of these beauties- Last week, @AndrewB showed us some of the tree wood he scored. He made one of the pieces into a nice looking bowl- Andrew's post tells us a little more and fills us in on just where this turning stands- Andrew is also looking for a new lathe. He goes into some detail in this post- @Bob Hodge posted a question on negative rake scrapers. He received lots of feedback from our turners. Please see his post and add any information that might help him. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to Brad's YouTube channel For The Newbies- This title is a little misleading but the video has some great tips on lathe maintenance- Nice turning project- Expand Your Horizons- @Steve Krumanaker makes some really interesting display stands for his ornaments. Here Mike Peace shows us what he does- Last week, Lyle Jamieson started a hollow form from a piece of crotch wood. This is part 2- Ashley Harwood shows us that not every idea comes out the way we want it. Her ladle is one example- More and more turners are relying on YouTube to showcase their work. While this isn't the definitive work on the subject, it might give you some ideas if you are thinking about how this could be done. This is the second part of a two part video. Also the author is working with only one video editing platform. There are many platforms available. New Turning Items- It's a little too late to be writing Santa for new stuff this Christmas, sorry! Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube video list from last week- I've been messing around trying to improve the dust collection at my lathe. It wouldn't take much to be an improvement. My first attempt failed to consider the need the dust collection point both laterally along the lathe and hw close the port needs to be to the turning for efficient pickup. Went back to the drawing board and redesigned- The position of the dust port can be moved back to collect from the maximum diameter the lathe can turn. I am considering changing the clamping devices I used- These hold well but take a bit of time to loosen/move/tighten. I'm thinking of replacing them with the toggle lever clamps- Might also replace interface adapter between the white PVC elbow and the top of the platform. The one I used was a modified 4" hose splice adapter. Could be shortened a little. Safe turning and stay well
I have a reasonably decent lathe that I bought most of ten years ago and am ashamed by how little it really gets used. I do like to get it out and tinker with it every now and again, usually around Christmas when I have some time off of work. I made some of these last year for the house and they were well received so decided to take another crack at some multi-species snowmen perhaps for a few gifts this year. Included here are Red Cedar, Ash, Mahogany, Hickory, Mulberry, and Walnut plus whatever the ink dyed toothpicks are made from. I used a mix of finishinG techniques. I claim only to be a rudimentary “woodhack” turner but the skills are improving and these are good practice and a bit of Holiday fun!