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Found 10 results

  1. More Christmas fun with our Shopsmiths!
  2. It's not to late to have some simple fun before Christmas!
  3. Please remember that our Christmas project fundraiser is in progress. If you haven't gotten your raffle tickets yet, don't put it off any longer. "We have raised $911.51 thanks to all our members and visitors alike! Great job folks! I'd like to make a plea to you all. Since our raffle goes all the way up to January 3rd, 2025, we'd like to get the bulk of the proceeds to our adopted Christmas family before Christmas, and then all the proceeds collected after the first distribution to the family, then proceeds collected up to the 3rd will be distributed to them at raffles end. So they'll have a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Our target date of gift card delivery is December 20th. So we'd love to have most of the funds in place by then." Our Patriot Turners- @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted an ornament he finished. This cute little fellow will surely look good hanging on the tree! Fred was kind enough to provide a link to the Craft Supplies USA video he used as his inspiration. I've also added the YouTube link here- We have had more additions to our continuing "What's ON/OFF the lathe" From ON- The beginnings of a Calabash bowl- More images and description can be found at- And from OFF @Gerald posted a beautifully shaped hollow form In this post, he tells us more about the piece of wood and the purpose of the turning- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- If you missed Cindy Drozda's tool talk last Friday, here's a replay from YouTube- For The Newbies- More on sharpening from Sam Angelo. This time he demonstrates spindle gouge grinds Expand Your Horizons- Fred Hargis showed us a gnome he turned from a video by Craft Supplies USA. Gnomes and snowmen currently seem to be very popular. How about combining a snowman and a candle? New Turning Items- Something new from Tim Yoder- A short video from Tim on these- And a link to Tim's Tools- https://wtwtim.com/tims-tools-1/ Everything Else- Safe turning
  4. So I had week off work. Was going to do a couple of small projects for up coming market. Wife sends me a picture showing me a door corner ornament. Not going to lie went Etsy found some laser files, used those as a foundation for Christmas ones. Then as I am in the middle of that do Halloween ones. Argh! Tried both 1/2 and 5mm plywood and 1/16 bit cobwebs breaks every time. Hey I’ll use my laser! Smaller but Halloween ones were done on the Ultra…she ‘snatched’ confiscated a snowman but she did do the face and belly buttons on them. A monster has awaken lol!
  5. Our annual Adopt A Wounded Warrior campaign is going gangbusters! We are at about the 3/4 point in our goal. If you haven't made your pledge, please consider doing so in the next week. That gives our "Santa" a chance to do the necessary shopping to fulfill the Christmas wishes. Our Patriot Turners- Over the weekend, @forty_caliber posted one of his pecan bowl turnings. He added copper enhancements as a way to fill some voids. His post turned out to be one of the best conversations we have had in a long time, here in the Turner's Forum. I think you will find a lot of great comments that pertain not only to turning but also to creative thinking for any project. Another topic that crosses over from one forum to another was posted in the General Woodworking forum by @Gene Howe. Gene asked about our favorite wood species with which to work. Lots of great content and some super images. One of the images- @Bob Hodge is considering upgrading his lathe. His primary turning projects will be larger bowls, platters and hollow vessels. Bob asked the forum's thoughts on what might be a good lathe for his upgrade. Check out his post, our members comments and see if you can provide some input- Bob also took the time to share a couple of jewelry towers he has made. These would make excellent gifts for any wife or girlfriend (or both) who has a lot of bling! @Gerald updated us on the progress on some commissioned bowls. Looks like they are about ready to ship! Gerald also posed a question to the group asking if anyone had ever turned a full sized "Nut Cracker" soldier. None of members could really offer much in the way of useful information (although lots of wisecracks were offered up). If you have done this, or know someone that has, maybe you could help Gerald- @Ron Altier has been busy cranking out projects. The first one he showed us was some fantastic earrings. Ron has the awesome ability to combine the most gorgeous wood combinations- Ron also posted a new ornament he just finished! And speaking of ornaments, @Steve Krumanaker has made a bunch of birdhouses, Some of these are a new design for Steve and they are fantastic! He received lots of great comments and he offered additional information about how he makes the little birds. @Masonsailor is starting on his Christmas presents- I think I should take the hint! What’s Coming Up- If you are quick- Lyle Jamieson has an IRD, tomorrow (Thursday December 9, 2021), on turning natural edge, hollow forms. https://lylejamieson.com/product/december-9-2021700-930pm-eastern-time-thursday-natural-edge-hollow-form/ https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/woodturners-retreat-six-turners-live-12-turnings-of-christmas/ For The Newbies- Hand made toys are always a treat for the little ones and with Christmas fast approaching this is a timely video from the AAW- We must be cautious when creating these, especially for those who might be thinking about chewing on the toys. The AAW has a short article with guidelines and some embedded links to more information- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Resources/Safety-Materials/Safety--Turning-Safe-Toys.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=k8mr2 Lyle Jamieson has some tips on lathe speed- Expand Your Horizons- A live edge bowl from "Turn A Wood Bowl" Richard turning a little bowl. Just nice to watch his skills- New Turning Items- Craft Supplies USA has ornament kits available. A short video showing some of the products and turning a snowman. https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/t/62/Ornaments?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=videos Ruth Niles has a new bottle stopper design. It is functional as a stopper as well as being able to show off the stopper top- Check it out at Ruth's site- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/ss-1000/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of last week's woodturning videos on YouTube-
  6. OK, gang, it's that time of year where we get to make a difference in a wounded warrior's life. We all have been blessed with good fortune and here is our chance to give back. Please consider donating and along the way you could win some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- Just a reminder, we now have a new sub-forum for those turners using the Ringmaster tool. In addition, @John Morris added a new gallery section for you to post your images! https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/gallery/category/26-ring-master-turning/ Speaking of ringed bowls, @HandyDan showed us one of his turning. This was added to last week's Wednesdays... Dan used an idea from Mike Waldt to create a neat little box Dan received lots of positive comments and even some ideas for use- @Gerald does a show at his local Ag Museum. He was kind enough to post some images of some of the activities. Looks like the turned tops were a hit with the little ones! Gerald also gave us a heads up on an interesting video covering how to set up a new chuck. @Grandpadave52 posted an alert that the Woodturner's Monthly newsletter is available! Thanks for the heads-up Dave! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above images for links to registration and more information. This Saturday, November 20, there will be another Virtual Craft Show on YouTube. These cover a variety of skills as well as turning. For The Newbies- @Gerald's post on the chuck works in nicely with this IRD video from Mike Peace on hold work on the lathe- From the "Rebel Turner"- making a snowman on the lathe- Not sure if you will need a Facebook account to see this Tip video, on shear scraping, from Lyle Jamieson- http:// https://www.facebook.com/lyle.jamieson1/videos/320429766218298 From Capt. Eddies Worldwide Woodturners meeting, turning a mouse with Martin Clarkson- Expand Your Horizons- Here's a video, from Alan Stratton, on turning an ornament. Lots of tips and techniques in this video from "Turn A Wood Bowl" New Turning Items- Not a tool but a new site from Zac Higgins. If you are into resin casting, Zac has great tips and techniques. Check it out! OK, I know you can buy these and Cindy Drozda has a really nice one. However, Harbor Freight often offers these for free- Everything Else- Rick turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- A live Q&A from Mike Waldt with a wide variety of topics- Safe turning and stay well
  7. OK, gang, it's that time of year where we get to make a difference in a wounded warrior's life. We all have been blessed with good fortune and here is our chance to give back. Please consider donating and along the way you could win some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- Just a reminder, we now have a new sub-forum for those turners using the Ringmaster tool. In addition, @John Morris added a new gallery section for you to post your images! https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/gallery/category/26-ring-master-turning/ Speaking of ringed bowls, @HandyDan showed us one of his turning. This was added to last week's Wednesdays... Dan used an idea from Mike Waldt to create a neat little box Dan received lots of positive comments and even some ideas for use- @Gerald does a show at his local Ag Museum. He was kind enough to post some images of some of the activities. Looks like the turned tops were a hit with the little ones! Gerald also gave us a heads up on an interesting video covering how to set up a new chuck. @Grandpadave52 posted an alert that the Woodturner's Monthly newsletter is available! Thanks for the heads-up Dave! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above images for links to registration and more information. This Saturday, November 20, there will be another Virtual Craft Show on YouTube. These cover a variety of skills as well as turning. For The Newbies- @Gerald's post on the chuck works in nicely with this IRD video from Mike Peace on hold work on the lathe- From the "Rebel Turner"- making a snowman on the lathe- Not sure if you will need a Facebook account to see this Tip video, on shear scraping, from Lyle Jamieson- https://www.facebook.com/100000091394781/videos/320429766218298/ From Capt. Eddies Worldwide Woodturners meeting, turning a mouse with Martin Clarkson- Expand Your Horizons- Here's a video, from Alan Stratton, on turning an ornament. Lots of tips and techniques in this video from "Turn A Wood Bowl" New Turning Items- Not a tool but a new site from Zac Higgins. If you are into resin casting, Zac has great tips and techniques. Check it out! OK, I know you can buy these and Cindy Drozda has a really nice one. However, Harbor Freight often offers these for free- Everything Else- Rick turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- A live Q&A from Mike Waldt with a wide variety of topics- Safe turning and stay well
  8. The last Wednesday in April. Don't forget Mother's Day is in a couple of weeks. My Mom is locked down in her assisted living facility. Haven't been able to visit for almost 2 months. Thank goodness she is a healthy 94. Our Patriot Turners- @Kevin Beitz showed us a really awesome wood score. What was intended for the woodstove is going to make some fantastic bowls. Kevin's post contains more images and some interesting comment. Please check it out- On Friday, @FlGatorwood posted a couple of images of some turnings he is making. These are the "inside-out" ornaments- Here's the link to his post- @aaronc finally fired up his lathe and has stepped over the edge of that slippery slope of turning! He showed us some pictures of his first turning and his lathe. He received lots of comments and helpful advice. Please read his post and see if you can provide any additional comment- @Ron Altier asked us about pricing ornaments. He said he was shocked at the price of some of them. He did receive lots of comments. What do you thin? What’s Coming Up- Yesterday, Woodcraft's Turning Tuesday had Frank Byers turning a ring. Frank turns a neat project each week and they are done live. This one is a little long but still interesting. For The Newbies- This video on woodturning tools for beginners highlights some of the Easy Wood Tools products ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) but doesn't limit itself to just tool. Which part of the tree did that project come from? Tim Yoder explains- Expand Your Horizons- Two of our turners- @Gerald and @Steve Krumanaker embellish their work with pyrography. Mike Peace shows us how he recently added "doodles" to a bowl he turned. I was surprised to see how large the piece of dogwood was, that he used. New Turning Items- It happens to all of us. Might as well be proud to join the club! https://www.msabansmith.com/category/merch/funnel-club/?fbclid=IwAR28E_HymWgL24636bwc2nEPXnJoS68jdVSmtSsBn2hJjYIm7lVOUhV-vxI Everything Else- I happened across this interesting tip from Lyle Jamieson. Quite an interesting way to secure a faceplate to end grain- Mr. David Reed Smith made available instructions for creating an overlay for an ornament Most of you know, I'm a jig junky. There are some fantastic shop made jigs in this one! Check out this link for more. Mr. Smith makes available a detailed PDF for only $2. http://davidreedsmith.com/Articles/OverlayOrnament/OverlayOrnament.html Finally, Tim Yoder feeds the local squirrels- Safe turning and stay well
  9. Wife wanted asnowman. I made this one. It is around 6 feet tall.
  10. lew

    Snowman Noses

    From the album: Turned Carrots

    Turned "carrots" for snowman nose decorating kits. Poplar- about 6" long with 1/4" dowels.

    © Lewis Kauffman

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