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  1. Tomorrow is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. There are so few of the brave men and women who served in World War II left to honor their sacrifices to keep our country free. The Greatest Generation is almost gone. Our Patriot Turners- @StaticLV2 posed a question to our members concerning turning if you are a "Lefty". Specifically, dealing with hollowing out the bowl's inside. If you van help him, please see his post and provide some input- @Masonsailor has been building doors for a while. Paul got a chance to sneak over to his lathe to turn several of these door related items. Check out his post for the details! @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted his turned box for use to drool over. First partially finished and then completely finished- More information and descriptions at- And @Gerald finished up his work on an urn for his daughter-in-law's father. It is a beautifully done piece and a fitting resting place for a loved one. Gerald's post includes some process images and description of what he has done- A week or so ago, @RustyFN showed us some turned lidded boxes he made from boxwood. Rusty's friend does chip carving and he embellished the two boxes with amazing work- Check out Rusty's post to see the complete series of pictures from start to finish- Once again, our turners have come through with an amazing collection of work for our "ON/OFF" the lathe posts! Thank You!!! From "ON"- @Gerald and @calabrese55 worked on hollow vessels- Lots of great comments. Pick up where we left off last week at- And from "OFF"- @StaticLV2 and @kreisdorph created some amazing work segments and bowls- Here's the link to catchup with all the action- What’s Coming Up- https://www.neowta.com/press/kirk-deheer-demonstration-and-classes/ For The Newbies- Popular Woodworking made available several turning articles. https://www.popularwoodworking.com/projects/turn-your-first-bowl/?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R https://www.popularwoodworking.com/tools/carbide-tools-unlocking-woodturning-potential/?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R https://www.popularwoodworking.com/tools/the-woodturning-scraper/?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R Expand Your Horizons- Craft Supplies USA has a nice tutorial for turning a utility box- It is just after the first of the month and the "4 Ways" collaboration videos were posted. This project was a little different as each turner made their own favorite project. Mike Peace- Richard Raffan- Sam Angelo- And Tomislav Tomasic- New Turning Items- Not new but I use this bandsaw blade for resawing inserts for my rolling pins. Thought maybe some of the other turners here may do similar cutting- https://www.highlandwoodworking.com/wood-slicer-resaw-bandsaw-blades.aspx?utm_source=Advertiser+Promotion&utm_content=FW+Dedicated+Offers&utm_medium=Advertiser+Promotion Also, last week we posted a new jig from Ron Brown's Best. @HandyDan noticed that one of Ron Brown's jigs was a hollowing stabilizer. Dan said he was unfamiliar with the tool. This is a simple design and has limited depth capabilities compared to the ones used by Tim Yoder or Lyle Jamieson Everything Else- Safe turning
  2. Looks like a thunderstorm brewing off to the west. Garden could use a little water. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted a couple of beautiful segmented bowls he created using a Ringmaster! These became gifts for friends. He tells us more about them in this post- Our What's ON/OFF Your Lathe again had some gorgeous content! From "ON"- @kreisdorph worked with several different species of wood to produce these lovely pieces- New items start here- And from What's OFF Your Lathe- @kreisdorph and @User74 showed us what they are doing! You can catch up and see more images here- What’s Coming Up- Just a reminder that this Friday, May 24, Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines are having a free Sharing Q&A Session on Zoom. Here are 2 links for signing up for the Zoom meeting. https://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/sharing-session-free-and-live-on-zoom-4/ If you don't have Zoom on your computer/phone, here's the link for the free download- https://zoom.us/download For The Newbies- Mentioned before that Sam Angelo has started a new YouTube channel to assist the new turner. This video compares and contrasts the spindle and bowl gouges. New turners are often confused why/where to use these two gouges. This is the opening lecture from a nine-hour seminar on how woodturning tools work, from Jim Rodgers. Lots of good information on the various HSS materials. Craft Supplies USA has a nice video on chuck maintenance. Although this video is for a specific brand/model, much of the information is common to all scroll chucks. Expand Your Horizons- If you have watched Richard Raffan for any length of time, you've probably noticed most of his turning tools have been resharpened many, many times! Not one to let tings go to waste, Richard repurposes an old spindle gouge. I remember @Gerald using various painting schemes and came across this method of creating a Cosmic Clouds motif with iridescent paints. I think this was done by Tim Yoder- Cosmic Clouds #shorts.mp4 Thinking about working with acrylics? Craft Supplies USA posted a start to finish hybrid handle. Casting and finishing tips included! Last week we posted that Niles Bottle Stoppers had their bronze threaded rings for sale. Carl Jacobson created a very stylish urn using a set of rings- If hand chasing threads is more your thing, Mike Peace recently posted this video creating threads in a piece of Palo Santo Wood, Bulnesia sarmientoi, from Argentina. Finally, the Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturner's Monthly newsletter. Here's the link to the entire newsletter- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- OK, this is something you can create in your shop. I thought it was pretty neat as I do not have an accurate cross sled for my drill press. What is the vertex#diy #woodworkingtools #woodworking.mp4 Everything Else- A few thoughts from Ron Brown- Sharing Makes You Better Three reasons you will be better: 1) When you explain your process, you must organize your thoughts. You will discover some steps are unnecessary while others need more attention. 2) Your audience usually asks questions that spark new ideas to improve your process and ultimately the result. 3) Explaining how you do it will often uncover why you do it this way. There is always room to be more efficient and you usually discover them by accident often during an explanation. The skills you have learned are a gift and make you who you are. The laws of sowing and reaping are in full effect. The more you share what you have discovered, the deeper your understanding will become. This is true with any skill or knowledge set you have Safe turning
  3. Lots happened this past week! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald posted more images of his "Frig Magnets". His Jaho jig really creates some spectacular designs! Here's where the new entry starts- @John Hechel made a couple of posts in our sub-forum for Ringmaster Turning. He showed us some of his glue ups and some absolutely gorgeous bowl! Check out his posts here- @RustyFN posted an update on his new McNaughton Bowl Coring System. He created some measuring devices to help setup the system for different sized cores. Thanks, Rusty for the update! I love all your posts on our "On/Off Your Lathe". It is so enjoyable to see the development and finishing of the projects. From "ON"- From @kreisdorph and @Gerald Catch up from last week starting here- From OFF- @kreisdorph and @User74 The latest entries start here- What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy Drozda's Tool Talk last week, she posted the video on her YouTube channel- Click on the following images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- The bowl gouge can be confusing for the new turner, especially when it comes to the type of "grind" on the tip. Professional turners seem to have individual preferences and provide that grind style on the tools they recommend/sell. Lyle Jamieson discusses his preference in this video. Jim Rodgers creates another custom pen. Check out some of the jigs he uses to create the pieces. Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton turns a bowl as a keepsake for a tree that needed to be removed. Most of us do this when we are gifted wood. What I found interesting was Alan's use of UV epoxy instead of the typical epoxy/acrylic. Here's the entire video- the UV information is at about 4:30. The "4 Ways Collaboration" continues. This month they turn multi-sided plates Mike- Tomislav- Sam- Richard- New Turning Items- From Ron Brown- Glue Press for Bowl From Board or Segmented Rings https://longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=536 Everything Else- My experiment with the turned blank from last week was a miserable failure. That turning became this- The prototype for a passive amplifier. There was a barely noticeable increase in volume but it looks neat. Biggest mistakes- don't use a spade bit for long holes, cutting an angle and rotating is not produce as nice as cutting 2 angles. As in Alan Stratton's video, I did turn a little bowl from our Crab Apple tree that is dying by inches. Planted it in 1969. Safe turning
  4. A little early with Wednesday's post. 71° outside and I've just been informed I'll be cooking supper on the grill tonight Our Patriot Turners- @John Hechel posted in our Ringmaster Sub-Forum showing us an awesome bowl he fabricated from a neat glue-up. Check out his post for more information- We had activity on both our continuing posts about projects on and off the lathe! From "On" the lathe- From @calabrese55, @RustyFN, @Pauley and @kreisdorph showed us these beautiful pieces! Catch up on all the action and comments beginning here- From "Off" the lathe- Both @RustyFN and @Gerald shared their fantastic projects- More here with comments from our group- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- I always struggle with the concept of "Form vs. Function". Lyle Jamieson gives us his thoughts in this short video- Richard Raffan adds another chucking idea for hard to hold pieces- We sometimes post links to the Woodturners Wonders site for their products/sales. I found this link with videos about many of their products. (Full Disclosure- I am not affiliated with Woodturners Wonders. I do purchase some sanding supplies from them from time to time). https://woodturnerswonders.com/pages/videos?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQGZ2p91Dzyb6Hq8u86HRP26F2J3AVp8xSSqd_hTF8cT.VJvU8R Expand Your Horizons- If you do the Craft Show circuit, Carl Jacobson shows us a project that might be an addition to your product line. This project from Mike Peace would make an awesome gift and could also be a craft show article. It lends itself to design customization- When I saw this from Alan Stratton, I thought of some of the embellishments done by @Gerald. New Turning Items- Couldn't find anything this week Everything Else- Something I need to learn more about, from Rom Brown's Newsletter- Technical Skills or Wisdom and Discernment? When you see a finished piece that is visually stunning, do you ever wonder what made it that way? Perhaps the end result was because the maker has superior technical skills with lathe chisels. It is much more likely they got the proportions just right, presented a balanced form, and knew when to stop and call it done. A great form can make even a bland piece of wood appear pleasing. If the material is ordinary, that is an opportunity to add embellishment such as painting, carving, or texturing to the great shape. Out of balance shapes, non-fair curves, sloppy transitions, deep sanding scratches, tool marks, and torn grain all contribute to a less pleasing finished piece. While technical skills go a long way toward reducing the time and energy needed to complete a project, I’ve seen many beautiful pieces completed by much less skilled turners who developed an eye for forms, paid attention to details and worked on the finish until they got it right. That means having the wisdom to know what shapes go together to make a pleasing finished item. A prime example where discernment is key might be a lidded hollow form, lidded small box, or Christmas ornament. Getting the finial in balance relative to the piece, or a lid and knob combination that compliments the box can be challenging. Discernment is knowing when to stop and move on to the next step. Those of us who have a loving partner will benefit mightily by asking their opinion on how a project can be improved. Ask for their honest observations and tell them you can only learn by seeing through someone else’s eyes. They won’t want to hurt your feelings, but this is a time for brutal honesty if you really want to improve. “Technical skills are important, but a discerning eye is importanter.” I would encourage you to develop your understanding for the things that result in a pleasing form along with your technical expertise. I studied shapes in other media including pottery and ancient vessels that survived the ages and it really helped. Don’t forget how important the Fibonacci formula is throughout nature. Safe turning
  5. If you haven't gotten that Valentines present, maybe you should dig out a pillow and a couple of blankets for the couch! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN posted a beautiful walnut bowl in our continuing thread "OFF The Lathe And Just Finished"- Rusty has another image and a little about the finish in his post. Rusty also posted that he is looking to purchase a McNaughton Center Saver. Check out his post here- @StaticLV2 is tinkering with segmented turning. He created a really nice cutting jig for the angles. The results are gorgeous! You can see the jig and his process images starting in this post- We have a new member to our forum! @kreisdorph, from Tennessee, posted some of his awesome work. You really need to check out his post to see more of his turnings- One of our members, Brian Longshore, "Big B", is battling the dreaded "C". He's a Navy vet. Here's the link to his Patriot profile- https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/profile/4825-big-b/ If you do Facebook, you can follow his progress at- https://www.facebook.com/brian.longshore.9. What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for the link to registration- From Cindy Drozda- For The Newbies- From Richard Raffan, a tip on making/using a "tail center disc" Last week we posted a safety tip when using the Jacob's Chuck with the tail stock. Lyle Jamieson has an idea that secures the chuck in the tail stock- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan continues to work on his stash of green elm. The warping really creates interesting designs. New Turning Items- Sorry couldn't find anything interesting. Everything Else- I had gotten some cherry a while back only to discover most of it had "windshake" damage. One of the pieces destined to be a bowl became pretty much fodder for the garbage man. I salvaged one small piece for a little bowl only to have it explode while sanding. So as not to have the efforts be a total loss, I cut what was left to see the profile and how I was doing with wall thickness consistency. I was using only my fingers as a gauge, except for the bottom, where I use a gauge/jig from Sam Angelo to determine the thickness. I'm pretty happy. The wall thickness could have been a little better at the transition from side to bottom. And maybe a little thinner overall. Safe turning
  6. Been really cold here, compared to last winter, even had some snow! Our Patriot Turners- @PostalTom asked a question about vacuum chucks. He received several responses on various brands. If you use a vacuum chuck, please help Tom with your experiences to help him make an informed decision. We had another entry into our "What's On Your Lathe" thread. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration or you can use the following link- https://streamyard.com/watch/pNG2QZxkG2uY Picked this up from the Niles Bottle Stopper Newsletter- Live Remote Video Demos As you all know, we are doing live remote videos of any Niles product for turning clubs free of charge. There are presently 7 club videos scheduled, you can ask questions or comment and you do not need to be at the meeting, you can watch from home on your PC, smart phone or tablet. We also discuss other aspects of turning or can try to help with problems or techniques and finishes. Here is a list of the clubs we have scheduled so far for 2024. You can contact one of your officers for the link to get access to the video. Wed. Jan. 17 = Gold Country Woodturners, northern Sierra Nevada foothills. Threaded bronze urn inserts will be the subject. Thurs. Jan 18 = Georgia Assoc. of Woodturners, Metro Atlanta area. The Joyner Jig will be demonstrated with many of it's uses. Thurs. Feb. 15 = Diamond State Woodturners, Jacksonville, Arkansas. Bottle stoppers and other kitchen utensils. Sat. April 20 = Oregon Coast Woodturning, cover the whole coast of Oregon. Demo on various embellishments for your projects. Thurs. June 13 = Willamette Valley Woodturners, Oregon Threaded bronze urn insert rings is the subject. Thurs. July 25 = Beaver State Woodturners, Coburg, Oregon. The Joyner Jig is to be demonstrated. *note: We are working on a "Calendar" or "Events" page on our website where all club demos will be listed as they are scheduled. This will give you time to get the link to attend. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact Carl Jacobson at "nilesstoppers@gmail.com" or call 503-939-4565. For The Newbies- If you spend anytime watching turning videos, or visit another turners shop, you'll probably notice that the turner has an impressive assortment of chucks. We are not talking chuck jaws but complete setups. In this video, Richard Raffan discusses his collection. Ask "why" and they will tell you that they do not like taking the time to change jaws. If you haven't purchased a chuck, yet, consider a chuck that doesn't use screw to hold the jaws. Hint: the Easy Wood Tools "Easy Chuck"- I know, I know but I couldn't resist after seeing the video. Lyle Jamieson's Tuesday Tip can help with clearing chips when turning hollow pieces that have an entry hole smaller than the inside diameter of the piece. Expand Your Horizons- If you have a nice laser setup and thinking about making a segmented turning, Alan Stratton has you covered! @Gerald does a lot of embellishing using various tools. Mike Peace recently posted a video on making a chatter tool. Unlike tools that use wheels that are crosshatched or spiked, this tool uses vibrations to create unique patterns. New Turning Items- Not really new, but a recommendation from Tim Yoder about a supplier for turning blanks. I know some of our members are customers. If the Easy Chuck is not in your future, Woodturners Wonders has the Axminster Systems on sale- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/axminster?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Safe turning
  7. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Remember, only 25 shopping days until Christmas! Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 and @Gerald added to our running thread on "What's On Your Lathe"- Read the comments and see Gerald's videos at- @Bob Hodge Posted a beautiful piece of art in our continuing thread "OFF the Lathe and Just Finished"_ Lots of nice comments here- What’s Coming Up- Actually, in case you missed it, this happened last week from Cindy Drozda on making a pizza cutter- And then coming up, Cindy and Todd Raines are co-hosting a live interactive sharing session, Friday December 1, at 2pm EST. You need to signup- it's free- at this link: http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- The Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Some nice projects, just one example- Read the entire newsletter at: https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Happen to catch our local PBS airing of The Woodsmith Shop. It was a rerun from season 15 but the guest was Jimmy Clewes demonstrating his colored platter techniques. Here's the link to the Woodsmith site and information about the episode, including a PDF of the project. https://woodsmithshop.com/episodes/season15/1511/ New Turning Items- Lots of sales but nothing new. Woodturners Wonders and Easy Wood Tools among others. Everything Else- Relatives left and I had a chance to complete a shallow table centerpiece bowl requested by a dear friend. Walnut, about 11.5" in diameter and 2.5" deep. Finished with mineral oil and beeswax. Engraved with my little Ortur laser. Safe turning
  8. First of November already! Time to start on those Christmas turning gifts. Our Patriot Turners- We had lots going on with our continued thread "What's On Your Lathe"! @RustyFN, @calabrese55, @Gerald and @teesquare all posted some of what they were doing- Catchup with all the new stuff at- @Roy asked a question about sphere turning- Please see his post and offer any additional information and/or share any jigs you might have in your turning arsenal. New member @Cam is looking for some help for a gift Please check his post and see if you can provide any more information- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information. Cindy Drozda has a class on making a triangle box Don't forget, Cindy also has sharing sessions and tool talks every other Thursday- For The Newbies- If you are thinking about getting into segmented turning, Jim has an entire video series on the subject. Check his YouTube channel for the entire series. Here's part 1- Expand Your Horizons- It's the first of the month and the series "4 Ways" is available. This months subject is Christmas Ornaments! New Turning Items- World of Texas turning supplies has added some kitchen items to their website- https://woodworldtx.com/products/food-grater-stainless-steel?_pos=1&_sid=f0ceaafa8&_ss=r Woodturners Wonders is having a Christmas sale- As we gear up for the Holiday Season and the most wonderful time of year, we are thrilled to introduce a holiday sale like never before! So, we'd like to introduce you to WoodTurners' Christmas Wonder-land! This year, we will be offering a series of flash three-day sales that are sure to offer something for everyone on your list. The sales will begin on November 7th and run until December 25th. The sales will run from Tuesday at 12:01 a.m. until Thursday at 11:59 p.m. and Friday at 12:01 a.m. until Sunday at 11:59 p.m., respectively. Mondays will be our only day without a sale, except for Cyber Monday, when our sale will run from 12:01 a.m. until 11:59 p.m. Check out our sale schedule below to see when the items on your wish list will be on sale! November 7th - November 9th: Spend $50 or more, get a Dimmable Galaxy free November 10th - November 12th: Buy 1/2HP, 3/4HP, or 1HP Kodiak Complete Sharpening System, get two Grit Grabbers, 1 Slick Stick, and 1 Beacon LED Machine Lamp + 80 Kg Pull Magnet free November 14th - November 16th: Buy an Angle Drill or Inertia Sander, get a 2" and 3" Purple Power Sandpaper Sample Pack free November 17th - November 19th: Buy a Bandsaw, get a Beacon LED Machine Lamp + 80 Kg Pull Magnet free November 21st - November 23rd: Buy a Robust tool rest, get an Eclipse Lamp free November 24th - November 26th: Buy a Rikon 70-3040 Lathe, get a Rikon 70-971 Mobility Kit free November 27th - Cyber Monday: Free shipping site-wide. Within the contiguous US, only November 28th - November 30th: Spend $300 or more, get 10% off your entire order (Sale price will show in cart) December 1st - December 3rd: Buy a 6", 7", or 8" CBN Wheel, get a set of Self Aligning Washers and Slick Stick for free (1 Washer set per wheel, 1 Slick Stick per order) December 5th - December 7th: All Kodiak products 15% off December 8th - December 10th: Buy a PROS or PROS Mini, get a Super Sample Pack free December 12th - December 14th: Stocking Stuffers: Select Hones, Dowels, and Little Lamps 20% off (Sale price will show in cart) December 15th - December 25th: For every $100 purchased in gift cards, get a $10 gift card free https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Safe turning
  9. Last Wednesday in September but at least we had a sunny day here, for a change. Our Patriot Turners- @Roy showed us a really neat segmented turning that will be used a traveling trophy at his wife's work. He asked our turners several questions including their opinions on carbide tools. Please check out his post and see if your can provide any insights from your experiences. @nevinc posed a question about a turning blank he purchased. Seems the blank was quite wet and he was wondering about the turning options. Please check out his post, the comments and add your ideas. Nevin also showed us another cool bowl turning he made. In his post, there are more images and comments from our turners- @HandyDan needs to get a couple of "barn cats" to take care of his problem. Seems he has mice!! As usual, Dan has gotten ahead of us all with this years batch of Christmas ornaments. Check out his post for more images- @forty_caliber completed another one of his beautiful pecan bowls- He received lots of positive comments in his post- @RustyFN finished up a request from his wife to turn a pumpkin (hope she didn't mean he was to turn INTO a pumpkin) Rusty describes the turning and its purpose in his post- We've had more activity on our continuing thread of "What's On Your Lathe" @forty_caliber and @calabrese55 both added what they have been up to. You can catchup up starting here- What’s Coming Up- Live tomorrow, September 28, with Cindy Drozda- Preregister here- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- Jim Rodgers' video describing some of the various turning tools used for hollowing A short video about woodturning safety equipment from Cindy Drozda- If you have started turning bowls, you know it can be challenging to find a way to hold the work. This video, from Richard Raffan, he demonstrates the process from start to finish on a rough turned bowl. What is interesting is how he has prepared the rough blank for being held by the chuck on the inside of the bowl. A video short from Tim Yoder on turning stance- Expand Your Horizons- A different kind of winged bowl from Alan Stratton- Over the last several weeks we have had information on various thread cutting processes. Sam Angelo prepares a new set of chasers for use. Sam explains why and how he modifies his chasing tools- Mike Peace explores what the term "Food Safe" finish- New Turning Items- Mike Waldt reviews a new vase steady rest- Woodturners Wonders has expanded their product line. They now carry "Hold Fast" vacuum chuck systems. Here's the link to that page on their website- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/hold-fast?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Ken Rizza added a YouTube video to further explain the additions to their product line- Everything Else- I think I would buy the game instead of this, but Richard Raffan turns what we used to call Pick Up Sticks! And from Ron Brown's Newsletter- 22 Things I Wish I Knew In The Beginning Friends, here is a partial list of things I wish someone had told me when I first started wood-turning. I plan to do a follow-up article based on your responses to things you wish someone had told you. Things I didn’t mention. Send your comments to me at ronbrown@coolhammers.com. 1) I wish I had a “Turner’s Reference Guide” It is now a free download and very worth your time. Get it at www.ronbrownsbest.com or <Here> You have to be logged into your account. 2) When you get a lathe, you’ve just started to spend money 3) You can turn small things on a big lathe, but it is difficult to turn big things on a small lathe. 4) There are four pillars to woodturning: a) The lathe itself, turning tools (HSS & Carbide), Chucks and work holding devices, and sharpening 5) There are 6 basic types of HSS turning tools but lots of sizes of each type. a) Skews, parting tools, scrapers, spindle roughing gouges, spindle gouges, and bowl gouges 6) Buying HSS tools in sets is usually not a good idea. Get the tool you need when you need it. Learn to use it, learn to sharpen it. 7) Carbide tools are a separate category and 98% are scrapers a) Diamond, round, square, square with radius 8) Hollowing tools can be a separate category a) Scrapers (HSS and Carbide) & ring tools 9) You don’t need 150 different tools, about 15 will do a) It is easy to overpay for turning tools if you only buy brand names because of the brand. Save the expensive stuff for when you are more experienced and can tell the difference in quality. b) It is never a good idea to buy based on the cheapest-priced tool. c) Most mid-priced turning tools today have excellent quality M2 steel for the hobby turner 10) Sharp tools are safer, easier to work with and leave a better finish 11) Develop the habit of sharpening often 12) Hone your skews, avoid the grinder if at all possible 13) Sharpening is a cornerstone skill and worth the investment in time and money 14) Some kind of HSS tool sharpening jig is one of the things every woodturner needs to own as soon as possible. Tools last longer, grinds are repeatable, and you will sharpen more often because it becomes quick and easy. Turning will be more fun and safer. 15) At least one Scroll chuck is mandatory 16) Free wood isn’t free 17) Green wood is like lettuce, it goes bad very quickly so seal it immediately 18) Use PPE, accidents happen in microseconds. Direct pressure usually stops the bleeding 19) Good tool technique along with sharp tools eliminates much of the sanding 20) Stop! Carefully examine your work at every step before going to the next process a) If you can still see individual sanding scratch marks, go back and do it again before moving up to the next finer grit. 21) Swing diameter is far less important than horsepower on larger projects. 22) When your workpiece flies out of the chuck or comes loose from between centers, are you in the correct position to avoid injury? Safe turning
  10. Hazy, hot and humid. A good day to be in the basement workshop Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 finished up another of his segmented bowls and it is a real beauty! Check out his post for more images and additional information- He also posted this in our "Friday's Weekend Agenda" Our "What's On Your Lathe" was busy this week! @forty_caliber and @HandyDan contributed their projects! Catchup here- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is presenting the second part of her Threaded Boxes and Vessels. Here's the link for more information http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/IRD.html?fbclid=IwAR0fpla9tf09DBhqd_P3EoM2XqNAFPxY4ahLw1eWdvPcbnT9Sd4-O0rwPNc Want to have recognition for your turning skills? Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) would like to hear from you! Click on the image for the link to register. For The Newbies- Tim Yoder has been creating short videos to help us get better at sharpening our tools- The "turner's dance" is important to get the most out of the lathe tools. Richard Raffan demonstrates how moving your body can help you improve your turning skills- Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace demonstrates how to make a "screw chuck"- Mike also upgraded the knockout bar for his new Powermatic lathe- Mike Waldt demonstrates turning another finial. A lot of skew chisel work! Alan Stratton is starting in on his Christmas ornaments! These segmented bells will make some fine gifts- New Turning Items- Not a new product but this video from Carl Jacobson demonstrates using the Niles Joyner Off-Center Jig Everything Else- Finally got back to the lathe and finished up the little elm bowl that had been waiting for me to complete the garden shed project. Had so much fun that I turned another one. I'm taking the lead from @Gerald on "friendship bowls" so Mimi can give them away when she needs a gift. Mine aren't nearly as fancy as Gerald's bowls. One is 5" in diameter, the other is 6". Both turned with Easy Wood Tools and finished with Yorkshire Grit and Hampshire Sheen Safe turning
  11. White ash, bloodwood, cherry, black veneer and some glue. diameter 11.5 height x 6.5 tall 234 pieces. calabrese55
  12. Back from the beach. For those who can relate: Wife and Dog necessities- Navy veteran- Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber has been working on some calabash bowls- Love the grain in this one. And another one- Forty also showed us a gorgeous shaving brush turning- @Headhunter posted some more of his beautiful segmented turnings in our Ringmaster subforum- Check out his post for more examples! We've had some more comments in our on-going thread "What's On Your Lathe" and @Gerald posted his cool Dice Cups! I'm gonna have to have him teach me how he gets those spirals/cross hatches so evenly spaced! What’s Coming Up- The AAW symposium starts tomorrow! Check our post from 2 weeks ago for the Virtual Signup. Also, you can see some of the goings-on from Lyle Jamieson (and Mike OB), Joe Fleming, and Cindy Drozda. They will be live at the AAW Trade Show. Tod Raines and Steve Worcester will be at their shops in Texas. They'll all be on the Vendor Showcase Live Stream!! Don't miss it! Friday, June 2nd, 3:30 pm Eastern (19:30 UTC). It's FREE! https://streamyard.com/watch/HPPX7NfwzCzN?fbclid=IwAR1Uyxj3nbHf-v1JR55ZeXuu8ugsGIfV6a8LrVlA4Qd0oa2sZtnE-G7jN4w https://www.youtube.com/@Lyle/streams For The Newbies- Keeping the Morris taper, on your lathe, clean will assure a solid grip. You can purchase a cleaning tool or make one. Jim Rodgers shows us how- Do you use paper towels to apply finish? Tired of cutting them into little square pads? Mike Peace has a solution- Baby rattles are fun to make. This video from Craft Supplies USA gives us step by step instructions and several ideas on different shapes- Expand Your Horizons- In our last post, we listed several videos on making kitchen utensils. Richard Raffan demonstrates how to turn a spatula using my old nemesis, the skew! Mike Waldt turns a beautiful cherry goblet from a log- New Turning Items- Our last post had a review, by Mike Waldt, on the Woodcut Max 4. This is a follow up and Mike answers some questions about the product. Another coring product from Hunter. The Hunter Korpro Cartridge that retrofits onto the existing OneWay™ coring system. https://huntertoolsystems.com/product/coring-cartridge/ This vide, from Mike Peace, shows it in action- The Vendor's Showcase, listed above, may reveal some new items. Check it out! Everything Else- No shop time for me. still trying to catch up with all of the phone message requests while we were away.
  13. After practicing on the Dizzy Bowl I and thinking I had the process down pat, I started on Dizzy Bowl II AKA The Wedding Bowl for my nephew and his bride to be. I ordered some bits of wood from Rare Woods and when that came in on 2/6/2023 I was ready to start the new bowl. So on 3/1/2023 I sorted through some wood and picked out what I wanted to start with. I suspect the horse drawn cart in the background was the delay of game for the bowl. I cut up some strips and sanded them flat on both sides on 3/17/2023. Probably a work related delay of game here. I put them in a box and gave them to my wife to pick the color pattern out. Next up the glue up screw up... JT
  14. My wife wants me to make a dizzy bowl for my nephew's wedding present. So I figured I better make one to work out the details. For my test bowl I'm using white pine, purpleheart, redheart, yellowheart, osage orange, tiger wood, nocal, wenge, black walnut... I think that all. I noticed that using thick slabs the bowl ended up looking chunky... we'll see. The base is two layers of 12 segments of nocal, it's a little soft but looks nice. Hot gluing the next layer to the centering disk. Gluing up the second ring. Gluing up the strips. the cauls are hickory and the squiggly line is to remind me that is not a flat surface. JT
  15. Big doings at Gobbler's Knob tomorrow! Will Phil see his shadow??? Our Patriot Turners- @jthornton has finished up his popcorn bowl! And, what a beauty it is! His post picks up at- @HandyDan commented on JT's glue up and showed us the kind of glue he likes to use. Thanks for the tip, Dan! A while back @John Morris asked about our favorite 3 turning tools, JT posted this about his- JT also shared a video of a young man using a very creative way to make a vase. A little scary at a couple of places! @forty_caliber added some really cool instrumentation to his drying box. He tells us a little more here- And, it is pretty obvious that Forty's drying box works great. This is his first bowl he turned from his kiln- Check out more image in his post- @Masonsailor made a glued up bowl blank but he didn't use any of the traditional methods. Check out how Paul milled the blanks and what type of finish he used- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- From Cindy Drozda- For The Newbies- Sharpening traditional turning tools can be made easier by using a sharpening system. In this video, Sam Angelo demonstrates the use of the Wolverine system- You've spent a lot of money on that new lathe! Here are tips from Mike Peace on how to keep it in top condition. NOTE: this is a video from a live presentation so it's a little long- Turning a bowl can be a intimidating at the beginning. Kent Weakley offers some tips to help you along- Expand Your Horizons- It's always fun to watch Richard Raffan. He makes it look so easy! Two recent videos in which I found some techniques to help me. In this one, I was amazed at just how shallow of a mortice he used for reversing the piece- And here, the hollowing seemingly done with wild abandon and yet perfectly executed- Make some of these for the grandkids and then send them home to their parents- Last week, we posted a project called a Salt Volcano. Alan Stratton gives us a some insight on the design Finally, Carl Jacobson uses the new Niles bronze thread inserts to make a pill box- New Turning Items- Thread cutters/chasers are not new but this tool has a neat design by combining inside and outside threading operations in one. https://spiracraft.com/product/carter-and-son-toolworks-double-ended-thread-chaser/?inf_contact_key=8268ca260892678527d2626eaa684eee Video from Carter and Sons demonstrating the tool. https://vimeo.com/788457481 Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- And from Ron Brown's Newsletter- Artistic License Another reason turning wood is so satisfying is the total creativity allowed when turning most projects. Take pens for example; simple and straight, curvy, puffy, long, short, wood, plastic, bone, resin, one-piece, two-piece, pencil, ballpoint, or fountain. A quick look on Facebook, Etsy, or YouTube will reveal a wide variety of examples. While we all have our preferences, the folks who made each one loved every minute and are just as proud as the next fellow is of their creations. Some folks strive to make their turnings perfectly symmetrical and seemingly flawless. Others are just the opposite reveling in off-center, out-of-balance projects leaving as many natural defects and voids in the final product as possible. Aren’t all of us just like that; off-center and out of balance according to someone else? I often repeat the phrase “Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.” I’ve come to realize that is the beauty of my fellow beings. There is a reason that everyone is a unique combination of God’s creation. That is what makes them special. Yes, there are accepted standards of what makes a great shape for a bowl, vase, pen, urn, or finial. But who says those are the only pleasing shapes? I encourage you to use your artistic license to explore something outside the traditional shape, material, or order of things. My friend, Michael Gibson turns ultra-thin vessels, then pierces and colors them so they become something you might find floating in a whirlwind in the forest. Some would seem to be so fragile that merely looking at them may cause them to break. I discovered the joy of turning green wood from start to finish in one session just so I could see how much it would warp and distort, not unlike myself. Now I sometimes even add rubber bands to help it along! Celebrate your artistic license as you stand at the lathe and welcome each new friend, knowing they are probably just a little bit off-center too. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
  16. I've started on my popcorn bowls and the first feature ring was a failure due to the thickness I used. I was not able to make the cuts on my table saw with that thickness. Lesson learned... In the upper left corner I have the top two layers for each bowl ready and next to the sanding block what I thought would be ring below the feature ring. I was trying to get a pretty flat bowl... so much for that. The second set of feature ring bits... trying to come up with a way to get the first squaring cut an exact distance from the peak of the purple heart peak... I determined that cutting the 30° angle on the chop was not as accurate as I liked so I cut them on the table saw and much happier with the result. Things would be easy if I had enough material for all 16 cuts but the left one you can see a slight difference on the peak and valley... anyway my length calculations are correct now and next feature ring will be from one piece. I think I'll cut the peak and valley off on my sled but I need a way to get accurate location... I'll sleep on it. JT
  17. So I decided to mix technologies. I cut rings out of canary wood using the SO to make a bowl not out of segmented rings but continuous rings, each one with a slight recess to allow them to nest together and aid in the gluing process. Paul
  18. Well, I've graduated to Headquarters Driver but still TAD to Ships Laundry and assistant Coop cleaner. Mimi goes for her follow-up 2 week appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. Probably remove the staples and start therapy as well. Our Patriot Turners- @John Morris posted an inquiry on the popularity of pen turning. Turners seem to follow trends and pens were all the rage a while back. Our turners had several thoughts on the subject- I had missed one of John's post from back in December. He wondered, if given a choice, what would be our favorite three traditional turning tools- Check out what several of our members chose and while you're there tells us what you would select- @forty_caliber finished his drying kiln. He has really thought this through and looks like the internal environment will really do the job- There's a bunch more photos in his post along with descriptions of the controls he is using- @jthornton continues to work on his chevron bowls. He took the time to perfect the accuracy and it shows in the alignment of the design- JT's post takes us along through the glue-up and turning process. Please check it out! You may remember from last week that JT's original idea for this design was to create "popcorn bowls". As with all turners, design changes are part of the game. Check out what JT decided to do with the popcorn bowl design- JT was also one of the lucky winners of our Ward 57 raffle. He tells us about the prize we won - @HandyDan posted information about a great deal from Penn State Industries and gave us a look at how he modified a set of chuck jaws to suit his needs. From PSI- The link-https://www.pennstateind.com/store/CUG3418CCX.html?utm_source=Google_Shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=&utm_term=CUG3418CCX&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq5meBhCyARIsAJrtdr70ldWCA_YmLJ606Nrzu2Q_cEi44g6K3bWv-v2lWtTpmg-0b7wwgpAaAksvEALw_wcB @Steve Krumanaker can't wait for Christmas! He has already started on his ornaments for 2023! I love these little birdhouses. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Cindy Drozda does a lot of free online programs. Her only request is that you signup for her emails. Click on the image to get to the signup page For The Newbies- Keeping your lathe Morris Tapers clean is important to ensure the centers don't slip. You can buy brushes but Mike Peace shows us how to make one- Lyle Jamieson demonstrates how to create an Koa crotch bowl with undercut rim. This is a piece of beautiful wood. The techniques can be used on any species. Expand Your Horizons- From the AAW, this quite long video from a live demonstration by Al Stirt. He demonstrates carved square platters Adding threads to a lidded box can add another level of pizzazz to your turnings. The following three videos offer several considerations. @jthornton showed us his segmenting procedures. This video from Jim Rodgers shows his methods of designing, cutting, gluing and turning. Within the video, there is mention of software that can be used to assist in design and calculations. The link to WoodturnerPro software- https://www.woodturnerpro.com/ New Turning Items- Not specifically a turning item but Starbond Adhesives has released a new odorless thin CA. From their website- NO-05 Starbond Infiltrant Odorless Thin CA Glue is a 3D printer infiltrant that is fumeless, odorless, and hypoallergenic. This watery-thin adhesive is perfect for getting into those hard-to-reach hairline fractures, pores, and narrow slots. Our NO-05 is ideal for porous materials such as foam, soft wood (balsa), ceramics, unpolished minerals, and fossils. Often used as a glossy finish, this glue can be sanded, then polished to perfection! Using capillary action, the NO-05 glue works wonders on inlay applications as it penetrates and stabilizes the material. Click on the above image for the like to the product page. Everything Else- Not sure what happened to Rick Morris (Rick Turns). His weekly list of YouTube woodturning videos has been missing for a while. Hope he is OK.
  19. Another practice chevron bowl.... lesson learned use some graph paper to sketch out the design so it comes out the shape you want. Cutting the feature ring. Assembling the bowl blank. Turning the bowl. Finishing the bowl JT
  20. Pennsylvania Farm Show week. It's the largest indoor agricultural event in the United States: sixteen acres of displays and exhibits all under one roof. The Pennsylvania Farm Show is a week-long celebration of the state's leading industry - agriculture. Big doings around these parts. Our Patriot Turners- @Masonsailor posted another of his beautiful kitchen turnings. This ice cream scoop is absolutely lovely- Paul tells us more about the turning and has added a few more images in his post- @jthornton added some more content to his post on the segmented cutting jig- After making sure it was accurate, he started working on the segments for his "popcorn bowls" @HandyDanhad some read oak and turned it in to a beautiful little bowl- Dan thinks this species may not be the best for holding liquids- Dan had earlier turned some tiny little bowls after watching one of the videos we posted last week- Check out this link to what Dan posted- What’s Coming Up- Bunch of stuff coming up. Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Richard Raffan proves you don't need a log to turn nice bowls. Expand Your Horizons- How'd he do that?? Check out this video!! New Turning Items- This has jig has been around for a while but the video from Niles Stoppers is relatively recent Everything Else- Looks like Rick Turns took the week off. I greatly appreciate you all posting your work, it make putting this together a lot easier- especially as I have double duty here while Mimi recuperates. Safe turning
  21. I wanted to practice a feature ring on a segmented bowl so I started out with a chevron pattern and a simple straight sided bowl. Sorry but I didn't take enough photos of the process so the next two I'll document them better. Making the feature ring segments square Feature segments squared up and ready for the 22.5° cuts. Sorry didn't take a photo of the feature ring angle jig, feature ring ready for glue up Waiting for the glue to cure... Gluing up the segment rings Turn the outside and base Getting close Ready for the finish Two coats of Tried & True Varnish Oil The finished bowl, I think I ready to make the two popcorn bowls now... JT
  22. A woman that works at my wife’s company is getting married. My wife wanted me to make them a bowl like I made her. Here it is so far.
  23. Here is a jewelry box made with segments then cut on the Ringmaster lathe.
  24. Posting this a day early as family commitments will keep me tied up for a while. Our Patriot Turners- Not sure how I missed this post from @Gerald but hope he can forgive me for the oversight. Gerald is still using up some of that pecan wood he got a couple of years ago- In this post he explains a little about his plans for the piece- @forty_caliber was commissioned to turn a bowl from a specific species. He got a good start on it and gave us a glimpse- Forty gave us an insight into how it turned, in this post- @bradleyheathhays posed a question to our forum- actually several question. He is looking for information on various chucks, a coring system, sanding supplies and wood storage. Our members offered several ideas/suggestions. Please see his post and offer any input that would be helpful- What’s Coming Up- More information at- https://awgbvirtual.co.uk/ For The Newbies- A fun little project for using scraps or small branches Some projects can benefit for specialized holder. A short video demonstrating the use of a mandrel- A little more advanced project for the kitchen from Alan Stratton- Expand Your Horizons- A couple of videos with demonstrations by well known turners- Mike Waldt- Robert Sorby- Those of you that do casting, a sweet little box from Carl Jacobson. At the end of the video Mr. Jacobson gives his opinion on a brand of sandpaper. Want a 2 color bowl but you don't do segments? Check this out! New Turning Items- In the above video, Mr. Jacobson offered his opinion on the sandpaper he used. This video shows the testing process on a wide selection of sandpaper/manufacturers- The write-up for the video- https://kmtools.com/blogs/news/the-great-sandpaper-showdown-top-3-sandpapers-for-woodworking-in-2021 Ruth Niles' November newsletter is out. She has a couple of kits More information here- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/unique-blank-kit/# Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Been asked to turn some bowls from a walnut tree that had to be taken down. The tree had special meaning to the owners. The pieces supplied had been left outside and were splitting pretty bad but I was able to get some small blanks. Two bowls are rough turned and soaking in soap/water. The third is hopefully destined to become a natural edge bowl. Walnut doesn't hold on to its bark really well and the bark is quite thick. I was hoping this could go from start to finish but that's not going to happen. Shaped the outside and applied CA the cambium area around the piece Hoping to keep the bark in place, I used my Dremel tool and created a circular opening through the bark, into the sap wood. Then loaded the "moat" with CA to soak into the wood. I'll keep this in a plastic bag until I get back to it. It may just be a miserable failure. Time will tell. Safe turning and stay well
  25. OK, gang, here's the deal. Whether you are a regular reader, casually drop by, Patriot member or a guest, you should know that every Christmas we adopt a Wounded Warrior Family. Last year, we had the privilege and honor of helping the Hine family have a most memorable holiday. Now we hear that Mrs. Hine is having medical issues. Please see the following post for additional information. The point here is The Patriot site is going to donate a large portion of the summer raffle to once again help the Hine family. PLEASE consider donating to the raffle to help the family who have given so much to keep this country free. Here's the link to the summer raffle- Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN has been making segmented turnings. He found an online calculator to help determine the angles needed to cut the segments. @Gerald turned some neat little vessels and then adorned them with pyrography and inks! Check out Gerald's post for more images- @forty_caliber posted his first turned vessel and it's a beaut! Please read his post and see all of the positive comments and encouragement from our members! What’s Coming Up- With pandemic restrictions being lessened more and more events are being held. Many are still interactive over the Internet but I am seeing lots of in-person stuff happening as well. Click on the image for the link to registration Click on the above image for the link to more information. Click on the above image for the link to registration and more information Click on the above image for the link to Cindy's page and registration Click on the above image for more information Click on the above image for the link to registration For The Newbies- More on using the skew chisel. Video by Robbo Robertson. This is Part #1 with more parts linked from his YouTube Channel- Expand Your Horizons- @RustyFN's adventures into segmented turnings led me to several sources of information for anyone wishing to give it a try. Here's an older video on some ideas and jigs- products can be found at- http://www.segeasy.com Jim Rodgers continues his series on segmented turnings- If segments aren't your thing. How about a deep vase with pyrography and dyes from Rick Turns- Or, maybe putting feet on the bottom of your next bowl. Mike Peace shows us how he does it- New Turning Items- And, as it happens, a new item on the market for the segmented turning enthusiast- @forty_calibermentioned he just purchased a Longworth chuck. I found this earlier this week- https://buffalowoodturningproducts.com/products/bwp-longworth-style-chuck-12-24?utm_campaign=emailmarketing_114143166546&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email The folks at Woodturners Wonders now have a new CBN sharpening product- Check them out at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/featured-products/products/cbn-dowels Rob Crosman posted a video covering some of his favorite woodworking "gadgets". This caught my eye as a pretty neat replacement hose. The video starts at the hose demonstration- Everything Else- Tim Yoder started a project that will take several months to complete. Aside from the turning, Tim provides useful tips on drying and information on wood defects. This notice came in an email today. Just passing it along - Finally, Rick Turns compilation of last weeks turning videos from YouTube- Safe turning and stay well
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