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Found 15 results

  1. I haven't been in my shop lately much. Cold weather and life seems to get in the way. Last Spring I made a project out of Yellow heart and had 4 triangular pieces left over. They sat on my desk for a long time and each time I looked at them I'd think, "I've got to make something out of them" So you see what I came up with. The dark center circular piece isn't Purple hart as I thought it was and it is a piece of exotic wood from another project that I couldn't toss. So the final project is 8" high, a bit big for an ornament or maybe just right for a Christmas wall hanger or gift. For some unknown reason the colors are NOT true and kinda blotched????
  2. I have been in my scrap bin again and made some ear rings again. These will be Christmas gifts if my girls don't see them first. The longer ones aren't for everyone, but my daughter loves them. I have struggled and worked at getting my pictures on this web site. Total failure until today. If I convert them to JPEG, it works fine. However I must export them to a file and they automatically become JPEG which works fine. I even did the searches and Utube thing and they didn't"t mention exporting.
  3. OK, we are getting close to the end of our summer fund raiser and we are seriously short of our goal. If you haven't donated, please consider helping our site stay alive. Our very generous sponsors have donated some awesome items as prizes. Please head on over to this post and donate. Every little bit helps! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald started catching up on some older projects and in the process did some cleaning- Part of Gerald's post was a challenge to our members to show us some of the unfinished projects we are procrastinating about completing! One of Gerald's projects to be finished up was a turned vase that cracked. Instead of the burn pit, Gerald used this as a chance to turn it into spectacular embellishments. In his post, he shows us his process- @RustyFN Finished up a gorgeous lidded box. Perfect glue-up and centered on the lathe. Made from two of my favorite woods. In his post, Rusty explains a little on how he mounted it on the lathe. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information- For The Newbies- Another informative video in the series from Mike Peace- From the AAW, a video demonstrating a beautiful turning from shop scraps- Alan Stratton posted a video turning a bowl from start to finish. A couple of things of interest are his reason for not band sawing the blank round at the beginning and his thoughts on drying. Check out his faceplate jig for uneven surfaces! Expand Your Horizons- Watch Mike Waldt turn a beautiful, shallow mahogany bowl! Off-center and eccentric turning are similar but different. In this video, Carl Jacobson turns an eccentric goblet. Notice he does this without the aid of jigs. Cindy Drozda posted a short video demonstrating sphere turning- New Turning Items- From Craft Supplies USA, their new turning smocks- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  4. Every now and then, I need to thin the herd....Lots of cut-offs, thin strips...leftovers...decided to sort through the messy mass.. Too thin, toss....too short (ex-cauls) toss....BIG knots and splits...tossed...which left... These...plus a few "panels" 4 decent ones and a slim one...plus a chunky (can't say FAT) block.. That I could resaw into 3 or 4 strips? Set up the rip-fence on the Zero Clearance Overlay....space between the blade and the fence was ~1/2"...and ran the entire pile through....slices that were way too thin ,were tossed. I did have a shop made thin strip push stick...couldn't find it...made a new one.. And this was the results...some turned out to be 1/4" thick...Might make dividers out of them? I thought I would make a couple small boxes out of this mess...maybe Today's Follies? Glue ups....As sawn, these weren't "tall" enough to make much more than a tray...so.. Match up two longer strips...add glue and 2 clamps..will be either a front or a back..next.. Get 2 more strips ready for glue & clamps....that MIGHT be a lid under there.. Along with 2 for the ends.... So much for using the tablesaw any more, today...let these sit a day....then try for box #2's parts.. Might take a few cuts, first. Then figure out how to join the corners.... Stay tuned..
  5. I toss all left over exotic wood scraps in a box. Even the tiny ones. After a while I see what I can make by gluing then & turning them. Sometimes I also fit flat pieces together like the butterfly, which is about 3” high
  6. I wanted to make a special ornament for my granddaughter, but I have run out of exotic wood. So I went thru my stuff to see what I could find. I don't like turning Acrylic, it is such a mess. I did find one piece full of color, along with small pieces of Yellow Heart and some kind of red scrap. The size and grain dictated the final form. It is just over three inches long.
  7. Had a pile of scraps from the last projects. Some of the wider ones needed ripped down a bit for width, as the tablesaw only goes so high... One board had "issues" Bandsaw removed most of the bad stuff... Which left a few good pieces.. I cut the skinny one in half. Set up the zero clearance plywood panel, and then the fence to cut about 1/2" thick slices... Which left a mess of 1/4" thick stuff (0.290" thick)..as opposed to these 0.445" thick parts.. Most of these two stacks were less then flat....leaned a bit from the fence...we have ways.. had two slats, about 2-1/2" wide...somewhere around 12" long....decided to cut them at 11" long, to make the longer sides of a box... And a pair at 6-1/2" long....was trying to get 4 sides all the same width... Had to joint all 4, until they were all alike. There was also a stack of narrow strips...picked out the best of the bunch..5 of them. Jointed the edges, then clamps and glue... And let this sit a day or two....corner joints were next....laid out to cut two ends, by stacking the longer sides together...making sure they matched.. Combo square, and a chisel. 6mm mortise chisel to do the spacings. Start in from the outside edges, work towards the middle....Square marks the line all around. Set to the thickness of the shorter sides. "Drop" the pair down low in the vise, to avoid vibrations from the saw.... Split the lines, or leave them...doesn't matter much..as the matching fingers will be marked from these, once they are chopped out.. Then, turn around, and do the other end the same way...Mark one one as #1, and one end of the shorter ends the same...lay out where to cut, cutting on the waste side of the lines...more line you leave, tighter the fit. One corner at a time...test fitting as I go... Finally, got all 4 corners chopped out.. Which left plowing a groove for the plywood bottom panel to sit in....had to sharpen the #12 cutter, was getting a bit dull, anyway....then set up the 45 And set up a jig, of sorts... Nothing fancy, just enough to hold things steady...to do the longer sides.. Just move two screws a bit....then check for alignment of the grooves... A few pencil lines, to help size the plywood panel....which was a hair too thick, too...we have ways.. Once it was the correct size, a block plane beveled all the edges, both faces.....then sanded the panel, and did a test fit.. No glue, yet. Checking the fit of the plywood, and getting a bunch of clamps set up. hate fumbling around, trying to set up a clamp, with glue running everywhere....so, glue is next.. Then flip this mess over, check the inside of the corners for square...add a couple more clamps....some of which came from the lid blank... Need to clean up the glue-ups...maybe today....once the clamps come off. Need to flatten the lid, too. Stay tuned...there MIGHT be a bit more to this story....than just a plain, old box...
  8. Glad I did this. Found quite a few things to be done differently. Namely, make it smaller and forget the glasses. Use 3/8" material for the lid and bottom and, 1/2" box joints. Now, it's time for a conversation with the mesquite.
  9. had a bunch of scraps of Ash stashed away....from before all the medical stuff went on....decided to see what I could cobble together from it.... found 4 pieces that almost matched each other...almost. Cut them for length...at least to remove a couple bad knots...and clamped them all together Goal was to get 2 pairs close enough for a couple glue ups.. First pair needed a caul in the middle, to keep things flat... Which left these two.... About 3/8" thick, maybe? which left a stack of shorties to sort through... May glue up the best of these for ends of a box? There was a few thicker pieces.. That I could make corner posts out of.....even had a few to make a lid with.. Might be enough there? may need to use a few toys... Grandson is using one of these, remodeling a passage door to his room.... letting the glue-ups sit a while....and see how things shape up.... Stay tuned
  10. Had some Pine scraps.....decided a simple little step stool would be nice to try to build... The one board was too narrow, and a bit too thin....I cut it into two (almost) matching pieces...about 8" long.. Needed to loose the knot, too. Now you see it.. And now you don't. These came from the same board? We have ways.. Stanley No. 3c Jointed both edges with these clamped together. Faces of the boards needed some clean up too.. Did I mention we had quite a bit of rain, lately? Floor is starting to dry out...back to work... Nice and clean. Did all four faces.. Might have this plane set up about right? Then, mark out a few center points, draw a few lines, even used the compass for some curve work. Bandsaw to cut things out.. Hey...they match! These two will get a stretcher between them, something like this? Will cut a pair of tenons on each end of the stretcher. Whew...set these aside, for now... First panel...has two issues, the knot, and that pitch pocket. Second panel? Has even more issues...the wane will have to go, the remains of a big knot, and yet another pitch pocket...mark some lines, run the bandsaw a bit.. Bad stuff removed...which left these three pieces.. Yeah...I can also handsaw about this straight, too.. Back to that plane, again.. Jointed the sawn edges straight and square....beginning to like this plane.. Jointed the third one. The two in the background? Already done, and just stacked up, no glue used. One board was a tad long, and ugly grain on the end.....we have ways... Tried to match them up, for the best grain.....not too far off? Time for glue and clamps.. Couple scraps to help out, and steady things...then set the legs in place... Maybe once the glue cures, I can chop a few through mortises? May have a trick to help with that, so I can chop from both faces. Need to cobble a few Walnut wedges. Round a few corners, ease a few edges, maybe add a curve or two to that stretcher? Stay tuned.....might have it done in time to take to Fred's place?
  11. as seen at Barber Motor Sports Museum when do think you'll be done Herb...
  12. I hate to toss scraps of exotic wood and usually find some use for it. I just kept goofing with the pieces and glueing. I ended out with that block that I turned to what you see
  13. Braces were just sitting around, collecting sawdust. Had a stack of scrap wood to use up. So...2@ 1x4 of oak for the sides. Piece of 1/4" plywood, Piece of 1x4 pine, and a 1/2" x 4" piece of Sycamore Cut the ends of the Oak pieces at an angle. Jack plane to even the two up in a matched set. Screw them to a cut down plywood back. Already had a notched "keeper" from another project start/stop...Added a pine base. Had to plane the edge to match the plywood back. Screws and glue...set it up A look at the angled part. Just eyeballed the angle. couple of counter-sunk screws and a spot of glue. Plywood back was screwed to the sides. BTW. Had to use the jack plane to true up the edges of the plywood, bandsaw still can't cut a straight line. Now, about that keeper to hold the chucks in? A bit of glue, and a few screws from the plywood side. The piece of Sycamore scrap? Well, I tried a forstner bit to make a few more of these slots, VERY DULL bit, or very hard Sycamore. Finished the slots on the bandsaw..HEY, I finally found something it could cut. Two screws and some Elmer's and a test fit.. Red clamp to hold this thing upright. Second keeper is to keep the braces from falling over on each other. Counter sunk three more screws into the pine base. Cleared a spot over behind the grinder, had to displace the 1''x30" beltsander. Start loading it up.. Had to make sure it cleared the old vise, as well. A better look? Hold six of these things. Still have another BIGGIE one in the Tool Chest #2. Not sure about a finish, just yet. just using up some scrap wood...
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