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  1. Looks like we might have to opportunity to help a deserving family for Christmas! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB updated us on his new lathe purchase. Really nice lathe stand for his new Jet. He mentioned there was some vibration as certain speed. I'm wondering if it might be a "heavy spot" in the bowl blank he was turning and creating a resonance vibration. Check out Andrew's post here: @Headhunter posted some of his Ringmaster turnings in our Ringmaster Sub-Forum He received lots of comments and some questions about the pieces. Check out his work at- @Bob Hodge posed an interesting question about an item he was asked to duplicate. After a lot of input, ideas and guesses, Bob decided to decline the request. We had some really interesting input! @RustyFN gave us an update on the beautiful winged bowl he turned. He said the picture is of the "unfinished" piece! Wish my unfinished turnings looked that good! We've had some entries on our "What's Off..." this week! @Gerald posted several of his recently completed items. Catchup with all of the images here- And, we've had entries in the "What's On..." too! @calabrese55, @Gerald and @Fred W. Hargis Jr added to the continuing post! There are a lot more images at- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration Lyle Jamieson is hosting an IRD on hollowing, December 10, 2024 Friday, November 22, 2024 at 2pm EST For The Newbies- Texturing tools can add a new dimension to your turnings. In this video, Mike Peace compares and contrasts several of the available tools. A short video from Alan Stratton on designs and where to get inspirations. Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder turns a HUGE piece of Osage orange JumBowl.mp4 A little late for Halloween and Thanksgiving but it gives you plenty of time for next year New Turning Items- Nothing for this week Everything Else- If you have been turning for any length of time, you will probably recognize the name Nick Agar. Nick has been diagnosed with cancer. Here is more information- The link to the Go-Fund-Me page https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-support-nick-agars-fight-against-cancer Safe turning
  2. https://www.911memorial.org/ Our Patriot Turners- Member @Bob Hodge asked a question about finishing techniques. Please a take a moment to stop by his post and see if you can add to what has been said. @AndrewB got his lathe up and running. He had some banjo problems. Some more activity on our "ON/OFF" your lathe this past week- From "OFF"- @Gordon showed us a gorgeous ash bowl- Catch up with more images and comments here- And, from "ON"- @Gerald, @forty_caliber, @teesquare and @kreisdorph all added to the list of projects! See the new additions, images and comments starting here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- And on Friday, September 13, Cindy Drozda is having a Tool Talk- For The Newbies- Sooner or later, when folks learn you are a turner, someone will ask you to duplicate a knob, spindle or similar item. Richard Raffan demonstrates his techniques. A nice article from the AAW for turning a box- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Resources/AmericanWoodturner/2024/39-4/Turn-an-Elegant-Round-Bottom-Box.aspx?fbclid=IwY2xjawFKoZFleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHd70o6bnhe3biMaw4eMHg0YMuogHclDn5Edy5zIkS5T_NplWyoMPlYYtOg_aem_tdq_nHfgzU8xEPiTDfDttA Expand Your Horizons- @Gerald uses paints to embellish some of his turnings. I this video, Mike Peace demonstrates using iridescent paints- Mike also posted a video for hand chasing wooden threads. He includes some good tips on wood selection. When I do turning demonstrations for Easy Wood Tools, the one product that seems to draw the most interest from new and experienced turners is the Easy Chuck. A short video on the chuck and some of its features. New Turning Items- Ron Brown has developed a new sphere turning jig. Looks like it might be a pretty nice piece of equipment. Everything Else- Safe turning
  3. Some nice mid-August weather. Mid-August can you believe it??? Our Patriot Turners- @kreisdorph added a new item to our "What's Off Your lathe...". A really nice piece of elm. In his post, Kent explains the function and added some really neat photos! @AndrewB has been keeping us up-to-date on the progress of his shop make over. Getting everything into just the right place can be challenging. Check out his most recent post on what all he has done- What’s Coming Up- Bunch of stuff coming up as the summer winds down. Click on the images for links to more information and registration. For The Newbies- Looking for a nice project? Richard Raffan turns a plate from some beautiful piece of wood. Plates/platters are fun to make and can be decorative or useful. The blank doesn't have to be several inches thick and hollowing is much shallower. Make a bunch from inexpensive wood and use them to support those flimsy picnic paper plates. Check out the oil finish at the end! For something (and someone) a little smaller, Mike peace turns a baby rattle- Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton turns and hollows some spheres. His method of laying out/turning the blank into a ball is really interesting. Mike Peace turns a mystery, no holes salt shaker. Check out the secret! New Turning Items- Niles Bottle Stoppers has their meat tenderizer set on sale. https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/tenderizer-set/ Everything Else- Safe turning
  4. Our Summer fund raiser is still happening! Remember, this is to provide funds for the site operation and unexpected expenses. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB posted a couple of new items he is working on, check out his posts! And- We had a post on our "What's Off Your Lathe And Finished" by @kreisdorph. That Black walnut sure is lovely! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda posted the video of her live tool talk event from last week. Always some great tips! Cindy and Todd Raines will be hosting a Woodturning Sharing event on August 2, 2024 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=22337b94-ff08-4811-a511-019074232f14&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=EQRA4 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=48fd6950-9604-44ed-b3d9-0190c7ad94e2&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=AQRA4 https://mawts.com/ For The Newbies- @AndrewB posted about learning to turn bowls. Member @Gerald was kind enough to locate a video from Stuart Batty on the subject. Reposting Gerald's link here- Also, here's a video from Kent Weakley on the correct use of the bowl gouge- Some great tips from Tim Yoder! Check out the one on turning speed. Expand Your Horizons- Do you do craft shows or just looking for some new ideas for turnings? Mike Peace has two neat turned "animals" that might interest you. New Turning Items- A couple of weeks ago, we posted a video from Todd Raines demonstrating the Robust "Tru-Arc" tool. Sam Angelo gives us his impression of the tool in this video- Everything Else- I did an Easy Wood Tools demonstration for The Catoctin Area Turners' club last Thursday in Leesburg, VA. I thought @Gerald would be interested in their Beads of Courage boxes shown during the show and tell portion of their meeting Well the rolling pin blanks are finally finished- yesterday! The demo/workshop is this Saturday. 24 blanks here and 2 more at the workshop location. I make my blanks 22" long and 2 x 2" square. The lathes available for the workshop max out at 15" and 17" so angles had to be adjusted for a pleasing look when turned. Also some of the supplied blanks were smaller that 2 x 2 all that required different cutting angles. Some blanks were larger (almost 3 x 3) and my jig for cutting the angles wouldn't let the saw blade reach a high enough point to cut the proper insert slots. Had to design another jig for those blanks. Now on to Mimi's honey-do list that has been expanding exponentially! Safe turning
  5. Lots happened this past week! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald posted more images of his "Frig Magnets". His Jaho jig really creates some spectacular designs! Here's where the new entry starts- @John Hechel made a couple of posts in our sub-forum for Ringmaster Turning. He showed us some of his glue ups and some absolutely gorgeous bowl! Check out his posts here- @RustyFN posted an update on his new McNaughton Bowl Coring System. He created some measuring devices to help setup the system for different sized cores. Thanks, Rusty for the update! I love all your posts on our "On/Off Your Lathe". It is so enjoyable to see the development and finishing of the projects. From "ON"- From @kreisdorph and @Gerald Catch up from last week starting here- From OFF- @kreisdorph and @User74 The latest entries start here- What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy Drozda's Tool Talk last week, she posted the video on her YouTube channel- Click on the following images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- The bowl gouge can be confusing for the new turner, especially when it comes to the type of "grind" on the tip. Professional turners seem to have individual preferences and provide that grind style on the tools they recommend/sell. Lyle Jamieson discusses his preference in this video. Jim Rodgers creates another custom pen. Check out some of the jigs he uses to create the pieces. Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton turns a bowl as a keepsake for a tree that needed to be removed. Most of us do this when we are gifted wood. What I found interesting was Alan's use of UV epoxy instead of the typical epoxy/acrylic. Here's the entire video- the UV information is at about 4:30. The "4 Ways Collaboration" continues. This month they turn multi-sided plates Mike- Tomislav- Sam- Richard- New Turning Items- From Ron Brown- Glue Press for Bowl From Board or Segmented Rings https://longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=536 Everything Else- My experiment with the turned blank from last week was a miserable failure. That turning became this- The prototype for a passive amplifier. There was a barely noticeable increase in volume but it looks neat. Biggest mistakes- don't use a spade bit for long holes, cutting an angle and rotating is not produce as nice as cutting 2 angles. As in Alan Stratton's video, I did turn a little bowl from our Crab Apple tree that is dying by inches. Planted it in 1969. Safe turning
  6. The old Dogwood tree, outside my window, should be in full bloom tomorrow. Hard to believe when I transplanted it, from my parents mountain property, it was a single, spindly stick. That was 56 years ago! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN showed us a beautiful new turned lidded box he made. He said this one is made from Maple. He certainly has perfected the flocking technique, too! Our turners gave him lots of compliments in his post- @Gerald has been creating amazing designs with his JaHo jig. His most recent refrigerator magnet is a beauty! Check out this addition to his post- More activity on our two continuing posts of "What's On/Off the Lathe" From ON: @Gerald provide a closeup look at his JaHo jig in action- You can see how this jig can create some fantastic designs. Check out Gerald's post for additional images. From OFF: @kreisdorph turned a gnarly piece of mulberry into a beautiful bowl- Kent also finished these beauties. This spalted piece caught my eye because of the shape. Years ago, an artist friend sent me a picture from a magazine. He fell in love with the shape. I think it was a hint for me to turn one. Alas, I have not done it. New projects start here- @lew was looking for some input on design and proportions for turnings. He used miniature hollow turnings to get an idea of what had pleasing shapes and asked our turners their opinions. As always, our members provided some excellent advice and suggestions. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- This is a replay of the most resent Tool Talk from Cindy Drozda For The Newbies- Thinking of design and proportions, Lyly Jamieson's turning tip discusses the design for bowls, Pen turning is a great way to get into turning. Kits can be inexpensive and provide amazing results. Tim Yoder shows us how it's done!! Now for a little more of a challenge, Jim Rodgers turns a segmented pen- Expand Your Horizons- Last week we posted a shop tour hosted by Mike Peace. The craftspeople were making Beads Of Courage boxes. Mike takes a segmented glue up and turns his own version of a Beads of Courage box- Sometimes the most beautiful turning is not the most perfect piece. Alan Stratton explains- https://youtu.be/hx1qGGVvU-g?si=mSuL1RJNLd0YDMOu EDIT: Cannot get this video to show in published post. Link seems to work. A short video from Richard Raffan demonstrating how he utilizes as much of a turning blank as possible. Check out the unique parting tool! New Turning Items- Been really difficult to find anything new on the market. Maybe by the time the income tax return is ready there will be some new toys to spend it on. Everything Else- An excerpt from Ron Brown's newsletter on advice for the new turner My advice for a new turner or a student would include the following: Find a turning club in your area and attend some meetings. These people are a tremendous resource and are always eager to help. Start with pens. Start by watching some YouTube videos for instructions. Get setup for basic pen turning, a 7mm mandrel, some slimline pen kits, proper sanding grits, CA glue, friction finish, etc. Pens are quick to make, easy to turn, and provide an immediate sense of accomplishment. If someone wanted to sell a few pens to pay for more turning stuff, many folks earn turning money this way. Then make some spinning tops for fun and give them away. Turn a few bottle stoppers and give them as gifts to friends and relatives. As soon as you can afford it, buy an inexpensive 4 jaw scroll chuck. Add more jaws down the road or buy a chuck with a few jaws included. Quality chucks with multiple jaw sets can be very expensive. Save that for later. For now, just get a serviceable chuck for around $100. Turn small plates from a 3/4" thick piece of wood using a recessed tenon in expansion mode for practice. A family member might even wish to add decorations or paint your masterpiece. Now that you have a scroll chuck, practice making turned lidded boxes, goblets, and soup ladles for the kitchen. Try turning a few small bowls from green wood. Turn the walls to 1/4" and watch them go oval. Turn a few 1/2" thick to let them dry in a paper bag for a few months, then re-turn them to 1/4" wall thickness once they’ve dried if they didn’t crack or explode. Once you've done all that, evaluate your interest in turning and if you love it, like most of us do, prepare to spend some money (easily $500) on High-Speed Steel lathe tools, a specialty grinder, and a sharpening jig. Next, set about learning to cut with traditional turning tools and learn to keep them sharp. Note: You only need a few HSS tools. In the beginning, don't buy more than 10 total, and never buy turning tools in a set. Always purchase the tool you need for the job at hand. After that, plan to take some full-day turning classes and plan to attend some turning symposiums in your area. From there, the sky is the limit. Turning can be as much or as little as you want. You can learn to make shavings in a couple of hours. It takes a lifetime to become a “Turner”. Did play a little at the lathe this week. The largest usable piece of that wind shake cherry was dry so I put it on the lathe. The more I turned, the more defects were uncovered. Filled the cracks with CA and sanding dust. The colors are nice but I don't like the tiny splits throughout the piece. Sanded to 600 and beeswax/mineral oil finish. Safe turning
  7. Spent the day rototilling our little garden and planted onions. Garlic has sprung up and looks like most of what I planted survived the winter. Harvest won't be until mid summer. Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald is turning some really neat refrigerator magnets! He has been practicing with his new JaHo jig to adding very interesting embellishments to some of these items. Please hop on over to his post and see what our turners thought of his work- Gerald also posted about these magnets in the "Monday Morning" forum We've had some additions to several of our continuing posts. From "What Lathe Are You Using"- @RustyFN, @HARO50 and @Steve Krumanaker From "Off The Lathe"- @kreisdorph- From "What's On Your Lathe"- @calabrese55- And, from "What's Your Favorite Wood..." @RustyFN, @keithlong and @Cal @keithlong is looking for a specific crafting item. He is making keychains and needs to find a part. Please check out his post and see if you can suggest a source for the part he needs- Keith also added to @Fred W. Hargis Jr's post about Easy Wood Tools rougher cutters. Looks like he found a pretty good price on cutters- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Turners are always seeking new ways to amp up the visual effects of their turnings. In this video, Sam Angelo uses various tools to create interest on the turning's surface. He also adds some color to highlight the embellishments. Expand Your Horizons- Several of our members make "Beads of Courage" boxes for kids with cancer. Mike Peace recently did a short video spotlighting the Gwinnett Woodworkers as they prepare segmented blanks for their Beads of Courage Box initiative. A really worthwhile cause. Alan Stratton shared a video where he turned a bird's beak natural edge bowl. What I found interesting was his method of holding the turning when reversed chucking. New Turning Items- Not new but on sale from Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/lathes?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQGZ2p91Dzyb6Hq8u86HRP26F2J3AVp8xSSqd_hTF8cT.VJvU8R Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter, struck home with me as this was the way I was raised: I Can’t Because I Don’t . . . When someone says I can’t because I don’t have something I will need to do it, the money, the accessory, or just about anything else, I wonder how anything ever gets done. I grew up in a working-class poor family. We always had food, although a lot of the time it was because we had our own chickens, rabbits, and pigs. We were taught not to waste. I learned very early that you can almost always find a way if you want to make something happen. When we wanted to go fishing, we first dug the worms, caught the grasshoppers, or made our own doughballs. Bamboo fishing poles with a cork float and one old hook worked fine. We had hours of fun and usually came home with a basket of fish. Catch and release, what is that? You already have a lathe and a few tools, add wood from the firewood pile and you are in business! You can make anything if you want to. Use what you have on hand, until you get something better. Figure out how to use what you already have in new and creative ways. Lots of things will do double duty nicely. No matter how much stuff you have, you will always want something better. (I usually have the solution just so you know). My point is when you think you can’t because you need something else, the adventure has usually just begun, if you get creative and figure out how to accomplish the task by using something else in an unconventional way. Don’t spend your precious shop time being frustrated because of what you don’t have. Do something while you save up for the miracle tool, jig, or fixture that will make all the difference. I’ll be here when you are ready. How do I know this works? I learned how to write because I have never been able to pay someone else to write for me. I know how to publish mass emails because a publicist charges way more than I can afford. I know how to edit photos, drawings, and videos for the same reason; I can’t afford to pay someone else to do it for me. I know how to program all of my CNCs, my lasers, and my 3D printers myself because I’ve had to learn to do it if it is going to get done. I know how to upload my edited videos to YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram along with shorts and reels because I made myself learn to do it. My point is don’t be so eager to accept defeat. Use your God given talents to figure it out. You will surprise yourself when you make a second and third effort. One of the greatest forces in the world is persistence. I've been playing with shapes and proportions. None are finished, a couple need hollowed. This is some of that wind shake cherry. Safe turning
  8. Only 68 turning days until Christmas!!!! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald gave us a peek at his next project that will be going on his lathe- His post has a little more about this glue up and what he is doing while the glue dries- What’s Coming Up- Lots of stuff in the future! Click on the images for the links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- Woodturning safety is paramount! In this recent video, Cindy Drozda discusses some of the most important "PPEs" Venturing down the rabbit hole of bowl turning can lead to an addiction. Soon, every shelf in your home, friends, relatives and co-workers have at least one. Maybe you've considered selling them. There are lots of opinions on pricing your work. Here's one from Kent Weakley- https://turnawoodbowl.com/pricing-wood-bowls-for-profit-three-approaches/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 Expand Your Horizons- As mentioned, Christmas is fast approaching. Here's some ideas for ornaments for gifts or for yourself. First up is Mike Peace turning a bird ornament similar but larger than the awesome ones done by our own @Steve Krumanaker From Alan Stratton, a sea urchin ornament but without the sea urchin- And, from Carl Jacobson, a natural edge bowl ornament- Our own @Gerald and the club he belongs to are faithful supporters of the "Beads Of Courage" boxes. In this video, Alan Stratton discusses how he creates his version of a box to save those beads. Some neat jigs for turning the "staves" he used to make the box. Mike Peace shared a "cool" trick on how he unstuck a thread lid on a box- I cannot remember if I saw this information here on the Patriot or on a social media site. The question was concerning a ring type turning that was then sliced into thin pieces. After some searching, I discovered there are called "German Rings". Simon Beggs seems to have a lock on how these are done- If you have accounts at Facebook or Instagram, you can see more of these- https://www.instagram.com/simonbeggswoodturning/ https://www.facebook.com/simonbeggswoodturning/ New Turning Items- From Woodturners Wonders https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/ultimate-sanding-system?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Some new products reviewed by Mike Waldt. I am not sure if all of these are available in the united states- Everything Else- Did an Easy Wood Tools demo at the Woodcraft of Richmond this past Saturday. Really nice folks there and the Woodcraft store is huge! They even had refreshments- The turners I spoke to really like the Easy Chuck and the #1 hollower.
  9. Much needed rain this evening. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN showed us a couple of his latest projects. His lidded box with an acrylic finial is really gorgeous! Check out this post for more information and another turning! @nevinc created a couple of lovely plant pots using a variety of species. This one is my favorite- See his post for more images- Our "What's On Your Lathe" had lots of comments and several new projects- Catch up here- What’s Coming Up- Lots of stuff coming up. Click on the images for links to registration and information- For The Newbies- Just starting out, you may not have all the accessories to turn a variety of shapes. If you don't have a chuck, you can often get by with a faceplate. In this video, Mike Peace shows us how to make one from wood. He uses a Beall tap to cut the threads. You might check with a local machine shop to see if they have an old, dull tap to match your lathe threads. Mother nature is amazing. Turning blanks, from the same log, can be very different in color and grain patterns as Alan Stratton shows us, in part #1 of a two part video, Expand Your Horizons- Carl Jacobson turns a lidded box with a very unusual inlay- Richard Raffan does another green wood turning and then dries it in the microwave- New Turning Items- Couple of things from Niles Bottle Stoppers- The folks from Niles are also offering FREE IRD's on their products- Everything Else- Safe turning
  10. Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer. Been a little hazy here dude to the smoke from our northern neighbors. Our Patriot Turners- A bunch more stuff posted on our continuing thread of "What's On Your Lathe". Thanks @Gerald, @forty_caliber Check out this update on more stuff! What’s Coming Up- A bunch of stuff happening in the world of turning. Please click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- We have talked several time about how to remove a stuck chuck. Found this video demonstrating yet another way. The video is directed towards a specific type of chuck but might work for others. My own thoughts were that this might stress the gearing mechanisms. You can decide for yourself- Mike Peace calls these marriage savers. I really do need to get a pair of these! If you are wondering if carbide tools are something you should consider, Woodcraft has an article that may help you decide- https://www.woodcraft.com/blog_entries/carbide-gets-a-turn Here is the PDF of that article- 88_Turning-with-Carbide_FINAL.pdf Expand Your Horizons- On the first of each month, Mike Peace, Sam Angelo, Richard Raffan and Tomislav Tomasic create a project "4Ways" Richard Raffan posted a video on turning, sanding and using the microwave to create a bowl from green wood- New Turning Items- Recorded live at the AAW Symposium this past weekend. Shows some of the vendors and their products- https://streamyard.com/watch/HPPX7NfwzCzN Not new products but special prices for Father's Day. Click on the images for links- Ron Brown has release a new device that is used to create a bowl from a board. Similar to what can be done with the Ringmaster. Everything Else- Finally got back to the platter on the lathe. Ended up being a little over 10" in diameter. Chinese elm. Finished with wipe on poly. Used Easy Wood Tools for all of the turning except the rim detail- Sorby spiral/texture tool. When the finish is completely dry I will laser our Navy squadron's emblem on the front along with the name/rate of a Navy buddy. Hope he likes it! Safe turning
  11. Birds chirping, sun shining, grass is green here in south central PA- probably snow tomorrow! Our Patriot Turners- @jthornton Posted a question about dust collection for his lathe. He posted pictures of his shop along with a description of what he currently has set. Please check his post and see if you can offer any suggestions to help him. JT continues to work on his "Dizzy Bowl". He has taken a lot of time to document the steps a and share the progress with us- You can catch up with his continued progress here- @Masonsailor finished up the bowl that will be the prize in his neighborhood's get-together. Some lucky family will really be happy with this- You can catchup here- "What's On Your Lathe" got a post from @forty_caliber. I think he must have hit the jackpot on Pecan! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- Ever use CA glue to fix a turning only to find out later that the CA stained the wood? This came in an email from Kent Weakley from Turn A Wood Bowl- Richard Raffan demonstrates how to modify an already turned bowl. Notice the use of the jam chuck which will be talked about more in Cindy Drozda's presentation. Another toothpick holder with a unique shape. Some spindle work and a little hollowing from Carl Jacobson- Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton continues to add Celtic Knots to his turnings. This time he experiments with a bowl. Embellishing a turning with color can turn an ordinary piece into something spectacular. This one from Craft Supplies USA on dying- Ebonizing may only be a single color but it can add striking effects to a turning. This article from Fine Woodworking was written more for the woodworker but can easily be "applied" to a turned object- https://www.finewoodworking.com/project-guides/finishing/ebonizing-wood-2 A video for the recipe for the ebonizing solution can be found here- https://www.finewoodworking.com/project-guides/finishing/video-ebonizing-oak-steel-wool-vinegar?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R New Turning Items- Neither of these are really new. But some insights from other turners on equipment and resources. Everything Else- Been finishing up those little natural edge, flowering cherry tree bowls. Pictures to follow...
  12. Third day of May here in South Central PA- Sleet on the back deck this afternoon! Our Patriot Turners- @jthornton Is giving us a great tutorial on how he does his his "dizzy bowl". He has uploaded process shots, with explanations, in his post- @Headhunter got us caught up on some of the things he has been making. Make sure you see all his stuff by subscribing to our "Ringmaster Turning sub-forum". His work certainly has some gorgeous patterns! He posted lots mor pix here- @Fred W. Hargis Jr posed a question about lathe speed fastest rpm. Several of our members provided their thoughts. Why not hop on over to Fred's post and give him your thoughts- @Masonsailor is taking a little break from his laundry room project to make a bowl. Paul explains the materials and the purpose of the turning, in his post- We've had several additions to our "What's On Your Lathe"! This is where we left off last week- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Richard Raffan explains the shear scraper- I think this happens to us all. Sometimes more than once. Whether you're a newbie or experienced turner- Expand Your Horizons- Something from Tim Yoder- In my own turning, it seems my bowls don't have much variation is shape/design. Ernie Conover shows us examples of different bowl shapes. Being the first of the month, Sam Angelo, Mike Peace, Richard Raffan and Tomislav Tomasic have put together the "4 Ways" videos. New Turning Items- This is not new but a chance to have input on the design of a relatively new product- If you would like to submit input, the email address is- [email protected] Everything Else- An interesting read from Ron Brown's newsletter- “Dividing up the budget is a zero-sum game.” Don’t live your life like it is a zero-sum game. When you give encouragement to someone, your optimism bottle won’t run out. When you teach someone about lessons you’ve learned, your box of skills is just as full, and likely even more full. When you gift a nice piece of wood to someone, you can be sure there is another one headed your way, probably even nicer. I have a few special methods in my manufacturing processes, and the more I help others, the more I am helped. That is simply the law of sowing and reaping. If you want better tools, start giving some tools away! If you want to turn better pens, teach someone who wants to learn to turn pens; amazingly, you will begin to make better pens yourself. If you want more friends, be friendly; invite someone to coffee, breakfast, or lunch. Try hosting a small impromptu-turning get-together for 2 or 3 folks at your shop. One of the paradoxes in the life of a turner is how quickly turned items multiply! You make a few bowls, pens, or Christmas Ornaments, and the next thing you know they are everywhere. There is literally not room enough to contain them. You think about selling a few after you’ve given every relative, friend, and neighbor something you’ve turned, and still, the turnings keep multiplying. They are like Tribbles (Star Trek reference) only real. My encouragement today is to not be afraid to give to others. It really doesn’t mean you will have less, in fact, you will get more. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. A little lathe time for me. A couple of natural edge bowls from a flowering cherry tree limb. Not quite finished. Pulled the elm platters from the soapy water soak today and placed them in the drying box. Pretty ugly looking rite now. Probably take about a week to reach equilibrium. Safe turning
  13. Only 6 days until Valentines day! Maybe your significant other would like a new turning tool Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN turned a couple of small boxes, one of which he entered into his turning club's contest. Both are beauties! Check his post to see which one got entered into the contest! @forty_caliber got a new chuck for his lathe. This baby is a monster, too! He did a super job of sharing his findings and comparing it to one of his other chucks. Please see his post for lots more images and additional findings- Forty also posted his splated pecan bowl. Really gorgeous color and finish See his post for some more details- @Masonsailor used a couple of spare minutes to turn another one of his gorgeous bottle openers- Paul tells us a little more in his post- @jthornton is working on a gift, requested by his Mrs. I'm really looking forward to seeing how this "dizzy bowl" comes out! The glued up blank looks marvelous- JT has lots more process images in his post- @Bob Hodge's post about carbide quality and availability has a new entry. Thought it would be good to catch up- What’s Coming Up- Lots going on! Click the images for links and information- This is supposed to be on YouTube and Facebook- For The Newbies- Several videos from Richard Raffan explaining important aspects of turning. Tools, creating blanks, chucking small pieces and more Chucking methods- Spindle gouge and skew practice- Expand Your Horizons- Should I use a mortice or tenon to hold the piece? Ask 10 turners and you will probably get 15 different answers. Instead of asking a turner, ask the piece you are about to turn- @RustyFN showed a finial he turned and there was some comments on design. We posted this video before but it's worth another look- Our member @Steve Krumanaker turns beautiful honey dippers. This is how Mike Waldt does it- Several of our turners make segmented project. Having a way to assure the pieces are flat is a must. Mike Peace shows us how to make a disc sander attachment for your lathe- If you have a Facebook account, Tim Yoder posted a short video on getting to know your bowl gouge- https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=612976757305709&ref=sharing New Turning Items- This video was taken at TAW trade show. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  14. Well, I've graduated to Headquarters Driver but still TAD to Ships Laundry and assistant Coop cleaner. Mimi goes for her follow-up 2 week appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. Probably remove the staples and start therapy as well. Our Patriot Turners- @John Morris posted an inquiry on the popularity of pen turning. Turners seem to follow trends and pens were all the rage a while back. Our turners had several thoughts on the subject- I had missed one of John's post from back in December. He wondered, if given a choice, what would be our favorite three traditional turning tools- Check out what several of our members chose and while you're there tells us what you would select- @forty_caliber finished his drying kiln. He has really thought this through and looks like the internal environment will really do the job- There's a bunch more photos in his post along with descriptions of the controls he is using- @jthornton continues to work on his chevron bowls. He took the time to perfect the accuracy and it shows in the alignment of the design- JT's post takes us along through the glue-up and turning process. Please check it out! You may remember from last week that JT's original idea for this design was to create "popcorn bowls". As with all turners, design changes are part of the game. Check out what JT decided to do with the popcorn bowl design- JT was also one of the lucky winners of our Ward 57 raffle. He tells us about the prize we won - @HandyDan posted information about a great deal from Penn State Industries and gave us a look at how he modified a set of chuck jaws to suit his needs. From PSI- The link-https://www.pennstateind.com/store/CUG3418CCX.html?utm_source=Google_Shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=&utm_term=CUG3418CCX&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq5meBhCyARIsAJrtdr70ldWCA_YmLJ606Nrzu2Q_cEi44g6K3bWv-v2lWtTpmg-0b7wwgpAaAksvEALw_wcB @Steve Krumanaker can't wait for Christmas! He has already started on his ornaments for 2023! I love these little birdhouses. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Cindy Drozda does a lot of free online programs. Her only request is that you signup for her emails. Click on the image to get to the signup page For The Newbies- Keeping your lathe Morris Tapers clean is important to ensure the centers don't slip. You can buy brushes but Mike Peace shows us how to make one- Lyle Jamieson demonstrates how to create an Koa crotch bowl with undercut rim. This is a piece of beautiful wood. The techniques can be used on any species. Expand Your Horizons- From the AAW, this quite long video from a live demonstration by Al Stirt. He demonstrates carved square platters Adding threads to a lidded box can add another level of pizzazz to your turnings. The following three videos offer several considerations. @jthornton showed us his segmenting procedures. This video from Jim Rodgers shows his methods of designing, cutting, gluing and turning. Within the video, there is mention of software that can be used to assist in design and calculations. The link to WoodturnerPro software- https://www.woodturnerpro.com/ New Turning Items- Not specifically a turning item but Starbond Adhesives has released a new odorless thin CA. From their website- NO-05 Starbond Infiltrant Odorless Thin CA Glue is a 3D printer infiltrant that is fumeless, odorless, and hypoallergenic. This watery-thin adhesive is perfect for getting into those hard-to-reach hairline fractures, pores, and narrow slots. Our NO-05 is ideal for porous materials such as foam, soft wood (balsa), ceramics, unpolished minerals, and fossils. Often used as a glossy finish, this glue can be sanded, then polished to perfection! Using capillary action, the NO-05 glue works wonders on inlay applications as it penetrates and stabilizes the material. Click on the above image for the like to the product page. Everything Else- Not sure what happened to Rick Morris (Rick Turns). His weekly list of YouTube woodturning videos has been missing for a while. Hope he is OK.
  15. Pennsylvania Farm Show week. It's the largest indoor agricultural event in the United States: sixteen acres of displays and exhibits all under one roof. The Pennsylvania Farm Show is a week-long celebration of the state's leading industry - agriculture. Big doings around these parts. Our Patriot Turners- @Masonsailor posted another of his beautiful kitchen turnings. This ice cream scoop is absolutely lovely- Paul tells us more about the turning and has added a few more images in his post- @jthornton added some more content to his post on the segmented cutting jig- After making sure it was accurate, he started working on the segments for his "popcorn bowls" @HandyDanhad some read oak and turned it in to a beautiful little bowl- Dan thinks this species may not be the best for holding liquids- Dan had earlier turned some tiny little bowls after watching one of the videos we posted last week- Check out this link to what Dan posted- What’s Coming Up- Bunch of stuff coming up. Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Richard Raffan proves you don't need a log to turn nice bowls. Expand Your Horizons- How'd he do that?? Check out this video!! New Turning Items- This has jig has been around for a while but the video from Niles Stoppers is relatively recent Everything Else- Looks like Rick Turns took the week off. I greatly appreciate you all posting your work, it make putting this together a lot easier- especially as I have double duty here while Mimi recuperates. Safe turning
  16. https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=fd650b12-8f8c-45be-82d8-0185174a0f5c&Home=%2fevents%2fmanage-events&_zs=ceDib&_zl=PPqM3
  17. Frantic week here, unfortunately absolutely no time at the lathe. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN rough turned a bunch of bowls- In his post he tells us about the type of wood and shows us some of the blanks- Rusty also finished a beautiful mahogany bowl Check out the nice comments by our turners- Last week, @forty_caliber picked up some really nice bowl blanks. He created some awesome pieces from them Check out more from his continued post- What’s Coming Up- Lots happening in the near future. Click on the images for links to more information and registration. For The Newbies- This is copied and pasted from Ron Brown's latest newsletter. Good advice for new turners when selecting tools. Should You Use A Butter Knife For Everything? Why not? Because there are times when a butter knife just won’t cut it. Sometimes you need a butcher knife to cut up chicken, steak, or a pork roast. You might need to peel a potato or an apple or cut up ingredients for a chunky salad. It is the same thing with lathe tools. Sometimes you need to slice, other times you need to scrape, and sometimes you just need to make a lot of material go away. When I first began to learn about turning, my turning buddies thought the key to turning like the professionals was having their tool with their grind. So, I bought a new tool with every new demonstration I watched. Turns out, it isn’t the tool! I began to analyze High-Speed Steel lathe tools and it didn’t take long to realize that there are only 6 basic categories for HSS tools; 7 if you include tools for hollowing. There are many different sizes within each category and many different grinds within each category. I even developed a helpful chart so you can better visualize each one. I’ve made it available as an Instant Free Download here: We call it “Turner’s Reference Guide.” You will have to be registered, also free, and logged into your account. I recommend you print this out and post it in your shop. My recommendation is to acquire a limited number of HSS tools in each category and add different sizes and grinds as you need them. Simply having 100 HSS turning tools doesn’t make you a better turner. This I found out the hard way. Here's the link to register for Mr. Brown's newsletter. Once registered, you can download the reference guide mentioned above. "It's Free"!! https://www.ronbrownsbest.com/index.php?route=account/register Want to expand your creativity? A video from the AAW on turning a mushroom- Turned beads are a great way to add interest to almost any turning. In this video, Mike Peace demonstrates some of the tools for turning beads- Turning a bowl from a log can be done several ways and it's always good to see the method used by other turners. Here Kent Weakley demonstrates his style- And, Richard Raffan's method- Expand Your Horizons- Need to turn a thin spindle? Jim Echter shows how it's done. Awesome skew work!! Always fun to watch Mike Waldt create a new item. This is part 1 of an elderberry vase. Yet another scoop version from Alan Stratton- I happened upon this on a social media site. We are always looking for food safe methods of finishing turnings. This may, or may not, be an effective but it sure is interesting. This is a copy and paste from Debbie Coull's Instagram post ( https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj3BgYgjbrC/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY%3D ) so all can read it. "Sealing a food safe vessel with hot milk. No idea of the exact process as I struggled to get anything online for doing this with wood. Lots about how to do it with earthenware. So, since this is an ancient technique, I figured, keep it simple. Sycamore cereal bowl (hopefully), turned and sanded to 320. Exterior sealed with wax, interior left naked (I know the wax exterior will wash off after it's been in use and washed). Milk was heated till I burned the tip of my finger, then poured in till it lipped the rim. Now leaving it to cool. The process requires the casein protein in the milk penetrating and sealing the wood grain. I know there will be several folk comment about the milk going rancid, but I'm trusting the process. If it didn't work, then it wouldn't have been practiced for centuries." New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has expanded their product line to include CA adhesives. You can check out their complete selection at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/adhesives Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  18. Last Wednesday in September! Where did the month go?!?!? Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber Started turning a bowl from a piece of wood we don't often get to see- He tells us about the wood and his plan for drying, in his post- Forty also had a bit of a problem with a tenon on a bowl blank. He explained what he did to remedy the situation- @Ron Altier continues to experiment with new ways to embellish his Christmas ornaments- Ron tells us what he used and where to purchase it, in this post- @HandyDan continues his tradition of making sure new babies have at least on gift. Dan makes some really nice rattles that surely will please any new parent and baby alike- Check out Dan's post for more information- What’s Coming Up- Click on images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Last week we posted a video from Mike Peace on using a tenon for bowl turning. This video, from Mike, explores using the mortice to accomplish the same thing. Expand Your Horizons- Turning a pen is a quick and easy way to make nice gift. If you do craft shows, maybe pens can expand your inventory. A video from the AAW- Alan Stratton added another video on turning a scoop. This one demonstrates an easier method than the others we have posted- Richard Raffan turns a natural, bark rimmed bowl- New Turning Items- I didn't see anything new here but Woodturners Wonders is offering site wide free shipping this week https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- It's always a treat to see what Tim Yoder comes up with next. This one is out of this world- Safe turning
  19. Awesome news from our sponsor Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools )! Easy Wood Tools has acquired Yorkshire Grit. Yorkshire Grit abrasive paste produces a super smooth finish, with less sanding! Check Easy Wood's site for more information- https://www.easywoodtools.com/. This pdf lists locations for purchasing- Yorkshire Grit - Purchasing Options Customer Email.pdf Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber posted a pecan bowl he finished. The grain in that wood is spectacular! Head on over to his post and see what our turners had to say about this beauty- A couple of weeks ago, @Gerald posted a bowl he had embellished with flamed copper pieces. He posted the finished work this week. See how he decided to protect the copper- Gerald explains in his post- @Steve Krumanaker wore his Easy Wood Tools/VetsTurn T-shirt to a an antique show and was rewarded- Steve shares the story here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and links to registration. From As Wood Turns, a Christmas Ornament Challenge with prizes! There is more information here- https://www.aswoodturns.com/challenges/ For The Newbies- Use tenons or mortices when turning? Here's Mike Peace's take on it- Expand Your Horizons- Jim Rodgers turns a transitional vessel- New Turning Items- If you haven't tried the Yorkshire Grit sanding paste, give it a try! When used as per the instructions, you can apply any finish to the turning. Everything Else- Ron Brown's newsletter came this week and there was a story that we can all relate to when it comes to pricing our work. I asked Mr. Brown if I could share it here and he graciously agreed. You can sign up for his newsletter at his site- https://www.ronbrownsbest.com/index.php?route=account/login While you are there, check out all his great deals! Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  20. Last day of August! Where did the summer go?!?!? Our Patriot Turners- Our turners have been busy this week! @Gerald posted about a novel idea for embellishing a turning. He describes the materials he used and how he obtained the neat colorization in his post- @Gunny posted this in the "What's on tour weekend agenda"- Gunny has these down to an art! @forty_caliber finished up a bowl he started a while back. The grain and color in this one is incredible! He explains the name in his post- @RustyFN posted his beautiful Calabash bowl. He received lots of positive comments and @Gerald was kind enough to post a couple of his bowls for comparison. What’s Coming Up- Hold onto your hats- lots coming up in the near future! A bunch from the AAW. Click on the images for links and information. For The Newbies- Jim Rodgers continues his instruction on how/why catches happen. In this one, Jim discusses the scraper- Expand Your Horizons- Mike Waldt turns and embellishes an ash hollow form- ...and a Yew lidded box Seems we have been really concentrating on making scoops. Another idea but quite different than the previous designs- New Turning Items- SWAT was this past weekend. Cindy Drozda took the opportunity to video many of the vendors and their products. She was live on several occasions. She has posted some of the material on her YouTube Channel. The link to her channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/cindydrozda Craft Supplies USA is having a closeout on a bunch of their products. Some good prices! https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/Sales/20/Closeout?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=closeout&utm_campaign=22-08-closeout Woodturners Wonders Weekly sale: https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale A couple of weeks ago we mentioned the 3M Xtract sand paper. Taylor Toolworks is currently having a sale on the product- https://taytools.com/collections/3m-xtract?afmc=17p&utm_campaign=17p&utm_source=leaddyno&utm_medium=affiliate Everything Else- Rick Morris must be on vacation this week- He didn't post his usual list of turning videos. Tim Yoder is always a lot of fun to watch- I've been kicking this idea around for a while. Usually, when I make a lidded container, I will use contrasting species for the lid and body. Some things like pepper mills are made from a single piece of the same species. Cutting the blank in half and then creating a tenon can cause a noticeable grain mismatch where the cut/tenon is created. I was watching one of Cindy Drozda's live tool talks and she described a technique that minimizes the material loss and grain mismatch. After cutting the blank, it is glued back together with a sacrificial piece between the halves. This sacrificial piece becomes the tenon. My first attempt at this was a miserable failure. The cuts were not clean enough to create a good glue joint. I'm thinking I need a way to ensure the pieces will look seamless when mated together. My next try was a little better. The first thing was to create a sharp cut with no tear out. I forgot to take a picture in my haste but I used a skew chisel to start the separation cut. Then used my freshly sharpened, shop made, thin parting tool. Also cranked the lathe speed way up to part off the pieces- I did not create a tenon. Instead, I decided to turn tight fitting plug that would be used as the lid tenon. Mortice in one end- Fitting the plug Glue the plug into one of the mortices- the lid on this one. Trim the plug so the two halves fit together- Carefully hollow out the insides making certain not to touch the plug mating surfaces. I did not spend a lot of time sanding the inside. My main goal was to see if the plug idea would work. Some sanding on the outside and testing the grain match- Had to play a little to fancy up the very plain shape- I think this will have a much great effect when used on highly figured wood. This was from a very old piece of air dried walnut. Quite brittle. Safe turning
  21. Please don't forget about the fund raiser that our very generous sponsor- Easy Wood Tools- is currently having. Head on over to the EWT site and order yours today- https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN Is making a fabulous lidded box for his Mrs. In his post, Rusty tells us about the material he used for the "metal" bands. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for the links to more information and registration. These are from the AAW. If you catch this post in time, Cindy Drozda is having another live bottle stopper video. You can watch it on her YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AR8MzQJOBs I picked this information from social media. Jeff Hornung, who does fantastic embellishment work, also does IRDs and demonstrations for clubs. For more information, contact him through his site, The Walnut Log. https://www.thewalnutlog.com/ For The Newbies- Jim Rodgers continues his video series on catches- Lyle Jamieson has made his "Tuesday's Tips" available on his YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/user/JamiesonLyle/videos Search his channel for "Tuesdays Tips" IF you use your worm screw, here is a useful addon that you can make to improve stability. If you are thinking about getting into turning but not sure what tools you might need, Richard Raffan discusses some traditional choices. Don't overlook the possibility of using carbide tipped tools as well. Expand Your Horizons- Scroll chucks hold your work firmly but can mar the piece and sometime be less that ideal for odd shaped pieces. In this video, Alan Stratton discusses creating soft, custom replacement jaws. Mike Waldt turns an earring stand from English Yew- Carl Jacobson turns a gorgeous maple burl lidded box- And yet another two piece scoop. This one from Mike Peace- New Turning Items- Save your lunch money! With SWAT happening in about a week, thee may be some new toys presented. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I've been finding it really hard to get to the lathe lately. Life is funny that way. My lighting equipment for turning has been cobbled together from old desk lamps. They work but can sometimes be difficult to position and still be able to see what's happening. I saw a neat idea for a small LED light that helped overcome some of the disadvantages I was experiencing. Being a cheap scape frugal, I decided to build one. The parts If you have an old cell phone charger and cord, that's the perfect power supply. The other parts are a magnet- this ones is from an old computer hard drive. The LED light board- available from https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256804164219166.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.2856f19c9S68hd . They were 6 boards for $1.00 plus $3.00 shipping and came all the way from China in 4 weeks!! Epoxy. Miscellaneous Harbor Freight stuff. Started by preparing the wire. Cut off the end that wasn't the standard charger USB connector. Removed the green and white wires. Added the shrink sleeving because I had a box from Harbor Freight. Stripped, tinned and knotted the wires on the board Soldered the wires to the LED board. The board has a miniature USB connector but I figured the solder would be more robust. Added a zip tie- because I had a bag from Harbor Freight- as a strain relief. Turned the board over and epoxied the magnet to the metal heatsink. I had to add a couple of washers between the magnet and heatsink to allow space where the wire passed thru the board. This allowed the LED board to sit flat. On the small tool rest- With the LED lamp off- LED lamp on- I'm happy but I think I'll build another one. I failed to take into consideration that the "chuck side" of the tool rests are not vertical. The light board angles "down" slightly. I think that can be fixed by adding a shim between the LED board back and the magnet before applying the epoxy. Also, if you have ever played with hard drive magnets, they are incredibly strong for their size. It is almost a struggle to get the lamp off of the tool rest. Regular rare earth magnets would probably work just as good. Safe turning
  22. Starting into another month already. This is April and taxes are due in a little over a week. Hope our turners post their new tools purchased with those gigantic refunds! Our Patriot Turners- @Reese Aukee showed us some more of those cute little hedgehogs she turns. Reese received lots of positive comments and some questions about her turnings. Check out her post- @Gerald posted a comment in our sub-forum for Ring Master Turning. We have an ongoing thread in our woodturners forum discussing how we decide what to make from a chunk of wood. @Gerald suggested this topic and we have had several entries. Please take some time to see the thought processes (or lack thereof ) when trying to decide what to make. We look forward to seeing your turnings and how they came to be. If you are into turning miniatures, @kmealy showed us a neat portable lathe. He received lots of comments! ¹ What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- Cindy Drozda has been offering both paid and free online presentations. If you would like to receive notifications of her events, check out this link- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- A hodgepodge of videos to help us be more knowledgeable as beginning turners- Have some wood from a downed tree? Ashley Harwood has a few tips on helping prevent logs from cracking- Of course you need to first get that tree cut into manageable chunks. Here Lyle Jamieson and Sam Angelo have some tips on using the chainsaw- In combination with a chainsaw, the bandsaw can be used to create turning blanks. Robo Hippy's informative video gives us lots of pointers- Expand Your Horizons- Once you get that tree log into a manageable blank, you can create a beautiful natural edge bowl. Lyle Jamieson shows us how. If a natural edge bowl doesn't thrill you, here, Kent Weakley shows us how to turn a "magnetic" paper clip bowl! With Easter coming up fast, a cool turning from Alan Stratton on turning the perfect egg- What is a Kuksa? And How to Turn One? Mike Peace does some turning, carving and shaping! Basket weave illusion bowls are quite popular. Carl Jacobson turned something a little more shapely using the basket weave process. New Turning Items- For the pen turners, Craft Supplies USA has a new pen kit- Hobble Creek Craftsman King's Camo Bolt Action Pen Blank Click on the image for the link to more information Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning ¹ Only available on April 1st.
  23. Well, one more day and March will be in the books... Typical spring weather here in PA. This morning we were under a winter weather advisory. Tomorrow afternoon a severe thunder storm watch. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker said he finally mastered the operation of a Throw Top. Some of our members sympathized with Steve's predicament. Check out the post at- Steve continued his adventures in gnome turning. He added his unique touch to this one- Along with his post was a challenge to guess the source of the "hair". @Gerald added a great comment to last week's "Wednesday's..." post. His idea was that we might share our thought process of determining what the final piece will look like when starting with a chunk of wood. I'll try to start something this week and hope our turners will share their ideas. What’s Coming Up- Several upcoming events. Click on the images for the links to more information and registrations. For The Newbies- Mike Peace has another video to help us with lathe problems. This one covers the banjo- Cindy Drozda talks about her Vortex and Pyramid Tools. From a live presentation- Expand Your Horizons- You say you'd like to try segmented turning? Check this out- Alan Stratton has a cute video just in time for Easter- Turned finials are a great way to add pizzazz to hollow forms. But, how to turn them really thin and delicate without breaking? Cap'n Eddie has a tip- New Turning Items- This isn't exclusively for turning but certainly can be used to get those glued up blanks on the lathe a little quicker. Big thanks to @Gene Howe for the heads up- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- A couple of weeks ago, Alan Stratton, posted a project where he added Celtic Knots to a segmented turning. Using his jig concept to make my own version, I've been playing around with some turnings. My first attempt- Just some glued up scraps and quickly turned to see if the knot would look OK. Second blank. Not sure how it will look as I goofed on one of the setups. This one might become a small sugar bowl or a "pepper cellar" Working on getting a blog written up with detailed process shots. Safe turning
  24. Happy Thanksgiving! Here's hoping this year has been kind to everyone and that you are trying to get back to "normal". Well gang, we are about 1/3 the way to our goal! Don't wait until the last minute to get in on the fun! Our Patriot Turners- With the holiday season upon us, the main theme this week seems to be Christmas ornaments. @Steve Krumanaker posted a little birdhouse ornament and asked the group their opinions on the design. Steve received lots of positive comments and suggestions- @Ron Altier is always ahead of the game when it comes to ornaments. This one has a beautiful combination of species/colors. Ron tells us about why he turned this one- @Gerald started a post asking what we were making for Christmas gifts this year. Gerald has turned a colorful bell ornament- And @HandyDan posted one of his gnome ornaments- See what our members had to say about these and add pictures f what you are making! @Gerald also gave us a more detailed look at his new kiln. He posted several images of the working parts and answered questions- I want to thank @FlGatorwood for giving me a heads up this turning video from Mike Peace. Really show the processes for turning a pepper grinder from a pre-drilled blank. Thanks, Steve! What’s Coming Up- Join Cindy Drozda, Lyle Jamieson, Steve Worcester, Joe Fleming, John Jordan, and Tod Raines for 3 evenings of fun to kick off the holiday season. There will be six mini demonstrations, questions & answers, tool showcase, vendor specials, raffle prizes, and fun and popcorn as we hangout together. This is a FREE Zoom meeting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday- November 26-28. Sign up here- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvduuurTgoHtH9C61nkAf2dy14df57RmrB 6 Turners LIVE Holiday Special! IT’S THE 12 TURNINGS OF CHRISTMAS! Registration- https://woodturnersretreat.com/ For The Newbies- Looking for a simple Christmas and would like to try bowl turning? Kent from "Turn A Wood Bowl" shows us how to get two for one! Scott Hampton's presentation on sharpening from World Wide Woodturners- @Gerald's little Christmas ornament really stands out with his choice of using color as an embellishment. The New Jersey Woodturners recently hosted an IRD with Michael Kehs demonstrating embellishing techniques on a turning. Expand Your Horizons- A couple shop made lathe hacks from Fine Woodworking- A disk sander- https://www.finewoodworking.com/2011/07/19/turn-your-lathe-into-a-disk-sander Using a router at the lathe- https://www.finewoodworking.com/2020/02/21/using-a-router-at-the-lathe Another awesome multi-axis Christmas ornament from Alan Stratton- Jim Rodgers turns a sweet little one piece scoop, on the lathe, using a custom made chuck- New Turning Items- Tim Yoder turns a huge chunk of olive wood into a utensil holder. He does the hollowing using his new Eblo 2 hollowing rig. Tim provides some great tips on using the hollowing system. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
  25. OK, gang, it's that time of year where we get to make a difference in a wounded warrior's life. We all have been blessed with good fortune and here is our chance to give back. Please consider donating and along the way you could win some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- Just a reminder, we now have a new sub-forum for those turners using the Ringmaster tool. In addition, @John Morris added a new gallery section for you to post your images! https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/gallery/category/26-ring-master-turning/ Speaking of ringed bowls, @HandyDan showed us one of his turning. This was added to last week's Wednesdays... Dan used an idea from Mike Waldt to create a neat little box Dan received lots of positive comments and even some ideas for use- @Gerald does a show at his local Ag Museum. He was kind enough to post some images of some of the activities. Looks like the turned tops were a hit with the little ones! Gerald also gave us a heads up on an interesting video covering how to set up a new chuck. @Grandpadave52 posted an alert that the Woodturner's Monthly newsletter is available! Thanks for the heads-up Dave! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above images for links to registration and more information. This Saturday, November 20, there will be another Virtual Craft Show on YouTube. These cover a variety of skills as well as turning. For The Newbies- @Gerald's post on the chuck works in nicely with this IRD video from Mike Peace on hold work on the lathe- From the "Rebel Turner"- making a snowman on the lathe- Not sure if you will need a Facebook account to see this Tip video, on shear scraping, from Lyle Jamieson- http:// https://www.facebook.com/lyle.jamieson1/videos/320429766218298 From Capt. Eddies Worldwide Woodturners meeting, turning a mouse with Martin Clarkson- Expand Your Horizons- Here's a video, from Alan Stratton, on turning an ornament. Lots of tips and techniques in this video from "Turn A Wood Bowl" New Turning Items- Not a tool but a new site from Zac Higgins. If you are into resin casting, Zac has great tips and techniques. Check it out! OK, I know you can buy these and Cindy Drozda has a really nice one. However, Harbor Freight often offers these for free- Everything Else- Rick turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- A live Q&A from Mike Waldt with a wide variety of topics- Safe turning and stay well
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