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There are times I use a sanding block and there are times I need to hand sand because of the curves on the object I am sanding. Recently when I was helping my daughter refinish a piece of furniture I felt I needed something in between and came up with this idea. I took a 4"x4"x1/2" piece of packing foam, laid down 4 pieces of double sided tape on the foam then pressed that onto a 4"x4" piece of sand paper. Not as abrupt as a sanding block, not as flexible as hand between. I use it now all the time on sharp wood edges and moderate curves.
Day late . Computer started an update (failed again). By the time it came back up, it was already Thursday. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted some new turnings in our "Ringmaster" sub forum. Tony sure can do magic with that Ringmaster jig! Please check out his post at- @BuckeyeHomestead asked about where we get our turning blanks! Our members offered a bunch of ideas from their own experiences. If you can provide some ideas and/or sources, please check out Kenny's post and chime in! A few of our turners have braved the cold weather and showed us some more of their turnings in our "What's OFF the lathe." @calabrese55, @Gerald and @kreisdorph New posts start here and has more images! What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy's "Tool Talk" last week, she has made it available on her YouTube Channel- Cindy and Todd Raines will be having live sharing event tomorrow January 24, 2025. Click on the image for the link to registration. For The Newbies- Sanding is probably my least favorite part of turning a project. In this video, Sam Angelo, provides some tips he has found helpful. One this I noticed was how he organized his sanding supplies on a cart. I know @Gerald puts most of his items on a wall, within easy reach, behind his lathe. @BuckeyeHomestead asked about turning blanks. Not every turning has to begin with a large chunk of wood. Mike Peace shows us what can be made from smaller branches- Expand Your Horizons- If you have been thinking about expanding your turning repertoire into bowl turning but you are still hesitating, check this video from Tomislav Tomasic. Some really good closeups of tool positions and techniques. Resin casting is still popular and Tim Yoder casts a Banksia Pod for turning a project- New Turning Items- Everything Else- A short video that brought a smile to my face and I hope it does the same for you. It was posted by Easy Wood Tools but applicable to any turning session/tool. Share your knowledge with the kids! Safe turning
Not a lot of activity this week by our turners. I guess everyone is winding down from the elections. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN scored some freshly cut maple and was able to put it to good use- He explains what he has planned for these blanks- Rusty also showed us a sweet walnut turning he is working on, looks like this could be a real knuckle buster! Check out his post to see why he chose to make this one- We had an entry on our "What's ON" this week. A partially finished wave bowl- Catchup with the latest activity here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Friday, November 15th, 2:30 pm Central (20:30 UTC) For The Newbies- Sam Angelo posted a video with his thoughts about the necessary tools for the beginning woodworker Richard Raffan has a really nice video on the entry cuts using a gouge. Lots of closeup images. Expand Your Horizons- Several of our members have built their own drying kilns from various materials. In this video, Glenn Lucas provides some insight into how he built his. He provides a link to more complete information for those who might want to duplicate his efforts. This sure puts my cardboard box and lightbulb to shame!!! Richard Raffan makes, and demonstrates, a tapered sanding drum for his lathe. Pretty neat idea- New Turning Items- Sam Angelo puts the Mike Mahoney hollowing rig through its paces and critiques the results. The link to where it can be purchased- Craft Supplies USA critiques the new Robust turning tools in this video Everything Else- Safe turning
August is coming to an end. Our local schools start back tomorrow. Our Patriot Turners- We have a new member at the Patriot site. @Gordon joined this week and posted some of his turnings. He does some beautiful work! If you haven't already welcomed him, please take a minute to stop by his post and check it out! @AndrewB continues to rehab his shop and posted some more images of what he is doing. Pick up here from last week- What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy Drozda's most recent live tool talk, she uploaded it for replay- For The Newbies- Mike Peace demonstrates turning a clamshell. During the turning process, Mike encountered some grain tear out. He has a pretty neat way of handling the problem. His solution is at about 9 minutes into the video. Captain Eddie posted a short video on the importance of keeping the lathe's Morris tapers clean- John Lucas discusses techniques for sanding the inside of hollow vessels Expand Your Horizons- Lyle Jamieson provides tips on matching grain between the bottom and top of a turned lidded box and why grain orientation is important. When I learned to turn bowls I used a mortice to hold the blank to the chuck. It just seemed that it wasted less material on the bottom of the blank. I could easily convert the mortice into a foot for the bowl. Alan Stratton uses a similar technique to turn a Sapele bowl- How about embellishing your turning with clouds! Tim Yoder shows us how- New Turning Items- Last week we posted a link to the Niles Bottle Stoppers tenderizing kit. Since then, Carl Jacobson produced a video on turning handles for those items- Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter= The Difference Between Perfect And Good Enough Perfect Definition: “Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.” In life, things are seldom perfect. When turning wooden objects, things are rarely perfect. I recommend that you strive to be better this time than last time. Three main areas within your control always make a huge difference in the final product and require surprisingly little extra effort. Shape Learning what shapes are pleasing is a lifelong quest for most of us. When you are making something for someone other than yourself, you have to consider the shape. It must be visually pleasing with the proper proportions. The curves must be fair and the separations must be sharp. A great way to develop an understanding of pleasing shapes is to study ceramics and glass vessels similar to the projects you undertake. There are tons of resources on classic shapes that have been around for centuries. There are good reasons for certain shapes to remain popular over the centuries. If you try to swim upstream for too long, you will soon tire and fail. Sanding This is an area most easily and quickly improved. 1) Half a Grit: if you start with 100 grit sandpaper, don’t go finer than 150 grit next. Then don’t go finer than 220 grit and so on. 2) Take time to visually inspect that all of the 100 grit scratches are removed before you finish with the 150 grit. If you don’t remove all of the scratches at each step, they will show through in the final finish. 3) I recommend using compressed air to blow off all of the sanding dust along with a strong raking light to inspect your work before moving to the next grit. If you are working with very hard wood i.e. ebony, cocobolo, African blackwood, padauk, acrylic, or epoxy, this is especially important. Take extra time to get it right now or you will have to do it over. 4) NOTE: I stop sanding wood at 320 grit. When using finer grits, friction can overheat the lignin in the wood and make it resistant to film finishes adhering to the surface causing the finish to fail much sooner. Finish 1) If you rush the finishing process, you will have ruined all your hard work. 2) Film finishes (lacquer, varnish, shellac, epoxy, friction finish-shellac) are more durable than wax finishes. But they take more time and effort. 3) Wax is a quick finish that will dull over time and need to be renewed either by reapplication or more buffing. Wax finishes are quick to apply and look shiny and sparkly in the short term. Wax is perfect for projects where saving time is important and the durability of the finish is of no significance. Wax or oil is mandatory for utility vessels such as salad bowls or kitchen utensils. 4) Multiple coats of lacquer (10 to 30) applied over several days and when allowed to cure for 30 or more days, can be polished to a brilliant mirror-like finish. This is the finish of choice for art and display-only pieces bringing top dollars such as in a gallery. Try to do better each time than the time before and you will quickly reach Master Status Skill Sets. Consider the end use for what you are making and decide how much time you can devote to making something perfect or just good enough. Safe turning
Just days left in our fund raising raffle. If you haven't picked up your tickets for some really special prizes, check out- Every little bit helps keep our site alive! Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 is getting rid of his extensive stash of pen making supplies. If you are looking for kits or pieces, see his post- @Gerald and @kreisdorph added some gorgeous items to our "What Finished" post. Gerald's project is for an AAW swap he participate in- And, Kent's are a couple of turned Chalices made from elm. This is where the new entries begin- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines will host a free Sharing Session this Friday, August 2nd, at 2:00pm Eastern (18:00 UTC). It's FREE, live, and interactive on Zoom! For The Newbies- Woodworker's Journal published their monthly issue of the Woodturning Monthly. Lots of neat ideas and projects. Here's the link- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan turns some "twig pots"- New Turning Items- OK, I know this is a stretch, but hey, I'm trying Sketchup is not generally thought of as software used by turners. This video demonstrates that the software is versatile enough to create elaborate shapes for the turner. For a smaller learning curve, this free software is available. Lathe Magic can create visual, 3D renderings of turning shapes. Free download is available here- Everything Else- The rolling pin workshop is done. They made about 21 Celtic knot rolling pins of various shapes and designs. We started with this- This was one of the finished pins- Safe turning
Need Help, not sure if this is the right forum, so please move if not. My daughter was given a large shopping bag full of drums for a drum or spindle sander, thought I could use them. This bag has everything from 1"x2" to 3"x3" all from Klingspor. I do not have a spingle/drum sander (not at this point). I am not familiar with them, do they have interchangeable drums? can you get drums to fit on a router? Educate me.
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- drum sander
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A big THANK YOU to all of our members who donated to our summer fundraiser! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker has been really busy! Steve produces turnings used by local artisans in his area. This week he showed us a new item he was asked to make- These are called "drop spindles" and Steve explains their use in his post Steve also turns and engraves items for jars used by another artisan. His lids are works of art- You can see more in his post, here- Another addition to our "What's On Your Lathe" thread- And these were added to "Off The Lathe And Finished" thread Thanks @Gerald! That's bowl has awesome grain and color! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Spalted wood can produce some fantastic turnings but it is not without its problems. This article from AAW provide tips and insights into using it- A couple of weeks ago we posted a video that featured the proper stance/movement when working on the lathe. Tim Yoder gives us additional thought- Every corner of my shop has wood pieces that are too precious to pitch out, although I suspect some may disappear on trash day when Mimi thinks I'm not looking. Mike Peace tells us what he does with those pieces- Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton has some thoughts on purchased vs. shop made Donut Chucks If you have the opportunity to serve as a woodturning instructor, Jim Rodgers has a video to help understand the various types of learners and some strategies for assisting each. New Turning Items- Not a new item but FREE shipping on your purchase, from Woodturners Wonders- Safe turning adkjasbd
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Please keep in mind we are having our community fund raiser. Check out the cool prizes- Our Patriot Turners- Our "What's On Your Lathe" thread had several additions this week- @forty_caliber, @nevinc and @HandyDan were busy- Check out what they were up to- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- ❗️For invitation to attend this zoom, simply send an email with the subject line “Invite Me” to [email protected]❗️ Keith was kind enough to share this from the Easy Wood Tools newsletter. The email is sent to the folks EWT has on file. If you don't get it, call @Jordan Martindale at (859)246-0294 and asked to be put on the list. For The Newbies- Some turning tips, hints and general information from Tim Yoder and Ron Brown- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan- waste not, want not- And... Mr. Raffan also turns a lovely "breakfast bowl". Note in his description his formula for turning time to make a living! I'll never make it! Alan Stratton turns a beautiful shallow bowl leaving natures imperfections Carl Jacobson does a variation on the Mason jar vase lid- Woodworker's Journal published their monthly Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Some neat projects for all skill levels New Turning Items- From Woodturners Wonders a new item to help keep grinder dust under control- Niles Stoppers posted a video describing their threaded inserts- Everything Else- Some interesting thoughts from Ron Brown's newsletter- Copying vs. Stealing in Woodturning This subject comes up frequently and is not very well understood. What, then, is morally permissible and what is wrong and probably illegal? “Art Plagiarism Defined: Plagiarists copy sketches, paintings, photos, and even sculptures. When you copy someone else’s art without consent or credit—you are stealing. Even mere using of filter, changing of color, and adding of clip art or text are part of this poor practice. Like literary plagiarism, art plagiarism also comes in many forms such as theft and tracing.” Source: College of Arts and Technology Q: Is it OK to copy well-known turners work? • Yes, provided you name the original artist as the inspiration for your version. • You don’t try to pass off or sell yours as a piece made by them. • Give credit where credit is due. • If the item is for your own private use or collection and it isn’t for sale, there are no limitations, IMHO. My first real venture into turning was making turned-lidded boxes for Christmas presents for all of the women in our extended family. I worked directly from the book “Turned Lidded Boxes – 50 Designs” by Chris Stott. I copied examples from his book as exactly as my inexperienced turning skills would allow. That Christmas I even showed everyone the book and the pages their present was displayed on. Everyone knew I wasn’t that creative on my own. By this time in my turning career, I’ve made thousands of different items. Virtually none of them were purely my own design. Each one was taken from something I’d seen in a magazine, book, or on YouTube. Yes, I added my own twist, but the core idea was almost never original to me. I am always quick to acknowledge the source of my inspiration by name if possible. As an example, the 10,000-plus spinning tops I’ve made are in the Bonnie Klien style. I added my own twist and used different texturing tools eventually, but I can show you the exact pages where the designs originated in her book. I even met Bonnie at an event in Provo, Utah where I was turning "her tops." As she looked over an assortment of about 50 spinning tops, her comment was “Not Bad”. Famous turners develop their own recognizable style over time and so will you. Think of Mike Mahoney’s Calabash bowls, David Ellsworth’s hollow forms, Cindy Drozda’s hollow forms with fancy finials, Dick Sing’s miniature birdhouses, and John Jordan’s turned and carved hollow forms. All of these styles are readily identifiable. It is normal and healthy to study the work of folks who have figured something out that is distinctive and outstanding. The very best way to learn something is by doing practice exercises; drill for skill. In sports, you run the same plays over and over until they become second nature. In school, we call that homework exercises. I would encourage you to copy work you admire, acknowledge their inspiration give them credit for the idea when showing it to others, and add your own twist when appropriate. Sometimes theirs can’t really be improved on so have fun and let everyone know who inspired you in the first place. I've been taking a hint from @Gerald and making "friendship bowls". Mimi has pretty much depleted all of the bowls I've had setting on the shelves. Some of my earliest ventures aren't of the quality I'd like people to see so I needed to replenish. Have some elm and some walnut from the woodshed. These are under 6" in diameter and have 2 more blanks this size. Then a couple about 8". The largest two will be for special gifts. Safe turning
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- woodturners monthly
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- friendship bowls
I belong to group on furniture repair and refinishing. I finally had enough when I see people post problems when they "sand off the old finish" and have a variety of problems. I asked why people just don't use a stripper, which in my experience (as a pro and hobbyist) is faster, better, and less risky, though a bit messy. Since posting earlier this afternoon, it has over 100 comments. Pro and con. You know, you don't want to use "chemicals." (Chemical, n., anything that has mass and occupies space).
All for naught!!!! After sanding to MY liking (sp) disaster!!!!! Went to open up the bottom recess in order to fit the branding iron & POP. Off the lathe & into a cart. Even after I checked for a good fit. Still can't find one piece. Oh well!!!
We are almost half way to our Ward 57 goal! If you haven't donated yet, please don't delay! Your donations will help the Forney family and get you entered into our raffle for some fantastic prizes! Our Patriot Turners- @Masonsailor has been cranking out a wide variety of Christmas presents. He showed us some of what he had started for last week's "Wednesday's...". Paul has added several more images of his turnings as a continuation to that post- Have a look at the other beautiful turnings Paul has completed! @forty_caliber has a bunch of turning blanks all sealed up and awaiting their turn on the lathe! Forty also showed us the results of a bowl he started a little while back. The color is fantastic! Check out where it all started- He also posted a quick update on a Pecan bowl he is roughing out. Really nice shape- @RustyFN posted his really neat bottle stopper turnings! There's gonna be some very happy folks at Christmas! Rusty got lots of great comments and answered some questions in this post- Rusty's Mrs. really keeps him busy cranking out presents (I know the feeling) and this one is a winner- Rusty explains more in his post- @PostalTom completed the chess set for his grandson. This will surely become a family heirloom. Tom explains there were a lot of "firsts" in this project- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for more information- If I ever won the lottery, I know what I would spent some of it on- For The Newbies- Some sanding tips from Richard Raffan- Cute little turned characters from Mike Peace- Expand Your Horizons- Make a neat ornament and practice you thread chasing skills with this Mike Peace project- Looking for ways to enhance your turning designs? Alan Stratton has some thoughts- New Turning Items- The bronze threaded rings are now available from Niles Bottle Stoppers- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
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- alan stratton
- design enhance
- (and 21 more)
Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving. For Pennsylvania hunters, good luck on Monday- the first day of white tail buck season! Our Ward 57 Christmas project is underway. We are about 1/3 of the way to our goal. Please check out this and donate to get your raffle tickets for some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted these fantastic bowls after we put up last "Wednesday's..." chapter. Tony creates his bowls using the Ring Master. See his post for more details on the species and more images of his bowls! Last week @Steve Krumanaker showed us the walking sticks he was creating. He used his shop made spirally jig to embellish the handles and they look incredible- Steve was kind enough to post a video of his spiral cutter, on his YouTube channel- @Masonsailor continue to crank out Christmas presents. Paul always fins the most interesting wood combinations to make each piece unique! The hardware for his turnings comes from Niles Bottle Stoppers. Head over to his post and see more of the turnings and what they are to become. What’s Coming Up- From the AAW. Click on the image for more information. For The Newbies- Expand Your Horizons- New Turning Items- Didn't find anything new and exciting. Hoping Santa will come up with some new stuff! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- This has nothing to do with turning but there is an interesting history lesson here. I was coerced into going with Mimi to Thanksgiving Eve church service. Fortunately lightening didn't strike the church or any of the attendees. Mimi's family have been long time members of the local Zion Reformed Church in Chambersburg.,_Pennsylvania) On Thanksgiving eve and Christmas eve they light the original chandelier for the service. Real candles, this chandelier is not electrified. Keep in mind the church was originally built in 1811 to 1813. It was one of the few structures that wasn't destroyed during the Civil War when the Confederate Army burned the town. Pretty amazing. Safe turning
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- rick turns
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I have been using the purple sanding discs from Woodturners Wonders and was wondering what you all use. The purple discs sand great when new but don’t last very long. Wondering what your favorites are. I’m willing to try something new.
Well, Stumpy Nubs seems to think no reason to run slower speeds, but
It's been a slow week here for our turners. However, Easy Wood Tools is helping veterans get started and enjoy the satisfaction of woodturning and dealing with their PTSD. You can help this awesome cause by purchasing T-shirts. Head over to the Easy Wood Tools site and order yours while there is still time- Our Patriot Turners- Everyone was busy cleaning their shops What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. The mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium- From Craft Supplies USA- For The Newbies- Scroll chucks are are excellent for holding turnings but they can leave jaw impression marks on your work. In this video, Richard Raffan demonstrates how to almost completely eliminate them- A great video from Jim Rodgers on why catches occur when using gouges- Alan Stratton comes up with yet another method for turning scoops. This is a one piece scoop- Speaking of scoops, here's an old video from Tim Yoder demonstrating how he does it- Expand Your Horizons- How thin do you turn your bowls?? Here, Kent Weakley demonstrate techniques for turning really this bowls- Sometimes the turning we had in our mind isn't quite what comes off the lathe. Here, Tim Yoder makes design modifications on the fly. The results are pretty neat! If you have one of Ruth Niles' Joyner Off Center Jigs You know it can be a little frustrating imagining exactly what the final pattern will look like. In this video, from the AAW, Dawn Petrie-George shows how to create a template to help with this. Speaking of Ruth Niles, Cindy Drozda recently did a live stream on YouTube making bottle stoppers using Ruth's products- New Turning Items- Mike Waldt demonstrates a modular tool rest system. Not sure if this manufacturer is available in the U.S. Here in the U.S., there are several sources of similar products including Nova, Sorby and other woodworking outlets. Not a new item but a sale on sanding supplies from Woodturners Wonders- Check out the deals here- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
- 3 replies
- woodturners wonders
- modular rest
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- woodturners wonders
- modular rest
- mike waldt
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- tim yoder
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- alan stratton
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Hope everyone had an enjoyable July 4th. Our Patriot Turners- @knockonit posted a question to turners about turning Indian Rosewood. He has received a few responses so far- If you have experience with this species, please hop on over to his post and give him your suggestions. @RustyFN gave us a look at his hollowing rig he is using in conjunction with his shop made steady rest. Really looking forward to seeing this in action. Check out the addition to Rusty's previous post- @Masonsailor turned a few more of those baseball displays for his Mrs. Paul's post has more images- What’s Coming Up- As a reminder, Cindy Drozda's 4 part, online turning class starts this Saturday July 9. More information at her website- Cindy is also hosting a "Tool Talk" on Thursday July 7. These are live streaming interactive discussions. If you do Facebook, checkout this link- Cindy usually streams this live on YouTube as well. This is the link to her channel- or here- For The Newbies- Mike Peace continues to post short, informative turning tips and instructional videos. This one compares a chuck worm screw to a screw chuck. If you have a set of Cole jaws for your chuck, you may find this video useful- Expand Your Horizons- Offset turning can be exciting. Here Alan Stratton turns a one piece wooden scoop- Mike Waldt demonstrates turning a hollow form- An interesting process that uses more than just turning to create an awesome looking bowl- New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has a preorder sale on the complete Kodiak sharpening system- While you are at the site, checkout their line of sanding supplies/equipment. Ken Rizza discusses some the products in this video- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finally got done with the refinishing of some old kitchen ware turnings. These were made back in 2007 and had been used hard in Mimi's kitchen. The pepper grinder set a little too close to the stove and the heat discolored the wood. All of the surfaces had accumulated cooking oils/grease from daily use. Sanding and fresh applications of gloss ploy, The platter is the one that got way too thin at the center mounting mortice. Did all the sanding/finishing and then filled the mortice with Alumilite mixed with black opaque coloring. Safe turning
Sanding may sound elemental but to get that good finish it is essential part of the process of turning to a finish. The best way to improve your finish is to first learn to turn to a better finish off your tools. This will take time so lets look at what to do till that happens. Always sand from beginning grit to finish grit. Do not skip grits. My progression is 80,120,180,220,320,400,600,800,1000,2000, 4000. Unless my finish off the gouge is good those steps are followed. Might start at 60 for a bad piece of wood , yes it is always the fault of the wood . For most turnings I only go to 400. How long do you sand with each grit? Answer=Till all scratches from the previous grit are gone. How do you see those scratches? Answer= LOW-Angled light on the surface. Sometimes these scratches show better if you do not remove the sanding dust but be sure to check after dusting off too. There are occasions when you will find scratches after a higher grit and in this case go back two grits and continue to follow progression. Is power sanding a good idea? Answer + can be used for at least part of the process. Do not power sand at full speed , a medium or low speed on the sander is sufficient. Do not press on the sander, its weight is plenty of pressure. Use hand rotation of the piece on the lathe, speed causes the sander and hand held paper to skip on the surface. Do not hesitate to work more on a problem area but be sure to feather out the area to disguise the spots symmetry . When possible sand with the grain by hand on the last two grits. In power sanding use a softer pad under discs over 180. Now what do I use. Sander Ridgid Job Max(corded) for 2 inch discs. Pros orbital sander (air Powered) for 3 inch discs. Sanding mandrels for both are from in a system of Rolox pads with hook & loop. Paper for sheet I use Norton 3X and pads are Mirka gold from TurningWood.Com And Abralon pads Backup pads save your hook and loop on your mandrels. There are many ways to mount paper on handles , and inertial sanding handles that spin from the lathes power. For sanding inside hollow forms I use long locking tongs with the paper wrapped around a foam pad. For this lathe will need to be turning at a slow speed. You will find your own solutions and mine are not the only way to get there. When you find it necessary to sand on lathe under power always use speeds of 250 or less.
After watching the video that someone (Gene?) posted demonstrating these discs, I was itching to try some out. Thsi week Taylor Tools not only has a complete stock, but a 10% off sale so I ordered some 120, 150, and 180 grit 5" discs. This is after just a brief test, and I intend to keep trying them out. But, I took a roughly 10" x 10" scrap piece of cherry that was in desperate need of cleaning and started sanding with some 120 grit Cubitron. I was using a Bosch 5" sander, hooked to a VS vac that I always slow down to the lowest speed with the sander (higher speeds suck the sander into the wood, mimicking a lot of applied pressure on the sander). To be honest, the results were disappointing. I had a good amount of dust on the non slip sanding pad I was using to hold the work piece, and the pad on the sander was actually pretty full of dust. When I picked the sander up off the wood, there was quite a pile centered where the disc was. This was also a fair amount of visible dust in the air, using cherry made it a lot more visible. Now, this is hardly conclusive and I intend to speed the vac up and try some more. With the Cubitron, I may not have the problem with higher speeds since it vents very differently than the 8 hole discs I normally use. So much for dust collection, for the sanding function these clearly cut faster than the Klingspor alum. oxide I usually use. In less than 2 minutes per side, I had the piece presentable. Anyway, if anyone want to take advantage of the Taylor sale, use the code "black10"...supposed to be good until 12/3 (and I believe it is for anything they sell). Edit, I added a pic. You can see the dust on the sander's pad, some on the mat I used, and a pile on the wood. Like I said, this was hardly a concusive test adn i'll try a few more pieces of wood along with turning my vac up and we'll see how they do.
Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. Not sure if that's good or bad news. Seems like winter has been wasted around here. When it's cold there's no precipitation. It warms up and then we get rain. Our Patriot Turners- Our resident ornament master is at it again. @Ron Altier posted some things he created from just scrap pieces. Ron sure has an eye for design- Check out his post for additional details and some of the comments left by our members- @Steve Krumanaker picked up some elm from his son. Steve turned some lovely bowls. As always, he adds his personal touch to the bottoms- Steve showed us more images in his post- Steve also found a way to keep busy when it was too cold to work outside In his post, Steve explains how he attaches the removable roof @Bundoman Has been teaching his daughter about turning. Looks she is a natural and has created several imaginative pieces- Head on over to this post to see what he and his daughter have made- @Gerald decided to try his had at making a scoop shown in a video from last week's post- You can check out what he said here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for the link to more information- For The Newbies- A couple of turning safety videos from Mike Peace- I recently saw another turner use this method of reverse chucking a roughed out bowl to finish turning. Here's Richard Raffan showing us who it's done- Wondering how to dry that wet wood turning? Tim Yoder tries a different way. Check out Tim's use of those Easy Wood Tools! ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) Expand Your Horizons- The Woodturners Worldwide Online Symposium offered many interesting presentations. This one from Cindy Drozda on turning a sphere- Mike Peace has a 2 part video on embellishment and embellishing tools. These were made available through the AAW. Richard Raffan turns a beautiful wide rim dish- Alan Stratton continues his series on offset turning. The beginning of this video describes the modifications he made to his original shop made jig- New Turning Items- From Turners Warehouse for the pen turner (click on the image for the link)- Package deal for bowl turners from Woodturners Wonders (click on the image)- Craft Supplies USA has some new kitchenware items (click the image) Ruth Nile has Penn State Pizza Cutters back in stock! Check Ruth's site- This past weekend was the on-line symposium from Woodturners Worldwide. Cindy Drozda did an informative presentation on live tail stock centers. Although these are not new, it should provide guidance for those in the market for one- Everything Else- From the AAW, a tribute to Stephen Hogbin- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
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A slow week here in our turner's forum. Our Patriot Turners- What’s Coming Up- Click on the following images for links to more information- From the AAW- For The Newbies- Sanding our turnings is time consuming. Changing disks on the Velcro sanding pads just adds to the delay. I know @Gerald has a sanding disk for each grit and that can save some time. It also saves some wear and tear on the Velcro. Here's a video showing shop made sanding disk holders- Wooden scoops are always a nice addition to the kitchen. Here Richard Raffan shows us how he does them- Check out his YouTube channel for more turning videos- Tracey Malady demonstrates the versatility of the Easy Wood Tools, @Jim from Easy Wood Tools, carbide cutters as she turns finials- Expand Your Horizons- A neat tip from Lyle Jamieson on how to keep lighter colored sapwood from darkening- Alan Stratton demonstrates some shop made jigs for creating turnings with eccentric patterns- Our local PBS station is always a little behind the rest of the country, especially when it comes to woodworking shows. This past Saturday, Jimmy Clewes was featured turning his signature platter. The episode is available for purchase at- New Turning Items- With the Virtual AAW Symposium taking place, I am hoping there will be some new turning tools/equipment introduced. Guess we will have to wait and see. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- In preparation for each week's "Wednesday's...", I spend some time searching for informative videos. Some come from YouTube. I noticed recently that the YouTube users rating system seemed different. The "Thumbs Up" choice is listing the number of positive responses. The "Thumbs Down" choice doesn't show any negative votes. Thinking this was a little odd, I went searching for the reason. If you are interested in understanding the change- Could this be a carryover from the "everybody gets a trophy" generation?? Safe turning and stay well
I did about 5 straight hours of sanding, renovating lawn furniture. The 3M-Cub2 disk finally gave out after 5 hours, the backing turning to lint. I put a junk disk (came with the sander) on it: it lasted about 15 minutes, then started disintegrating. The 3M-C2 face was still abrasive after failure; the cheapo was almost as smooth as the proverbial north-bound baby's south end. Simplifies my purchasing habits!
I just finished these earrings for my granddaughter. She loves large dangling earrings you can see my setup. The one photo shows the blocks with a Hand hold dowel for sanding. I started with one thicker block that I ripped in half after I inserted the turned pieces. I used yellow heart, Purple Heart & blood wood.
Posting this a day early as family commitments will keep me tied up for a while. Our Patriot Turners- Not sure how I missed this post from @Gerald but hope he can forgive me for the oversight. Gerald is still using up some of that pecan wood he got a couple of years ago- In this post he explains a little about his plans for the piece- @forty_caliber was commissioned to turn a bowl from a specific species. He got a good start on it and gave us a glimpse- Forty gave us an insight into how it turned, in this post- @bradleyheathhays posed a question to our forum- actually several question. He is looking for information on various chucks, a coring system, sanding supplies and wood storage. Our members offered several ideas/suggestions. Please see his post and offer any input that would be helpful- What’s Coming Up- More information at- For The Newbies- A fun little project for using scraps or small branches Some projects can benefit for specialized holder. A short video demonstrating the use of a mandrel- A little more advanced project for the kitchen from Alan Stratton- Expand Your Horizons- A couple of videos with demonstrations by well known turners- Mike Waldt- Robert Sorby- Those of you that do casting, a sweet little box from Carl Jacobson. At the end of the video Mr. Jacobson gives his opinion on a brand of sandpaper. Want a 2 color bowl but you don't do segments? Check this out! New Turning Items- In the above video, Mr. Jacobson offered his opinion on the sandpaper he used. This video shows the testing process on a wide selection of sandpaper/manufacturers- The write-up for the video- Ruth Niles' November newsletter is out. She has a couple of kits More information here- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Been asked to turn some bowls from a walnut tree that had to be taken down. The tree had special meaning to the owners. The pieces supplied had been left outside and were splitting pretty bad but I was able to get some small blanks. Two bowls are rough turned and soaking in soap/water. The third is hopefully destined to become a natural edge bowl. Walnut doesn't hold on to its bark really well and the bark is quite thick. I was hoping this could go from start to finish but that's not going to happen. Shaped the outside and applied CA the cambium area around the piece Hoping to keep the bark in place, I used my Dremel tool and created a circular opening through the bark, into the sap wood. Then loaded the "moat" with CA to soak into the wood. I'll keep this in a plastic bag until I get back to it. It may just be a miserable failure. Time will tell. Safe turning and stay well