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Found 5 results

  1. Picked up a wild dose of the back door trots. Our Patriot Turners- @keithlong did his first craft show and picked up some additional turning work. Keith is looking for curly Koa. Check out his post and see if you can point him in the right direction! @Ron Altier picked up some cypress from his local thrift store. Ron is our resident ornament maker and this one doesn't disappoint! Check Ron's post for the wonderful comments from our members- @Gerald posted a cart/rack for holding his new Jaho jig. This jig is bigger than I realized and certainly heavy! More pictures and information about the build in Gerald's post- @kreisdorph put his new Rikon lathe through it paces! He tells us about it here- @smitty10101 is working on a bowl from a board. He has some questions about cutting the angles and a few other things. I know some of our turners use this technique, I you can help Smitty out, head on over to his post! In our "Good Monday Morning" forum, @John Morris posted a really amazing turning video. Checkout some of the custom made jigs for applying finish! We've had some entries on or continuing posts of ON/OFF your lathe From ON- @Gerald posted this one Catchup up on all the comments here- And from OFF- @Gerald, @kreisdorph and @lew Head on over to the topic and checkout the comments What’s Coming Up- This was last week but if you missed it, Cindy Drozda posted the video of her "Tool Talk"- https://streamyard.com/watch/CyvKGNCGNujG For The Newbies- A video from Mike Peace on the various types of drive centers- Sam Angelo demonstrates the use of the spindle gouge. From Tim Yoder on the roughing gouge- Facebook video.mp4 Expand Your Horizons- Lyle Jamieson discusses balancing the grain and color when turning a bowl- For some reason this video isn't showing up for me. Here is the YouTube link https://youtu.be/VtHVrf-1xlQ?si=n28y_i4yw_IKFfTY Alan Stratton makes a unique box that looks like a stacking toy! An interesting design on a cherry bowl by Kent Weakley Jim Rodgers makes a really neat one piece pen- New Turning Items- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/threaded-rings-for-urns/ Everything Else- Safe turning
  2. Beautiful late summer day here in south central PA. Unless you are very new to woodturning, you probably have heard of "Cap'n Eddie"- Eddie Castelin. Cap'n provided education and products for turners. A video he posted last week- Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier upped his ornament game by refurbishing a windchime! Ron explains about some of the wood he used on this upgrade in his post- @Gene Howe gave us a heads-up on an interesting website from Ron Brown. If you create an account, at the bottom of the create an account page, there is a place to check to subscribe to Ron's newsletter. @Gerald is into mushrooms- the legal kind . He explains about his techniques in his post- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to information and registration. For The Newbies- Chuck maintenance is often overlooked but extremely important If you are considering whether or not you want to try carbide tool, this video from Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) may answer some of your questions- A nice, short video from Richard Raffan on using the spindle roughing gouge- We have discussed dust extraction for the lathe here several times. Richard Raffan shows us his setup- Expand Your Horizons- Measuring tools for the turner can be very useful. Mike Peace demonstrates several types of shop made measuring devices- Carl and Robin Jacobson are the new owners of Niles Bottle Stoppers. Carl has been producing videos to demonstrate some of the other product sold by Ruth. This offset jig is pretty slick- New Turning Items- In keeping with Mike Peace's video on measuring tools, Woodturners Wonders have a sale on their calipers- Check it out at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/calipers-compass/products/full-caliper-set Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Last week we posted a video from Alan Stratton on turning a ball within a ball. Ala's octagon technique for turning a sphere was different than what I had used before- David Reed Smith's shadow technique. Thought I'd give it a try. No finish or fine grit sanding and a bit of a catch on the larger sphere. The inside of the walnut sphere could have been a little more accurate. I think it would have been better for the species to be reversed but these were scraps. Safe turning
  3. OK, we are getting close to the end of our summer fund raiser and we are seriously short of our goal. If you haven't donated, please consider helping our site stay alive. Our very generous sponsors have donated some awesome items as prizes. Please head on over to this post and donate. Every little bit helps! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald started catching up on some older projects and in the process did some cleaning- Part of Gerald's post was a challenge to our members to show us some of the unfinished projects we are procrastinating about completing! One of Gerald's projects to be finished up was a turned vase that cracked. Instead of the burn pit, Gerald used this as a chance to turn it into spectacular embellishments. In his post, he shows us his process- @RustyFN Finished up a gorgeous lidded box. Perfect glue-up and centered on the lathe. Made from two of my favorite woods. In his post, Rusty explains a little on how he mounted it on the lathe. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information- For The Newbies- Another informative video in the series from Mike Peace- From the AAW, a video demonstrating a beautiful turning from shop scraps- Alan Stratton posted a video turning a bowl from start to finish. A couple of things of interest are his reason for not band sawing the blank round at the beginning and his thoughts on drying. Check out his faceplate jig for uneven surfaces! Expand Your Horizons- Watch Mike Waldt turn a beautiful, shallow mahogany bowl! Off-center and eccentric turning are similar but different. In this video, Carl Jacobson turns an eccentric goblet. Notice he does this without the aid of jigs. Cindy Drozda posted a short video demonstrating sphere turning- New Turning Items- From Craft Supplies USA, their new turning smocks- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  4. A little longer post this week. Was away last week and didn't have access to my weekly list of stuff to post. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN posted a picture of a bowl he started for a continuing project with the turning club in which he is a member. Rusty showed us a picture of what will be added to this turning, during a future club meeting. Turning can be a messy hobby. Rusty posted some of his by-products- @AndrewB continues working on pepper mills. In this post, he shows us one of his maple mills assembled and finished- Andrew also gave us a look at one he had posted previously and is now complete- Andrew started a conversation about beading tools. Beads can be made with a variety of turning tools, however, some projects are more conducive to a dedicated tool. How do you turn your beads? Check out the conversation and give us your ideas- Andrew also spent some time perfecting this sharpening techniques. He showed us his success on a scraper. He received lots of positive comments @Bob Hodge asked about making our own tools using a specific material- "Tantung". If you have any experience with this material, maybe you could pop over to his post and chime in- @Ron Altier dug up an older post that introduced us to the products of our sponsor- Easy Wood Tools. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. From all of the other carbide products on the market, @Jim from Easy Wood Tools should be feeling pretty good about starting it all! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to registration. Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration. Sponsored by Craft Supplies USA. Click on the above image for more information. Not exclusively for turners but there are turners involved. Click on the above image for more information. For The Newbies- I make no secret about it- I hate sanding. Mostly because I suck at it. Here is some information to help us all improve on our techniques- WF0501p19-21.pdf Andrew mentioned he sharpened his scraper. He received several comments on different techniques. I found this article describing some of those techniques- https://turnawoodbowl.com/scraper-sharpening-bevel-angle-burr-how-to/#:~:text=Some people recommend a 85,to 60-degree bevel angles A video from Mike Waldt on the roughing gouge and spindle gouge. Another in the series for beginners. This is a replay of a live program. It is quite lengthy- Pens are really nice, well received gifts. I've turned lots of them over the years. If the pen is for an older person, as was the case with my Mom, sometimes they have a hard time holding the more delicate (slime) styles. A nice design for arthritic hands- Turned kitchen items are always appreciated. A nice article for turning mixing spoons- https://community.woodturner.org/HigherLogic/System/DownloadDocumentFile.ashx?DocumentFileKey=4ce49ef3-df90-46ee-a6a3-23b92152f2f3&forceDialog=0&_zs=ceDib&_zl=AcdW2 If you are thinking about investing in some Easy Wood Tools, Here is a short video on their use- Expand Your Horizons- Andrew's post on beading tools, and some of the responses led me to this web site. I don't think it would be possible to create these works of art without the aid of a dedicated beading tool- See more of Mr. Meyer's work at http://www.harveymeyer.com/ While Mr. Meyer's is the epitome of geometric shapes, sometimes mother nature can rival this beauty with the organic shapes of spalted wood. You may be lucky enough to obtain naturally spalted pieces. If not, you can help mother nature along- An interesting bowl project. Two bowl blanks make one bowl. A two part video- New Turning Items- You say you want to use wooden threads on that container you just made? But you don't have a pair of Thread Cutters? Not a problem! Ron Brown has you covered! Everything Else- The past two weeks of YouTube videos from Rick Turns- Woodworker's Journal post of Woodturning Monthly- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Played a little with a piece of the mulberry. The first turning didn't turn out anywhere near the vision in my head. This one is a little more like what I had in mind. I need to get better at centering the the workpiece. The wall thicknesses around the natural edge vary from 1/8" to almost 1/4". I'm still starting with a piece that's too "thick" to get a "flatter" turning and keep the natural edge. Safe turning and stay well
  5. So far I can say that I'm entirely impressed with the Robert Sorby brand. The tool is about as long as the EWT carbides maybe a bit shorter how ever it was well worth the money I spent for the tool itself. I think I may be a new fan of HSS. Just need to acquire a couple more of the essential starters. But what I think I was impressed with is how much material that was hogged off in about 10 minutes or so. I started the fir log with the EWT rougher then the gouge came in and today I went for it. Its a bit rough trying to work out the exact angle to hold it at but I think I got the hang of it. So far this seems to be a winner. It did come to me pre sharpened I didn't have to sharpen it the first run but I probably will now that it's been used on medium wet wood but it still worked quite well. Seems that the speed has to be up quite a bit higher as well for them to work properly.
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