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Found 16 results

  1. WARNING:This is a turning related post . No turning will be done. I picked up a stand that used to have a grinder on it or the upright only. Friend kept the upright and thru out the stand with wheels. I finally had the idea to make a stand on wheels to move the heavy JaHo jig. Had to cut off the back end of the metal stand , drill for new place for fixed wheels. Put a block in front for a larger rotating wheel set. Small wheels don’t move well on pads. Then put together a box for upper stand from some dirty ply I had to run thru the drum sander to clean up . Left this with the 80 grit sanding marks. Painted black to hide some bad spots. Top was of pine shelves “Previously painted.
  2. One of my daughter's family has a lot of readers. She asked for a couple of book racks to hold reading in process. Here is the result
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  4. View File Workbench Magazine July-August 1968 Book Rack This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 07/02/2023 Category Arts and Crafts  
  5. As promised, here is the result much of my efforts this past couple of weeks. It is a solid walnut pool cue rack my son-in-law resulting from a request he made upon moving into their new home. I am also in the middle of making a Danish Style Bench with a woven seat. I have never tried this before. I remember a project in a wood working magazine several years ago. I can't find it but I have designed it and am building it from memory and should have it done next week if all goes well. It is interesting to do as there are lot of curved surfaces and making the right and left hand parts uniform is a bit of a challenge. But challenge is what makes this fun. I am glad I don't have to make and sell my projects to make a living. I would starve. I have also included a sign I have in my workshop that many of my friends (none of which are wood workere) who visit me have commented on.
  6. From the album: Glenn Davis

    Mortise and Tenon Construction
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  8. View File Workbench Magazine Jan-Feb 1967 China Rack This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 03/17/2018 Category Arts and Crafts
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  10. View File Workbench Magazine January-February 1966 Table Tennis Rack This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 10/23/2016 Category Arts and Crafts
  11. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  12. Getting to be a bit crowded, mainly in drills.... And, I had a couple others to add to this pile. There is no room in the brace till for a 14" sweep drill, nor a 10" brace....so Drilled a few 1/2" holes into some 1/2" plywood. turned the holes into slots. Three screws to attach the "rack" Into the overhead beams, er..joists. Don't worry about the "smoke alarm" as it is a defunct one, have a new system in place. Next, start loading the rack up.. That breast drill is on the far end. The four eggbeaters are up there, a Millers Falls Holdall 14 and a Millers Falls 22 are there as well. Best news, they are all above the top of my bald head, by a few inches. Another look? There is also a saw till up there. Cords are the main power to what power tools I have, and.....the overhead light. mainly the yellow cord, orange no longer works. Well, I think there MIGHT be enough drills in the shop?
  13. Cliff

    Tool Rack

    I'm thinking a lazy susan type rack with the lathe tools leaning inward at about 10 degrees, I'm designing this lazy susan and go t to thinking about what might happen if I spun it fast enough to flip the tools outward. They'd clatter all over the floor and I'd have some grinder work to do I've considered rare earth magnets but I try to avoid magnetizing my tools and that'd do it. Maybe I'll have to bite that bullet. An alternative is to make the base deep enough that the handles would set in far enough that they couldn't fall out but could only be picked up and drawn out of the hole. I'm fishing for ideas
  14. Got this thing almost finished, waiting on the BLO. Second coat is on. Hinges are on have a latch installed on the front.. made a rack to hold the bits in place.. Merely notch some metal angles, then screwed them in place. Test fit to make sure the bits would fit. Old chisel to adjust a couple for width. Drawer liner mesh to cut down on the rattles. Side view. Grain looks decent enough. lid will actually stay opened, on it's own... Got MOST of the bits in there. Will just have to do, for now. Waiting to see how many more coats of BLO I'll need...
  15. Yep, less than ayear old and getting "outdated".... Well, seems I have a few chisels needing a decent home, without bumping into each other. Took out the old tray. WAS going to just flip it onto it's side and cut slotted holes for the chisels to reside in......but, the pine was just snapping off at the holes as soon as I cut a slot...Bummer! Got to thinking, the bottom of this tray is oak. So, drilled a few holes through the 1/2" thick oak, with a dull, smoke the lumber, Forstner bit. Then an old B&D sabre saw to cut slots on either side of the holes. Some were a bit wide. While working on this thing, had it upside down in the vise so I could test fit the chisels as I went along. Once everything was "fitted" , I could empty the rack, flip it over and install IN the Tool Chest #1. I may have to add a few screws to hold it back there. You can see where the pine just snapped out. Now, as for the floor of this older chest. Since the iron bodied ones have their own till now, the woodies went and took over the bottom of this chestalong with a few saws still in their till. There is a Jointah plane, a Jack plane, a Coffin smoother plane, and a HUGE try plane. Saws are just some panel saws, and a backsaw. Had a tote tray to place over all these goodies, too awaiting a few other toys to go into here. There is STILL a 4" wide open space to the front, might have to work on that next... Stay tuned.....
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