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  1. Our Summer fund raiser is still happening! Remember, this is to provide funds for the site operation and unexpected expenses. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB posted a couple of new items he is working on, check out his posts! And- We had a post on our "What's Off Your Lathe And Finished" by @kreisdorph. That Black walnut sure is lovely! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda posted the video of her live tool talk event from last week. Always some great tips! Cindy and Todd Raines will be hosting a Woodturning Sharing event on August 2, 2024 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=22337b94-ff08-4811-a511-019074232f14&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=EQRA4 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=48fd6950-9604-44ed-b3d9-0190c7ad94e2&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=AQRA4 https://mawts.com/ For The Newbies- @AndrewB posted about learning to turn bowls. Member @Gerald was kind enough to locate a video from Stuart Batty on the subject. Reposting Gerald's link here- Also, here's a video from Kent Weakley on the correct use of the bowl gouge- Some great tips from Tim Yoder! Check out the one on turning speed. Expand Your Horizons- Do you do craft shows or just looking for some new ideas for turnings? Mike Peace has two neat turned "animals" that might interest you. New Turning Items- A couple of weeks ago, we posted a video from Todd Raines demonstrating the Robust "Tru-Arc" tool. Sam Angelo gives us his impression of the tool in this video- Everything Else- I did an Easy Wood Tools demonstration for The Catoctin Area Turners' club last Thursday in Leesburg, VA. I thought @Gerald would be interested in their Beads of Courage boxes shown during the show and tell portion of their meeting Well the rolling pin blanks are finally finished- yesterday! The demo/workshop is this Saturday. 24 blanks here and 2 more at the workshop location. I make my blanks 22" long and 2 x 2" square. The lathes available for the workshop max out at 15" and 17" so angles had to be adjusted for a pleasing look when turned. Also some of the supplied blanks were smaller that 2 x 2 all that required different cutting angles. Some blanks were larger (almost 3 x 3) and my jig for cutting the angles wouldn't let the saw blade reach a high enough point to cut the proper insert slots. Had to design another jig for those blanks. Now on to Mimi's honey-do list that has been expanding exponentially! Safe turning
  2. I had another piece of this stuff so I thought I may try to play with it. What I don't know is whether that's possible...especially after I trimmed it down a little, maybe i screwed the pooch with my trimming. Anyway, the first 2 photos show the front/back if you will of what i started with. Thinking I needed a flat surface on one side, I slabbed some off to give me just that. Then I cut a little off one end to "square" it up a little. So that's what I have left. I was thinking about a small platter or shallow bowl showing the crotch of the branch coming off of it. The piece I have left is about 6 1/2" tall (long grain) and about 8 1/2" across at the branch stub. Without any direction at this point I might try to put a worm screw into the flat part centered across the 8 1/2" dimension and try to round it out some and put a mortise in the other side to accept chuck jaws. But maybe i should just put this on my brush pile to burn. Advice?
  3. Tomorrow is the 80th anniversary of D-Day. There are so few of the brave men and women who served in World War II left to honor their sacrifices to keep our country free. The Greatest Generation is almost gone. Our Patriot Turners- @StaticLV2 posed a question to our members concerning turning if you are a "Lefty". Specifically, dealing with hollowing out the bowl's inside. If you van help him, please see his post and provide some input- @Masonsailor has been building doors for a while. Paul got a chance to sneak over to his lathe to turn several of these door related items. Check out his post for the details! @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted his turned box for use to drool over. First partially finished and then completely finished- More information and descriptions at- And @Gerald finished up his work on an urn for his daughter-in-law's father. It is a beautifully done piece and a fitting resting place for a loved one. Gerald's post includes some process images and description of what he has done- A week or so ago, @RustyFN showed us some turned lidded boxes he made from boxwood. Rusty's friend does chip carving and he embellished the two boxes with amazing work- Check out Rusty's post to see the complete series of pictures from start to finish- Once again, our turners have come through with an amazing collection of work for our "ON/OFF" the lathe posts! Thank You!!! From "ON"- @Gerald and @calabrese55 worked on hollow vessels- Lots of great comments. Pick up where we left off last week at- And from "OFF"- @StaticLV2 and @kreisdorph created some amazing work segments and bowls- Here's the link to catchup with all the action- What’s Coming Up- https://www.neowta.com/press/kirk-deheer-demonstration-and-classes/ For The Newbies- Popular Woodworking made available several turning articles. https://www.popularwoodworking.com/projects/turn-your-first-bowl/?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R https://www.popularwoodworking.com/tools/carbide-tools-unlocking-woodturning-potential/?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R https://www.popularwoodworking.com/tools/the-woodturning-scraper/?oly_enc_id=7454G3912223B7R Expand Your Horizons- Craft Supplies USA has a nice tutorial for turning a utility box- It is just after the first of the month and the "4 Ways" collaboration videos were posted. This project was a little different as each turner made their own favorite project. Mike Peace- Richard Raffan- Sam Angelo- And Tomislav Tomasic- New Turning Items- Not new but I use this bandsaw blade for resawing inserts for my rolling pins. Thought maybe some of the other turners here may do similar cutting- https://www.highlandwoodworking.com/wood-slicer-resaw-bandsaw-blades.aspx?utm_source=Advertiser+Promotion&utm_content=FW+Dedicated+Offers&utm_medium=Advertiser+Promotion Also, last week we posted a new jig from Ron Brown's Best. @HandyDan noticed that one of Ron Brown's jigs was a hollowing stabilizer. Dan said he was unfamiliar with the tool. This is a simple design and has limited depth capabilities compared to the ones used by Tim Yoder or Lyle Jamieson Everything Else- Safe turning
  4. 2 part question: Anyone run across a good source for hints and/or techniques for correcting errors while building a bowl from a board? I tried my hand at one using the bandsaw and wound up with a less than optimal wall thickness and overlap at the joint. So I was wondering if the solution was to: A- increase/decrease the angle of the cut. {My tilt on the bandsaw was 45 degrees}. B- increase the thickness of the rings. C- somehow increase the # of rings {this option I haven't figured out yet}. I also tried one using Papa1947(?) original angle adjusting jig for cutting one directly on the lathe also using 45 degrees. not the full blown one currently being sold. Looking at the headstock from the tailstock---should the 45 angle be on the right of the parting tool to the turning blank or on the left of the parting tool (if this makes sense). One side of the tool will be 45 degrees and the other will be 55 degrees. When I did the one on the lathe I also wound up with a thin thickness and the rings didn't have an adequate overlap. Any thoughts other than to experiment? Thanks smitty
  5. This past weekend was my first craft show of the year and the first one in a few years. I usually don't do shows, but was volunteered for this one. Honestly it was way better than I thought it would be. That being said, I had one guy that came around and placed an order for a roller ball pen made from curly low from Hawaii. I am looking for a couple of these blanks, if you know of a good source to get them, please let me know.
  6. Relatives gone but the remainder of the week already scheduled with appointments. Our Patriot Turners- Our turners have been busy with projects and new journeys @Gerald is learning the ins-and-outs of his new JaHo jig. He posted a couple of cool bowl images and asked our opinion on the painting scheme- His post received lots of comments. Our turners are not shy offering their opinions! Check out his post and give him your input! @keithlong asked us for some leads on mechanical pencil kits. He has been asked to turn a special type of pencil. If you have any ideas for sources for these kits, Keith would appreciate any input- @Fred W. Hargis Jr has started down the slippery slope of wood turning ! He asked our group for some ideas on turning knobs. Specifically, how is the best way to hold the knob during the urning process. A lot of us chimed in with various suggestions and information sources. Fred's setup looks like this- Check his post/questions and our responses and give him some of your ideas- Our continuing post of "What's On Your Lathe" got a couple of hits this week! @kreisdorph posted images of a beautiful cedar bowl. New entries begin here- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda has a free, live tool talk on Friday April 26. Registration link is- https://streamyard.com/watch/MJdeXdGa5fNC For The Newbies- Mike Peace gives us a refresher course on the various live centers available. If you are thinking of upgrading your center, he offers some good information. Sam Angelo gives talks about how to safely use the spindle roughing gouge- Lyle Jamieson has some tips on tips on wet wood storage and wet wood turning- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan turns a lovely little jewelry box from "Sheaok". I had to look that up on the web. Interesting species. Also, watch how Mr. Raffan takes setbacks in stride! Alan Stratton turns a rose bush root ball. Someone said life is too short to turn crappy wood. I'd say the results were well worth the effort. New Turning Items- Found this in the Niles Bottle Stoppers newsletter- Here's the link- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/bottle-stoppers-blanks/ Everything Else- Safe turning
  7. As part of my screwing around with the lathe I wanted to turn some drawer knobs. Not only for the experience, but because I wanted some for my shop cabinets. So I searched up a quick "knob turning" set of instructions, this one from Wood Magazine, and tried it out. First step, make a screw chuck. mine is in the pic and turned out much as they directed. Then I mounted a 1 7/8" square x 1 1/8" thick blank (cherry) and set out to make a knob. But the blank comes off the chuck. Not unscrewed, but at first the screwed tore the hole out and the blank fell off. I drilled a much smaller hole on the opposite (this is practice) side and tried again. Same result, although the blank appeared to be secured quite tightly to the chuck. I was taking very light cuts, first with a carbide rougher, then switched to a small spindle gouge for the second attempt. The screw I used is a #8, and it protrudes from the chuck by 1/2". I'm trying to turn face grain knobs which does bring up another question. Wood said to round the face grain blank using a spindle roughing gouge...I thought that was a big no-no. Roughing gouges and faceplate turning are bad juju. Back to my question, how do I make a screw chuck to turn knobs.....at this point the Wood instructions seem to be suspect. Do I just need a bigger screw in my chuck?
  8. Spent the day rototilling our little garden and planted onions. Garlic has sprung up and looks like most of what I planted survived the winter. Harvest won't be until mid summer. Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald is turning some really neat refrigerator magnets! He has been practicing with his new JaHo jig to adding very interesting embellishments to some of these items. Please hop on over to his post and see what our turners thought of his work- Gerald also posted about these magnets in the "Monday Morning" forum We've had some additions to several of our continuing posts. From "What Lathe Are You Using"- @RustyFN, @HARO50 and @Steve Krumanaker From "Off The Lathe"- @kreisdorph- From "What's On Your Lathe"- @calabrese55- And, from "What's Your Favorite Wood..." @RustyFN, @keithlong and @Cal @keithlong is looking for a specific crafting item. He is making keychains and needs to find a part. Please check out his post and see if you can suggest a source for the part he needs- Keith also added to @Fred W. Hargis Jr's post about Easy Wood Tools rougher cutters. Looks like he found a pretty good price on cutters- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Turners are always seeking new ways to amp up the visual effects of their turnings. In this video, Sam Angelo uses various tools to create interest on the turning's surface. He also adds some color to highlight the embellishments. Expand Your Horizons- Several of our members make "Beads of Courage" boxes for kids with cancer. Mike Peace recently did a short video spotlighting the Gwinnett Woodworkers as they prepare segmented blanks for their Beads of Courage Box initiative. A really worthwhile cause. Alan Stratton shared a video where he turned a bird's beak natural edge bowl. What I found interesting was his method of holding the turning when reversed chucking. New Turning Items- Not new but on sale from Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/lathes?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQGZ2p91Dzyb6Hq8u86HRP26F2J3AVp8xSSqd_hTF8cT.VJvU8R Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter, struck home with me as this was the way I was raised: I Can’t Because I Don’t . . . When someone says I can’t because I don’t have something I will need to do it, the money, the accessory, or just about anything else, I wonder how anything ever gets done. I grew up in a working-class poor family. We always had food, although a lot of the time it was because we had our own chickens, rabbits, and pigs. We were taught not to waste. I learned very early that you can almost always find a way if you want to make something happen. When we wanted to go fishing, we first dug the worms, caught the grasshoppers, or made our own doughballs. Bamboo fishing poles with a cork float and one old hook worked fine. We had hours of fun and usually came home with a basket of fish. Catch and release, what is that? You already have a lathe and a few tools, add wood from the firewood pile and you are in business! You can make anything if you want to. Use what you have on hand, until you get something better. Figure out how to use what you already have in new and creative ways. Lots of things will do double duty nicely. No matter how much stuff you have, you will always want something better. (I usually have the solution just so you know). My point is when you think you can’t because you need something else, the adventure has usually just begun, if you get creative and figure out how to accomplish the task by using something else in an unconventional way. Don’t spend your precious shop time being frustrated because of what you don’t have. Do something while you save up for the miracle tool, jig, or fixture that will make all the difference. I’ll be here when you are ready. How do I know this works? I learned how to write because I have never been able to pay someone else to write for me. I know how to publish mass emails because a publicist charges way more than I can afford. I know how to edit photos, drawings, and videos for the same reason; I can’t afford to pay someone else to do it for me. I know how to program all of my CNCs, my lasers, and my 3D printers myself because I’ve had to learn to do it if it is going to get done. I know how to upload my edited videos to YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram along with shorts and reels because I made myself learn to do it. My point is don’t be so eager to accept defeat. Use your God given talents to figure it out. You will surprise yourself when you make a second and third effort. One of the greatest forces in the world is persistence. I've been playing with shapes and proportions. None are finished, a couple need hollowed. This is some of that wind shake cherry. Safe turning
  9. Here are two goblets and a salt grinder I turned from sycamore.
  10. Hello. I have a small woodturning business and i am in hawaii so it is hard to get epoxy resin shipped here. I have been using stone coat supercast deep pour epoxy. It costs around 200 for a 1.5 gal kit. It has recently become unavailable on amazon and i cant get anyplace that will ship it. Is there any other epoxies people would reccomend besides stone coat. I make alot of colored pencil bowls and alot of other stuff with koa and resin. Stuff like that. The stone coat epoxy is awesome! Anyone had any luck with any of the other epoxies? I was pretty sure stone coat was among the best.
  11. Well, Al Jolson was certainly right about April showers! A little over 3" since Sunday evening and a little more yet to come Our Patriot Turners- Member @calabrese55 posted a great tip for protecting turnings when chucked to a set of Cole jaws. In his post, he shows us how he made these foam protectors. Thanks, Mike, for this great idea! @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted a question about the Easy Wood Tools square cutters. Our members offered lots of great information. Please check it out and share your experiences. ( @Jordan Martindale ) Member @User74 gave us a couple of interesting surveys this past week. Don is interested in our shops and our preferences for turning species. It is really nice to get to know our members on a more personal level. First off, Don inquired about the lathes we are using: LOTS of responses and we learned that @HandyDan wins first prize!! Secondly, he asked what our favorite wood to turn. Again, no one was shy about sharing their picks: We really appreciate having our members getting actively involved in these conversations. Lots of projects finished and OFF the lathe this week! @kreisdorph and @RustyFN gave us a peek at what they were up to The new posts start here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information: For The Newbies- Sam Angelo continues to offer videos for the beginner interested in learning woodturning. This one is about considering grain direction when turning- Well, you found a nice size log along the road and you are thinking about turning it into a bowl(s). A couple of videos to get you started. First from Richard Raffan showing how to break down the log- And from Craft Supplies USA demonstrating the roughing out process- Expand Your Horizons- It is a new month and the 4 Ways collaboration group has posted a new project. Each of the turners creates a version of a mystical goblet. Another turning from the antiquities. From Craft Supplies USA, an artifacts pot. Check out the microwave tip at the end! A neat birdhouse from Carl Jacobson. Maybe @Steve Krumanaker could shape it a little more like a bee hive to add to his product line! New Turning Items- For our Canadian friends, Lee Valley is now carrying some additional Laguna equipment. Check their site at- https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/tools/laguna-tools?utm_campaign=485417_Apr3-ProdFeature-Wood-LagunaLaunch-CA&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Lee Valley&dm_i=6EER,AEJT,12YD53,1HQJS,1 Everything Else- This was originally posted in the Woodturner's Forum. In case you missed it- From Ron Brown's newsletter- Just A Few Things I’d like to talk to you about incrementalism for your turning journey. Let’s assume that you already have the basics; a lathe, chucks, spur centers, faceplate, etc. And that you have at least a basic set of turning tools including a few carbide-tipped tools. Also, that you have at least a basic sharpening station for your High-Speed Steel tools. You’ve made the major capital investment needed. Now let’s suppose you want to turn pens and pencils. You only need a few more things like a pen mandrel to hold the blanks, a drill bit to make the hole for the brass tubing, and bushings to help make the proper sizing easily. You might add a pen press and a drilling fixture if you really decide to make lots of pens, but that’s about it. What about threaded lidded boxes? There are two routes, hand chased threads, and a threading jig. A great set of thread chasers from Robert Sorby including a depth gauge is only $149.94 on Amazon. With that set you’ve expanded your repertoire to small turned lidded boxes, burial urns, hollow forms with threaded lids, etc. You can add different thread pitches for around $100 with the addition of new thread chasers. Threading jigs begin at around $250 and go up to over $500, but there is practically no learning curve and you seldom fail. Let’s say you become fascinated with turning salt and pepper mills. You need a couple of forstner bits and a drill chuck for the tailstock. A drill bit extension for the taller mills is handy along with a couple of mandrels to hold the blank between centers as you shape the body. Pepper Mill kits are inexpensive and now you have added salt and pepper mills to your arsenal for about $100. And my latest favorite, Bowls From A Board. For under $150 you can add a basic system to your collection and open a whole new world of fascinating possibilities limited only by your imagination. Think segmented turning with 90% less work. It turns out there are hundreds of YouTube videos on making “bowls from a board” so you are guaranteed a quick start. Turning wood can be daunting because there is so much to learn. Many folks claim this line, “by the yard it’s hard, by the inch it’s a cinch.” I recommend you add one skillset at a time and get the few things needed for that. Pretty soon, you will have to decide which of your passions you want to enjoy next! Safe turning
  12. I hope everyone can enjoy a peaceful Easter accordance with your customs. Our Patriot Turners- @Smallpatch was hitting the yard sale circuit when he spied an old lathe. Not one to pass up a bargain, he took it home a refurbished it. Check out his post for more images and the back story- New member @User74 posted a question about carbide tools. We had a very informative discussion about the quality of tools and cutters. Check out the post and see if you can add to it- @Steve Krumanaker created a beautiful Beads of Courage box. Steve used a special technique to create the staves for his turning project. Head on over to his post for more images and our members' comments Another great week for our What's ON/OFF your lathe discussions. From ON the lathe, @Gerald and @User74 gave us a look at their current turnings New information starts here- And, from OFF the lathe- @RustyFN and @User74 completed some really nice turnings- New posts for this week starts here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Last week, we posted a link to the Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium. One of the presenters is Alan Lancer. Here's a short video of what you can expect to see from him- For The Newbies- A tip, from Lyle Jamieson, for holding small turnings without a chuck- Easy Wood Tools shared a new video on how their products are made. Easy Wood Tools are made, in America, entirely in house- even their carbide cutters! @Jordan Martindale Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder shows us how he makes his French rolling pin. Tim is always fun to watch! Richard Raffan is bucking the trend of large turnings. In these two videos, he creates lovely small turnings. His commentary, while turning, gives an insight into his turning techniques- The Woodworker's Journal has published the Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Nice article on how to add butterfly patches to a turning. The newsletter can be found at- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- Got a heads-up from @Grandpadave52 about a great price on a Longworth chuck sale. Everything Else- Safe turning
  13. Stonemasons finished the chimney today. Mimi says it looks really nice. Our Patriot Turners- Member @keithlong asked a question about carbide, negative rake bead cutters. He was curious if anyone had experience with them. Please check out his post and maybe give him your opinion. The "What's OFF Your lathe..." and "What's On Your Lathe..." topics had activity this week by @kreisdorph. He showed us some really nice bowls and one that didn't quite make it. From Off the lathe- New stuff and comments start here- And, What's On the lathe The new stuff starts here- Some good discussions in both posts. What’s Coming Up- This is the video from last Friday's Tool Talk from Cindy Drozda. It was a little different as she talked about the new "gadgets" she has in her shop. Click on the following images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- A couple of turning tips from Lyle Jamieson- Sam Angelo has created a new YouTube channel to help the new turner get started. It's called "Learn 2 Turn With Sam" The introduction to the channel And one of the first lessons- For a woodturner, one of the most useful machines, besides the lathe, is a bandsaw. In this video, Kent Weakley discusses Bandsaw Basics. The latest issue of Woodcraft Magazine (April/May 2024) has a great article for someone thinking about getting started in woodturning. It covers just about everything you need to consider. There's also a how-to article on turned fishing lures. Check it out at your local newsstand or in the magazine section at the local Borg. Expand Your Horizons- A couple of weeks ago, we included a video from Alan Stratton on multi-axis star ornaments. Alan has refined his process and posted this video- One of our member from a long time ago, @Charles Nicholls, used to turn light pulls. It's a great way to use up scraps and Charles sold many of his turnings. Mike Waldt shows us how he does it. New Turning Items- Even though I turn almost exclusively with carbide tools, I do have and can use traditional HSS tools. For sharpening the HSS tools, I use a Tormek slow, wet grinder. Tormek has an extensive lineup of sharpening jigs to aid in getting those razor sharp edges. Now, those styles of jigs are available from Woodturners Wonders, for other types of grinders and they are on sale! Click on the above image for the link to the sale page. Everything Else- I had some sycamore bowls roughed out and dried. Spent an hour or so this afternoon working on the closed bowl shape. The wood itself is pretty unexciting grain wise so I added some extra details to make it more interesting. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to reverse it and finish out the bottom. Used Yorkshire grit and beeswax/mineral oil for finishing. Burned rings. Beads made with EWT beading cutters. Safe turning
  14. March already! Some of the trees are starting to show signs of waking up and I have garlic greens showing through the mulch! Our Patriot Turners- @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted an inquiry about a new tool rest. He asked particularly about the curved type used for turning bowls. Several of our members offered their opinions. Maybe you could hop on over to Fred's post and provide additional insights. @HandyDan posted a link to a site for turning tool handle inserts. If you make your own handles you might want to check it out. The site is for Trent Bosch tools and there are lots of other items there. Here's the link to his site's home page- https://trentboschtools.com/ @Gerald showed us the setup for his new JaHo jig in the "Good Monday Morning" forum- There is additional information in his post- Our continuing thread on the "What's On Your Lathe" post continues to showcase new and beautiful items. This past week @teesquare, @kreisdorph and @Gerald all posted projects! Catchup on all the activity at- In addition to the ones still on the lathe, We had entries into the "What's OFF Your Lathe And Finished". @Gerald and @kreisdorph both added their finished items. The new entries and comments start here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for the link to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Not quite ready to make the deep bowl? here's an intermediate step from Alan Stratton. Reading a post on social media from a turner who upgraded to a larger lathe. He was lamenting that his expensive Cole Jaws were small and would not allow him to use the maximum swing of the new lathe. One person recommended this video from Alan Stratton- Expand Your Horizons- Several of our turners give back to others by participating in events such as Turning Pens For Our Troops and Beads Of Courage Boxes. This month the turners participating in the "4-Ways" turning collaboration are making Wig Stands. Anyone who has suffered the ravages of cancer and chemo would certainly appreciate one of these items. New Turning Items- Many turners tint their epoxy/acrylic work with various products. Up until now, tinting CA glue was limited due to the reaction between the glue and the tinting substance. Starbond has released an assortment of materials to tint their CA glues. Check it out at- https://starbond.com/collections/powders-inlay-supplies?utm_source=1. Starbond Newsletter Subscribers&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=SB - TOTD Mica Mix (01HR9F16QNEP00ZFQF4704JB87)&_kx=UWBjOrBvGqdgxjbKJKjzdYtukO2Hko9tBjUvyv5yRmCPEYlA8GzGmWiEh-BS_64B.KAnW2a Wasn't sure where to put this but Woodturners Wonders is having a give-a-way contest- If you do that sort of things, here's the link- https://woodturnerswonders.com/pages/giveaway?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk.VJvU8R Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter When Size Matters What is the second major difference between a 12” swing wood lathe and a 16” swing wood lathe? The first difference is obvious, the 16” lathe can swing a 4-inch larger vessel. The second major difference is in the motor or horsepower. The smaller lathe is most likely equipped with a ¾ or 1 horsepower motor while the larger lathe will typically have 1-1/2 to 2 horsepower motor. Why does horsepower matter anyway? When all you turn are pens, wizard wands, and bottle stoppers, HP doesn’t matter. But when you are roughing out bowl blanks, plates, platters, drilling salt and pepper mills, or virtually any hollow form, the extra HP keeps the lathe from stalling. The larger the diameter, the more HP is needed because you lose the advantage of leverage. Imagine going up a steep hill with a heavy load in high gear. With the smaller HP you are forced to take lighter cuts and can’t be aggressive without stalling the lathe in its tracks; been there done that. You can turn little stuff on a big lathe, but it is much more difficult to turn big stuff on a little lathe. It can be done, of course, it’s just not as fun, safe, or easy. I have discovered recurring patterns after observing many thousands of turners over a few decades: 1) Most new turners start with a mini-lathe if they buy it new. 2) If they inherit the lathe from a relative or purchase it used, they are likely to get a larger machine to start with. 3) Although they planned to sell the smaller unit when they upgraded, they most often kept both lathes. I had 5 at one time. Now I’m down to only two. 4) These days, 2020 and later, most new turners start with carbide-tipped tools rather than the High-Speed Steel traditional tools. They are easy to use, quick to become proficient with, and they don’t require frequent sharpening or an expensive sharpening station. 5) After the new turner decides to pursue turning as a hobby, (1 to 3 years later) most will undertake learning how to use and sharpen HSS tools. They will invest in a fully equipped sharpening station including a slow speed grinder and sharpening jig. A no-fail way to introduce someone to turning wood on a lathe is to help them turn a wooden pen using a carbide-tipped tool. They treasure that pen and use it every day. They can spend the minimum amount of money and easily make lots of pens to give away or sell to their friends and associates. Their sense of accomplishment is validated often and they will have firmly joined the family of wood turners. Just like everything else in life, we all have to start somewhere. Me too. If you recognize the path each of them must walk on their journey, you will be better able to help and advise other turners who are not as experienced as you are. Experts were once beginners too. That is why we are always ready to help whenever we can and invite folks to call with their turning questions. Where are you on the path? Safe turning
  15. Lots happening this past week! Our Patriot Turners- @keith long stopped by to say "Hi". He is busy with life and doing well. He had some questions about lathe parts. Check out his post and see if you can add to what has been said- Keith also had a question about what wood species would be best for making duck calls. If you make them or know what would work best, maybe you could help him out- @kreisdorph resurrected an older post about bowl drying. He added some great additional information. Check out the entire thread here- Kent also gave us a nice review on a book for identifying wood species. Thanks!!! @Gerald is recovering from knee surgery and snuck back into the shop to work on some projects. Hope he got back into his recliner before the Mrs. got home See what else he did at- Our "What's On Your Lathe" thread continues to generate awesome projects. @kreisdorph, @teesquare and @RustyFN showed us some fantastic work. Start here to catch up on all the projects- @StaticLV2 continues to work on his segmented turnings He posted this one in the "What's On Your Weekend Agenda" And, from our "OFF The Lathe and Finished' thread- @kreisdorph and @RustyFN posted some gorgeous turnings. Catch up with all these items here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- Ask ten turners what is the best finish and you will likely get at least 15 different answers. One finish that often mentioned is shellac. This video from Kent Weakley explains why shellac is appropriate. This is the link to his article on shellac and how to mix it- https://turnawoodbowl.com/make-shellac-wood-bowl-finish/ Turned wooden boxes make nice gifts. Sam Angelo demonstrates turning one from start to finish. Looks like Sam needs to turn the heat up in his shop. I don't endorse wearing gloves, but that's just me. Craft Supplies USA has a step by step video on turning a pepper mill. Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan demonstrates turning one of his signature scoops. Awesome skew work and check out the shop made, lathe mounted sanding disc. Lyle Jamieson provides tip for preventing vibration when turning finials New Turning Items- Ron Brown has a new parting tool to use with his "Bowl From A Board" jig- Everything Else- This past week, in another Patriot forum, there has been a very informative discussion on liability for the stuff we make. This video, from Alan Stratton, addresses some of the regulations for a specific item. Safe turning
  16. Hey fellow wood turners, been a while since I was on here. Life has kept me busy with kids and grandkids. I am still turning and learning. I have been making all kinds of items, mostly for gifts. I am getting more into lifted boxes and bowls. Been making pens for 15 years now. I have been invited to teach a beginners pen turning class at a local tech school which I am very excited about. The teacher is a good friend of mine and she has students that want to make pens and duck calls. She has a small mini lathe. The only problem is that she has no tools or accessories to go with it. It has a MT 1 taper spindle. If by any chance you have any MT 1 accessories lying around and not using, would you consider donating them for the class? Also looking for Sierra style pen kits and a few duck call reeds. All help will be appreciated. Thank you
  17. Our member @Gerald is recovering from knee surgery and some complications. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker decided to get a head start on next years Christmas ornaments! Steve does awesome turnings and embellishments. Check out our member's comments- @RustyFN asked a question concerning a specific bowl saver system. If you can give him some information, I'm sure he would appreciate it. @knockonit posted some of his recently turned rolling pins in the "What's On Your Workbench" forum. You can see his post at- @Grandpadave52 gave us a heads up on a video from Tom Silva (This Old House). Tom makes a segmented bowl. Dave's post is here- We've had entries in both our continuing threads of lathe projects. From "What's On Your Lathe" an almost finished platter And from the "Off The Lathe And Just Finished" thread- @RustyFN showed us his sweet pyrography work on his latest bowl- Also posted was a little, odd shaped walnut bowl- You can catchup on this thread at- What’s Coming Up- Just after the first of the month and the "4-Ways" video series continues. From Sam Angelo From Tomislav Tomasic From Richard Raffan- From Mike Peace- Free web presentation from All Things Woodturning- Registration link- https://streamyard.com/watch/gGs2fUP3i5Fq?receiptful=65c254ccf68490003ed627d1&utm_source=CM Commerce&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-314&utm_term=newsletter&utm_content=other&receiptfultype=newsletter For The Newbies- A turning tip for finishing, from Lyle Jamieson- Expand Your Horizons- I saw this finished item on a couple of social media sites and was intrigued by how it was made. Then this popped up! Tim Yoder turned a "bowl from a board" In the video he used a device from Ron Brown's Best. https://longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/category&path=64 Kind of a neat idea from Alan Stratton. I'm always amazed at how easily he make it look to turn spheres. New Turning Items- From Ron Brown's Best- And a sale on sanding supplies from Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/ultimate-sanding-system?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Today was laser day in my shop. Had several turnings and other stuff that needed signed/dated. The little scissor lift works really well for focus adjustments. I usually wait until I have several items as it requires a little space to set up everything. Safe turning
  18. Has anybody heard anything about McNaughton? I have been keeping an eye on the companies that sell them and they have all been on back order for three months that I know of. Makes me wonder if they are going to stop making them.
  19. Been really cold here, compared to last winter, even had some snow! Our Patriot Turners- @PostalTom asked a question about vacuum chucks. He received several responses on various brands. If you use a vacuum chuck, please help Tom with your experiences to help him make an informed decision. We had another entry into our "What's On Your Lathe" thread. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration or you can use the following link- https://streamyard.com/watch/pNG2QZxkG2uY Picked this up from the Niles Bottle Stopper Newsletter- Live Remote Video Demos As you all know, we are doing live remote videos of any Niles product for turning clubs free of charge. There are presently 7 club videos scheduled, you can ask questions or comment and you do not need to be at the meeting, you can watch from home on your PC, smart phone or tablet. We also discuss other aspects of turning or can try to help with problems or techniques and finishes. Here is a list of the clubs we have scheduled so far for 2024. You can contact one of your officers for the link to get access to the video. Wed. Jan. 17 = Gold Country Woodturners, northern Sierra Nevada foothills. Threaded bronze urn inserts will be the subject. Thurs. Jan 18 = Georgia Assoc. of Woodturners, Metro Atlanta area. The Joyner Jig will be demonstrated with many of it's uses. Thurs. Feb. 15 = Diamond State Woodturners, Jacksonville, Arkansas. Bottle stoppers and other kitchen utensils. Sat. April 20 = Oregon Coast Woodturning, cover the whole coast of Oregon. Demo on various embellishments for your projects. Thurs. June 13 = Willamette Valley Woodturners, Oregon Threaded bronze urn insert rings is the subject. Thurs. July 25 = Beaver State Woodturners, Coburg, Oregon. The Joyner Jig is to be demonstrated. *note: We are working on a "Calendar" or "Events" page on our website where all club demos will be listed as they are scheduled. This will give you time to get the link to attend. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact Carl Jacobson at "nilesstoppers@gmail.com" or call 503-939-4565. For The Newbies- If you spend anytime watching turning videos, or visit another turners shop, you'll probably notice that the turner has an impressive assortment of chucks. We are not talking chuck jaws but complete setups. In this video, Richard Raffan discusses his collection. Ask "why" and they will tell you that they do not like taking the time to change jaws. If you haven't purchased a chuck, yet, consider a chuck that doesn't use screw to hold the jaws. Hint: the Easy Wood Tools "Easy Chuck"- I know, I know but I couldn't resist after seeing the video. Lyle Jamieson's Tuesday Tip can help with clearing chips when turning hollow pieces that have an entry hole smaller than the inside diameter of the piece. Expand Your Horizons- If you have a nice laser setup and thinking about making a segmented turning, Alan Stratton has you covered! @Gerald does a lot of embellishing using various tools. Mike Peace recently posted a video on making a chatter tool. Unlike tools that use wheels that are crosshatched or spiked, this tool uses vibrations to create unique patterns. New Turning Items- Not really new, but a recommendation from Tim Yoder about a supplier for turning blanks. I know some of our members are customers. If the Easy Chuck is not in your future, Woodturners Wonders has the Axminster Systems on sale- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/axminster?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Safe turning
  20. Chilly, damp, rainy day. Hope everyone had enjoyable Christmas. Our Patriot Turners- @Fred W. Hargis Jr Asked our turners a question about tear out. More specifically, Fred wanted to know what tools and techniques could be used to prevent/repair it. Please see Fred's post and check out what our members had to offer and provide some input. New member @Barbara asked about getting a lathe as a gift for a novice. If you live in the Chicago area, maybe you could offer some leads. @RustyFN Showed us the shavings left from a bowl turn and mused about perhaps purchasing a coring system. Of course our gang had lots of other suggestions and some good natured ribbing- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and registration If you missed Cindy Drozda's presentation on her recess tool, she has it posted on her YouTube channel- For The Newbies- Lyle Jamieson has a short video on preventing vibrations while turning- An article from Kent Weakley help reduce/eliminate tool marks when turning a bowl- https://turnawoodbowl.com/10-tool-marks-tricks-wood-bowl-understand-fix-remove/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 Nice video from Craft Supplies USA on bowl turning- Expand Your Horizons- A couple of ideas to add more excitement to your turnings Ebonizing- https://turnawoodbowl.com/5-magical-ebonizing-wood-tricks-how-to-techniques-recipes/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 Make your own spalted wood- https://turnawoodbowl.com/spalting-and-spalted-wood-bowls/?ck_subscriber_id=1577117793 Mike Waldt demonstrates turning a goblet in real time- New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has made a change in their available sharpening systems- Click on the above image for more information. Everything Else- Sometime back, we included information on the Christmas Ornament Challenge hosted by Alan Stratton of "As Wood Turns". He has posted a video of the winners. Check out these beautiful and imaginative works of art! Safe turning
  21. and I have a question. Today I was using a carbide tool to hollow out a practice bowl; this one is an old piece of really (really) dry walnut. The dust is causing me coughing problems so I'm wearing a dust mask under my glasses and shield. Anyway, here's my question: do the carbide tools create more dust than the edged tools? I cut on it for just a few minutes with a bowl gouge and it didn't seem to be as dusty. But this exercise is to try out the carbide so I'm sticking with it at the moment. Maybe one more question: could the dust be saing I need to rotate the cutter on the tool (it really hasn't been used all that much)?
  22. I'm working on a small platter, and having a hard time getting the inside of the edge smoothed out, I keep getting tear out. I'm thinking about taking a small bowl gouge and use light cuts but it would be easier for me to run the lathe backwards and reach over to the opposite side to 1) see what I'm doing, and 2) maybe get it smoothed out with no tear out...thinking I'll be able to take lighter cuts than I can from my side of the lathe. Is this something that's done routinely (and safely)? This thing is in a chuck and I'd tighten the locking screws down good before trying this. This strictly to make it easier to see what I'm doing. Here's the tear out that I don't have the patience to sand out. PS, it's hard maple
  23. Hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas. Our Patriot Turners- Our continuing thread of "What's On Your Lathe" has been really busy this past week! @forty_caliber, @Fred W. Hargis Jr and @Gerald have been busy cranking out some awesome turnings. Catch up on all that's been happening here- @Gerald also posted in the thread "Off The Lathe And Finished" - Gerald's description is at- @John Hechel asked our members for their opinion on a lathe set up for his Mrs. She needs to turn small items and still be near her store. Check out John's post and see if you can provide some input- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Email to: neowta.events@gmail.com For The Newbies- A simple turning to practice hollowing, and a place to put your spare change, from Craft Supplies USA. Some bowl turning techniques from Richard Raffan- Expand Your Horizons- Want to get into bowl turning but you are holding off to purchase a chuck? Wait no longer- Kent Weakley, from Turn A Wood Bowl, has the answer- This short video, from Lyle Jamieson, offers other reasons why a chuck may not be what you need to make some turnings- A neat project from Alan Stratton using yet another one of his shop made jigs. Offset turned icicles! And not to be outdone, Carl Jacobson turns a lidded bowl with an offset turned finial. Carl uses the Joyner Offset Jig for his turning. Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter- The Genius Of Simple Simple can often be complex. The adage “KISS – keep it simple silly” is a foundational principle and applies to virtually every area of our daily lives. As a lifelong salesman, I was often coached to give my presentation to a 5th grader. If I could explain my product or service in terms a 10 to 12-year-old child could understand, my story was simple enough for most adults to understand. I would have more success in a shorter amount of time. When we try to explain how we approach a project or execute a particular cut, we too must keep it simple. You don’t have to explain every little detail and nuance you’ve discovered. When teaching a subject or giving a demonstration, think of levels like schools; 101, 201, 301, etc. Club demos are almost always at level 101, while all-day hands-on might be at level 201 or even 301 in rare cases. Remember that your knowledge base comes from your lathe, in your shop, with your tools ground for you. Everyone else has a different situation. When you explain your subject in level 101 terms, they can adapt your insights to their situation and enjoy newfound success for themselves. When it comes to design, simple classic shapes with fair curves and flowing transitions usually work best. Even projects that are greatly embellished fall flat if the core shape is not pleasing. Here are two examples of what I mean: 1) Pens: Slimline pens (the most popular) are not meant to incorporate beads, coves, or lumps and bumps. They always look best as a simple cylinder relying on the figure of the wood or other material to impart beauty to the project. Even the larger pen kits are always more appealing with simple lines rather than bulbous shapes. You can always spot new turners who feel they must offer more than just round and straight. (Just my opinion). 2) Finials: One of the best-known finial turners is Cindy Drozda. If you study the finials she turns, you can’t help but be blown away. There are always 4 elements to her work; a. a large Fibonacci cove as the base (Golden Mean) b. next is a large bead c. followed by a tall ogee-curved taper d. ending in a delicate tip usually with a series of small disks with a point. Here is a link from The American Woodturner Magazine in the spring of 2006 where Cindy gives an analytical approach to her finial design for comparison. (Not Simple) If folks want more details, they will tell you. Tell them a little more while still keeping it simple and so on. I was prepping some turning blanks when the washing machine bit the dust. Everything needed to be moved to allow access for its replacement- tomorrow. Sycamore, cherry, red oak and somewhere back in there is a chunk of walnut. Merry Christmas to us. You know those old ringer type never wore out. Safe turning
  24. Wood lathe wanted for a surprise gift for a novice who I think would enjoy turning. Tabletop or lathe + table. Good working condition. Chicago suburbs.
  25. About midway thru December, need to start thinking about doing some Christmas shopping soon. Our Patriot Turners- @Masonsailor updated his post from last week to show us the finished Christmas bowl he turned. Talk about a beauty!! Paul added a little more about the experience in his post- https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/forums/topic/39795-a-bowl-for-christmas/?do=findComment&comment=325402 @Fred W. Hargis Jr asked us a question concerning carbide cutters and dust creation. Our turners had lots of advice. Please check out Fred's post and see if you can add your own experience- What’s Coming Up- A list of some of the 2024 woodturning events- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/l/Woodturning-Symposiums For The Newbies- It is always helpful to see how other turners approach a similar project. That is the premise of the "4 Ways" series at the beginning of each month. This month the project is to turn a serving tray. Expand Your Horizons- A hodgepodge of ideas from a few well known turners- New Turning Items- The Woodworker's Journal recently reviewed the new Jet 1221 VS lathe. Here's the article- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/weekly/vip/turning-techniques-features-and-benefits-of-the-jet-1221vs-lathe/ This would make a nice stocking stuffer- Orders can be place here- https://store.popularwoodworking.com/products/woodturning-basics-with-jimmy-clewes-combo-pack?utm_campaign=PWW - NL - Sunday Newsletter&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=285905188&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8uGMQyOk6eL8OM6vb4iIlMHuyz4aaNDe4RqU3IspCLxylrDDkN6ElsI4ye1O2d9kMfSAXtgKU-uLXs_pPcNIOxAtLHFQ&utm_content=285905188&utm_source=hs_email Everything Else- From Ron Brown's newsletter- Think Ahead “If I had thought about it, I would have done this first, or at least before now.” Certain things make your life much easier if you do them at the proper time. Woodturners learn the importance of WHEN to do something, usually after they forget to do it and have moved on to the next step and can’t go back. Sometimes you see it coming after it is too late. I have a couple of examples to consider as you think ahead: Twice turned projects 1) You rough-turned a bowl from green wood and it has now dried. You are ready to finish turn it but it has gone dramatically oval, including the tenon and your scroll chuck won’t seat properly. You are finding it very difficult to center your work. You could have added a very simple 5-second step that would greatly simplify your life. You could have left a divot in the center of your tenon. 2) Bring the tailstock with a pointed live center into the divot and secure your bowl. 3) True up the warped oval tenon to round again and the scroll chuck will now hold the bowl properly for final turning. (This is a perfect time to use our natural edge jam chuck since the rim of the bowl will not be flat or level either and won't sit flat against cole jaws or a longworth chuck.) Rework a finished project: On the outside or bottom 1) There is no tenon and you are having difficulty centering your work. You didn’t want to leave the divot as it would have been unsightly. a. Alternatively, a single nearly invisible small circle or series of 3 small rings on the foot will make finding the center much easier and will look like a decorative detail to most onlookers. b. I use the tip of a skew, my micro detailer, or a point tool for this. Removing sanding scratches: Before moving on to the next finer grit, STOP! Blow the dust off your project and use a strong light to LOOK at your project. Are all of the scratches gone? I see otherwise beautiful work with elegant shapes and excellent finishes on the internet that have scratch marks showing through. That ruins the piece for me every time. If you find scratches that are still visible, go back one grit and sand until they are gone. Then LOOK AGAIN before moving on. Otherwise, you will either have to live with ugly scratch marks or remove the finish and go all the way back to where the scratches are and start over. I’ve done that, but it is much easier to take a few seconds to discover them as you go. I find this happens often when turning pens. Over time, you will develop those little things that save time and effort if you do them as you go Safe turning
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