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  1. Got the yard mowed just in time! Quick 1/4" of rain. Been hot and humid here for the past week. Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber has added a vacuum chuck to his turning arsenal. He received lots of comments about using it from our members- Included in this thread is one of the bowls he made, using the chuck. Check out the way he filled the void in the bowl- Forty also post in the Patriots regular "What's On Your Weekend Agenda" forum about his new coring system for getting the most from a bowl blank- You can read his update and see more images at- @Fred W. Hargis Jr continued work on the pepper grinder he started last week. Fred posted images of the finished prototype and then showed us the final product. It turned out so nice, Fred says he may just make more! @HandyDan turned a beautiful cherry bowl for his sister. I was really taken by the shape. In his post, Dan tells us how he made the blank and did the finish. What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is having Mushroom Box Demo Click on the image for the link to registration and more information. Don't forget, this weekend is the S.W.A.T. Convention in Waco, TX. For The Newbies- A couple of videos for making turning accessories. From Mike Peace, on making and using mandrels- And Sam Angelo on making and using threaded drive blocks- Expand Your Horizons- Here's a really neat project called a "change box", from Carl Jacobson Last week we mentioned videos from Jim Rodgers on making open segment turnings. Here is #3 in the video series- New Turning Items- I expect there will be new turning items being shown at S.W.A.T. We will see what we can spend out lunch money on, soon! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finished up the #3 of 4 box elder bowls. I have to thank @HandyDan for the idea on the rim. I liked the bowl he made for his sister. #4 just came out of the drying box, maybe get that one finished this week. Used the Yorkshire Grit and the Hampshire Sheen as the finish on this one, too. Still have to remove some excess lodged in the worm holes. Safe turning and stay well
  2. Just realized that yesterday was 55 years ago that I was discharged from the Navy. Left Treasure Island and took a 3 day train ride across this beautiful country. That was the year of the airline strike and there were no commercial flights anywhere. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB has been busy casting and turning resin. He showed us his cast blanks and they turned out perfect- Andrew describes the process in this post- From this casting he is turning a "dragon's egg"- More about the process in this post- @smitty10101 would like to do some "inside-out" turnings and asked our gang for some help. He has received several suggestions. If you do these types of turning, please hop over to Smitty's post and chime in- @HandyDan is always making such neat projects for his family. He posted these turnings- Our turners gave him lots of praise for making these! Check out Dan's post at- @forty_caliber has been busy in his workshop! In last Friday's "What's on your weekend agenda", he posted three projects he has in the works. The first is a jam chuck- Next is a bowl made from pecan. Some really beautiful grain in this one- A little more here- And, a handle for one of his turning tools- @Fred W. Hargis Jr Asked our turners for input on turning a pepper mill. Several of our members have turned them and were willing to give him some help. If you have any tips that can make Fred's first attempt any easier, please check out this thread- What’s Coming Up- The AAW reminds us of future events- More information at this link- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Events/AAW Virtual Events/Woodturner/Virtual-Events/Master-Series-Landing-Page.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=guGi2 Craft Supplies USA has training workshops- More here- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/p/205/7317/Workshop-Woodturning-201-with-Stan-Record-August-18-20-2021-(Deposit-Only)?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=record&utm_campaign=21-08-workshops Don't forget that S.W.A.T. is live this year- For registration- https://www.swaturners.org/swat-registration-2021.html For The Newbies- Here's a nice little project to add some piazzas to your desk. Mike Peace turns a cable grommet- Not everyone has this tool in their arsenal but it can create some interesting effects. Carl Jacobson turns a beaded bowl using a beading tool- Expand Your Horizons- How do you finish your turnings? Do you like no gloss, some gloss or maximum gloss? For maximum gloss and wear, some turners prefer a CA glue finish. Here's a video from Darryl Jones showing how he uses CA and obtains some spectacular results. New Turning Items- Not so much new, but some sale prices from Woodturners Wonders in conjunction with S.W.A.T. Check their site for prices and more goodies- https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I mentioned that I had ordered some sanding/finishing products. They arrived yesterday and I had the opportunity to briefly try them. I need to do some experimenting with topcoats other than wax to see how they adhere. From what I've read, most any finish can be applied over the Yorkshire grit. That seems to fly in the face of convention as the sanding paste contains mineral oil and beeswax. I got a can of each Here is Mike Waldt's take on the product Safe turning and stay well
  3. Walked down to the garden this morning and I see the garlic is starting to poke through the leaf mulch. I guess spring can't be too far away. Don't forget to turn your clocks forward this Saturday night or you will be late to Sunday School! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald took some time to rearrange his turning area. No easy feat and he will probably looking for where he put stuff for some time to come! Our members all sympathized with the amount of work required to do this. You can see their comments in Gerald's post- @Masonsailor Took a break from his media room redo and played on the lathe. Paul decided to turn a Top and it's a beauty. Our turners had lots of questions and comments about how the hardware and his processes. Check out Paul's post, here- A couple of weeks ago @Bob Hodge was asking about wet sanding techniques and products. Well, Bob made the leap and he tells us about his results. We appreciate Bob's follow-up and giving us his findings- @RustyFN Tried his hand at segmented turning. He said it was his first time at this but judging from the results, I have to wonder . As you might expect, the kudos were flying for this beauty! Rusty also gave us an insight into some of his processes for cutting the segments- In one of our other forums, Rusty shared his lumber score. You know some guys can fall in "it" and come out smelling like a rose. That's our Rusty!! Just look at what he picked up! He already has it broken down into turning blanks! A little more on his good luck here- @AndrewB is working on another pepper grinder. He is turning this one from Bhilwara. It is a beautiful wood and should look awesome on the table! In his post, Andrew also describes a new parting tool he purchased- More about the turning and the new tool here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration Click on the above image for the link to registration and other demonstrators. For The Newbies- Several videos on sharpening and using bowl gouges and skew chisels- Expand Your Horizons- Rusty showed us his segmented bowl. Here's a recent video, posted by Woodworker's Journal, on some of the process that can be used to get you started. Resin casting and turning still remains popular. Our sponsor, Woodcraft, posted a tutorial covering products, procedures and safety. Here's the link to the web post- https://www.woodcraft.com/blog_entries/cast-resin-turning?trk_msg=TIMUEHUKAFJ4HB9QSEB8OHLPNG&trk_contact=GSF9RJJ1I54ES16EDIULIN24MG&trk_sid=SJ2JKIDH3D265LJPCLOE09EL80&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=WCMAG+Cast+Resin+Turning+-+Free+Article&utm_campaign=Catalog Here is the PDF file- 76_ft_Resin-Turning_FINAL.pdf New Turning Items- It's been difficult to find any new and unique turning products. I guess everyone has scaled back due to the restrictions. The folks at Woodturners Wonders are having a Saint Patrick's Day sale. If you need sandpaper, might be wort looking into- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/sales Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Well, my Psychedelic Psteady Rest is finished. I used LED in-line skate wheels and the material seems like it won't mar the turnings and yet is firm enough to keep the turning in place. Right now I am finishing up the Sketchup drawings that I used as plans. Probably not necessary but I need the Sketchup practice. A short video of the first test run. Not quite finished here but you get the idea- IMG_0977.mp4 Safe turning and stay well
  4. Here we are, into March already. Hard to believe. The robins have been here for a couple of weeks so I guess spring can't be too far away. Our Patriot Turners- @HandyDan used his machinist skills to design and build a really useful drilling attachment for his lathe. His tailstock quill was reengineered for easier drilling- Dan received lots of comments on his work! Please check out more images and some of the things our members had to say! @RustyFN 's new lathe was delivered this week! I hope we didn't cause it to rust too badly with all of the drooling! He has it in place, fired up and makin' shavings! Our gang didn't waste any time in congratulating him and making comments! @Fred W. Hargis Jr is still practicing and getting ready to turn the table legs out of cherry. This picks up where he left off last week- Our turners have been providing lots of encouragement and advice - @AndrewB is finishing up a Pepper grinder- He is refining the jig he is using to hold the pieces while turning- Andrew turned another grinder from a 4 x 4 instead of a glued up lamination. Looks good so far! Check out our turner's comments on his progress- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information. Click on the above image for more information and registration. Carl Jacobson is doing a live turning demo on YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/c/CarlJacobson/featured Highland Woodworking is presenting Pete Wiens doing a rope bowl with beading. For more information, click on the above image. For The Newbies- There are always a lot of questions about turning a green bowl from start to finish. Craft Supplies USA produced a video showing the process- Expand Your Horizons- The bowl video illustrates turning a bowl in the "tradition" fashion- the grain running across the diameter of the bowl. Another method of making bowls is to have the grain oriented vertically from the top to the bottom of the bowl. Turning end grain efficiently often calls for specialized tools. In this video, Jim Rodgers, illustrates the use of some of the tools. The bowl video illustrates turning a bowl in the "tradition" fashion- the grain running across the diameter of the bowl. Another method of making bowls is to have the grain oriented vertically from the top to the bottom of the bowl. With Saint Patrick's day approaching, who else but Tim Yoder would turn a shamrock! Although I thought that thing would come flying off the lathe at any minute, Carl Jacobson succeeded in completing this scoop! New Turning Items- Hold on to that stimulus check. I'll find something for you to spend your loot! Everything Else- Last week, @HandyDan showed us some of the pens he turned for our troops. Eddie Castelin (Capt. Eddie) posted a plea for turners to get involved with this worthwhile cause. If you are interested- Last Weeks YouTube woodturning video list from Rick Turns- It was rainy and ugly out on Sunday so I had a little time to work on the revised steady rest. Spent a fair amount of time over the last couple of weeks working with Sketchup to get the dimensions correct. Have most of the pieces cut, drilled and fitted. Some parts are assembled but the most critical dimension will have to be done when all the parts are cut and clamped together. The wheels have to be centered on the headstock drive center point. Safe turning and stay well
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