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  1. Just days left in our fund raising raffle. If you haven't picked up your tickets for some really special prizes, check out- Every little bit helps keep our site alive! Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 is getting rid of his extensive stash of pen making supplies. If you are looking for kits or pieces, see his post- @Gerald and @kreisdorph added some gorgeous items to our "What Finished" post. Gerald's project is for an AAW swap he participate in- And, Kent's are a couple of turned Chalices made from elm. This is where the new entries begin- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines will host a free Sharing Session this Friday, August 2nd, at 2:00pm Eastern (18:00 UTC). It's FREE, live, and interactive on Zoom! https://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html https://woodturningtoolstore.com/ For The Newbies- Woodworker's Journal published their monthly issue of the Woodturning Monthly. Lots of neat ideas and projects. Here's the link- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan turns some "twig pots"- New Turning Items- OK, I know this is a stretch, but hey, I'm trying Sketchup is not generally thought of as software used by turners. This video demonstrates that the software is versatile enough to create elaborate shapes for the turner. For a smaller learning curve, this free software is available. Lathe Magic can create visual, 3D renderings of turning shapes. Free download is available here- https://www.shapemagic.com/lm/index.htm Everything Else- The rolling pin workshop is done. They made about 21 Celtic knot rolling pins of various shapes and designs. We started with this- This was one of the finished pins- Safe turning
  2. This past weekend was my first craft show of the year and the first one in a few years. I usually don't do shows, but was volunteered for this one. Honestly it was way better than I thought it would be. That being said, I had one guy that came around and placed an order for a roller ball pen made from curly low from Hawaii. I am looking for a couple of these blanks, if you know of a good source to get them, please let me know.
  3. Lots happened this past week! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald posted more images of his "Frig Magnets". His Jaho jig really creates some spectacular designs! Here's where the new entry starts- @John Hechel made a couple of posts in our sub-forum for Ringmaster Turning. He showed us some of his glue ups and some absolutely gorgeous bowl! Check out his posts here- @RustyFN posted an update on his new McNaughton Bowl Coring System. He created some measuring devices to help setup the system for different sized cores. Thanks, Rusty for the update! I love all your posts on our "On/Off Your Lathe". It is so enjoyable to see the development and finishing of the projects. From "ON"- From @kreisdorph and @Gerald Catch up from last week starting here- From OFF- @kreisdorph and @User74 The latest entries start here- What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy Drozda's Tool Talk last week, she posted the video on her YouTube channel- Click on the following images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- The bowl gouge can be confusing for the new turner, especially when it comes to the type of "grind" on the tip. Professional turners seem to have individual preferences and provide that grind style on the tools they recommend/sell. Lyle Jamieson discusses his preference in this video. Jim Rodgers creates another custom pen. Check out some of the jigs he uses to create the pieces. Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton turns a bowl as a keepsake for a tree that needed to be removed. Most of us do this when we are gifted wood. What I found interesting was Alan's use of UV epoxy instead of the typical epoxy/acrylic. Here's the entire video- the UV information is at about 4:30. The "4 Ways Collaboration" continues. This month they turn multi-sided plates Mike- Tomislav- Sam- Richard- New Turning Items- From Ron Brown- Glue Press for Bowl From Board or Segmented Rings https://longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=536 Everything Else- My experiment with the turned blank from last week was a miserable failure. That turning became this- The prototype for a passive amplifier. There was a barely noticeable increase in volume but it looks neat. Biggest mistakes- don't use a spade bit for long holes, cutting an angle and rotating is not produce as nice as cutting 2 angles. As in Alan Stratton's video, I did turn a little bowl from our Crab Apple tree that is dying by inches. Planted it in 1969. Safe turning
  4. The old Dogwood tree, outside my window, should be in full bloom tomorrow. Hard to believe when I transplanted it, from my parents mountain property, it was a single, spindly stick. That was 56 years ago! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN showed us a beautiful new turned lidded box he made. He said this one is made from Maple. He certainly has perfected the flocking technique, too! Our turners gave him lots of compliments in his post- @Gerald has been creating amazing designs with his JaHo jig. His most recent refrigerator magnet is a beauty! Check out this addition to his post- More activity on our two continuing posts of "What's On/Off the Lathe" From ON: @Gerald provide a closeup look at his JaHo jig in action- You can see how this jig can create some fantastic designs. Check out Gerald's post for additional images. From OFF: @kreisdorph turned a gnarly piece of mulberry into a beautiful bowl- Kent also finished these beauties. This spalted piece caught my eye because of the shape. Years ago, an artist friend sent me a picture from a magazine. He fell in love with the shape. I think it was a hint for me to turn one. Alas, I have not done it. New projects start here- @lew was looking for some input on design and proportions for turnings. He used miniature hollow turnings to get an idea of what had pleasing shapes and asked our turners their opinions. As always, our members provided some excellent advice and suggestions. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- This is a replay of the most resent Tool Talk from Cindy Drozda For The Newbies- Thinking of design and proportions, Lyly Jamieson's turning tip discusses the design for bowls, Pen turning is a great way to get into turning. Kits can be inexpensive and provide amazing results. Tim Yoder shows us how it's done!! Now for a little more of a challenge, Jim Rodgers turns a segmented pen- Expand Your Horizons- Last week we posted a shop tour hosted by Mike Peace. The craftspeople were making Beads Of Courage boxes. Mike takes a segmented glue up and turns his own version of a Beads of Courage box- Sometimes the most beautiful turning is not the most perfect piece. Alan Stratton explains- https://youtu.be/hx1qGGVvU-g?si=mSuL1RJNLd0YDMOu EDIT: Cannot get this video to show in published post. Link seems to work. A short video from Richard Raffan demonstrating how he utilizes as much of a turning blank as possible. Check out the unique parting tool! New Turning Items- Been really difficult to find anything new on the market. Maybe by the time the income tax return is ready there will be some new toys to spend it on. Everything Else- An excerpt from Ron Brown's newsletter on advice for the new turner My advice for a new turner or a student would include the following: Find a turning club in your area and attend some meetings. These people are a tremendous resource and are always eager to help. Start with pens. Start by watching some YouTube videos for instructions. Get setup for basic pen turning, a 7mm mandrel, some slimline pen kits, proper sanding grits, CA glue, friction finish, etc. Pens are quick to make, easy to turn, and provide an immediate sense of accomplishment. If someone wanted to sell a few pens to pay for more turning stuff, many folks earn turning money this way. Then make some spinning tops for fun and give them away. Turn a few bottle stoppers and give them as gifts to friends and relatives. As soon as you can afford it, buy an inexpensive 4 jaw scroll chuck. Add more jaws down the road or buy a chuck with a few jaws included. Quality chucks with multiple jaw sets can be very expensive. Save that for later. For now, just get a serviceable chuck for around $100. Turn small plates from a 3/4" thick piece of wood using a recessed tenon in expansion mode for practice. A family member might even wish to add decorations or paint your masterpiece. Now that you have a scroll chuck, practice making turned lidded boxes, goblets, and soup ladles for the kitchen. Try turning a few small bowls from green wood. Turn the walls to 1/4" and watch them go oval. Turn a few 1/2" thick to let them dry in a paper bag for a few months, then re-turn them to 1/4" wall thickness once they’ve dried if they didn’t crack or explode. Once you've done all that, evaluate your interest in turning and if you love it, like most of us do, prepare to spend some money (easily $500) on High-Speed Steel lathe tools, a specialty grinder, and a sharpening jig. Next, set about learning to cut with traditional turning tools and learn to keep them sharp. Note: You only need a few HSS tools. In the beginning, don't buy more than 10 total, and never buy turning tools in a set. Always purchase the tool you need for the job at hand. After that, plan to take some full-day turning classes and plan to attend some turning symposiums in your area. From there, the sky is the limit. Turning can be as much or as little as you want. You can learn to make shavings in a couple of hours. It takes a lifetime to become a “Turner”. Did play a little at the lathe this week. The largest usable piece of that wind shake cherry was dry so I put it on the lathe. The more I turned, the more defects were uncovered. Filled the cracks with CA and sanding dust. The colors are nice but I don't like the tiny splits throughout the piece. Sanded to 600 and beeswax/mineral oil finish. Safe turning
  5. Hazy, hot and humid. A good day to be in the basement workshop Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 finished up another of his segmented bowls and it is a real beauty! Check out his post for more images and additional information- He also posted this in our "Friday's Weekend Agenda" Our "What's On Your Lathe" was busy this week! @forty_caliber and @HandyDan contributed their projects! Catchup here- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is presenting the second part of her Threaded Boxes and Vessels. Here's the link for more information http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/IRD.html?fbclid=IwAR0fpla9tf09DBhqd_P3EoM2XqNAFPxY4ahLw1eWdvPcbnT9Sd4-O0rwPNc Want to have recognition for your turning skills? Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) would like to hear from you! Click on the image for the link to register. For The Newbies- Tim Yoder has been creating short videos to help us get better at sharpening our tools- The "turner's dance" is important to get the most out of the lathe tools. Richard Raffan demonstrates how moving your body can help you improve your turning skills- Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace demonstrates how to make a "screw chuck"- Mike also upgraded the knockout bar for his new Powermatic lathe- Mike Waldt demonstrates turning another finial. A lot of skew chisel work! Alan Stratton is starting in on his Christmas ornaments! These segmented bells will make some fine gifts- New Turning Items- Not a new product but this video from Carl Jacobson demonstrates using the Niles Joyner Off-Center Jig Everything Else- Finally got back to the lathe and finished up the little elm bowl that had been waiting for me to complete the garden shed project. Had so much fun that I turned another one. I'm taking the lead from @Gerald on "friendship bowls" so Mimi can give them away when she needs a gift. Mine aren't nearly as fancy as Gerald's bowls. One is 5" in diameter, the other is 6". Both turned with Easy Wood Tools and finished with Yorkshire Grit and Hampshire Sheen Safe turning
  6. Mother Nature decided to treat us with two days of summer. Got a lot of yard work done. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter showed us some of his early work. Like a lot of turners, he started out with some pens. He wondered if any of our turners started that way- @forty_caliber posted some images of a platter he turned. I wasn't familiar with his term for the species. Well, Google is your friend and discovered another name for it Check out his post for more images. Oh yeah- it's Osage Orange. Forty also posted a beautiful bowl. I really love the colors and contrasts in this one- Check out how he did this! Our thread of "What's On Your Lathe" continues to be quite popular. This is about where we left off last week- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. If you missed it live, Cindy Drozda put her presentation of "Planning A Turned Box" on her YouTube channel. The beauty of her turnings don't just happen by accident! For The Newbies- A neat little spring turning for Easter- The bandsaw is quite possibly the next most used piece of equipment, besides the lathe, for a turner. Mike Peace demonstrates some of the push sticks that can be used when cutting- Expand Your Horizons- Something I've always struggled with is pricing a turning. Kent Weakley has some guidance for turned bowls- Every turner seems to have their own procedure for turning an object. This is the second in the series of "4 Ways" where four turners do the same project, using their own techniques. Tim Yoder turns an arched, winged bowl. Not sure what kept the lathe from taking off and flying around his shop! Richard Raffan turns and burns a natural edge bowl. What I found interesting is that he does the entire bowl without the aid of a faceplate, Cole jaws or jam chuck- New Turning Items- With all of the "burning" as embellishment, this might be something interesting- Everything Else- Playing with some of the elm from behind the shed, This piece was rough turned and then soaked for 3 days in a soap/water solution. Looks pretty ugly but as it dries the color will lighten and turning to the final thickness will remove all discolorations from the soak. These go into my little drying box ala Rick Turns. I weigh the pieces once each day until they reach equilibrium. The day after I put this one in, it lost 100 grams of weight. Safe turning
  7. Well, I've graduated to Headquarters Driver but still TAD to Ships Laundry and assistant Coop cleaner. Mimi goes for her follow-up 2 week appointment with the surgeon tomorrow. Probably remove the staples and start therapy as well. Our Patriot Turners- @John Morris posted an inquiry on the popularity of pen turning. Turners seem to follow trends and pens were all the rage a while back. Our turners had several thoughts on the subject- I had missed one of John's post from back in December. He wondered, if given a choice, what would be our favorite three traditional turning tools- Check out what several of our members chose and while you're there tells us what you would select- @forty_caliber finished his drying kiln. He has really thought this through and looks like the internal environment will really do the job- There's a bunch more photos in his post along with descriptions of the controls he is using- @jthornton continues to work on his chevron bowls. He took the time to perfect the accuracy and it shows in the alignment of the design- JT's post takes us along through the glue-up and turning process. Please check it out! You may remember from last week that JT's original idea for this design was to create "popcorn bowls". As with all turners, design changes are part of the game. Check out what JT decided to do with the popcorn bowl design- JT was also one of the lucky winners of our Ward 57 raffle. He tells us about the prize we won - @HandyDan posted information about a great deal from Penn State Industries and gave us a look at how he modified a set of chuck jaws to suit his needs. From PSI- The link-https://www.pennstateind.com/store/CUG3418CCX.html?utm_source=Google_Shopping&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=&utm_term=CUG3418CCX&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq5meBhCyARIsAJrtdr70ldWCA_YmLJ606Nrzu2Q_cEi44g6K3bWv-v2lWtTpmg-0b7wwgpAaAksvEALw_wcB @Steve Krumanaker can't wait for Christmas! He has already started on his ornaments for 2023! I love these little birdhouses. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Cindy Drozda does a lot of free online programs. Her only request is that you signup for her emails. Click on the image to get to the signup page For The Newbies- Keeping your lathe Morris Tapers clean is important to ensure the centers don't slip. You can buy brushes but Mike Peace shows us how to make one- Lyle Jamieson demonstrates how to create an Koa crotch bowl with undercut rim. This is a piece of beautiful wood. The techniques can be used on any species. Expand Your Horizons- From the AAW, this quite long video from a live demonstration by Al Stirt. He demonstrates carved square platters Adding threads to a lidded box can add another level of pizzazz to your turnings. The following three videos offer several considerations. @jthornton showed us his segmenting procedures. This video from Jim Rodgers shows his methods of designing, cutting, gluing and turning. Within the video, there is mention of software that can be used to assist in design and calculations. The link to WoodturnerPro software- https://www.woodturnerpro.com/ New Turning Items- Not specifically a turning item but Starbond Adhesives has released a new odorless thin CA. From their website- NO-05 Starbond Infiltrant Odorless Thin CA Glue is a 3D printer infiltrant that is fumeless, odorless, and hypoallergenic. This watery-thin adhesive is perfect for getting into those hard-to-reach hairline fractures, pores, and narrow slots. Our NO-05 is ideal for porous materials such as foam, soft wood (balsa), ceramics, unpolished minerals, and fossils. Often used as a glossy finish, this glue can be sanded, then polished to perfection! Using capillary action, the NO-05 glue works wonders on inlay applications as it penetrates and stabilizes the material. Click on the above image for the like to the product page. Everything Else- Not sure what happened to Rick Morris (Rick Turns). His weekly list of YouTube woodturning videos has been missing for a while. Hope he is OK.
  8. There are some programs out there that get turned pens out to the people currently serving in the our military. It was always on my bucket list to participate. I think some of the programs actually send the kits out no charge to be turned and returned for distribution. I happened to have a few kits on hand so I decided to just turn them and get them sent out to someone who could get them to the right people. They are on now in transit. These are mostly Cherry with a few Purple Heart and some Brazilian Cherry. The dark brown are from a dowel rod I purchased at a hobby store. I have noticed that the dowels hobby stored have are usually different species of wood but they are not defined as to what they are. Doesn't hurt to take a look when you are there if you turn pens. Anyway, here they are.
  9. A little longer post this week. Was away last week and didn't have access to my weekly list of stuff to post. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN posted a picture of a bowl he started for a continuing project with the turning club in which he is a member. Rusty showed us a picture of what will be added to this turning, during a future club meeting. Turning can be a messy hobby. Rusty posted some of his by-products- @AndrewB continues working on pepper mills. In this post, he shows us one of his maple mills assembled and finished- Andrew also gave us a look at one he had posted previously and is now complete- Andrew started a conversation about beading tools. Beads can be made with a variety of turning tools, however, some projects are more conducive to a dedicated tool. How do you turn your beads? Check out the conversation and give us your ideas- Andrew also spent some time perfecting this sharpening techniques. He showed us his success on a scraper. He received lots of positive comments @Bob Hodge asked about making our own tools using a specific material- "Tantung". If you have any experience with this material, maybe you could pop over to his post and chime in- @Ron Altier dug up an older post that introduced us to the products of our sponsor- Easy Wood Tools. As they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. From all of the other carbide products on the market, @Jim from Easy Wood Tools should be feeling pretty good about starting it all! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to registration. Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration. Sponsored by Craft Supplies USA. Click on the above image for more information. Not exclusively for turners but there are turners involved. Click on the above image for more information. For The Newbies- I make no secret about it- I hate sanding. Mostly because I suck at it. Here is some information to help us all improve on our techniques- WF0501p19-21.pdf Andrew mentioned he sharpened his scraper. He received several comments on different techniques. I found this article describing some of those techniques- https://turnawoodbowl.com/scraper-sharpening-bevel-angle-burr-how-to/#:~:text=Some people recommend a 85,to 60-degree bevel angles A video from Mike Waldt on the roughing gouge and spindle gouge. Another in the series for beginners. This is a replay of a live program. It is quite lengthy- Pens are really nice, well received gifts. I've turned lots of them over the years. If the pen is for an older person, as was the case with my Mom, sometimes they have a hard time holding the more delicate (slime) styles. A nice design for arthritic hands- Turned kitchen items are always appreciated. A nice article for turning mixing spoons- https://community.woodturner.org/HigherLogic/System/DownloadDocumentFile.ashx?DocumentFileKey=4ce49ef3-df90-46ee-a6a3-23b92152f2f3&forceDialog=0&_zs=ceDib&_zl=AcdW2 If you are thinking about investing in some Easy Wood Tools, Here is a short video on their use- Expand Your Horizons- Andrew's post on beading tools, and some of the responses led me to this web site. I don't think it would be possible to create these works of art without the aid of a dedicated beading tool- See more of Mr. Meyer's work at http://www.harveymeyer.com/ While Mr. Meyer's is the epitome of geometric shapes, sometimes mother nature can rival this beauty with the organic shapes of spalted wood. You may be lucky enough to obtain naturally spalted pieces. If not, you can help mother nature along- An interesting bowl project. Two bowl blanks make one bowl. A two part video- New Turning Items- You say you want to use wooden threads on that container you just made? But you don't have a pair of Thread Cutters? Not a problem! Ron Brown has you covered! Everything Else- The past two weeks of YouTube videos from Rick Turns- Woodworker's Journal post of Woodturning Monthly- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Played a little with a piece of the mulberry. The first turning didn't turn out anywhere near the vision in my head. This one is a little more like what I had in mind. I need to get better at centering the the workpiece. The wall thicknesses around the natural edge vary from 1/8" to almost 1/4". I'm still starting with a piece that's too "thick" to get a "flatter" turning and keep the natural edge. Safe turning and stay well
  10. It's been computer madness here so far this week! I think I need a vacation!!! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB used a glued up poplar blank for a pepper grinder. Looks really nice. He shows us some progression shots in this post- Andrew has found a new source for turning blanks. He gives us the low down in this post- @RustyFN gave us an update on the platter he started last week- Check Rusty's post for additional pictures and the start to finish thread- Rusty has also been busy with his segmented work. Here's another one of his beauties- This one garnered lots of positive v=comments! @Ron Altier received a request from his daughter. As always, Ron's projects are fantastic and use a variety of wood species. Lots of great comments about this on- @FlGatorwood received some sad news from a classmate. He decided to brighten her day with a "care package". Steve originally posted this in General Woodworking forum but I thought our turners would appreciate seeing what he made.- @Gunny puts a lot of us to shame with his organizational skills. He posted a utilitarian project he made on the lathe. Those projects that help us get things done are great to see (and steal)! Check out Curtis' post to see what this is used for. @Gerald finished up the coffee bar for his Mrs. He called it a coffee bar but I think it's more of a Coffee Shrine! Judging from the smile, I think she is happy. The entire project can be seen here- What’s Coming Up- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/WIT/WIT-Presents-Registration.aspx Mike Waldt is changing the format of his live presentations. A short video explaining what will be happening- For The Newbies- If you have decided to get into resin casting, Alumilite has free online video course to help you get started- https://www.alumilite.com/learn/casting/101?fbclid=IwAR3ngaxsteCcXRNZaKdNWel1wI6hFyvrFWOt2fld02AHzFiGfggv6zKM1_g Expand Your Horizons- Buying turning blanks can be expensive. Cutting your own blanks is fairly easy but is you can't turn them immediately they will deteriorate quickly. This PDF document, from the AAW, explains how to prepare and store the freshly cut blanks- Save turning blanks.pdf New Turning Items- Not really a new item, but Mike Peace covers the subject of Collet Chucks- If you are considering adding carbide tools to your arsenal, our sponsor Woodcraft, has Easy Wood Tools products on sale for the month of April- And they also have turning kits and supplies on sale- Ruth Niles' newsletter came this week. Lots of images of the items made by other makers. Some really great ideas. A cute idea from Rebecca DeGroot- You can sign up for Ruth's newsletters https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
  11. Well so far the big snow storm has been more hype than happen. About 6" on the ground and very little happening now. The weather folks are still predicting it to pick up over night. I guess we'll see. Nine days until Christmas!! Although we exceeded our goal for our Gold Star family, you can still donate and get in on the raffle. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier posed a couple of questions to our forum, this past week. His first question dealt with a turning technique. Our members provided their thoughts, what are yours- Ron showed us some ornament turnings and asked how they were done. Several members provided sources for tools and information as to techniques. Maybe you can add your knowledge- Ron also posted a picture of what's left of his exotic wood collection. Knowing Ron, he'll be able to get a couple more ornaments out of this collection- @Steve Krumanaker May have taken a hiatus from our forum a little while back but it certainly didn't affect his turning skills. Steve posted several projects this past week. First up was more of his birdhouse ornaments. His post contained many more examples- Steve was lucky enough to get a maple log from his tree guy. What a surprise it held when he turned it into a bowl- Please see his post for additional images of this awesome piece- But Steve still wasn't done making us jealous! He turned another batch of honey dipper for a customer who sells Bee products- Steve uses a laser to decorate his lids and answered questions about the finish. @Gerald and @Steve Krumanaker both do a lot of Pyrography. Gerald got a new pyrography station and posted it for us to drool over- @FlGatorwood used some really old pine to turn some beautiful pens. We don't normally think of pine for this but the old growth pine has gorgeous color and grain patterns- You may remember that Paul ( @Masonsailor) got a new lathe. He had the opportunity to get it dirty this past week- Paul can sure make some pretty turnings! @AndrewB Scored some birch and cherry logs from his neighbor- He has already started turning them into bowls! Check out his posts- and- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to the registration site. Captain Eddie reminds us of their weekly free get together at https://worldwidewoodturners.org/ . Check their site for times and days. For The Newbies- So you want to turn bowls? Not sure what tools you'll need? Maybe this will help- The latest Woodturning Monthly from the AAW and Woodworker's Journal- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Expand Your Horizons- Lyle Jamieson explains how to get the best from a piece of crotch wood- New Turning Items- Some Christmas specials from the folks at Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/specials Ruth Niles has added some new products to her line of excellent products- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/pizza-night-special-kit/ Everything Else- Last week's YouTube woodturning videos from Rick Turns- Safe turning and stay well
  12. Here's hoping all our members along the northern Gulf are safe. I saw where Pensacola had almost 2 feet of rain so far. On another note, please remember to add tags to your posts. I try to remember to check but sometimes my memory fails me. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB has been cranking out projects like crazy this past week! His little elm bowl is beautiful- You can see his progress in this post and check out the comments by our turners- Next, Andrew posted his work on a bloodwood bowl. All did not go as planned as he describes in his post. However, the end results were quite spectacular! Moving on, Andrew turned some acrylic pen blanks. He included a video of his process in the post- Finally, saving the best for last here, he showed us a myrtlewood bowl. It is inspiring to see how far Andrew has come in such a short span of time. He mentions in his post about the inertia sander he used to get this awesome beauty finished- @FlGatorwood saw an item that is designed to sharpen carbide cutters. Check out his post to see the comments of our turners- We have a couple of turning items for sale- First, @Jim from Easy Wood Tools was contacted by a turner who has a Easy Wood Tools Pro Rougher for sale- Jim provided contact information in his post- Also, @FlGatorwood has some Easy Wood Tools cutters for sale. They are Ci2-R2 and Ci3-NR. You can contact him through our site- What’s Coming Up- This Saturday, September 19, 2020, there will be another Virtual Craft Festival. Get all the information here- https://www.virtuallycrafty.com/ Turner Andrew Hall is offering interactive remote demonstrations (IRD). Here's a little more information- If you haven't registered for the Woodturners Worldwide Symposium, here a way to save $10! Click on the image for more details. For The Newbies- Andrew mentioned in his post about his new inertia sander. Just happens that Rick Turns posted a video about turning a vase. In that video, he uses one of these sanders- Expand Your Horizons- I thought this was a really great way to add a decorative touch to a bowl. Although the author used soapstone, I would imagine many other "fillers" could be used. New Turning Items- Not new, but if you are thinking about getting some carbide tools here is your chance to save 15% on our Easy Wood Tools sponsor's products! https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/Sales/8/Easy-Wood-Tools?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ewt&utm_campaign=20-09-ewt-1 Everything Else- Rick Turns video list for last week- The only lathe work I've done this past week was turn 2 walnut dowels for the rocking horse I was kinda happy with the progress until I put on the stain Mimi wanted (not shown). I was expecting the pine to splotch but the white oak really disappointed me. I've stained red oak with walnut stain and it covers evenly. This oak had areas that turned really dark. It wasn't noticeable until I wiped off the excess. Even a second application made no difference. I guess that's what happens when you get free wood. Safe turning and stay well
  13. Congrats to all of the Patriot Raffle winners. We made our fundraising goal! Hope everyone along the east coast is safe and didn't suffer any damage from the hurricane over the weekend. Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald Started a thread that should generate a lot of input. Sanding your lathe projects. You all know that sanding is my second favorite thing in all the world. Please check out what Gerald's setup is and show us your sanding techniques. @Ron Altier has been frustrated by the U/V finish he has been using. Ron applied it to a beautiful segmented turning only to end up with problems. Ron explains his frustrations in his post- @AndrewB Has been working on several projects this past week. He has been fighting a "wobble" problem with some of his turnings. We have been offering suggestions. Maybe one of you has experienced a similar problem and can help solve this elusive gremlin. Andrew also was having some trouble with tearout on a small bowl on which he is working. We've all been there. Maybe you could share your experiences and advice- It hasn't all been problems for Andrew, however. He showed us a really nice bowl he finished- And, he has pen making down pretty good, too! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda has another virtual demonstration schedule for this month- Click on the above image for the link to more information Cindy will also be a demonstrator at the virtual Woodturners Worldwide Symposium Click on the above image for the link to the registration site. For The Newbies- Have a lot here for the new turners this week- You don't need a fancy chuck to turn a bowl. Mike Peace's video shows you how to use a Jam Chuck- In that video, Mike used traditional tools for turning. HSS tools must be sharp to give the best and consistent results. Here's a couple of videos demonstrating the sharpening process on some of the common HSS tools- And a couple of videos covering some of the lathe parts- Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder posted a video on turning a sphere. There are some jigs available to help create a sphere on the lathe but this jig is a little different. Carl Jacobson turns a beautiful maple burl lidded box. I really like the "lid pull" he added to the top. New Turning Items- Cheated a bit here. This is the set that Tim Yoder used to make the sphere. https://drechsler-wissen.de/produkt/spannvorrichtung-zum-kugeldrechseln-im-set-74-mm-grosses-set/ Everything Else- Rick Turns videos from last week- Not sure why it happened. In the past, I have used the soap soak method and not had any roughed blanks crack or warp. This one made a liar out of me. It's about 8" in diameter and maybe 5"deep. Turned with no trouble. Came out of the soak with no warping or cracking- Put it in a paper bag with shaving for a couple of weeks and when I pulled it - Three cracks developed. This one and another about 180° around the circumference and one near the bottom. I added the walnut dutchmans and am in the process of returning and sanding. Hope it doesn't end up in the trash. Safe turing and stay well
  14. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO GET IN ON THE AWESOME RAFFLE-FUNDRAISER TO SUPPORT THE PATRIOT WOODWORKER! Another active week here for our turners! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB received an African Padauk blank which he turned into a beautiful bowl- Andrew takes us through the process in this post- And a Myrtlewood bowl Here is more on this one- Andrew also is trying his hand at pen making. He showed us a couple of his attempts in these- and this one- Andrew went back and picked up on a previous post and several of our members offered additional tips and hints @Gerald is adding detail to one of his bowls with carvings Gerald is certainly a man of many talents! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is hosting another live, virtual demonstration in a couple of weeks! Click on the above image for the link to registration and more information. For The Newbies- @AndrewB mentioned he ordered and received a new bowl gouge. Sharpening and reshaping the gouge is probably going to be on his list of first things to do. Here's a video from Mike Waldt demonstrating this steps. Once the gouge is sharpened, you can turn more than a bowl with it- Expand Your Horizons- If your eyes can stand the strain, here's a project, from Woodcraft, that's sure to be a hit- If that's not quite what you want to tackle, try this from Mike Peace- This is sort of specialized and it's from an idea that AndrewB brought up. Andrew was applying epoxy to some wooden cups to make then suitable for liquids. If you are considering something like this, the folks at Alumilite have a video on the process but you'll need a "cup turner". They are available at hobby supply stores but can be built for a few bucks. This idea works great for applying run free finishes, too! New Turning Items- Something new from Ruth Niles Bottle Stoppers You can find more information at- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/stainless-threaded-inserts/ The folks at Woodturners Wonders have their 1" Purple Power Sanding Discs available- Prices and quantities are at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/purple-power-1-sanding-discs Everything Else- Mike Peace's videos from last week- Some would say I'm addicted to Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ). OK, I AM! But that doesn't mean I don't know how to use the "old time stuff". I got a bunch of wild cherry and have been roughing out bowl blanks. Just to prove I can turn with antiques- OK, so the next one I cheated- Safe turning and stay well
  15. Its a bit on the thick side of material for pens I realize this. How ever I wanted to give it a go. I wanted to try Oak for the first pen since it seems like a bit easier bunch of material to attempt a first one. But cut off 5 inches of the 30 inch long 1 inch piece of oak that I picked up a couple of months ago. I'm thinking just doing a single piece but I'm trying to also figure out exactly how to get it mounted to the lathe unless I need to pre glue the brass insides in first before I start turning. Not sure exactly what to begin with..... besides of course drilling the hole out which my first attempt on the drill press was an epic failure. The HF drill press was NOT good enough (5 speed and small). Suggestions?
  16. Started yet again on another project this time another Walnut Claro. This one is one of the ones from Cook Woods. I'm starting to see some issues with carving down blocks that are only 4x4x4 into a bowl shaped object or cup shape object. Its a lot of material yes. How ever I'm considering going back to the 6x6x3's and working with those types of blanks since they might go easier on me since I'm getting the tennon and mortise practice down. I am still contemplating on when I should start on trying out on pens and what not. I'm a bit hesitant on that for some reason. I wasn't happy with the other two that I had made so I want to try again with this one. Now that I have the negative rakes on my tools it should be a lot easier to get a nice shape on the inside. I'm hoping that the tennon should be long enough for the hollowing process once I get to it. Here we go again. If anything at least I'm learning slowly but surely.
  17. First day of spring!!!!!!!!! Let's hope Mother Nature cooperates with the calendar! Our Patriot Turners- @HandyDan has upped his game with the pens he makes. Dan shows us how he changes the finish on the pen parts- He explains the process using a video he found on YouTube- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for a link to the show's web site. If you are anywhere near Lexington, KY this coming weekend, here's something you don't want to miss! A super chance to pick up some of those great Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools )!!! For The Newbies- If you are lucky someone will offer free wood from a felled tree. "Green" wood is really fun to turn. Shaving peel off in long ribbons and the natural beauty of the wood comes through. Most of us can't just drop everything and immediately turn the piece. Setting it aside for later is not a good idea. The problem with green wood is that as it dries it will crack, often to the point of being unusable. Prepping the piece is essential for getting the most from the wood. Carl Jacobson posted a video illustrating the proper techniques to saving your green logs for later use. Carl mentions using water and dishwashing liquid detergent for preserving the wood as well. I recently read about this article in the Woodworker's Journal explaining about drying your turnings. It includes the water/detergent method along with a few others. http://www.woodworkersjournal.com/options-for-drying-green-bowl-blanks/ Expand Your Horizons- Natural edge bowls always attract attention. They combine the beauty of nature along with the artistic lines of the turner. Recently Carl Jacobson posted a video of a natural edge "box". Carl's was made from a maple burl but any beautiful wood could be used- I'm thinking Manzanita Root! New Turning Items- The folks at Woodturners Wonders have put together a really nice sanding package. If you use compressed air sanding units this might be for you- Check out the details at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/specials/products/super-simple-sanding-bundle Everything Else- ...and sometimes the dragon wins... Safe turning
  18. When making bullet shell pens from the Zebra F-301 pens I sand off the nickel plating from the clicker and the nib. The other day I came across a DIY video on nickel plating brass and the old light bulb came on. It is an amazingly easy process and here are the results. Here is a picture with a brass pen for contrast. Here is the video I followed the instructions from and it worked as described. I think this is just too cool for school.
  19. It's been a busy week for our turners here at the Patriot Woodworker! Our Patriot Turners- @HandyDan posted a fantastic tutorial on making an inside-out cross ornament- Read Dan's instructions and our turners' comments here- @Ron Altier has been cranking out ornaments all week! His first set uses colored plywood- Ron talks about these- And he also created these- @HandyDan was't just making ornaments this week. He has been creating more "bullet" pens from a couple of different caliber cartridges Dan explains what he did to get these beauties finished. @RustyFN turned a beautiful little lidded pot from a gorgeous selection of woods. Rusty said he had a little trouble with the overall finish. Check his post and see what our turners had to say- Rusty wasn't our only turner making small vessels. @Gerald used a couple of different species of spalted wood to come up with this awesome piece- Gerald explains more in his post- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information. For The Newbies- Mike Peace has a video covering many of his turning tips. Although a little longer than what he usually does, it is well worth the watch- Expand Your Horizons- Sometime the wood selected for a turning will speak for itself. Grain, color, defects can all help create that special piece. If the wood doesn't speak, or the turning needs to be more personalized, Carl Jacobson shows us how to add a photograph to the surface. New Turning Items- Faceplate system for OneWay type live centers. These pieces can be used to create custom jam chucks. For more information and pricing, follow this link- http://www.bestwoodtools.com/ Everything Else- The latest Woodturning OnLine arrived today. It has a nice preview of the latest Glenn Lucas DVD and shows him working on an Irish platter. The newsletter can be read at- https://www.woodturningonline.com/. Rick Turns posted his latest (February) list of YouTube woodturning videos- Safe turning
  20. Finished up shoveling 3 driveways and helped with a 4th. 10" of snow from 6am until 1:30pm. Read where there was "thunder snow" just west of here. Great winter to have the snowblower die Our Patriot Turners- @HandyDan was kind enough to produce a fabulous tutorial on how he make his beautiful bullet pens. Lots of pictures and very detailed step by step instructions! Please check this one out and leave some feedback for Dan and all his hard work! @Ron Altier posted a question about drilling holes lengthwise through long pieces. Several of our members offered suggestions and ideas on various procedures. Maybe you have an idea that would help Ron. Check out his post- Ron also posted a beautiful new ornament he finished- Ron posted more about the piece here- @hawkeye10 asked our turners a question about dried wood for turning. He is considering the purchase of a bowl blank and was inquiring about how long it would take to dry. Our members provided lots of information and suggestions. The blank looked like- Check out his post- The woodturning club, which @Gerald is a member, hosted turner Jimmy Clewes. According to Gerald, it was well worth the wait! New Patriot member @doublej posted some of his woodworking projects. Not only is Joe an accomplished woodworker, he is also a very talented turner. He posted a picture of a bowl he turned- Checkout his complete post here- Woodturners and woodworkers seem to share one common characteristic. We are our own worst critics. Member @Steve Krumanaker recently posted a video where he critiques a beautiful natural edge, walnut bowl. Steve points out "flaws" that no one else would probably see. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information. Looking down the road- Click on the above image for the link to more information. For The Newbies- Carl Jacobson posted a video about making a pepper grinder. What is nice about this particular grinder kit is that it doesn't require complex drilling operations. Carl demonstrates lots of lathe techniques that can be used on many other turned projects. Expand Your Horizons- In a previous "Wednesday's..." we posted a Capt. Eddie video on cutting/chasing wooden threads. Recently turner Sam Angelo posted a video which included a demonstration of wooden threads. The video is set to begin at the threading operation but you can certainly watch and enjoy the entire project New Turning Items- Our friends from Woodturners Wonders have a new respirator at a very reasonable price. More information and pricing is available at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/products/sundstrom-pro-pack-sr100-respirator-kit Everything Else- I haven't any turning time available but I did make a couple of cones to use with my new Easy Wood Tools live center. Somewhere along the way, I picked up a piece of what I think is cherry. It least that's what is smells like when it is cut. It is quite dense. Anyway, that's what these are made from- Safe turning
  21. It might be a little late to call the florist and order flowers- tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier Showed us another gorgeous ornament- CHeck out his description in his post. Also notice his cool spray booth! @HandyDan and @DAB have been collaborating on bullet pens. These pens are spectacular and reasonably priced! See more about how they came out- @hawkeye10 asked our turners for input on Longworth and Cole jaw chucks. The thread ended up including input on vacuum chucks, as well. Our own @Steve Krumanaker posted a video showing us that turned wooden bowls can, in fact, be run through the dishwasher with no ill effects. Thanks Steve for the well documented instructions- @FlGatorwood reminded us of a new, monthly turning newsletter. Some of our members have signed up and looking forward to the new publication. Thanks, Steve! What’s Coming Up- Look for our friends from Easy Wood Tools! Click on the above image to link to more information. For The Newbies- Seems like the YouTube turner's have all been discussing various aspects of the scroll chuck. This one from Capt. Eddie has some good information as well- @hawkeye10 posted a link to a video geared towards turning your first bowl. Lots of good stuff in the video. The author even provided a "timeline table of contents" to help the viewer locate specific details of the turning operations. Although a little long, it's worth a look. One thing that caught my eye, that I do differently, is to use a spindle washer when mounting a chuck or faceplate. The torque, when turning a bowl, can really jam these onto the headstock threads. Expand Your Horizons- I've seen several ways to add "threads" to a vessel to allow a lid to be screwed into place. Capt. Eddie has a 2 part video showing how to cut/chase threads directly into the wood. Although the process requires special tools, those tools will work on most vessels. Part 2 is linked from Capt. Eddies YouTube page. New Turning Items- If you are considering doing variable pitch spiral flutes, here's a new piece of equipment that might work for you- https://flutemasters.com/variable-pitch-tool-by-flute-master/ Everything Else- The new Woodturning OnLine newsletter came. Read the entire issue at- https://www.woodturningonline.com/ Rick Turns uploaded his list of woodturning videos for January- Safe turning
  22. Went to Sam's Club and bought 54 more Zebra Pens. They are usually 9 pens for $9.99 but they were on sale for $7.98 WOO-HOO! Doug, AKA Dab, sent me some shells. I love this forum as everyone is so helpful. While I waited for them to arrive I worked the pen parts of 30 pens. Got the shells drilled and polished and put 30 more pens together. Guess what the family and friends are getting for Christmas this year. I will be way ahead of the game. I did 16 and then found two more shells and now these I made with Doug's shells will make four dozen. I have a line on more shells here locally so I'm sure a lot more will be made. It does get a bit tedious.
  23. Saturday I was in the basement and came across some .30-06 shell casings a friend of mine had given me. I had tried to make some pens with them once before and was successful but not real happy with them. I took a Zebra click pen and found a way to fit the shells to it. I liked the way it turned out and made 15 more Sunday. The Zebra pen parts are chromed brass so I found a way to mount them on the lathe and sand the chrome off. I sanded the shells and the pieces to 400 grit and hit them with some 0000 steel wool. They are shiny now but will eventually get the patina brass gets to. I have found most people like the patina over the shine. Since the pen parts ended up with a shine I did the shells too. I only have the cost of the Zebra pen in each one which is about $1.20 each. Have a look. Zebra pen I started with.
  24. We are about half way through the Patriot Raffle period but we are only about 64% of our site goal 😥. If you haven't bought your tickets yet, Please head over to this post and take a chance on one of the wonderful prizes- Major thunderstorm passed thru and another on its' heels. Home the UPS holds up! Our Patriot Turners- @HandyDan posted a free wood score he made! Looks like it could be cherry or maybe even walnut. What do you think?? Dan has also been busy in the shop turning pens- He creates these beauties out of inexpensive, bought pens. @Gerald posted his gorgeous hollow form turned from Live Oak. Gerald discusses his turning and it color in his post Gerald also posted a bowl he made using the ringmaster system- See what our turners had to say about this gorgeous piece- Our own @Steve Krumanaker received a well deserved honor recently. His maple "Rock" bowl was given the "Judges Award" at a show presented by a local art council. We all know Steve has awesome talent and now his community does, too. More images in Steve's post- What’s Coming Up- I had the very pleasurable experience of demonstrating Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) to the Lancaster Woodturners. They are participating in the Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium, September 28-30, in Lancaster PA. More information is available at their site- http://www.mawts.com/ . From The Internet- Rick Turns has the July list of YouTube turning videos ready- Mike Peace added another sanding video. He describes additional techniques non-spindle pieces Along those lines, last week I mentioned using Abranet sanding screen. I found a website that has a similar product and not as expensive. These folks carry a wide variety of turning accessories- https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- Several weeks ago we featured a project finish called "water droplets". The latest issue of American Woodturner magazine (August 2018) has a How-To for doing that finish. As it is a copyrighted article, I won't put it here but you may be able to get a copy of the magazine to see additional information about this technique. I finally finished up the little mixed media turning. It didn't come out like the picture I had in my head- but then my turnings rarely do! The base is a piece of walnut. Overall height is about 5" and the "glass" is about 1.25" in diameter at the top. Finished with wipe on poly. I call it "Half Full"- Safe turning
  25. I haven't been doing much in the shop since it has been so nice outside. I did make another batch of pens using the Zebra Pens as a host and reworking them to receive a wooden cover. I did 36 of them and plan on taking them to the family reunion and give them to my cousins. Last year I gave them the desk pens I make and made sure everyone got one even those who were not there. This year only the cousins that are there will get them. Sadly the reunion is the same day as the TPW gathering.
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