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Found 10 results

  1. I have a bathroom light that was installed in 1953, when the house was built. In all of the bathrooms, a 4-light medicine cabinet was installed above the sinks. One of the two side lights has stopped working and I can't access the medicine cabinet(has two of the left side lights) to check the wiring and can't remove the cabinet without major damage to the surrounding plaster. I can post a photo if this post is allowed, to show the problem. Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. I saw a thread on here about 12v task lighting. I loved the adjustable arm he created. So I thought I would share my solution for workbench task lighting. I took an old Harbor Freight bar clamp and modified it to create a moveable, height adjustable task light for my main work bench. The base plate has two T-bolts in the T-track and knobs to lock it down. I can slide this down the T-tack for lateral movement of the light. The light mount plate has magnets embedded in it to hold the HF light in place and the knob on the bottom of the mount plate allows me to rotate the light 180 deg. The slide mechanism on the bar allows me to adjust the light source vertically. I have also used it without the light as a support for lightweight long stock on my drill press, scroll saw, miter saw and jig saw table. As you can see from the picture above I have found other uses for a HF bar clamp i.e. a depth stop for the drill press.
  3. I use dowels often when tuning small to tiny turnings. Many times these dowels crush or come apart. I turn my own dowels when using a colorful wood. I saw where I could get bamboo dowels in standard sizes and ordered a few to see how would turn. When I received them I was amazed at how light and strong they are. I turned one down into a sewing aid for my wife. Here is what I found out. 1. Even tho they are advertised as being in standard sizes, they are metric. Holes must be bored with metric bits. 2. Even tho it is very hard to see, many turning come off in tiny needles. Ask me how I know. ouch. 3. Even tho it is super hard, it absorbs finish like a soft wood. 4. I will use it, but only as support for small turnings and then turn the bamboo down to a point on the ends of the ornaments.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  5. View File Workbench Magazine January-February 1968 Kamakura Cottage This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 12/27/2022 Category Arts and Crafts  
  6. Came upon a new kind of light which an be very useful on lathes. Found it on ebay . It is a sewing machine light. It comes with no plug since it has to be threaded thru the mount you choose. I did a kinda cantilever so I can move it out of the way when not in use. Just happened to have a strain relief to relieve the cord . I used a led for the light and you can then pick the color temp (5000 preferred) and luminosity you want. This $20 saves me from buying a $100 led flex light. There may be a cheaper one but under $20 this was the best I was willing to look for. https://www.ebay.com/itm/SEWING-MACHINE-FLEXIBLE-GOOSENECK-WORKING-LAMP-LIGHT/401145445865?hash=item5d6621bde9:g:hPsAAOxykMpTJJ1I:rk:14:pf:0
  7. Ever had a power failure at night while in the shop? 'Round here we get "monsoon" storms, and the occasional power failure. Caught me at the far end of the shop area: had to negotiate the DC duct, step down/over obstructions, bump past work table, table saw. All the while remembering how many sharp things I'd left laying about.... Bought a 6-pack at Amazon for less than the average tool. Put two in the shop spaces ('cause I don't never never never want THAT again!).
  8. Whew, it's been hot and humid! Finally finished up the electronics repair on the old stereo. Maybe now I can get back to turning! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN showed us a beautiful bowl he made from maple, cedar and bloodwood. The colors are fantastic together- Rusty received loads of great comments on this one. Read more about this turning in Rusty's post- A couple of weeks ago, @Gerald posted a link to a video on basic woodturning and what we need to know. That post continues to generate comments a questions. If you haven't been following along, here's the complete post- @Ron Altier Created another one of his masterful ornaments! Ron explains how he did the colors/finish in his post- What’s Coming Up- @Jim from Easy Wood Tools reminded us of the Las Vegas AWFS Fair coming up this weekend. If you are in that area, you'll want to stop around the Easy Wood Tools both and meet Carl Jacobson! For The Newbies and Expand Your Horizons- This week I'm combining these two topics. A turner/teacher I've been following, Bradley McCalister, has a Monday morning, live Facebook program. Bradley demonstrates tools, techniques and answers questions on a variety of turning subjects. His presentations last about an hour and are well done. If you have a Facebook account, you can tune in at https://www.facebook.com/spiracraft . Bradley realizes not everyone "does" Facebook. He is also posting the recorded programs on YouTube. Those videos will show up around Thursday of the same week. You can see them at- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3H1VnNmaoJClpHYd3pLgw/featured. New Turning Items- We mentioned this item once before but didn't really have anything other than a picture to help describe it. Thanks to a link from a post from the AAW Symposium, here's a very short video showing the light in action. The lights are available from- https://woodturningtoolstore.com/ Woodturners Wonders is having a nice sale on quite a few things. Whole bunch of stuff under $15!! https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/products-under-15 Everything Else- We posted this earlier but in case you missed it, the latest volume of Woodturning Monthly is available- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email . Lots of projects and techniques. A couple of weeks ago, we linked a video by Tim Yoder, where he made a ring. As a follow-up, Tim has posted a two part video on making a bracelet. The metal parts are available as kits, which Tim mentions. Part 2 is linked from Tim's YouTube channel. My turnings always seem neanderthal and clunky. Every once in a while, I'll get something to come out a little better but that is rare. Lately, while practicing hollow vessels, it has become apparent that graceful lines and proportions may not be my forte. I went searching for some ideas to supplement my lack of natural talent and came across two article. The first was from Cindy Drozda. She discussed her finial turnings and what she felt looked "right". It is obvious she is a born artist. The second article expanded on Ms. Drozda's turnings by using mathematics to explain why her turnings are so pleasing. I am not sure who penned this article but for sure it wasn't me. Math is not my strong suit. http://web.hypersurf.com/~charlie2/Turning/DrozdaOnionFinial/DrozdaOnionFinialProport1.html Anyway, the author discusses, in detail, the various ratio and proportion rules that our brains can interpret as "pleasing". In an artist's mind, this all must happen by instinct. Not me! I know, I'm getting carried away here. From the link, above, I was able to create an Excel spreadsheet to instantly calculate the critical dimensions for turning a finial. The image in the spreadsheet was copied from the article. By entering the overall height of the finished finial in the blue cell, the critical dimensions are calculated and listed. I have not tried applying this to a piece of wood, yet. After it was all done, I wondered, is this more like building a model. Shouldn't art be spontaneous? I'm pretty sure Michelangelo didn't use spreadsheets. Be that as it may, the spreadsheet is available at- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dZTi9FvkfC9OBwN2VnOnV2MGJVWpKw11/view?usp=sharing if anyone is interested. Safe turning
  9. I think I've found the lights that my wife will like. They do look really good on the patio I drilled a hole the same size as the light stem, painted with reflective particles paint and put a piece of black tape at the top to keep the bright LED from being seen by your eye. They will look really good on the patio tables.
  10. Well, determined that something in the wall had chewed through the wires to the porch light. Not wanting to go digging into said wall.....decided to go around the problem. Length of the better kind of E-Cord, a handy box, and a single pole switch were picked up. Decided to move the light fixture to the north a bit, to get away from the Gazebo's top. Placed it right above the back door, where it is UNDER the overhang of the roof. Snipped off the fancy end of the cord. Running from a wall outlet up to the handybox......and fight to get the wire through it. Made a short loop and then hooked the switch up. Black wire to the switch. Big 1/2" "D" handle heavy duty drill ( NOT about to use a brace & bit up there) with a 16" long 1/2" drill bit. Made a mark about half way between the door casing and the ceiling. Drilled straight through to the outside of the wall. Pushed the cut end of the cord through the hole. Things were going way too easy.......hmmm. A few staples to hold the cord in place. Went outside, and put a ladder up. Location looked GOOD! ( bad sign) Got the light fixture down from it's old spot....forgot to check something....wired the fixture in place. Assembled the Jelly Jar fixture onto the wall....went in to get a good bulb......wait for it....went to screw the bulb into the fixture......nothing to screw into......WTH?????? Well, left this mess un-plugged for tonight. Will have to go to Lowes or Wallie World tomorrow and BUY a new jelly jar fixture. #@#$$#@###@!!!. Just KNEW something was going way too good. maybe tomorrow, I can switch out the two fixtures, and THEN maybe, just maybe...have a back porch light that actually works. Somedays, ya just need to stay in bed....
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