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  1. In February 2018 after searching the local ads for a couple of years I came across this Logan 11" lathe ( model 922). It looked to be fairly complete and when I inspected it I found very few problems. It came with both a 3 and a 4 jaw chuck as well as nice steady rest. It was misssing the peg leg and suffered some damage as a result. I ended up paying $1200 Canadian (about $900 US at the time). Moving it was an experience as it is heavy and I am not young. Luckily I had watched Mr Pete's 222 video on disassembly. Took as many pieces off as possible. The tricky part was removing the bed (heaviest part) as the bolts also connect the legs. Ended up with the owner holding onto both legs while we lifted the bed. When I got it home I stored it in a pile and there it lay until November . I should say the in the interim I carefully inspected each part for damage and searched down all the parts needed. Finally in mid November I got started. The paint although it looks good in the first picture was terrible. Three coats with the final one being spray bombed on everything. Much of it was flaking off. After weeks of scraping, wire wheeling and buffing then repainting everything was ready to reassemble Finally got it all put together and ready to make some chips. I has been close to 50 years since I last ran a lathe so it may take a while to get back up to speed . Should be fun.
  2. More Christmas fun with our Shopsmiths!
  3. A friend at our club and I are going to make a handicap lathe for wheelchairs and anybody that would need to sit down to turn. We have a new member that is in a wheelchair and somebody that wants to take a class that is in a wheelchair. I am writing this to ask if anybody here has any plans for building the stand or pictures of one that is built. Thanks.
  4. Someone over on FB mentioned they're working out what color to paint a lathe and asked if I knew how to mockup different options. It's a big beautiful old machine, hope he doesn't mind my sharing it here. Spent a few minutes doing what he asked about and thought it may be of interest here. Note I sent along with the photo: Here's a quick-and-dirty set. To do it well, I'd want to start with a higher-res photo. It takes time to do right, but this should be useful for playing with paint colors — or to even know what color to seek out or try to get mixed. I've always found it useful to do this sort of thing for my own restorations/projects — it's nice to play with options without needing to buy all the various paint colors — and admittedly also an effective little procrastination exercise when I'm avoiding getting down to the real work of it.
  5. I'm building a custom mobile cart for the lathe I'm restoring. I've never done any turning before to know what's proper for using a lathe. How do I determine how tall the stand should be? Is there any type of formula or rule of thumb to use? Do I base it on the height of the head/tail stock center points? I'm clueless in figuring this out. Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated!
  6. I have 3 sets of speakers in the shop and when placing the pair at the lathe a few years ago which are small Boston Acoustics I dropped one. I was able to repair it with tape. Well while looking for repair speaker came across on eBay a pair of Boston CR9 at only 150. . This is a large speaker and had not placed it in shop due to size as I already had a set of Pioneer floor speakers there. Decided these were no good in a closet so to the shop and then the display decision. Decided on tall stools so easy to move. one of the seats in spalted Pin Oak. Forgot to get pic of the legs on lathe. Had this piece of Live Oak sitting awaiting becoming a shower stool so used it as the other seat. legs are walnut and there is a story in that too. Originally picked a piece that turned out to be highly figured but it broke when turned so now have a couple of highly figured 1.5 inch cylinders. also used Pin Oak for legs. I left off stretchers considering the intended use. There is little to no taper inlegs and I think they look like large milking stools. Will cut the tenons today and try Tung oil as finish.
  7. I am a lefty and I have started to recently understand things like bowl gouges to some limited degree. For the record, my handedness doesn’t have anything to do with the understanding, but rather the application. In previous turning endeavors, like spindles and handles, I am able to hold a gouge left hand on handle and right hand on tool rest. This makes sense and is comfortable to me. Enter the bowl gouge and a push cut…. The positions required to have this hand configuration is a contortionistic impossibility. Maybe I could have pulled it off when I was a young rubber person but that ship has sailed. So it appears the only sane way to do this and be able to achieve any sort of bio-mechanical sanity is to reverse my hands, left hand on tool rest, right hand on handle and shift bodyweight into the cut while maintaining proper cutting angle. Is the solution to this just learn how to turn with either hand forward or is there a completely reverse lathe setup that lefties adopt?
  8. I ordered this lathe a couple of months ago. Rikon was having supply chain issues. I believe this lathe has been unavailable for a year or more. Didn't take long to set it up. The semi driver couldn't get up my driveway so I took the truck down and loaded it up. That actually turned out to be a big advantage because I could slide the lathe out and onto the legs without having to lift it. I'm sure I'll feel it a little tomorrow but it wasn't bad at all. I tinkered with it a bit but it'll be tomorrow before I really give it a workout.
  9. This is my first attempt at a "beads of courage" box. It's also the first time I've turned something using staves. There are no miters as we normally think of them. Rather, the pieces are joined using a birds mouth bit. I think it came out just a little too big but I like how the walnut and ash look together. I left the flats on the inside of the box. Two reasons, first and most important, it was easier that way!! Secondly, I liked the way it looked. It's hard to see how the staves nest together in the finished picture so here's some cutoffs to show that. It's a neat method, they nest together without the slippage of a normal miter joint and provide a little more surface area for gluing.
  10. Just thought it really fun to gawk at, for turning columns, big columns! Pretty cool I think. Here is the sales description: 1946 Pattern makers 20' lathe. (Yes TWENTY Feet!) This beautiful piece of Americana was originally ordered in 1946 built and shipped 5-22-1947 to MGM Pictures. Original 1946 purchase price?...........................$2912.00! 30" of swing over the bed and 92" Outboard. and 16 feet between centers. Head stock can be offset 10 degrees for turning tapered columns. Tool rest is gear driven to traverse the length of the lathe. 2 speed motor w/ 4 speed step pulley drive for 8 speeds 160-2520 Rpm. The original invoice states that this is a 2 speed 3 hp motor. (seams odd to me with the sheer size of the motor) 220 3 phase (motor data plate is under the motor which is 1 " off the floor. I know this thing is a beast, and while I hate to see it happen, if the bed was cut at the mid leg and split into two, this would be a really nice 10 ft lathe with the option bolt the extension back on for occasional longer turning needs.
  11. I bought a table drill press at auction one day while spending some time close to South Fork, Colo It was just the thing I had been looking for so I could mount it up high so my eyes were next to the small drill bits I used for drilling very small holes when I did inside scroll sawing. I wanted to see if having that drill bit up where my eyes stay most of the time I could actually see where the end of the bit would be going in to the wood and not on the lines like I did sometimes causing a little trouble making the holes disappear when finished sawing a pattern out.. Well, as I was leaving I noticed a garage sale sign next door so as I was pulling in I noticed this old lathe laying in do-do of a horse coral. I looked around for a while and couldn't see anything I was interested in and said you got anything else you want to get rid of???? He said yes I do have some stuff I had almost all my life and it just sat there in my way for I bought a new better one. I offered 20 and he said I will help you load it. . I also bought a used dust extractor sitting there under the picknick table that I only use for one of my drum sanders. Sitting in an Rv park for 3 months got a little boring so the next year I Loaded every thing it took to saw out the four jewelry boxes I glued together after getting back home. Amazing what you can do with these old machines.
  12. lew

    Hidden In My Heart 1

    From the album: Manzanita

    manzanita root turned completely with Easy Wood Tools, ebony finial and gloss ploy.
  13. lew

    Hidden In My Heart

    From the album: Manzanita

    manzanita root turned completely with Easy Wood Tools, ebony finial and gloss ploy.
  14. Vacillated on this or the Turning forum and this one won. I had a box with lid on the headstock of my lathe and every time I needed something inside it have to lift the top and probably drop something. So decided a drawer would work better. Used mostly scraps I had in the shop. Box was the easy part with an apron in front and the side toward the tailstock to act as slide guards. Used sliding dovetails for mounting drawer sides to face. Just happened that this piece of ply was a perfect fit for the bottom . Just had to cut it to length. Cut slots in sides for the back to fit and then glue it up. Had some Watco danish oil cherry from an estate to give the ply some color (not in pic) . Watco danish oil natural for the walnut front. Applied two blocks to underside on left and back to make a tighter fit to head stock. Waxed drawer sides and bottom. That little rim around the top makes a good retainer of round objects.
  15. Background: I'm currently been tasked with making several segmented bowls and will need to flatten the made up rings. I have an OLD Shopsmith 10" sanding disk and was "brainstorming" using it on a regular lathe. My 1st thought was to mount it on the tail stock with a MT2 rod with a 5/8" end. The sanding disk has a grub screw to hold it on. I'm expecting the disk to remain stationary while the wood spins. If need be, I could put a flat on the shaft to land the grub screw. Then, the gray matter said to mount it on the motorized end. Maybe through the 4 jaw chuck with a 5/8" round rod. The rod PROBABLY wouldn't need to be tapered then.(?) Has anyone successfully done something similar? And where did you get the MT2 taper "rod"? Was it successful and was it worth the effort? Also the disk would be used to help assemble the rings into the bowl. As an aside---I have access to several horizontal belt sanders. TIA Smitty
  16. Thought I might as well get started making some birdhouse ornaments. I had an idea to use the laser for embellishing on some of them. Took me 4 or 5 attempts to figure out how to use the rotary chuck but right I'm loving it! Body is maple, top and bottom are sycamore.
  17. I usually grip the chuck when backing out of a drilling operation, good thing I guess. (it's less than 2 minutes)
  18. Wood lathe wanted for a surprise gift for a novice who I think would enjoy turning. Tabletop or lathe + table. Good working condition. Chicago suburbs.
  19. OK folks who here has set up a small lathe in their kitchen for turning pens and other trinkets? My plan is to put it into a plastic tote laying on its side as this should allow the shop vac to contain most of the chips and dust. while this sounds crazy and you'll think my wife will kill me it's actually her idea and lathe so she can build things and generate some interest while watching the so called "Store" during our "Artists open house" currently occupying our dining room.
  20. I posted about making drop spindles for a local shop a while back. The first batch was received well so the shop owner ordered more. I've been working on them and it happens the first reading at our church service last Sunday was selected versus from Proverbs 31. It's generally accepted that king Solomon wrote proverbs and in chapter 31 he is extolling the virtues of a good woman or wife. Two of the versus were verse 13 and verse 19. I knew as soon as I read them I had to use them with this batch of spindles. I'm really happy with the laser engraving on this. You may notice a little notch on the right side of the whorl, that's on purpose and traps the wool when spinning.
  21. Picked this up from social media- https://www.familyhandyman.com/article/grizzly-recalls-more-than-21000-wood-lathes/
  22. Lady at the honey farm just ordered 25 dipper lids, said the last two festivals have wiped her out on them. I've posted pictures of the finished dippers many times but I thought I would do a quick video or two making the lids. I did do video on you tube on making one of these but amazingly that video is 7 years old and my process has changed dramatically. The lids are twice turned so I did a video for each step. The videos aren't real long which is a good thing. dipper1 2023.mp4 dipper2 2023.mp4
  23. I posted a couple weeks ago about a shop contacting me to make drop spindles which are used in spinning wool. There are two basic components, the "whorl" which is pretty easy and quick to do. The shaft, which is a little problematic. The shaft needs to be about 12" long and around 5/16" diameter. Kind of difficult and tedious to turn and with a small margin I need to turn them as quickly as possible. Looking for options I bought a dowel jig that uses a drill motor to create a dowel. It works but I got more tearout than I liked, especially on woods like oak or ash. I then did some searching and watched some videos about using a table saw to make dowels. You read that right, you can make a dowel or spindle using your table saw. It works, and it works pretty darn good. Pretty nice finish which will require just a little sanding and it's pretty consistent as far as diameter Produce_5.mp4
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