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Found 4 results

  1. Hard to believe that March is half over already! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker posted some handles he turned for a friend! Steve says he did not use a duplicator but you sure could have fooled me! Check out Steve's post for more about this project- We continue to have more posts in our thread "What's On Your Lathe"! Check out what @forty_caliber is doing- @Smallpatch gave us a look at his setup for duplicating piece on the lathe. What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Carl Jacobson put together a short video on aligning the head and tail stock. From Kent Weakley "Turn A Wood Bowl", a checklist of things to do for lathe maintenance (click on the image)- Expand Your Horizons- If you don't have a steady rest, here's an instructional video where the author builds one patterned after one built by Mike Waldt Jim Rodgers makes a really interesting segmented vase- Alan Stratton turns a cool toothpick holder. Might make a nice craft show item- Easter is not far away and Mike Peace demonstrates how to turn some Bunnies! At the end of Mike's video, are some other Easter oriented turning ideas/links. New Turning Items- Not really a new item but some mods on an older device to hold odd shaped pieces- Available at- https://woodturningtoolstore.com/product/elio-dr-safe-drive-2-5/?receiptful=923&receiptfultype=reviewsadminfb&fbclid=IwAR0bWspnfZ-Tx5be43_wuR3mi0wfVQA1OB1GAg6HkS29Mx2qziuyjg9PFXY Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter It Works For Me When you work up the courage to demonstrate in front of your club or the public, someone will always ask, “Why do you do it that way?” The short answer is “it works for me.” Turning, apart from most other forms of woodworking, relies heavily on the skills of the turner. Cabinet-making, for example, relies more on design, careful measurements, and the ability to cut relatively large pieces of sheet goods perfectly square. Ask five woodturners the right way to do something, and you will likely get ten different answers. Do what works for you until it doesn’t, then do it another way until it does. Everyone’s shop is different; different lathes, sharpening setups, lathe chisels, people are different heights, ages, strengths, lighting, some are left-handed, etc. Yes, there are generally accepted “Best Practices”, but my encouragement is to use the method that works for you as long as it is safe. However, keep an open mind to different approaches. As I view different turners making shavings, I still notice little things that might just be a better way to do something I have been doing for many years. I try their way and sometimes it works better, sometimes not. Most of my shop time these days is spent making accessories for turners and for that we are very grateful. My production shop would make most woodturners see double. I have the quintessential 5-pounds of stuff in a 3-pound sack. I wouldn’t recommend anyone set up their shop like mine. But it works for me, for what I do with the equipment and space I have. And I love it! In case you’ve seen some of my YouTube videos filmed in a nice clean uncluttered perfectly lit woodturning shop, that is a purpose-built film studio in a whole separate building set up just for making videos. I never actually make shavings in that area. Why? Because it works for me. When it doesn’t, I’ll do something else. For now, remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
  2. Jeeze, half way thru June already! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN showed us a new vase he is turning. I really like the shape on this one. Check out his post for all the positive comments- As so often happens, a new turning requires an additional piece of equipment. Rusty's vase project needed a Steady Rest. The one he built looks awesome- Here's more and some comments- @Masonsailor created a beautiful base for a protective glass globe. The entire project displays a prized possession As always, Paul's post contain informative images about his processes. An update on an older thread about lathe tool sharpening. @Bob Hodge has added CBN wheels to his sharpening arsenal and had some questions about using the Wolverine system with the wheels. Please check out his post and offer any advice you can- What’s Coming Up- This Friday, June 17 2022, there will be a free Vendors Showcase Here's the link provided by Cindy Drozda- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41FJ5JM109M From the Art Of Turning- Link to more information- https://www.artofturning.com/?mc_cid=dee7298ffb&mc_eid=480d9e65bf For The Newbies- Some projects require the use of metal inserts to hold threaded utensils. In this video, Carl Jacobson show a neat way to install the inserts from Ruth Niles- A bowl turning video from Alan Stratton. What I found interesting in this one was the faceplate jig and the safety measures used when reverse chucking with the mortice. Not sure if everyone can view this video from Lyle Jamison, on Facebook. An interesting method of assuring a reverse chuck maintains the original centerline axis. https://fb.watch/dFPTsQz-05/ Expand Your Horizons- Several of our turners have made "gnomes" in the past. Here's another how-to video on making them. Check out the use of our sponsor's tools- @Jim from Easy Wood Tools!! Kent, from Turn A Wood Bowl, has an interesting video and discussion about turning and dust collection. New Turning Items- Some new information on the Kodiak Sharpening system from Woodturners Wonders- A special on Ruth Niles pizza cutters! https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/pizza-night-special-kit-2/ Recently we mentioned that Ron Brown had released a stabilizing device for hollowing bowls. Sam Angelo puts it through its paces Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week-
  3. Please don't forget we are in the midst of our annual Operation Ward 57 charity drive to support our adopted family. We are less than halfway to our goal for making their Christmas one to remember. If you haven't donated, please consider helping give back to a wounded warrior. Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber posted some pictures of his latest rough turned pecan bowl He describes it in his post- @Ron Altiercreated some earrings for his daughter. Ron certainly is the master at combining colorful wood species for maximum beauty. In his post, Ron shows us a little on how these were made- What’s Coming Up- There's been a date change for an IRD from Cindy Drozda's presentation on ornaments and finials. You can sign up at- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Demo.html For The Newbies- A big shout out to @FlGatorwood for sending me links to these videos. The first one is sort of a continuation of the previous pepper mill turning video from Mike Peace. This video show turning a "crush grind" mill from a kit. The second video is a great resource for learning to do inside-out turnings. @HandyDan and @FlGatorwood have shown us some of their fantastic pieces in the past. Expand Your Horizons- With ornament season in full swing, displaying these items doesn't necessarily need to be on the tree. Alan Stratton shows us how to make an ornament stand. I was particularly taken by his wire bending jig. In this video, from Turn A Wood Bowl, demonstrates adding a lid to the bowl being turned. The lid has an integral finial. New Turning Item- Over the weekend, I was lucky enough to have the time to enjoy the Vendor's Showcase zoom presentation. This was a 6 hour event, over 3 days, with demonstrations from Cinda Drozda, Lyle Jamieson, Steve Worcester, Todd Raines, Joe Fleming and John Jordan. Each presenter demonstrated their unique turning specialty along with some of the products they use. They took questions from the viewers and had discussions on techniques. One of the presenters, Lyle Jamieson, posted a video of his demonstration. Included was the use of his signature hollowing rig- On our woodworking forum, and this forum as well, dust collection is often discussed. We all know the importance of having a good setup for cleaning the air. I am not sure of this author's credentials for the topic but he makes some good points- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I finished up and delivered some small walnut bowls for the bookkeeper at school. The walnut log came from her parents home. They had many memories of the tree and wanted some way to have the tree live on. These bowls are 5" to 7" in diameter and 2" to 3" deep. Turned with Easy Wood Tools and the rim treatment was done with a Sorby Spiraling tool. The round bowls were finished with mineral oil and beeswax. The natural edge with wipe on poly. Looks like I need to do a better job of dusting before taking the pictures. Safe turning and stay well
  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Here's hoping this year has been kind to everyone and that you are trying to get back to "normal". Well gang, we are about 1/3 the way to our goal! Don't wait until the last minute to get in on the fun! Our Patriot Turners- With the holiday season upon us, the main theme this week seems to be Christmas ornaments. @Steve Krumanaker posted a little birdhouse ornament and asked the group their opinions on the design. Steve received lots of positive comments and suggestions- @Ron Altier is always ahead of the game when it comes to ornaments. This one has a beautiful combination of species/colors. Ron tells us about why he turned this one- @Gerald started a post asking what we were making for Christmas gifts this year. Gerald has turned a colorful bell ornament- And @HandyDan posted one of his gnome ornaments- See what our members had to say about these and add pictures f what you are making! @Gerald also gave us a more detailed look at his new kiln. He posted several images of the working parts and answered questions- I want to thank @FlGatorwood for giving me a heads up this turning video from Mike Peace. Really show the processes for turning a pepper grinder from a pre-drilled blank. Thanks, Steve! What’s Coming Up- Join Cindy Drozda, Lyle Jamieson, Steve Worcester, Joe Fleming, John Jordan, and Tod Raines for 3 evenings of fun to kick off the holiday season. There will be six mini demonstrations, questions & answers, tool showcase, vendor specials, raffle prizes, and fun and popcorn as we hangout together. This is a FREE Zoom meeting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday- November 26-28. Sign up here- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvduuurTgoHtH9C61nkAf2dy14df57RmrB 6 Turners LIVE Holiday Special! IT’S THE 12 TURNINGS OF CHRISTMAS! Registration- https://woodturnersretreat.com/ For The Newbies- Looking for a simple Christmas and would like to try bowl turning? Kent from "Turn A Wood Bowl" shows us how to get two for one! Scott Hampton's presentation on sharpening from World Wide Woodturners- @Gerald's little Christmas ornament really stands out with his choice of using color as an embellishment. The New Jersey Woodturners recently hosted an IRD with Michael Kehs demonstrating embellishing techniques on a turning. Expand Your Horizons- A couple shop made lathe hacks from Fine Woodworking- A disk sander- https://www.finewoodworking.com/2011/07/19/turn-your-lathe-into-a-disk-sander Using a router at the lathe- https://www.finewoodworking.com/2020/02/21/using-a-router-at-the-lathe Another awesome multi-axis Christmas ornament from Alan Stratton- Jim Rodgers turns a sweet little one piece scoop, on the lathe, using a custom made chuck- New Turning Items- Tim Yoder turns a huge chunk of olive wood into a utensil holder. He does the hollowing using his new Eblo 2 hollowing rig. Tim provides some great tips on using the hollowing system. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
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