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Found 16 results

  1. Hi Everyone So-I decided to change coarse a little and start a new project. I have 4 grandkids and the oldest one just had his 10th birthday. I asked what he might like for "Gramps" to make him and he said he really liked " Pandas". We found a piece of free clip-art he liked so I drew up the pattern and created the subject for my next Intarsia project. 23 pieces from Peruvian Walnut , Holly, Ebony, Brownheart and Lignum Vitae. Stay tuned- this will be fun!!
  2. Hi everyone-starting on my new Aavegotchi Intarsia creation titled "Farmer has a Farm". I have drawn the rough pattern for the farmer and have chosen the palate of woods . From left to right-Pernambuco, Holly, Purpleheart,Lacewood, Blue Mahoe, Pink Ivory, Wenge and Maple. Got all of the pieces cut and assembled for the Farmer and am working on the shaping and texturing of each piece. Decided that the Farmer needed a Spirit Gem belt buckle. 36 pieces from 8 woods. To be continued!!
  3. Hi everyone Finished my newest custom intarsia project titled "Woodworker Needs a Shop". This is the second of 3 pieces I am creating as part of the Aavegotchi Intarsia Collection. 501 pieces from 40 different woods. Book matched Zebrawood frame with purpleheart inlay banding measures 21" wide x 16" tall. No stains, paints or dyes were used in this project. Lots of little pieces , detail carving and texturing bring this project to life. Fun Stuff!!
  4. So this was made by my Uncle David. He is a Vietnam vet. I credit him with getting me started with woodworking, after being in a dark place mentally. He is walking the slow mile now and unable to continue his work and his most beloved hobby. I can honestly say He is one of the people in my life that I don't know where I would be now without his influence. You never know when you share your craft with a person how it helps them and where it will take them in life. Teaching to me is one of the most important things a human can do for another. This piece is the size both height and length of a medium sized sofa. I can not say how long it took him to make.
  5. Hi Everyone This past summer I was asked to create a custom bar top for one of my sons . We originally talked about using slate to fill in the top and would use table top resin to make it smooth. It would maybe have a nice wood frame and would sit on a knee wall in his man-cave. After taking some measurements and discussing options, I suggested maybe doing a custom Intarsia inlayed into the top. He liked the idea so I suggested he find a photo he would like to use as a subject. He sent me a photo he took while on vacation in Hawaii, I thought it would be hard to do as an Intarsia but would see what I could do. I drew up scaled plans for the top showing the layout for the framed intarsia along with the field for the rest of the top. We decided to go with Peruvian Walnut for the frame and accent diamonds and tiger maple for the field pieces . I chose to use 3/4" MDF as a base to build from mostly for overall stability . Did all the millwork for the frame and decided to do accent inlays of Ebony and BE maple around the perimeter. Got all of the maple pieces, diamonds and frame for the intarsia cut and fit into place. On to the custom intarsia.
  6. "Almost There" Hi everyone !Mike Mathieu here. Been a long time since I 've had anything to share with the group. Glad to be back. Here is the latest and greatest progress picture of my latest Intarsia project. I got the birds in the bush and the buck inlayed into the background. I still have the rabbits and a few more bushes and trees to add to the foreground and maybe a pileated woodpecker on the big tree. We'll see if it scales out. 325 pieces from 22 woods so far
  7. I'm finished when it goes in the house.. If it falls apart? I'll have to study horses before I try another picture like this.....I could have put their eyes on their nose and would have looked just as good. Grandpawdave52, whats the 52 for? this was the rope molding in the trunk, a Lowes product... I tried to get them to give it to me for buying the 7 Dremels plus having to drive the 100 miles where the only Lowes had any of those sets left..Yes they would have sent them but for 57 freight we decided to see some different country that day.. That is their regular charge if they have to send anything directly from a store and it is a standard charge for all stores... didn't know that...could have been 56 but seemed too much anyway.. The rooster is still sitting there not glued up...Since I changed all the colors different than the picture I don't have anything to go by and the glue would already have set up by the time I get halfway finished, not good...I know I'll have to enlarge a picture of it but hey I am a tight wad and this ink does cost for the printer... I added extra wood under the left side to give more better look?
  8. Finished this picture. Don't know why it got my attention enough to spend time trying to recreate it with wood.. Still not glued in so the gaps are still showing. I used baltic birch on this picture..
  9. Yes I like to start with the hardest parts to color first... Then I can stop holding my breath till the next day.. but until I put the clear on I am still in the dark as to what these things will end up looking like black birds or grackles???
  10. While perusing the wide world web tonight, forever in search of factual based data for our wiki, I stumbled across The Public Domain Review, a great resource for information and research, one of the articles I came across was this very interesting history of Intarsia. Just thought I'd share it here. https://publicdomainreview.org/2018/05/16/exquisite-rot-spalted-wood-and-the-lost-art-of-intarsia/
  11. My wife and I found ourselves in Tennessee, so I had to visit Judy Gale Roberts’ studio in Seymour, TN. Judy is an Intarsia artesian. Her work is very beautiful. Unfortunately, Judy was out of town the day I visited, but her office manager was available to answer many questions. Judy teaches classes, makes guest appearances, makes commissioned work, and puts out approx. four new patterns a year. She is looking for ways to be less busy, but the demand for work makes it difficult. I had a great time seeing her studio. If you plan to see her studio, leave the RV at home. The roads are narrow, and the driveway is very steep. Danl
  12. The wizard I would love to take credit for but it was made by my Uncle who does intarsia and got me started i n woodworking.
  13. A few years ago Karen made a fairy garden in our back yard. I made her some wooden things like mushrooms, frogs and a dragon. She has been unable to do it this year due to knee surgery. We discovered that the idiot that made Puff the magic dragon didn't use waterproof glue. So today I fixed him and gave him a paint job.
  14. I just finished this pet urn for a client in memory of "Bubz" the dog. The urn is made from antique mahogany and measures 8" x 8" x 4" and has a removable bottom cover. The Intarsia consists of 45 pieces from 9 different woods. The Subject photo of "Bubz" supplied by the client. The finished urn
  15. I have been enjoying all the images in our new gallery and lately one of our members is really putting on a show for us! I'd like to give Mike Mathieu a big hand for his instarsia work. Great job Mike! Absolutely beautiful! Click on image to be taken to Mikes Gallery.
  16. Hi Everyone Here are a few photos of a little custom watch box I just finished. Made from Spanish Cedar and measures 4.5" x 3.5" x 3". Intarsia top consists of 10 pieces from 4 different woods. Features secret compartment.
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