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  1. Looks like a thunderstorm brewing off to the west. Garden could use a little water. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted a couple of beautiful segmented bowls he created using a Ringmaster! These became gifts for friends. He tells us more about them in this post- Our What's ON/OFF Your Lathe again had some gorgeous content! From "ON"- @kreisdorph worked with several different species of wood to produce these lovely pieces- New items start here- And from What's OFF Your Lathe- @kreisdorph and @User74 showed us what they are doing! You can catch up and see more images here- What’s Coming Up- Just a reminder that this Friday, May 24, Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines are having a free Sharing Q&A Session on Zoom. Here are 2 links for signing up for the Zoom meeting. https://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/sharing-session-free-and-live-on-zoom-4/ If you don't have Zoom on your computer/phone, here's the link for the free download- https://zoom.us/download For The Newbies- Mentioned before that Sam Angelo has started a new YouTube channel to assist the new turner. This video compares and contrasts the spindle and bowl gouges. New turners are often confused why/where to use these two gouges. This is the opening lecture from a nine-hour seminar on how woodturning tools work, from Jim Rodgers. Lots of good information on the various HSS materials. Craft Supplies USA has a nice video on chuck maintenance. Although this video is for a specific brand/model, much of the information is common to all scroll chucks. Expand Your Horizons- If you have watched Richard Raffan for any length of time, you've probably noticed most of his turning tools have been resharpened many, many times! Not one to let tings go to waste, Richard repurposes an old spindle gouge. I remember @Gerald using various painting schemes and came across this method of creating a Cosmic Clouds motif with iridescent paints. I think this was done by Tim Yoder- Cosmic Clouds #shorts.mp4 Thinking about working with acrylics? Craft Supplies USA posted a start to finish hybrid handle. Casting and finishing tips included! Last week we posted that Niles Bottle Stoppers had their bronze threaded rings for sale. Carl Jacobson created a very stylish urn using a set of rings- If hand chasing threads is more your thing, Mike Peace recently posted this video creating threads in a piece of Palo Santo Wood, Bulnesia sarmientoi, from Argentina. Finally, the Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturner's Monthly newsletter. Here's the link to the entire newsletter- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- OK, this is something you can create in your shop. I thought it was pretty neat as I do not have an accurate cross sled for my drill press. What is the vertex#diy #woodworkingtools #woodworking.mp4 Everything Else- A few thoughts from Ron Brown- Sharing Makes You Better Three reasons you will be better: 1) When you explain your process, you must organize your thoughts. You will discover some steps are unnecessary while others need more attention. 2) Your audience usually asks questions that spark new ideas to improve your process and ultimately the result. 3) Explaining how you do it will often uncover why you do it this way. There is always room to be more efficient and you usually discover them by accident often during an explanation. The skills you have learned are a gift and make you who you are. The laws of sowing and reaping are in full effect. The more you share what you have discovered, the deeper your understanding will become. This is true with any skill or knowledge set you have Safe turning
  2. So I've been on the fence about this. I know I really enjoy having my carbide cutters I like them. How ever I think its due time that I do go back to getting into HSS gouges. So I'm currently trying to research decent HSS gouges for myself that wouldn't be too expensive and way out of my price range. I'm also looking into a stone bench grinder for sharpening and some sort of jig for getting the angles rather than just eyballing it. If you guys have any suggestions on certain tools I'm all ears. I'm just not looking to break the bank.
  3. We had an awesome snow here. Right around 14" of the light powdery stuff. New snow blower worked flawlessly! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker has expanded his Lid Making business to include pieces for spice bottles. Steve shows us some of the work it takes to create these new items- Check out his post for more details- @Pauley turned a couple of spectacular bowls. The wood color and grain patterns take your breathe away! Please see his post for the images and the types of wood he used- @RustyFN was also working on a beautifully colored bowl. Rusty received lots of comments about his choice of wood and the bowl- @AndrewB is really having fun with his new pressure pot and casting resins. He continued to update us on last week's post with more images of some of his castings You can can see the updates at- Andrew used one of the castings to begin turning an egg- In Andrew's post, @Gerald gave us a link to some of his favorite color additives for resin. Here's the link to the discussion- Andrew didn't just turn acrylic resin this week. I suspect there will be some pine tar resin on his lathe after working with some wood his local tree guys gave him. See more images and his progress in this post- I hope you all are aware The Patriot Woodworker has added another sponsor- General Finishes! While we may be tempted to think of their finishes being used for woodworking, they have a woodturning finish, too! Here's a short video from General Finishes demonstrating that finish- What’s Coming Up- Although there is light at the end of the tunnel, some of "The Woodworking Shows" will still be virtual. You can get more information about the schedule and demonstrators at- https://www.thewoodworkingshows.com/?fbclid=IwAR39zWURThvLgnzTRqV9OAdVKFxNtR9qON_8bR36HupZ-GVNMR11oAjnQcU Highland Woodworking is offering an online course for photographing your work. Although it is directed toward photographing furniture, there certainly could be some worthwhile content for the turner- Click on the above image for the link to registration and more information. For The Newbies- Over the past month or so we have had a reoccurring topic about gouges and the discussion often centers around the choice between HSS and carbide. In this video, the author provides pros and cons of both types of tools. (Editor's note: The thing I have found in these comparison videos/articles is that the author(s) are often turners who have used HSS tools from the time they started turning. Many of them have decades of experience using the "traditional" tools. Then with a few hours of carbide turning, they render their often not so positive verdict. Perhaps the opinions would be different if they had the same tool time with both types of tools.) Expand Your Horizons- Maybe I should call this compress your horizons. One of the first questions, when considering casting resins, is how to get rid of the bubbles that form in the pour. Should I use a vacuum or use pressure? This video attempts to answer that question. Having had some experience with casting objects (cold cast porcelain) we found that a combination of both was the best way to go. We would vacuum each part of the components- before mixing. Carefully mix. Apply pressure. Looking for that perfect toy for the grandkids, or great grandkids? Tim Yoder has you covered- New Turning Items- Ruth Niles has a couple of new items on her website- This 3/8" three fluted spiral tap is especially suited for acrylics and very hard wood- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/spiral-3-8-tap/ She also has new mandrel adapters- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/mandrel-adapters/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube turning videos from last week. If you missed the Virtual Craft Festival this past weekend, several of the presenters' videos are included in Rick's list. Safe turning and stay well
  4. Just a gentle reminder- When posting threads, PLEASE add tags to your posts. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier asked us for ideas about modifications that could be made to make his lathe run slower. He received lots of comments and suggestions. If you have any recommendations, maybe you could help him out- Ron also posted a few more ornaments he finished and explained how he made some of the marvelous designs- @RustyFN Has been really busy this week! He started out showing us a bowl he turned- Rusty used his emblem on the bottom- Rusty has been able to score free wood from several places. He told us about his trip to the saw mill where he picked up a walnut log- Which yielded this fantastic looking bowl- Check this post for more details- Rusty has a really awesome neighbor. Told Rusty he could have wood from a recently felled tree. They think it's maple- Rusty posted more images in his post and has even started turning one of the blanks. In this particular thread, there are some interesting comments on which bowl gouge might be best. Rusty decided on the 1/2" Sorby- Since Rusty is working with "green" wood, he was curious about the drying procedures and at what point in the turning process should drying take place. Our members offered several options and ideas. Maybe you could add something to what has already posted Rusty adapted a bandsaw circle cutting jig to help him cut bowl blanks- he shows us more about it in his post- We are still getting additional input on a post from a couple of weeks back on the HSS subject. Our own @Steve Krumanaker added a link to a video he made on making handles for tools. Steve posted some images of the "tea lids" which he has been making. His little laser does a fantastic job of adding embellishments to the turnings. See Steve's post for more images- Steve had to create a jig to help hold these lids during the turning process. He shared the specifics of how he made a special expansion chuck- @AndrewBreally came out smelling like a rose! A while back he obtained a bunch of tool rests- but they didn't fit his lathe. Well all was not lost as he explains in this post- @Masonsailor is still learning about his new lathe. He posted an update on some of the features- What’s Coming Up- Carl Jacobson is offering a live online class https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F33zhDit%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3dU9tbCT_bBqQRb1sbx_zaPwBi8cjcYINxqgdoYCW9EGG1zNPhckZVnII&h=AT2Nanrkmfka0_NeZU9kGjaoMGAAc7epV_E6YNxKr0sNUaSoh176gAi_5Vbc7-FG_c4rsQMCwZEZmlXk5kMhkNX9go3J_LhtqqvKbdOD488xsCVlU-JJ74id60MR01EPnA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0fR3DEM_uFCeZT6ING_O0GgL370DBA4CMApwnPii3gw_5CpEr0xzJg_dtKTyKgAEVOj4c1b1shbErx0WkfdpkSvv5TnUVtkgXVZhdNrboxD1S6bJznZUcPPStOa2JWTblHc8Ruit_BBPvDhTRKLtiSKEg For The Newbies- A lot of turners use the "OneWay Wolverine" sharpening system. Ron Brown shows an eas to set it up for sharpening gouges- In addition to the previous jig, Ron Brown has another jig for setting up the grinder for sharpening other tool. To get the best cuts and safest operation, we need to have the lathe running at the proper speed. In this video, Mike Peace, provides insights on when to change the lathe speed- Expand Your Horizons- Here is an interesting process for turning and coloring a "wet" blank by Alan Stratton- In the video I was intrigued by the steady rest that Mr. Stratton used. I liked the idea of being able to mount/unmount the steady rest without having to remove the turning. Here's the link to more information- https://www.aswoodturns.com/2014/09/steady-update/ New Turning Items- Ruth Niles has some new mandrel adapters for her newer stoppers- You can get more information from Ruth's site- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/mandrel-adapters/?fbclid=IwAR2UmPqFG7zD_zUZhlxTuw_iK69I2_FDvVVScOJOPWna1XEncD8GX403ksw Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube video listing from last week- Back in the summer, the tree guys dropped off some cherry. I've been making stuff from the log. Some of the pieces I rough turned, soaked in the soap solutions and then stored them in shavings. Had this shape kicking around in my head for a while. Took it out of the shavings and began working on it a week or so ago. Got it cleaned up- Started to refine the hollowing. The little shop made laser device to check the thickness- Finalizing the shape- Chuck for holding it to finish off the bottom- Mounted and secured- It was going to be pretty plain so I decided to add some detail. Hindsight is 20/20. Not sure gold leaf was the best color. More hindsite- I really don't like the glossy finish. Maybe it will darken over time- Safe turning and stay well
  5. Our Adopted Family Christmas Project was a complete success. Thanks to all who participated and congratulations to the raffle winners! Our Patriot Turners- Lots of great projects and discussions this past week! @Ron Altier started us off with a sweet little birdhouse ornament! Ron tells us a little about this turning and the little additions he added- @Steve Krumanaker embellishes some of his orders with an inexpensive laser. Steve shows us just how versatile one of these machines can be- Check out the comments in his post- Steve was a very good boy this this year and Santa rewarded his behaviour with an awesome new toy. We all can't wait to see what Steve does with it! @RustyFN showed us a new bowl he is making and wondering about what type of finish might be possible. Rusty received lots of great comments and suggestions. Head on over to his post and see what you think- Rusty also asked us our opinion on a new emblem he is designing to identify his work. He posted three different ideas and wondered which one we liked best. Why not add your input to help Rusty? Rusty looking for a new bowl gouge and saw several at Woodcraft. Rusty asked us which one(s) would be best. Our turners offer lots of suggestions and which one might be best. Rusty is our big winner this week for the number of posts! When you have HSS tools, you need to sharpen them, so Rusty is replacing his standard bench grinder. His question was centered on what to look for in a grinder for turning tools. We were able to help him with his purchase. Check his post to see which grinder he bought! @AndrewB was also looking for new HSS gouges and inquired about sharpening. Andrew's post generated a lot of conversation on sharpening and our members even provided some additional advice on jigs. This is a great conversation on sharpening- What’s Coming Up- Two on-line events events in the next couple of weeks- January 9- Click on the above image for the link to more details and registration On January 23- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration. For The Newbies- There was lots of discussion this week on HSS turning tools. To get the absolute best finish from these types of tools, they must be sharp- and kept sharp. Here are two videos from well known turning experts. See how they keep their tools sharp Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace decided to expand his horizons and give carbide tools a try. See his impressions in this video- Now if he would have just bought the Easy Wood Tools!! New Turning Items- Gauging the thickness of a turning can be challenging. There are all sorts of jigs, devices and tools you can make or buy. This one adds the digital function to the mix. It probably will not work for small opening hollow vessels but for bowls it will do the trick. More information and a video of the operation is here- https://segmentedturning.org/product/digital-wall-thickness-gauge/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of You Tube turning videos from last week- ...and somedays the Dragon wins... At least the new dust collection setup works! Safe turning and stay well
  6. I have been looking online trying to find some chisels that I don't have to pay too much for. That is no easy task. Sorby has a set with one handle and you install the cutters in the handle as needed. I am sure most of you have seen them. The price isn't to bad for these, I think about $150 for three cutters and a handle. I think I can resharpen them to some degree. On the other hand, there are the other chisels but I would have to sharpen them. If I bought those chisels I would buy a Wolverine jig to sharpen them. There are several ways you can buy the Wolverine jig and I don't know what I need to do about buying them.
  7. When Rockler came out with their version of these tools, I'd never seen one before, I like the idea. I waited until they were on sale and got the set of 3 for small for mini lathes. I do use them a lot and like them. They have a lot of great qualities and can be rotated for another cutting surface. I also resharpen mine on a diamond hone. I do not have a parting tool with a carbide head. That may be my next purchase. I still use some of my HSS tool, but not much. If you were to rate the carbide cutting tools on a 1 to 10 scale (10 is tops) what would your rating be?
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