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  1. So I've started a new project out of scrap material that's just glued and laminated. Trying to get used to sharpening gouges sadly theres no marks on the bit that holds the gouge while sharpening so you kind of just have to take a crack shot guess at it. Either way its odd just trying to get used to the Bench grinder again. Yep it be bolted down. How ever its just a huge learning curve compared to the Easy Wood Tools where you can just dive right in. So this is gonna take some time.
  2. I am a lefty and I have started to recently understand things like bowl gouges to some limited degree. For the record, my handedness doesn’t have anything to do with the understanding, but rather the application. In previous turning endeavors, like spindles and handles, I am able to hold a gouge left hand on handle and right hand on tool rest. This makes sense and is comfortable to me. Enter the bowl gouge and a push cut…. The positions required to have this hand configuration is a contortionistic impossibility. Maybe I could have pulled it off when I was a young rubber person but that ship has sailed. So it appears the only sane way to do this and be able to achieve any sort of bio-mechanical sanity is to reverse my hands, left hand on tool rest, right hand on handle and shift bodyweight into the cut while maintaining proper cutting angle. Is the solution to this just learn how to turn with either hand forward or is there a completely reverse lathe setup that lefties adopt?
  3. Finished them up today. Took longer than I thought they would. Wife and I had a nasty bug last week. Worst cough I can remember having for a while. Doc said, "just something that's going around". Crazy. Anyway, I'm happy with these. Guy hasn't seen them yet so I hope he is too.
  4. I need to replace several carbide bits for my Rockler R2 cutter. Usually, because the screw comes loose and the bit and screw get swooped up by the vacuum, never to be found. I will work on that. For now, though, I see Rockler replacement cutters for now $25 for a round one. I simply don't want to pay that much. I see some similar things, though with different sizes and screw holes on Amazon for $15 down to less than $3 if I buy ten at a time. For the difference in price, I might either modify my Rockler tool or craft a new one by myself, with friends. But, is less than $3 a piece too good to be true? Going to the web on quality levels of tungsten carbide, I see "C" levels. Some carbide bits have C1 printed on them. Most have nothing printed on them, nor do I see anything in the specs. One local guru says it may not really matter much with wood. Looking deeper, I see there are over 1500 grades of tungsten carbide, And, the source says that two manufactures may use the same designation while the true specs are completely different. It is too bad that several brands of carbide tools for lathes seem to use their unique sizes, but it is probably so they can sell their proprietary bits. For today, how much do I need to think about C ratings on carbide bits for the lathe? Is $3 or less a bit too good to be true? Are there far cheaper sources for bits that fit a Rockler tool and its dimensions? What sources for carbide bits have you used successfully, if I am to build my own tool? Thank you, as always
  5. Ran across a video from a well respected member over at AAW. After watching the demonstration, I knew I had to try one out for myself....just one tool from greatness syndrome. These are available from Thomson. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet. I'm hoping it will help with tear out issues in dried pecancrete. Detail shots of the tool. It's not readily apparent in the photos but there is a very shallow depression ground into the top of the tool making the wings ever so slightly higher than the nose. .40
  6. It's been a slow week here for our turners. However, Easy Wood Tools is helping veterans get started and enjoy the satisfaction of woodturning and dealing with their PTSD. You can help this awesome cause by purchasing T-shirts. Head over to the Easy Wood Tools site and order yours while there is still time- https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- Everyone was busy cleaning their shops What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. The mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium- From Craft Supplies USA- For The Newbies- Scroll chucks are are excellent for holding turnings but they can leave jaw impression marks on your work. In this video, Richard Raffan demonstrates how to almost completely eliminate them- A great video from Jim Rodgers on why catches occur when using gouges- Alan Stratton comes up with yet another method for turning scoops. This is a one piece scoop- Speaking of scoops, here's an old video from Tim Yoder demonstrating how he does it- Expand Your Horizons- How thin do you turn your bowls?? Here, Kent Weakley demonstrate techniques for turning really this bowls- Sometimes the turning we had in our mind isn't quite what comes off the lathe. Here, Tim Yoder makes design modifications on the fly. The results are pretty neat! If you have one of Ruth Niles' Joyner Off Center Jigs You know it can be a little frustrating imagining exactly what the final pattern will look like. In this video, from the AAW, Dawn Petrie-George shows how to create a template to help with this. Speaking of Ruth Niles, Cindy Drozda recently did a live stream on YouTube making bottle stoppers using Ruth's products- New Turning Items- Mike Waldt demonstrates a modular tool rest system. Not sure if this manufacturer is available in the U.S. Here in the U.S., there are several sources of similar products including Nova, Sorby and other woodworking outlets. Not a new item but a sale on sanding supplies from Woodturners Wonders- Check out the deals here- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  7. Hard to believe that October is almost half over! Usually we have had a frost by now. Not too much happening, here, this past week- Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber finished up a gorgeous multi species bowl for his Mrs. He tells us more about the species, finish and how it got its name- @Fred W. Hargis Jr asked our turners for their input on bowl gouge use. Fred had started turning a bowl and was unsure of just how to get the best cut from his gouge. We had a very informative conversation with a lot of our turners. They offered their ideas, suggestions and links to resources - Head on over to the this thread and see if you can give Fred additional ideas- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration- From the AAW- For The Newbies- If you are considering purchasing carbide turning tools, please consider checking out our sponsor Easy Wood Tools. To learn more about using the EWT products, they have added an "EWT University" tab on their website. Check out this link! https://www.easywoodtools.com/resources Thanks @Jim from Easy Wood Tools !! Expand Your Horizons- The AAW has made available this video on multi-axis turning by Barbara Dill Ms. Dill has another video on the same subject- Wanna turn a BIG bowl??? Watch Mike Waldt- New Turning Items- Hang on to your lunch money, this week. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- How about a little fun with Tim Yoder and this year's Halloween project!! After a go of antibiotics and industrial strength decongestants, I was finally able to get back into the basement shop. The first order of business was to make a dust collector "hood" to do the sanding on the last batch of rolling pins. I cobbled it from scraps around the shop but did buy a piece of acrylic at Hobby Lobby. The hood attaches to my PVC port that was built sometime back. This port can be positioned along the length of the lathe as well as placed close/farther from the turning. Front view- the "hood" is 24" long End view- Back view- Interface between the PVC pipe and the collector- Top View- Bottom view- the bottom is a piece of aluminum trim coil. Oblique view- Mistake- the acrylic bowed up as I bent it into shape. The heat gun idea to bring it down was not a complete success To attach the hood onto the PVC, I used a pin through the 1.5" thick interface block and into the PVC pipe- Now, will it work? A strip of what passes for toilet tissue these days IMG_0241.MP4 IMG_0242.MP4 I power sanded 6 rolling pins thru 3 grits and there was no dust on the white bottom. I'm pretty happy. Safe turning and stay well
  8. I ordered a Robert Sorby 1/2” bowl gouge with the fingernail grind. The price was too good to pass up.
  9. RustyFN

    New wood

    I saw where somebody had a tree cut down in their front yard while driving around. I stopped to ask about it and was told to help myself. I grabbed three logs for now but will probably go back for more. The guy told me he thought it was maple. What does it look like to you all. Also I have a picture of a bowl I started to turn from it. I discovered I need a large bowl gouge and roughing gouge very bad for these larger bowls.
  10. Hope this Wednesday finds everyone healthy and still sane. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier is holding up well under the lockdown. He finished up a sweet little ornament that has a whole bunch of glue-ups! Here's his post- @Gerald had a new comment one of his beautiful bowls in our gallery. Check out his post and read about the tree species- What’s Coming Up- It has been tough coming up with shows and symposiums. Last thing I read was that the Mid-Atlantic Woodturners are unsure if they will be able to have their symposium in the fall. For The Newbies- If you turn with traditional tools, sharpening skills are necessary to keep the tools cutting at their best. Sometime the sharpening process can change the tool cutting tip profile. Here is a video, posted by Woodturners Wonders, showing how to correct the profile on a bowl gouge. From their Facebook feed, Jet Tools has a series of short videos tips for their tools. If the hand wheel, on the tailstock, is getting stiff- here's a cleaning tip- There's an entire series of these tips at- https://www.youtube.com/user/JETTOOLSUSA/videos Need a mallet to set the drive spur? Check this out! https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/turn-a-better-mallet/ Expand Your Horizons- You know I'm a jig junky. This is an idea that can really create some interesting effects- Part 2 is linked from the video. Mike Peace shows us how to make a footed bowl- New Turning Items- Recently, I was reading a discussion about which scroll chuck to purchase. The author was lamenting about the hassle of changing jaws. Several of the responders indicated how many different chucks they owned. It seemed to me, if they were to have purchased the Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ) chuck, they could save the hassle of changing jaws and a ton of money to boot! This video, from Tracey Malady, shows the versatility of the EWT awesome Easy Chuck. Everything Else- This past weeks videos from Rick Turns- Last week @Gerald asked to see that antagonistic spalted maple bowl. I used a beeswax/mineral oil finish. There were so many soft/punky places embedded within the harder wood that it was impossible to a completely smooth surface. There is also that hole left from where the ingrown branch went diagonally through the piece. As a glutton for punishment, I pulled out an elm, roughed out blank from a bag of shavings. Maybe I'll have better luck this time- Safe turning and stay well
  11. I am a self taught turner and have learned by trail and error, videos, books, etc. I have a nice assortment of turning tools and have learned to use all of them to achieve some nice turnings. However the tiny gouge pictured has me baffled. I have tried several times to use it and always end up digging or bending. I'd like to use it to make something but want to do it knowing much better than I do now about how to proceed. Does it require special rules? Things like speed, size of stock or just something that requires patience. A small twist of the wrist can inflict damage. Any advise is appreciated Thanks
  12. I saw this on the web. A homemade chisel hone. I thing you could set this up at the proper angle and put curved tracks for the wheels to turn allowing you to hone a gouge to the proper angle all the way around the gouge. Do you think it could work?
  13. Cliff

    spoon gouge

    Just stumbled upon this
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