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  1. Pouring resin on mesquite can be a real PITA. This was no exception. One can never predict which holes/cavities have a bottom and which ones need a dam. To fill with colored resin, the entire bottom if the piece was taped. I still had leaks. Probably more got away than filled the holes. At any rate, the holes were filled. Then two coats of clear finished it. A messy and time eating process. Here's how it came out.
  2. Remembering Jere Osgood (1936-2023) | The Furniture Society FURNSOC.ORG “The lines and shaping of the parts were very specific but how we got there was not.”
  3. Lately (last year or so) I have had a penchant and thirst for knowledge on a more academic level, for anything related to woodworking and the items made from wood, and the tools and process's used to make wood items. This quest for knowledge has come from my own desire to build a woodworkers wiki, where all can enter the wiki, and open edit and collaborate, and contribute to the knowledge base. Click here for our wiki under construction. As many know by now, our wiki is under construction, and it's turned out to be a monumental task, the software behind the scenes is very complex, and the wiki engine is a different animal that takes some getting used to, in order to use it. But once our wiki is built, and once we open the doors, it will be relatively user friendly, compared to most wikis, and you will enjoy contributing and leaving your mark in cyberspace, for all woodworkers to benefit from, and learn, and share. Now that is out of the way, and some context has been laid down, I wanted to share with you a wonderful book I have been reading, it's a general history of American Furniture, and how the design components came to be, and how specific joinery was introduced into the market, and how the styles morphed from one to another, and how our society and the differing economic classes influenced furniture design. The book is named "Sotheby's Guide to American Furniture". It's a paper back written by Patricia P. Petraglia and I have been reading it over the last couple months, just before bed time. Yes, it's a sleeper, but it is also very interesting. A few weeks ago I came upon the chapter that finally described the period in which the Dovetail joint made its appearance in our colonies. If you've read this far, you may be interested in reading a paragraph on this subject from the above mentioned book. The less sophisticated shops were still using peg and mortise and tenon for everything, and they were still building the bulky style of "Pilgrim Furniture" of the late 1600's, specifically from 1640 - 1690. But, the Pilgrim Furniture was beautiful as well, so we shouldn't sneeze down on those builders, there were intricate carvings, beautifully raised panels, Jewels and Boss's, Split Spindles, and turned feet. But the William and Mary designs just took the colonies by storm, and the makers either had to transition their shops, or die. In a way you could say, the dovetail joint, was responsible for the demise of many shops, not all makers could adapt! I love history, especially American History, and this book I found sitting on the shelf of a used book store here locally where I live has a place on my nightstand, and I am taking my time to read it, and absorb it. It's amazing what was actually involved in design, and style, and how our society and economic classes played such a huge roll in the designing of our American furniture. Thanks for reading, and I hope when we open our new wiki, you'll be motivated to share your knowledge, and resources for all to see, read and learn.
  4. I came upon a desk and file cabinet for sale online, used, and it stated it was Stickley. It looked very newish, and I was suspicious of the claim, the inside drawer was burned with the word "Stickley" with a nice logo tag nailed to the inside drawer as well. They wanted 4000.00 for the set, it was beautiful and made very well and with solid American hardwood. I said to myself, this can't be, it's gotta be a fake. Well is wasn't, well it wasn't in the sense that there still is a "Stickley" furniture business open and alive. The furniture is beautiful and high quality, you won't find any prices on their furnishings, you know the old saying, if you have to ask then, well you know the rest. From what I could tell, the quality is very good, excellent, I think the Stickley brothers would be proud. Here is their "About Us" page: A Letter from the CEO WWW.STICKLEY.COM The first piece of furniture my husband, Alfred, and I received as we set about to furnish our home in 1964 was a Stickley terrace server. It was a wedding... And here is the home page: Stickley Furniture WWW.STICKLEY.COM Stickley offers best-quality hardwood furniture and upholstery for living room, bedroom, dining, and home office, plus rugs and accessories. It’s famous for...
  5. I have mentioned the entry way bench and decided to make a post about it. This is a piece inspired by Natsuki Ishitani. I scaled this one down and have had to come up with some creative ways to do things to keep to the design. There is a lot more to do, but here is the first test fitting.
  6. Nick Offerman posted a photo of an Enzo Mari dining set that they were proud to have made for a customer. FYI, Enzo is/was an famous italian designer. Ugh, not my taste. Someone commented, "This style just looks like the very bad chairs made in a first year woodshop class. These are the kind of chairs I would keep in my garage and when questioned, shrug my shoulders and say, "Well, I made it out of scraps"" Can't decide if they used drywall screws or nails like the originals. Notice there's three different styles of chairs, each with different seats and backs. Whaddya think?
  7. I'm going through a stack of backup files on CD. 99% are documenting third party repair work orders (warranty, protection plans, moving claims), so I needed to submit photos. I was a bit shocked at the number of pieces I've repaired over the last 20 years. I'm figuring a couple of thousand a year. On a one piece per stop day, I'd do 4 or five, When visiting a warehouse or a moving claim, it might be a couple of dozen, The repairs fell into broad categories -- cleaning upholstery (generally food or "body fluids"); fixing upholstery fabric -- popped buttons, open seams, tears; broken frames in upholstery, casegoods, tables and chairs; fixing manual and electric relining mechanisms and sectional connectors; marks on wood finishes - ink, markers, water and chemical blushes, scuffs, scratches and dog chews; remove and replace parts - drawer glides, upholstery panels, legs, recliner mechanisms, hardware. I'll post some of the interesting stuff here as I find it. #1. If a few staples are good, more is more gooder, whether or not they actually hit the pieces they are trying to connect.
  8. View File Workbench Magazine July-August 1967 Versatile Apothocary Chest Submitter John Morris Submitted 03/21/2020 Category Furnishings  
  9. So I'm thinking the near future may hold a new piece of machinery for the shop. I've looked into mortisers and am curious who is happy with theirs and what model they have. In my shop it would get a fair bit of work as I have plenty of furniture projects in the works but again it's a hobby shop and not a business. Most reviews I've read seem clear that most are not familiar with how they are used and have unrealistic expectations. The biggest complaint I hear is the cutters are poor quality and dull. From what I've read and I expect is in the manuals is that the cutters need sharpening first much like chisels.
  10. Good Evening Friends, A lady came to my shop today and brought a chair with a broken leg and wanted to know if I could fix it? I looked the chair over and told her that we would have to shoot it because the leg was too far broken, just like you do a horse when it breaks his leg in a race. She exclaimed Really? Then I started to laugh and she then settled down. She stated that she had an awful time finding someone with knowledge enough to fix the leg. She also stated that if she had not found me on the internet that she didn't know what to do with the chair. She further stated that our work in repair and restoration is becoming a thing of the past and I informed her that when I am no longer here that it would be even harder to find someone because no one wants to learn the trade anymore. She came from 50 miles away. How do you all feel about this topic?
  11. It take a few minutes to watch, but it is amazing the skill and engineering that went into these projects
  12. I get Tom Fidgen's Newsletter in my inbox and I always look forward to it. Tom is a hand made by hand tool guy, long story short, great stuff, beautiful work, I have been following him for along time. In the most recent newsletter he is advertising his new Two Handled Rasps, these are beautiful tools, I want them, I gotta have them, don't know how yet, but some day I'll have them in my shop. These tools just make sense, with their two handles, stitched rasp, these are made for accurate stock removal. I have no horse in the game here, I just love beautiful tools is all. Here they are. Just thought I'd share them.
  13. I guess it is overdue that I posted some pictures of my builds. Critique is always welcomed, as I like to learn from experience. The most recent piece is this, The Harlequin Table, which is a side table I built for my wife ... The case is Hard Maple from the USA. The drawer fronts are Black Walnut, figured Hard Maple, and pink Jarrah (hence the name, Harlequin). The drawer sides are quartersawn Tasmanian Oak, and the drawer bottoms/slips were made from Tasmanian Blue Gum. Finish was, initially, two coats of dewaxed UBeaut Hard White Shellac (the very faint amber adds a little warmth), followed by three coats of General Finishes water-based poly (this remains clear - does not yellow the maple - and appears to have some UV protection. It is hard wearing, which is necessary for a side table). The build features mitred, rounded dovetails and bow front and back. Eight drawers featuring compound dovetailing to match the bow front. Drawers are traditional half-blind dovetails at the front and through dovetails at the rear, with drawer bottoms into slips. About 2 months to build, mainly on weekends. Here is the rear of the table (which will be seen through the windows, which run floor-to-ceiling along the family room ... The pulls were shaped from what-I-believe-to-be-some-type-of Ebony ... The obligatory dovetails ... Do you think that anyone will notice that the drawer bottoms run sequentially? A last look ... Details of the build are on my website. Scan down this page to Harlequin Table: http://www.inthewoodshop.com/Furniture/index.html Regards from Perth Derek
  14. Ron Dudelston

    Podium Front

    From the album: Lecterns and Podiums

    The verbiage was cut in with a Carvewright. Red oak laminated over walnut.
  15. When you create a peice of furniture you sometimes use a back of 1/4" ply. Do you glue or nail it in place? Do you prefinish it and the rest of the peice so that you can spray the interior ? Do you fasten it in place to act as a squaring device then after the glue drys in the frame remove it for finishing later on? I am finishing up my daughters curio cabinet and think it should go this way. 1. cut to fit but do not install. 2. Fiinish the face and sides of the peices and spray if desired. 3. Finish the plywood back. 4. Install the back with Nails to allow some wood movement.
  16. A blog from a woodworker who wants to leave something behind, simple as that.
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