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Day late . Computer started an update (failed again). By the time it came back up, it was already Thursday. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted some new turnings in our "Ringmaster" sub forum. Tony sure can do magic with that Ringmaster jig! Please check out his post at- @BuckeyeHomestead asked about where we get our turning blanks! Our members offered a bunch of ideas from their own experiences. If you can provide some ideas and/or sources, please check out Kenny's post and chime in! A few of our turners have braved the cold weather and showed us some more of their turnings in our "What's OFF the lathe." @calabrese55, @Gerald and @kreisdorph New posts start here and has more images! What’s Coming Up- If you missed Cindy's "Tool Talk" last week, she has made it available on her YouTube Channel- Cindy and Todd Raines will be having live sharing event tomorrow January 24, 2025. Click on the image for the link to registration. For The Newbies- Sanding is probably my least favorite part of turning a project. In this video, Sam Angelo, provides some tips he has found helpful. One this I noticed was how he organized his sanding supplies on a cart. I know @Gerald puts most of his items on a wall, within easy reach, behind his lathe. @BuckeyeHomestead asked about turning blanks. Not every turning has to begin with a large chunk of wood. Mike Peace shows us what can be made from smaller branches- Expand Your Horizons- If you have been thinking about expanding your turning repertoire into bowl turning but you are still hesitating, check this video from Tomislav Tomasic. Some really good closeups of tool positions and techniques. Resin casting is still popular and Tim Yoder casts a Banksia Pod for turning a project- New Turning Items- Everything Else- A short video that brought a smile to my face and I hope it does the same for you. It was posted by Easy Wood Tools but applicable to any turning session/tool. Share your knowledge with the kids! Safe turning
- Our Patriot Turners- Member @Bob Hodge asked a question about finishing techniques. Please a take a moment to stop by his post and see if you can add to what has been said. @AndrewB got his lathe up and running. He had some banjo problems. Some more activity on our "ON/OFF" your lathe this past week- From "OFF"- @Gordon showed us a gorgeous ash bowl- Catch up with more images and comments here- And, from "ON"- @Gerald, @forty_caliber, @teesquare and @kreisdorph all added to the list of projects! See the new additions, images and comments starting here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- And on Friday, September 13, Cindy Drozda is having a Tool Talk- For The Newbies- Sooner or later, when folks learn you are a turner, someone will ask you to duplicate a knob, spindle or similar item. Richard Raffan demonstrates his techniques. A nice article from the AAW for turning a box- Expand Your Horizons- @Gerald uses paints to embellish some of his turnings. I this video, Mike Peace demonstrates using iridescent paints- Mike also posted a video for hand chasing wooden threads. He includes some good tips on wood selection. When I do turning demonstrations for Easy Wood Tools, the one product that seems to draw the most interest from new and experienced turners is the Easy Chuck. A short video on the chuck and some of its features. New Turning Items- Ron Brown has developed a new sphere turning jig. Looks like it might be a pretty nice piece of equipment. Everything Else- Safe turning
Well, Al Jolson was certainly right about April showers! A little over 3" since Sunday evening and a little more yet to come Our Patriot Turners- Member @calabrese55 posted a great tip for protecting turnings when chucked to a set of Cole jaws. In his post, he shows us how he made these foam protectors. Thanks, Mike, for this great idea! @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted a question about the Easy Wood Tools square cutters. Our members offered lots of great information. Please check it out and share your experiences. ( @Jordan Martindale ) Member @User74 gave us a couple of interesting surveys this past week. Don is interested in our shops and our preferences for turning species. It is really nice to get to know our members on a more personal level. First off, Don inquired about the lathes we are using: LOTS of responses and we learned that @HandyDan wins first prize!! Secondly, he asked what our favorite wood to turn. Again, no one was shy about sharing their picks: We really appreciate having our members getting actively involved in these conversations. Lots of projects finished and OFF the lathe this week! @kreisdorph and @RustyFN gave us a peek at what they were up to The new posts start here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information: For The Newbies- Sam Angelo continues to offer videos for the beginner interested in learning woodturning. This one is about considering grain direction when turning- Well, you found a nice size log along the road and you are thinking about turning it into a bowl(s). A couple of videos to get you started. First from Richard Raffan showing how to break down the log- And from Craft Supplies USA demonstrating the roughing out process- Expand Your Horizons- It is a new month and the 4 Ways collaboration group has posted a new project. Each of the turners creates a version of a mystical goblet. Another turning from the antiquities. From Craft Supplies USA, an artifacts pot. Check out the microwave tip at the end! A neat birdhouse from Carl Jacobson. Maybe @Steve Krumanaker could shape it a little more like a bee hive to add to his product line! New Turning Items- For our Canadian friends, Lee Valley is now carrying some additional Laguna equipment. Check their site at- Valley&dm_i=6EER,AEJT,12YD53,1HQJS,1 Everything Else- This was originally posted in the Woodturner's Forum. In case you missed it- From Ron Brown's newsletter- Just A Few Things I’d like to talk to you about incrementalism for your turning journey. Let’s assume that you already have the basics; a lathe, chucks, spur centers, faceplate, etc. And that you have at least a basic set of turning tools including a few carbide-tipped tools. Also, that you have at least a basic sharpening station for your High-Speed Steel tools. You’ve made the major capital investment needed. Now let’s suppose you want to turn pens and pencils. You only need a few more things like a pen mandrel to hold the blanks, a drill bit to make the hole for the brass tubing, and bushings to help make the proper sizing easily. You might add a pen press and a drilling fixture if you really decide to make lots of pens, but that’s about it. What about threaded lidded boxes? There are two routes, hand chased threads, and a threading jig. A great set of thread chasers from Robert Sorby including a depth gauge is only $149.94 on Amazon. With that set you’ve expanded your repertoire to small turned lidded boxes, burial urns, hollow forms with threaded lids, etc. You can add different thread pitches for around $100 with the addition of new thread chasers. Threading jigs begin at around $250 and go up to over $500, but there is practically no learning curve and you seldom fail. Let’s say you become fascinated with turning salt and pepper mills. You need a couple of forstner bits and a drill chuck for the tailstock. A drill bit extension for the taller mills is handy along with a couple of mandrels to hold the blank between centers as you shape the body. Pepper Mill kits are inexpensive and now you have added salt and pepper mills to your arsenal for about $100. And my latest favorite, Bowls From A Board. For under $150 you can add a basic system to your collection and open a whole new world of fascinating possibilities limited only by your imagination. Think segmented turning with 90% less work. It turns out there are hundreds of YouTube videos on making “bowls from a board” so you are guaranteed a quick start. Turning wood can be daunting because there is so much to learn. Many folks claim this line, “by the yard it’s hard, by the inch it’s a cinch.” I recommend you add one skillset at a time and get the few things needed for that. Pretty soon, you will have to decide which of your passions you want to enjoy next! Safe turning
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- bird house
- carl jacobson
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I hope everyone can enjoy a peaceful Easter accordance with your customs. Our Patriot Turners- @Smallpatch was hitting the yard sale circuit when he spied an old lathe. Not one to pass up a bargain, he took it home a refurbished it. Check out his post for more images and the back story- New member @User74 posted a question about carbide tools. We had a very informative discussion about the quality of tools and cutters. Check out the post and see if you can add to it- @Steve Krumanaker created a beautiful Beads of Courage box. Steve used a special technique to create the staves for his turning project. Head on over to his post for more images and our members' comments Another great week for our What's ON/OFF your lathe discussions. From ON the lathe, @Gerald and @User74 gave us a look at their current turnings New information starts here- And, from OFF the lathe- @RustyFN and @User74 completed some really nice turnings- New posts for this week starts here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Last week, we posted a link to the Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium. One of the presenters is Alan Lancer. Here's a short video of what you can expect to see from him- For The Newbies- A tip, from Lyle Jamieson, for holding small turnings without a chuck- Easy Wood Tools shared a new video on how their products are made. Easy Wood Tools are made, in America, entirely in house- even their carbide cutters! @Jordan Martindale Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder shows us how he makes his French rolling pin. Tim is always fun to watch! Richard Raffan is bucking the trend of large turnings. In these two videos, he creates lovely small turnings. His commentary, while turning, gives an insight into his turning techniques- The Woodworker's Journal has published the Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Nice article on how to add butterfly patches to a turning. The newsletter can be found at- New Turning Items- Got a heads-up from @Grandpadave52 about a great price on a Longworth chuck sale. Everything Else- Safe turning
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- peachtree
- longworth chuck
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- longworth chuck
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From the album: Hollow Forms
form turned with Easy Wood Tools-
- easy wood tools
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End of January already. Friday is Groundhog Day and in 2 weeks it's Fastnacht Day! Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker posted images of a bird turning. This one is different than the small birds he adds to his bird house ornaments Check out Steve's post for his description and inspiration for these lovely likenesses. Keeping with the bird theme, @HandyDan posted some awesome birdhouses/gnome houses Dan has gotten those tiny birds down to an science! See his post for more images and additional information about these fantastic turnings! @Fred W. Hargis Jr posted a safety oriented video that reminds us there are dangers lurking when using the lathe! I, for one, will take this video to heart. A few things were added to our "What's On Your Lathe" continuing thread. You can catchup with all the comments and more images starting at- A gorgeous ring box made by @calabrese55 An incredible lighted turning from @teesquare And a walnut bowl along with a white oak platter with a Pewa patch What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and preregistration. For The Newbies- If you are considering using traditional tools for bowl turning, you may be confused by all of the different "grinds" or shapes for the bowl gouge. In this short video, Lyle Jamieson discusses his signature grind and why he uses it. Here are a few more resources for learning about the various grinds- When you first start down the slippery slope of turning, it is tempting to purchase expensive exotic woods for those beautiful pieces you've seen. In these two videos, the common thread is to use "green" (freshly cut) wood. Green wood turns much easier than dried wood. It is less expensive than the exotics. And, you'll often be surprised at the beauty hiding within the pieces. Expand Your Horizons- Add some finesse to your next lidded box with a finial! Lyle Jamieson discusses finial design considerations- Mike Waldt has started a multi part in-depth guide for turning a lidded box- Part#1 New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has become a dealer for Easy Wood Tools Check out the products at- Everything Else- Safe turning
- 8 replies
- easy wood tools
- woodturners wonders
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Chilly, damp, rainy day. Hope everyone had enjoyable Christmas. Our Patriot Turners- @Fred W. Hargis Jr Asked our turners a question about tear out. More specifically, Fred wanted to know what tools and techniques could be used to prevent/repair it. Please see Fred's post and check out what our members had to offer and provide some input. New member @Barbara asked about getting a lathe as a gift for a novice. If you live in the Chicago area, maybe you could offer some leads. @RustyFN Showed us the shavings left from a bowl turn and mused about perhaps purchasing a coring system. Of course our gang had lots of other suggestions and some good natured ribbing- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and registration If you missed Cindy Drozda's presentation on her recess tool, she has it posted on her YouTube channel- For The Newbies- Lyle Jamieson has a short video on preventing vibrations while turning- An article from Kent Weakley help reduce/eliminate tool marks when turning a bowl- Nice video from Craft Supplies USA on bowl turning- Expand Your Horizons- A couple of ideas to add more excitement to your turnings Ebonizing- Make your own spalted wood- Mike Waldt demonstrates turning a goblet in real time- New Turning Items- Woodturners Wonders has made a change in their available sharpening systems- Click on the above image for more information. Everything Else- Sometime back, we included information on the Christmas Ornament Challenge hosted by Alan Stratton of "As Wood Turns". He has posted a video of the winners. Check out these beautiful and imaginative works of art! Safe turning
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- spindle gouge
- cindy drozda
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- recess finisher
- preventing vibration
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- easy wood tools
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- mike waldt
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- ornament contest
Only 68 turning days until Christmas!!!! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald gave us a peek at his next project that will be going on his lathe- His post has a little more about this glue up and what he is doing while the glue dries- What’s Coming Up- Lots of stuff in the future! Click on the images for the links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- Woodturning safety is paramount! In this recent video, Cindy Drozda discusses some of the most important "PPEs" Venturing down the rabbit hole of bowl turning can lead to an addiction. Soon, every shelf in your home, friends, relatives and co-workers have at least one. Maybe you've considered selling them. There are lots of opinions on pricing your work. Here's one from Kent Weakley- Expand Your Horizons- As mentioned, Christmas is fast approaching. Here's some ideas for ornaments for gifts or for yourself. First up is Mike Peace turning a bird ornament similar but larger than the awesome ones done by our own @Steve Krumanaker From Alan Stratton, a sea urchin ornament but without the sea urchin- And, from Carl Jacobson, a natural edge bowl ornament- Our own @Gerald and the club he belongs to are faithful supporters of the "Beads Of Courage" boxes. In this video, Alan Stratton discusses how he creates his version of a box to save those beads. Some neat jigs for turning the "staves" he used to make the box. Mike Peace shared a "cool" trick on how he unstuck a thread lid on a box- I cannot remember if I saw this information here on the Patriot or on a social media site. The question was concerning a ring type turning that was then sliced into thin pieces. After some searching, I discovered there are called "German Rings". Simon Beggs seems to have a lock on how these are done- If you have accounts at Facebook or Instagram, you can see more of these- New Turning Items- From Woodturners Wonders Some new products reviewed by Mike Waldt. I am not sure if all of these are available in the united states- Everything Else- Did an Easy Wood Tools demo at the Woodcraft of Richmond this past Saturday. Really nice folks there and the Woodcraft store is huge! They even had refreshments- The turners I spoke to really like the Easy Chuck and the #1 hollower.
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- lyle jamieson
- bowls
- (and 23 more)
Easy Wood Tools has a bunch of wood turning-related demos coming up EVENTS 8/17 - Exotic Blanks Live Zoom Event 8/25-8/27 - SWAT in Waco, TX - Symposium - Easy Wood Tools Sold by Spiracraft 9/14 - Hill Country Turners Club in Kerrville, TX - Live Demo by James Carter 9/15-9/17 - Rocky Mountain Woodturning Symposium - Represented by Spiracraft 9/22-9/24 - Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium - Represented by BG Artforms and Spiracraft 9/23 - North Alabama Woodturners in Cullman, AL - Live Demo by Jean Cline 9/30 - Woodcraft Store in Cleveland, OH - Live Demo by Michael Hughes 9/30 - Woodcraft Store in Harrisburg, PA - Live Demo by David Welch 10/6-10/7 - Mann Tool Store in W. Columbia, SC - Live Demo by David Fellows 10/13-10/14 - Woodcraft Store in Franklin, TN - Live Demo by John Anderson 10/13-10/15 - Ohio Valley Woodturners Guild - Represented by Spiracraft 10/14 - Busy Bee 1st Annual Woodworking Show in Concord, ON 10/20-10/21 - Klingspors Convention Event in Hickory, NC - Live Demo's by Jim Miller and David Fellows 10/21 - Woodcraft Store in Cincinnati, OH - Live Demo by Brigham Cook 11/3/11/5 - North Carolina Woodturning Symposium - Represented by Spiracraft 12/2 - Woodcraft Store in Indianapolis, IN - Live Demo by Mark Dreyer
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- demos
- turning kits
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Please keep in mind we are having our community fund raiser. Check out the cool prizes- Our Patriot Turners- Our "What's On Your Lathe" thread had several additions this week- @forty_caliber, @nevinc and @HandyDan were busy- Check out what they were up to- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- ❗️For invitation to attend this zoom, simply send an email with the subject line “Invite Me” to [email protected]❗️ Keith was kind enough to share this from the Easy Wood Tools newsletter. The email is sent to the folks EWT has on file. If you don't get it, call @Jordan Martindale at (859)246-0294 and asked to be put on the list. For The Newbies- Some turning tips, hints and general information from Tim Yoder and Ron Brown- Expand Your Horizons- Richard Raffan- waste not, want not- And... Mr. Raffan also turns a lovely "breakfast bowl". Note in his description his formula for turning time to make a living! I'll never make it! Alan Stratton turns a beautiful shallow bowl leaving natures imperfections Carl Jacobson does a variation on the Mason jar vase lid- Woodworker's Journal published their monthly Woodturning Monthly newsletter. Some neat projects for all skill levels New Turning Items- From Woodturners Wonders a new item to help keep grinder dust under control- Niles Stoppers posted a video describing their threaded inserts- Everything Else- Some interesting thoughts from Ron Brown's newsletter- Copying vs. Stealing in Woodturning This subject comes up frequently and is not very well understood. What, then, is morally permissible and what is wrong and probably illegal? “Art Plagiarism Defined: Plagiarists copy sketches, paintings, photos, and even sculptures. When you copy someone else’s art without consent or credit—you are stealing. Even mere using of filter, changing of color, and adding of clip art or text are part of this poor practice. Like literary plagiarism, art plagiarism also comes in many forms such as theft and tracing.” Source: College of Arts and Technology Q: Is it OK to copy well-known turners work? • Yes, provided you name the original artist as the inspiration for your version. • You don’t try to pass off or sell yours as a piece made by them. • Give credit where credit is due. • If the item is for your own private use or collection and it isn’t for sale, there are no limitations, IMHO. My first real venture into turning was making turned-lidded boxes for Christmas presents for all of the women in our extended family. I worked directly from the book “Turned Lidded Boxes – 50 Designs” by Chris Stott. I copied examples from his book as exactly as my inexperienced turning skills would allow. That Christmas I even showed everyone the book and the pages their present was displayed on. Everyone knew I wasn’t that creative on my own. By this time in my turning career, I’ve made thousands of different items. Virtually none of them were purely my own design. Each one was taken from something I’d seen in a magazine, book, or on YouTube. Yes, I added my own twist, but the core idea was almost never original to me. I am always quick to acknowledge the source of my inspiration by name if possible. As an example, the 10,000-plus spinning tops I’ve made are in the Bonnie Klien style. I added my own twist and used different texturing tools eventually, but I can show you the exact pages where the designs originated in her book. I even met Bonnie at an event in Provo, Utah where I was turning "her tops." As she looked over an assortment of about 50 spinning tops, her comment was “Not Bad”. Famous turners develop their own recognizable style over time and so will you. Think of Mike Mahoney’s Calabash bowls, David Ellsworth’s hollow forms, Cindy Drozda’s hollow forms with fancy finials, Dick Sing’s miniature birdhouses, and John Jordan’s turned and carved hollow forms. All of these styles are readily identifiable. It is normal and healthy to study the work of folks who have figured something out that is distinctive and outstanding. The very best way to learn something is by doing practice exercises; drill for skill. In sports, you run the same plays over and over until they become second nature. In school, we call that homework exercises. I would encourage you to copy work you admire, acknowledge their inspiration give them credit for the idea when showing it to others, and add your own twist when appropriate. Sometimes theirs can’t really be improved on so have fun and let everyone know who inspired you in the first place. I've been taking a hint from @Gerald and making "friendship bowls". Mimi has pretty much depleted all of the bowls I've had setting on the shelves. Some of my earliest ventures aren't of the quality I'd like people to see so I needed to replenish. Have some elm and some walnut from the woodshed. These are under 6" in diameter and have 2 more blanks this size. Then a couple about 8". The largest two will be for special gifts. Safe turning
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- woodturners monthly
- jar lid
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- woodturners monthly
- jar lid
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- longworth chuck
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Some where in the middle of the video he goes into shearing with the carbide cutters
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- easy wood tools
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Just about the time of the year when I start having dreams of beginning another school year- and all the things that can go wrong! Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 posted one of his segmented bowls in the "What's On Your Weekend Agenda". I love the combination of colors! His post has more images. Check it out here- @Headhunter posted a really neat setup for assisting in making square cuts across a log. He posted it in our "General Woodworking" forum but said it was OK to share it here Looks like it can be helpful for us turners- @Gerald finished up the turnings and dice boards he was commissioned to make I never hear of either of these items. Thankfully, Gerald explained their uses. Gerald also started a discussion about project ideas. He wondered how/if we saved pictures/drawings to be inspirations for our own turnings. He received lots of great comments and examples. Please check out his post and add your thoughts to the others- We are still getting entries on out "What's On Your Lathe" forum. This one from @forty_caliber @John Hechel is passing on his turning skills to a younger generation. What a wonderful way to keep turning alive! Read more about this young man's journey- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda's Woodturning Tool Talk will be live Thursday August 3. Her guest will be Carl Jacobson. Click on the image for the link to registration For The Newbies- Tim Yoder has added a couple more video shorts on sharpening- Richard Raffan added another video illustrating how a turner's body movement is an integral part of turning skills- Some additional Richard Raffan turning projects- Carl Jacobson takes some Thrift Store glasses and turns them into lovely vases- Expand Your Horizons- Another set of "4 Ways" videos. This time the turners make their own interpretation of a cherry burl hollow form- Several of our turners use paint as a way to embellish their turnings. Mike Peace has ventured into air brushing as a way to enhance his turnings. This video is his introduction- Fractal Burning was all the rage for a while. It can be dangerous if all safety precautions are not strictly followed. Well, Tim Yoder has found a safe way to create the patterns- Spoiler Alert- Heads up laser owners! New Turning Items- Not a new tool but a new site for Stuart Batty tools- From Niles Bottle Stoppers Craft Supplies USA provides information on the new Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) beading cutters- Everything Else- I was asked to make a bowl, to be used as a table centerpiece, for a friend. The only requirements were 10" to 12" in diameter and his favorite wood is walnut. Really hope he likes it. Safe turning
- 7 replies
- easy wood tools
- beading cutters
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- easy wood tools
- beading cutters
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- cindy drozda
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- sharpening
- tim yoder
- body movement
- richard raffan
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- glass vase
- 4 ways
- cherry burl
- air brush
- mike peace
- fractal burning
- laser
Hazy, hot and humid. A good day to be in the basement workshop Our Patriot Turners- @calabrese55 finished up another of his segmented bowls and it is a real beauty! Check out his post for more images and additional information- He also posted this in our "Friday's Weekend Agenda" Our "What's On Your Lathe" was busy this week! @forty_caliber and @HandyDan contributed their projects! Catchup here- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is presenting the second part of her Threaded Boxes and Vessels. Here's the link for more information Want to have recognition for your turning skills? Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) would like to hear from you! Click on the image for the link to register. For The Newbies- Tim Yoder has been creating short videos to help us get better at sharpening our tools- The "turner's dance" is important to get the most out of the lathe tools. Richard Raffan demonstrates how moving your body can help you improve your turning skills- Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace demonstrates how to make a "screw chuck"- Mike also upgraded the knockout bar for his new Powermatic lathe- Mike Waldt demonstrates turning another finial. A lot of skew chisel work! Alan Stratton is starting in on his Christmas ornaments! These segmented bells will make some fine gifts- New Turning Items- Not a new product but this video from Carl Jacobson demonstrates using the Niles Joyner Off-Center Jig Everything Else- Finally got back to the lathe and finished up the little elm bowl that had been waiting for me to complete the garden shed project. Had so much fun that I turned another one. I'm taking the lead from @Gerald on "friendship bowls" so Mimi can give them away when she needs a gift. Mine aren't nearly as fancy as Gerald's bowls. One is 5" in diameter, the other is 6". Both turned with Easy Wood Tools and finished with Yorkshire Grit and Hampshire Sheen Safe turning
- 3 replies
- finial
- mike waldt
- (and 24 more)
Lots happening with our turners this week! Our Patriot Turners- We have a new member at the Patriot who is also a turner! @calabrese55 showed us some of his work when he introduced himself. How about this beautiful segmented turning- Check out his post and give him a Patriot welcome! He also posted another bowl in our "Monday Morning" forum- Check it out here- Our "What's On Your Lathe" was also hot this week. New posts start here- Some of the images from @teesquare, @forty_caliber and @calabrese55 @Steve Krumanaker turned a cane for his daughter and his son cast the knob. Andy his an expert on casting! See the cane and the back story in Steve's post- Our resident ornament expert, @Ron Altier, gave us his impressions on turning bamboo. Ron's conclusions are that's it's probably not the best overall species for turning. In one of our posts, there was a mention of the Lichtenberg burning process. @Gerald was kind enough to do a little research on safety when doing this. The process, when ALL safety precautions are observed, can create beautiful patterns. High voltage is dangerous when we become complacent. My neighbor, the electrical safety training officer in our borough, was electrocuted on the job. Insulation, isolation, incomplete human electrical path and full awareness are a must. This is what Gerald found- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- For The Newbies- Richard Raffan turns a nice little shallow dish in real time. Mike Peace shows how to turn a simple but elegant lidded box. He even makes a special chuck to hold one of the pieces. Holding turnings can be challenge. Home made chucks supplement purchased ones. Sometimes adding modifications to a purchased chuck is the answer as Alan Stratton shows us. Looking for an inexpensive gift? How about salt and pepper SHAKERS. This video from Craft Supplies USA shows us how to make them- Expand Your Horizons- Mike Waldt completes a beautiful elderberry vase- Mike also demonstrates his method of turning finials. This video is from a live feed so it is a little long- New Turning Items- Last week we posted a review from Mike Peace on his new Powermatic 2014 lathe. Mike has a chance to use it and has posted more of his impressions- Ron Brown has release his new lathe mounted disk sander Here's the link to more information- Woodturners Wonders is now a Vicmarc Dealer Check out their complete line- Some great prices, at Spiracraft, on Easy Wood Tools products @Jordan Martindale ! Everything Else- Boy did this bring back memories! Safe turning
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Back to milky skies from the Canadian wild fires. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier has perfected his technique for getting a glass like finish on his Christmas ornaments. Now inquiring minds want to know his secret!! Head on over to Ron's post and add your comments- @RustyFN finished up his lidded gift box. His mixed media turning is truly beautiful. Notice how closely the grain matches at the lid/box interface. Check out Rusty's post at- Our "What's On Your Lathe" still has weekly additions! I really want to thank @RustyFN to starting this thread. It's so great to see what everyone is doing and the progress on the projects. This week picks up here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. For The Newbies- Haven't turned a bowl yet? Here's a nice little beginner's bowl from Mike Peace- Some important safety information for beginners and experienced turners alike. Kent Weakley discusses the importance of keeping that respirator clean and functioning properly. Expand Your Horizons- You've turned a natural edge bowl, now how about a natural "sided" box?!?! Alan Stratton shows us how it's done! See how Richard Raffan re-turns a small warped bowl. Notice how he chucks the bowl to true up the outside. You might remember that Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) recently added beading cutters to their product line. In this video, Carl Jacobson demonstrates their capabilities as he turns some really neat refrigerator magnets. @Steve Krumanaker might just ad these to his product line! New Turning Items- Last week we posted a video from Mike Peace where he demonstrated how to make wooden faceplates/glue blocks. Part of his video mentioned the Beall taps. This week he updated the Beall information to let us know that John Beall sold his company to Lee Valley and that Lee Valley will be the sole distributors of Beall products. Mike there is a quick note in this video- Everything Else- Interesting thoughts from a recent Ron Brown's newsletter- How To Become An Overnight Success As a new turner, you are anxious to become as good as some of the names you hear regularly; Nick Cook, Richard Raffan, David Ellsworth, Kirk Deheer, Mike Mahoney, Cindy Drozda, and many more. So, you develop a plan: 1. You buy a top-of-the-line lathe, a Powermatic 4224, a Robust American Beauty, A OneWay 2436, a Laguna 2436, or something in that same category costing between $5,000 and $12,000. 2. Next, you spend whatever it takes to get the very best lathe chisels, Robert Sorby, Carter and Sons, Crown, Ashley Iles, Doug Thompson, etc., and you need at least one of everything they sell in multiple sizes because great tools make great turners, or so you’ve been told. 3. Then you must set up your sharpening station with a slow-speed grinder, sharpening jig, and not one, but two CBN wheels. 4. You’ve watched untold hours of YouTube videos, including some of mine, so you have tons of head knowledge under your belt. You have many ideas on how this turning thing works; now is your time to shine! Wait! You are still not a turner. You are a student and you will be for the next several years. Granted, you are a student with lots of nice expensive gadgets, but you are missing the one thing you can’t buy: Time in the seat, or hours in front of the lathe. You are a novice until you have put in the time, made the mistakes, tried something 10 different ways, made 100 pieces of the same thing, and made 10 different kinds of turned items. The wonderful thing about turning is that even our first pieces while we are learning can turn out pretty good and it is just a given that our wives (and most of our kids) will love whatever we make. But you are still a beginner. That isn’t a bad thing, it is just a thing. Over the years I’ve met thousands of folks that had been turning for 20 years. The problem was that they had one year of experience 20 times over! Since you can’t get around the time needed to become an overnight expert, a master, or someone to pay attention to, just put in the time as a student to acquire those skills, make those mistakes, and perfect those methods and techniques. It is all part of the journey that will one day result in your overnight success. Safe turning
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Beautiful spring day here in south central PA. Dogwood trees in full bloom. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier posted some images of his Christmas ornaments. One of his pieces was finished with his experiment using epoxy. Ron asked us what we thought about the finish. Please hop on over to his post and let him know what you think- "What's On Your Lathe" continues to show our turner's work. This week, @forty_caliber was working on some bowls- You can catchup here- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for the links. For The Newbies- Received this information in an email from Kent Weakley- 49-Must-Know-Wood-Bowl-Turning-Terms.pdf Kent is a bowl turner and this video demonstrates making a natural edge bowl- starting with a log through to the finished piece. Mr. Weakley uses traditional turning tools. This video, from Craft Supplies USA, demonstrates turning a bowl using Easy Wood Tools carbide cutters. Lots of great tips for getting the best finish. Expand Your Horizons- Some random ideas to spark your creativity Carl gets "artsy-fartsy" Add marbling effects to a turning- Several of our members do four sided "inside-out" turnings. Alan Stratton made some with three sides- New Turning Items- Ron Brown has a new version of his chatter tool available- Everything Else- Took a couple of days but I finally got this little elm bowl finished. Use the Easy Wood Tools beading cutters (1/4" & 3/16") @Jordan Martindale. Out of the drying box- Finished with Yorkshire Grit And from Ron Brown's newsletter- A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step. Excellence takes time, patience, and practice. Becoming an excellent craftsman or craftswoman is possible for all of us, but we must remember that improvement comes in small bites. Every time I walk away from the shop, I ask myself what I learned from this session. And there is always something new. It might be small, but it represents one more step in my journey to excellence. “The Expert In Anything Was Once A Beginner” Helen Hayes There is joy, sometimes hidden, in every journey. It is up to you to see and understand it. In a world gone crazy, common sense is still the currency you can count on. Study, practice, and remember. Before you know it, you will have become someone’s expert just like the expert you so admired yesterday. Being in my seventh decade of glorious living, I’m often asked when I plan to retire. My answer is always the same, “This is me retired.” This is what I would be doing if I didn’t have to work at a job. Last week I read about an interview with two sisters, one 106 and the younger one 104 years old. Asked about their secrets for long life, they both agreed on a few things that keep them young; reading, staying active, meeting new people, and learning new things keeps their minds sharp and their attitudes positive. It makes each day worth getting up. You’ve all heard about the “Supply chain issue,” with Asia. We are affected by it along with everyone else. When I have issues importing a popular product, I often figure out how to make it myself right here in Georgia, USA. And while I’m at it, I look at how I can make it better. That is exactly how you got the Longworth Chuck Type 2 and, ultimately, the doughnut ring option. Each product involves new equipment, processes, and materials most of which I have not worked with before. Hence, the joy of the journey. This week, I’m introducing our Chatter Tool Version 2.0 as a replacement for an item I’ve sold many thousands of over the years. Why? Greedy foreign manufacturers forced me to figure out how to make it in my own facility in Georgia. This improved version features an ergonomic vibration-dampening soft grip handle designed to reduce fatigue, and it comes with three blades. As companies fade away and their products become impossible to find, put on your inventor’s hat and figure it out. I know you can do it with a little persistence. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
- 3 replies
- beading cutters
- chatter tool
- (and 18 more)
First day of meteorological Spring and it felt like spring. Of course they are forecasting winter weather for the weekend. I apologize if I missed anyone's post for last week, wasn't receiving all of the notifications about your posts. I found at least one that will be in this weeks entry. If you see something I missed, please let me know. Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN did some shop cleanup. He got a bit of razzing about how often he does this. It was all in good fun. Here's the post- Rusty also posted a turning he will enter in his clubs President's Challenge. Hope it gets first place Rusty was gifted some large pieces of a tree and asked our turners to help identify the species. He posted several pictures to help. Hop over to his post and see if you recognize what he has- @Smallpatch showed us a nice setup for serving sweets! He thought maybe it could spark someone's imagination to create something similar out of wood- Check his post. I think he is on to something! @forty_caliber turned a sweet carver's mallet from Osage orange. It's almost too pretty to use! Our turners had lots of positive comments- Our thread called "What's on Your Lathe" continues to generate interest. Here's the most recent entries- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- You pulled the trigger on your first lathe. Now What! Richard Raffan leads us through our first spindle turning operations- This also fits in the "What's Coming Up" department. From Cindy Drozda, a live event on sharpening scrapers. MARCH 2, 2023! Link to Facebook Live event- Link to Live Stream Registration- Expand Your Horizons- Watch Mike Waldt turn an English Walnut hollow form- Four YouTube turners worked together on a collaboration challenge demonstrating how we may do things differently but still come up with similar end results. Sam Angelo, Mike Peace, Tomislav Tomasic and Richard Raffan each turned a cross grained vessel and posted their process. New Turning Items- Received my order of Easy Wood Tools negative rake beading cutters late this afternoon. Haven't had a chance to try them but reports from other turners are positive. Everything Else- No YouTube video report from Rick Turns this week. From Ron Brown's newsletter Small Beginnings Might Have Seeds Of Greatness It is easy to look at someone with minimal shop equipment, a small or older lathe, and only a few tools, in the corner of a basement or garage and discount the kind of work they are capable of. I began with a 12” Jet lathe with an eight-piece high carbon steel set of lathe tools. There was no bowl gouge in my set! Sometime around the year 2000, I bought a 10” jet 5-speed mini lathe. It took a couple of years before I got my first 4 jaw chuck. Now, nearly a quarter century later, the equipment in my shop is pretty impressive by most standards. I’ve made many thousands of turned pieces and helped untold scores of turners to do things better, faster, and safer around the world. I have helped some folks in person at woodturning shows and symposiums, and many others around the world via my YouTube videos. None of this would have happened if no one had bothered to introduce me to how much fun our craft could be. I didn’t even want to be at the demonstration in the first place. I was there out of a sense of duty to my friends. You never know who is carrying the seeds of greatness within, so don’t prejudge your audience. Rather understand that there is unlimited potential within all of us, young, old, male, and female, regardless of occupation or background. No matter how humble your beginnings or how moderate your own skill level or equipment might be, you have the power to spark greatness in other people. We all start somewhere, so bloom where you are planted and use the gifts you currently have. I’ve never met a single turner that I couldn’t learn from. Look for opportunities to share what you know and bless others and you will soon find them everywhere. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. I thought I had found a small maple branch at the landfill. It was freshly cut and no checking. Sealed the ends until I had a chance to get it on the lathe. Cut it into two blanks and started on the first one, Rough turned it, soaked it for 3 days and got it into my little drying box. Came out with only a tiny crack. My intention was to make a calabash style little bowl. First thing I noticed was how light (in weight) the dried blank seemed to be. Anyway turned it to the final outside shape than started to hollow it out. Like an idiot, I didn't use the calipers- only my fingers for measuring thickness. (Which definitely need to be recalibrated!) I don't think this was maple. very soft. The dark spot on the side is where the material crumbled when hollowing. It was pretty thin but not as thin as some vessels I've turned. Anyway I can practice making a round bottom to see how it comes out. The other blank is in the drying box now. We'll see what that turns out to be in a few more days. Safe turning
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- ron brown newsletter
- negative rake beading
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- negative rake beading
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- scraper sharpen
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- wednesday
Snowing a little outside but tomorrow it's to be 70°! You gotta love Pennsylvania weather! Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber gave us a heads up on a very worthwhile endeavor for kids suffering from life altering conditions. Please check out his post and see if you can find the time to participate. @Gerald turned some little boxes for the folks at his physical therapy location. Really beautiful combination of species- His post has more information about the species and comments from our members- Our continuing topic of "What's On Your Lathe" has had a few additions. Sure would like to keep this thread going as our members work on projects. @Steve Krumanaker was commissioned to make some handles. His post gives us lots of ideas on how it is done- What’s Coming Up- Quite a lot of events coming up. Click on the images for links and more information- A week or so ago, we shared a new thread chaser tool. Bradley, from Spiracraft, will be demonstrating it. A YouTube reminder and the link- For The Newbies- An article from Kent Weakly on recommend equipment for bowl turning. From the Woodworker's Journal, the Woodturners Monthly newsletter, nice article on making a texturing tool. Click on the image for link to the article. Another article from the Woodworker's Journal on wood holding on the lathe. Click on the image for the link- Richard Raffan gives us an insight into the wood turning lathe- Expand Your Horizons- Last week we shared a video from Alan Stratton showing his shop made Longworth chuck. In this continuation, Alan demonstrated making bracelets using the chuck- Pizza cutters make awesome gifts. Here's a way to have your work showcased in its new home- Mike Peace demonstrates how to add a fluted rim to a wooden vase- Mike Waldt turns a beautiful ash bowl with an undercut rim. We've been seeing a lot of turners using this technique for a finish. I have been forbidden to try this unless I carry the lathe outside! New Turning Items- You may have seen the "teases" on social media about Easy Wood Tools' new product. Here it is! Can't wait to get to try them! ( @Jordan Martindale ) Here's the complete, current list of EWT pricing- EWT Customer Pricing - 1-1-2023.pdf Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- From Ron Brown's Newsletter- You Are Unique You’ve heard that all your life. Good or bad, you are the only one exactly like you. But what if you are an identical twin, or have found your doppelganger, what are you going to do with that information? You are still unique with your own combination of gifts, abilities, and talents. There is a famous parable about servants who were given different talents in Matt 25:14-30 that would serve us well. The lesson is not how many talents each of us has but what we do with the talents we are given. You may have many more talents than I do, but what are you doing with those talents? I sometimes watched various turning demonstrators thinking “I could do a better job than that guy.” But he or she was the one up there doing it and I was the one with my butt in the chair not doing it. I used to have the same reaction to certain YouTube videos. But they were the ones showing the world what they had learned and I was the couch potato watching them do it. You might be thinking that you don’t have a creative mind or know where to start. I have some suggestions that will catapult you to great and wonderful things. 1) Consider an existing item. a. Make a larger version b. Make a smaller version c. Use it for something totally different that what it was designed for d. Add capabilities by adding some new features to an existing item 2) Consider an existing challenge like roughing down a spindle or a bowl blank a. Use a different tool to make it easier, faster, safer i. Have you ever brought a spindle square to round with a skew? ii. Have you ever ground your own negative rake scraper from scratch? iii. Have you ever made your own parting tool from an industrial hack saw blade? iv. Have you ever ground a miniature hollowing tool from an Allen wrench and fabricated your own handle? You’ve heard the expression “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” My suggestion is to take an existing wheel and make it better. Everyone has ideas for how something can be a little bit better. I know because you tell me those things about my tools frequently. Start today, and remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
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Check this out! Thanks @Jordan Martindale
Middle of February and it was 70° today in South Central PA! Our Patriot Turners- @Thad posted an image of a garden tool he turned. These are really handy for anyone planting both garden veggies and flower bulbs- Check out the comments at Thad's post- Last week, @RustyFN told us about the turned boxes he had made. Check out more about the one he entered into his club's contest and the awards presented- Also, a great big thanks to Rusty for starting a great new thread called "What's On Your Lathe"! Hope we can keep this going!! Our turners are already starting to post their stuff- @HandyDan used some of the Easy Wood Tools carbide cutters to top off a couple of turning tools he made. Dan's post describes the construction and why he chose round bar stock @jthornton continue work on his dizzy bowl. He has posted lots of progress shots along with explanations of what he is doing. This is going to be an awesome bowl! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links and more information- For The Newbies- Richard Raffan continues with his video series to help the new turner and us old turners that need some reminders Expand Your Horizons- Looking for something different to turn? Check out the latest from Mike Peace- Having just the right device to hold a turning makes life a lot simpler. Look what Alan Stratton has created- New Turning Items- Several things on hollowing. Two from Trent Bosch Some more from the Woodturning Tool Store on the Woodcut Tools Pro Forme Flexi Just got word today that Easy Wood Tools is about to release a new product! Hopefully @Jordan Martindale will keep us in the loop! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- and from Ron Brown- If You Never Try, You Will Never Know Have you been turning for 5, 10, 20 years, or longer? You are just beginning to understand the fascinating craft of woodturning. This might make more sense if I used the analogy of someone who had one year’s experience twenty times. Think of it like this, a baker who only makes one kind of bread over and over might be pretty good at making that one kind of bread but most folks wouldn’t consider him much of a baker. While someone who makes several different kinds of delicious bread, bagels, cakes, pies, and muffins would be considered a thoroughly accomplished baker. I’m not suggesting you give up making what you love, only that you add other types of projects into the mix. That is how you keep our craft alive, interesting, and growing. Or, just consider adding embellishments this time such as pyrography, carving, texturing, or painting. Besides, the skills you learn by turning something different often carry over and make you even better at turning what you love. I’ve met scores of folks who make mostly bowls who ventured out with spinning tops, bottle stoppers, pepper mills, pens, and hollow forms and discovered a completely new passion. I would like to suggest you try a few different kinds of projects this year. You might just be surprised at what you learn. If you are mainly a bowl-turner, try some spindle projects. If you are mainly a spindle turner, try some plates, platters, bowls, and hollow forms. I can tell you from experience that it takes making more than a few to understand your new project. I’ve made somewhere over 10,000 spinning tops and it took a few hundred before I started to “Get It.” Fancy delicate finials were the same way. I’ve made hundreds for Christmas ornaments, turned lidded boxes, and lidded hollow forms. Looking back at the first ones, they now seem clunky and disproportionate but they were fun and educational, well worth my time and effort. Besides, having an arsenal of quick easy projects that you are good at is a great way to demonstrate turning to the public, or to introduce someone new to woodturning as a fascinating hobby or side business for a little extra income. Always be on the lookout to show someone how fun a wood lathe can be. Keep it simple and they will understand. Remember that wherever you go, there you are. Safe turning
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Our Ward 57 project was a complete success. Congrats to all of the raffle winners. Sure hope we get to see some pictures of the kids opening their presents! Writing this on Tuesday as Mimi is scheduled to have here right knee replace tomorrow. She had the left one done about a year ago. I'll be on nurse, cook, laundry, dog sitting and general all around house husband for then next couple of weeks. Our Patriot Turners- @jthornton posted a couple of things this past week. First is his segment jig- As often happens, the best laid plans of mice and men... anyway, he discovered the accuracy wasn't spot on. He tells us more in his post- JT went on to show us what he does with the segments he makes. This is an awesome bowl! Check out his post for more images and a little about the build- What’s Coming Up- Registration is at More information here- For The Newbies- Reverse sanding can be useful but it comes with some possible problems. Mike peace explains in this video- Do you use a scraper when turning? Richard Raffan shows us how to hone it for the best cuts- Expand Your Horizons- I get a lot of turning notification form various social media accounts. One from Sam Angelo popped up covering his home made finish. I was curious about food contact. Sent him a message but haven't heard back. Here's his video- It worried me about the turpentine. Did a little more digging and found something I didn't expect in a post by Kent Weakley. About have way through the article there is information comparing Linseed Oil to Boiled Linseed Oil. I'll let you decide about what/when you use the ingredients- Another social media article popped up about the difficulty between turning large bowls vs. small bowls. Most of the respondents felt small bowls were more difficult. No one told Richard Raffan that! A beautiful maple burl bowl from Tim Yoder- New Turning Items- Couldn't find anything new but I did notice that Niles Bottle Stoppers have added some Yorkshire Grit products. Our generous sponsor Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ) is now the US source for this great sanding finish! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Got to play at the lathe the other day. Everyone was making those Gnomes/Gonks. I got this idea that they should be more than just a shelf setter. Turned this one from maple and walnut. The "fur" is from Hobby Lobby. I found some of the original Niles Bottle stoppers hidden in a box. Wine bottle stopper Safe turning
- 11 replies
- easy wood tools
- gnome/gonk
- (and 19 more)
From the album: Shaker Furniture
Soon after I had the blank in the lathe, my son walked in and I put him to work on roughing out the blank, he did a pretty nice job for his first time and Easy Wood Tools really helped in his learning curve.-
- easy wood tools
- cherry
- (and 5 more)
Our Ward 57 Christmas project is underway! We've made it to about 20% of the way to our goal! If you haven't donated yet, please checkout this link- Also, Easy Wood tools has added some awesome prizes to the Ward 57 raffle! And, speaking of Easy Wood Tools, we have a new member to our turning forum. Please welcome @Jordan Martindale! She is the Administrative Assistant & Sales Support person at Easy Wood Tools. Jordan is also working to expand Easy Wood Tools' involvement in the social media world of things. Our Patriot Turners- Last week's posted video on the skew prompted @forty_caliber to challenge us to show the eggs we created. @HandyDan accepted the gauntlet and posted this- Fantastic work, Dan!! Leave it to @Steve Krumanaker to create another awesome mechanism for embellishing a turning. This one is so cool! Thanks, Steve!! About a year ago, @smitty10101 posted a question about turning end grain and how to handle tear out. New member @Bill Blasic picked up with the posted and added his thoughts. Check out the additional comments- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information/registration- For The Newbies- Mike Peace continues with his series of videos covering the use of turning accessories- Richard Raffan demonstrates turning a small cross grain box. Expand Your Horizons- We mentioned last week about Cindy Drozda's live presentation of using a camera to assist in hollowing. If you missed it, she posted the video on YouTube. Couple of weeks ago, @HandyDan was looking for a video on turning a natural edge wine glass. Not quite a wine glass but maybe this will help- What to try ebonizing? Really short video from Richard Raffan- Alan Stratton reuses a bandsaw jig to add interesting details to his turnings- New Turning Items- Niles Bottle Stoppers has added a new product. Carl Jacobson demonstrates the new bronze threaded inserts. Woodturners Wonders is having their Black Friday's sale for the entire month! Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finished and delivered the walnut bowls. Nothing special. I really need to get more experience with the Sorby spiral/texture tool. I've watched Darryl Jones ( ) and Jeff Hornug ( ) to try and understand how they get those beautiful designs but so far mine are miserable failures. I used the sanding paste, Yorkshire Grit from Easy Wood Tools ( @Jordan Martindale ). Love the results! The lady was happy o I guess that's what matters. Safe turning
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- walnut bowls
Yourkshire Grit Original by Easy Wood Tools
John Morris posted a gallery image in Community Graphics
From the album: The Patriot Woodworkers with Operation Ward 57 Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for the Holidays - 2022
Yorkshire Grit is an abrasive paste formulated to give a fine-keyed surface to your turnings, prior to applying your finish of choice. The products contain a proprietary blend of pharmaceutical grade ingredients that are carefully processed together without the use of solvents or other strong smelling and potentially harmful chemicals. The result is a creamy paste that acts like “liquid sandpaper” which reduces scratches left behind by lower grit dry sanding, and eliminating fine dust produced by higher grit sanding. On most woods, sanding up to 240 grit is sufficient to start with our paste. The grinding powders we use are designed to break down to a finer mesh as they are used, while still maintaining a cutting edge, so as the friction reduces the mesh size of the grit it is effectively forming a finer abrasive.-
- easy wood tools
- grit
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