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Found 17 results

  1. Been busy with work, new windows and doors at home plus did my first real Market. these two are for an upcoming wedding I still need to put the handles on the charcuterie board: my step son asked me to make him a cutting board so I made him this walnut and Osange Orange TN mascot. then a few things I made for the market:
  2. While looking at Kevin's cutting board I remembered this app I used years ago . It can be used to design endgrain cutting boards. It is a download with several options for payment which I think is just to encourage higher payment. CBdesignder
  3. So a friend of mine said he would like an end grain cutting board. So, I have never made one but thought what the heck. It would put to use the Bacon Padauk I picked up a couple of months ago…first glue up today.
  4. began squaring and gluing last year's accumulation of off-cuts, trimmings, and scraps. it's a slow and tedious process but results in some beautiful end grain cutting boards. the tote and cans are all pieces cut to length and in-process of prepping the edges for gluing. on the sander are pieces in the various stages of gluing, squaring, and final glue-up ready for flattening. Also got the new electric panel powered up and meter installed today. yippee now I can run more than one tool at a time.
  5. While I'm waiting on the Shelix cutterhead for my jointer to move forward on the audio rack I'm working on a very large Hard Rock Maple cutting board, at least it's large to me - 18" x 24" x 2" thick. It weighs about 32 lbs. which is fairly stout, I think. Matter of fact, the hardest thing about doing one this size is difficulty in handling the glued up board. It will have a juice groove along two edges of one side and the other side will be laser engraved with a family crest. Obviously, the side with the juice groove is the working side and the laser engraved side is for show. TB III is used because it's FDA approved for food service items, plus it gives a few more minutes of open working time. Here are a few photos up to this point - 1.75" square strips glued - Trimming one end square; it's too wide for my sled so I had to remove the back board and use clamps to make certain it didn't move as I pushed it into the blade - Cutting 2.125" strips on the bandsaw; this is a screenshot from the time lapse video I took as we did the cutting - End grain strips set on table saw extension - Tomorrow I'll sand each strip, then arrange them to look the best, and then glue the pieces. There is a live video on my Instagram, about one minute of the glue up. Later, I'll post video of other steps on Instagram. David
  6. Last year I bought a slab of pecan. Being new to woodworking I wish I didn’t cut it up as it would have made a nice desk top. Lesson learned. I had completely forgot about the pecan until I had to take a break and looked in my wood pile. I found this nice slab (picture)that I am thinking of making into an12x16 cutting board? A couple of questions 1) when routing pecan how much do I need to worry about with grain tear out? 2) Is 12x16 to big? (Thinking storage for the average person) 3) Any well earned experience with pecan is more than welcomed. thanks...
  7. I had a request for a mountain scene cutting board, laser engraved with names and wedding date. I've done a few of these and they come out looking nice but I doubt one ever gets used for anything exception kitchen art! I drew the original design in CorelDraw where I exported it as an svg to bring into Fusion 360. From there I did the CAD/CAM work to cut the Maple, Walnut, and Cherry. These pieces are about 3/8" thick and the backer board is about 7/8" thick. Everything is glued with TB III and the feet are silicone with SS screws and washers, so everything is FDA approved. After cutting the mountain scene and gluing it to the backer board it goes to the table saw for trimming to size and then to the router table for rounding the edge. I do the names and date in CorelDraw and take that file to the laser shop for engraving. That way they don't have to do anything except load the file and start the laser machine. It's finished in mineral oil with Beeswax (our own mix), even though it'll probably just be eye candy for the kitchen. Sky, mountain, foreground blanks; I picked Walnut with some sapwood to look like snowcapped and some in the foreground - Blanks glued - Blanks glued to backer board - Engraving in the laser - Finished cutting board - Enjoy! David
  8. Well at least I think I know what went wrong- Started with walnut and maple glue-up. Then sliced off the strips to make a checker board design. Laid out the pieces- Marked the surface for the holes- Marked the approximate hole locations- Set up the hollow morticer to create square holes- Holes were cut into each individual strip- Strips were glued together- Sanded smooth- 1/4" x 1/4" walnut and maple pieces cut for hole plugs on the band saw using a little jig- All of the plugs glued into place- Pegs trimmed and sanded- The failure- If ever make another one of these, the maple plugs need to be inserted with the edge or flat grain up. The end grain turned too dark (look more like cherry) and the illusion is barely visible. Close up it cannot be noticed at all. From a distance there is a slight illusion of the bending of the strips.
  9. I started senior high school in 1961. Somehow, fate steered me into the vocational program of building construction. My teacher was Mr. Lester Ostrasky. Most of us have had that one teacher that we never forget. The one that had the greatest influence on our lives- Mr. Ostrasky is that teacher. Starting in my sophomore year, I gave him a Christmas present and have done so every year since. After the Navy and a few years at the Letterkenny Army Depot, I started my teaching career at the new Vocational Center. Mr. Ostrasky was teaching there also. Now we were teaching partners but he still offered guidance to the "new kid". Though we are both retired, we still exchange gifts. This year, I've made him an optical illusion cutting board. Although the illusion isn't as pronounced as I had hoped, I think he will be pleased. The board is made from walnut and maple and is an edge grain design. I started by milling and gluing up the alternating strips. Then planed the blank to the final thickness and cut it into strips. Unlike most of the checker board type cutting boards, the alternating squares needed to radiate out from the center and the finished board has each corner the same color square. To accomplish this, I made an extra row strip that would later be removed. The illusion is created by alternate colored inserts strategically placed within the squares. Some of these boards use round inserts (dowels) and others use square inserts. I decided on square ones. Square holes were relative easy as I have a hollow mortiser. The problem was that the "throat" depth was not nearly deep enough to reach the center squares. To overcome this problem, I delayed gluing the strips together until after the square holes were made. Accurate spacing of the inserts is essential for the illusion so I dry assembled the board and clamped it securely. Once the pieces were secured, I scored lines to help locate the square holes. Then added black dots to further identify the hole locations. Because the holes were equal distance from each edge of the strips I set the mortiser fence to provide consistent placement. The center of the holes were on the scribed lines. Now it was just a matter of punching the holes into each strip and then reassembling the board with glue. Once the board was assembled, a couple of passes through the drum sander to smooth the surfaces. I also needed to clean up the holes so the pegs would seat correctly. A sharp chisel took care of that. The pegs were made from long 1/4" x 1/4" sticks. A simple bandsaw jig made for quick cutting. Pegs were glued into the holes. The extra peg lengths were cut off and the board sanded with a random orbital sander. A liberal coating of Bumble Bee Butter to protect the surface. In hindsight, I should have created the square pegs differently. The pegs are positioned with the end grain showing. The end grain of the maple plugs darkened more than I had expected. They look more like cherry. If the plugs had been created with the edge grain up, I think the contrasts would have been greater and the illusion more pronounced. But just to prove the checkers are all perfectly square, here's the back . Next up will be Terry and Dian's chip and cheese platter.
  10. I showed the glue up for this in an earlier post. Got it all put together yesterday and is now in its place in the kitchen. I have not had time to do the drawers as yet. It will have 2 drawers on slides and 2 small box drawers accessible from either side. The center cubby is for cook books.
  11. This has been one of those weeks that I have been busy as can be and don't feel like I accomplished much. I have about four projects in various stages and none of them completely finished. Oh well, I at least know that I have something to do each day. I have a batch of Pizza Peels that are in the process, but not finished right now. I am still sanding on the Walnut Vanity top and Kitchen shelf. The Oak cabinet doors were waiting on the cutting boards to come out of the finishing room. I did get a batch of ten cutting boards finished. Five medium size and five small size boards. So this weekend I am going to try to get stain on the Cabinet doors and Sanding Sealer on the Vanity and Kitchen shelf. The Pizza Peels should get finished also this weekend so I'll post pictures of those when done. So what is on your Patriot Woodworker agenda? We all look forward to Friday to see all of the projects you are working on and your plans for the weekend. Post your projects and pictures for all of us to see this weekend. What ever is on your agenda this weekend, have fun and be safe!
  12. I am getting ready to glue up a rather large cutting board: 24x48, finished size 23x38. Will need to trim some splits off the ends. In the past, I've use pipe clamps and alternated them top and bottom. This time I'm using parallel jaw clamps. Do they need to be alternated as well?
  13. This is my first post in awhile but wanted to share the project I just finished. This is a cherry and walnut valet that I made for my brother who graduates from the University of Alabama tomorrow (ROLL TIDE!!). I started out with plans from a recent woodsmith issue but made some alterations to their plan. I learned a lot during this project and used a lot of skills and techniques that I had not used up until this project. It did not turn out perfect by any means but I think he will really like and I certainly grew as a young woodworker during this project!! I apologize if the pics are not great but I am by no means a photographer and they are all from my phone. This is 3/8 inch cherry that I re-sawed at the table saw and finished up with with a hand saw which was a first. Bandsaw would have been nice to have for that. The trays and lift are walnut. I used 3 coats of shellac for the finish followed up with some paste wax. This was my first time using either of these finishes so that was a learning experience as well. The mineral streak on the lid might not be for everyone but my brother will love it. Also here are a couple of cutting boards I made recently that really liked and almost decided to keep for myself. I really love the grain on the cheery in the cherry and walnut board!
  14. This has been a crazy month in our house so I've been a bit AWOL on the site. After a lovely week in Gatlingburg with my bride, I came home to work on an upcoming show. I was asked a couple of weeks ago to set up at a local Christmas show so I had to build stock. This show is going to be a bit different because it is a Christmas gift show. In addition to my inventory of cutting boards, flag cases, jewelry boxes, etc. I am also selling custom kites. I have rented a 16' x 8' space so it may be an interesting show. I'm going with about $2800 worth of inventory so I guess we'll see. Below are a couple of walnut flag cases that I just finished for the show and I also threw in a slab of maple for you to drool over. I bought about 10 of these slabs recently and this one measures 15" wide by about 68" long by 1 5/8" thick. Enjoy
  15. Ron Dudelston

    Maple Slab

    From the album: Flag Cases

    15" x 68" maple slab
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