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Found 4 results

  1. Hope everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing Christmas. Our Patriot Turners- Our continuing thread of "What's On Your Lathe" has been really busy this past week! @forty_caliber, @Fred W. Hargis Jr and @Gerald have been busy cranking out some awesome turnings. Catch up on all that's been happening here- @Gerald also posted in the thread "Off The Lathe And Finished" - Gerald's description is at- @John Hechel asked our members for their opinion on a lathe set up for his Mrs. She needs to turn small items and still be near her store. Check out John's post and see if you can provide some input- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration- Email to: [email protected] For The Newbies- A simple turning to practice hollowing, and a place to put your spare change, from Craft Supplies USA. Some bowl turning techniques from Richard Raffan- Expand Your Horizons- Want to get into bowl turning but you are holding off to purchase a chuck? Wait no longer- Kent Weakley, from Turn A Wood Bowl, has the answer- This short video, from Lyle Jamieson, offers other reasons why a chuck may not be what you need to make some turnings- A neat project from Alan Stratton using yet another one of his shop made jigs. Offset turned icicles! And not to be outdone, Carl Jacobson turns a lidded bowl with an offset turned finial. Carl uses the Joyner Offset Jig for his turning. Everything Else- From Ron Brown's Newsletter- The Genius Of Simple Simple can often be complex. The adage “KISS – keep it simple silly” is a foundational principle and applies to virtually every area of our daily lives. As a lifelong salesman, I was often coached to give my presentation to a 5th grader. If I could explain my product or service in terms a 10 to 12-year-old child could understand, my story was simple enough for most adults to understand. I would have more success in a shorter amount of time. When we try to explain how we approach a project or execute a particular cut, we too must keep it simple. You don’t have to explain every little detail and nuance you’ve discovered. When teaching a subject or giving a demonstration, think of levels like schools; 101, 201, 301, etc. Club demos are almost always at level 101, while all-day hands-on might be at level 201 or even 301 in rare cases. Remember that your knowledge base comes from your lathe, in your shop, with your tools ground for you. Everyone else has a different situation. When you explain your subject in level 101 terms, they can adapt your insights to their situation and enjoy newfound success for themselves. When it comes to design, simple classic shapes with fair curves and flowing transitions usually work best. Even projects that are greatly embellished fall flat if the core shape is not pleasing. Here are two examples of what I mean: 1) Pens: Slimline pens (the most popular) are not meant to incorporate beads, coves, or lumps and bumps. They always look best as a simple cylinder relying on the figure of the wood or other material to impart beauty to the project. Even the larger pen kits are always more appealing with simple lines rather than bulbous shapes. You can always spot new turners who feel they must offer more than just round and straight. (Just my opinion). 2) Finials: One of the best-known finial turners is Cindy Drozda. If you study the finials she turns, you can’t help but be blown away. There are always 4 elements to her work; a. a large Fibonacci cove as the base (Golden Mean) b. next is a large bead c. followed by a tall ogee-curved taper d. ending in a delicate tip usually with a series of small disks with a point. Here is a link from The American Woodturner Magazine in the spring of 2006 where Cindy gives an analytical approach to her finial design for comparison. (Not Simple) If folks want more details, they will tell you. Tell them a little more while still keeping it simple and so on. I was prepping some turning blanks when the washing machine bit the dust. Everything needed to be moved to allow access for its replacement- tomorrow. Sycamore, cherry, red oak and somewhere back in there is a chunk of walnut. Merry Christmas to us. You know those old ringer type never wore out. Safe turning
  2. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO GET IN ON THE AWESOME RAFFLE-FUNDRAISER TO SUPPORT THE PATRIOT WOODWORKER! Another active week here for our turners! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB received an African Padauk blank which he turned into a beautiful bowl- Andrew takes us through the process in this post- And a Myrtlewood bowl Here is more on this one- Andrew also is trying his hand at pen making. He showed us a couple of his attempts in these- and this one- Andrew went back and picked up on a previous post and several of our members offered additional tips and hints @Gerald is adding detail to one of his bowls with carvings Gerald is certainly a man of many talents! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda is hosting another live, virtual demonstration in a couple of weeks! Click on the above image for the link to registration and more information. For The Newbies- @AndrewB mentioned he ordered and received a new bowl gouge. Sharpening and reshaping the gouge is probably going to be on his list of first things to do. Here's a video from Mike Waldt demonstrating this steps. Once the gouge is sharpened, you can turn more than a bowl with it- Expand Your Horizons- If your eyes can stand the strain, here's a project, from Woodcraft, that's sure to be a hit- If that's not quite what you want to tackle, try this from Mike Peace- This is sort of specialized and it's from an idea that AndrewB brought up. Andrew was applying epoxy to some wooden cups to make then suitable for liquids. If you are considering something like this, the folks at Alumilite have a video on the process but you'll need a "cup turner". They are available at hobby supply stores but can be built for a few bucks. This idea works great for applying run free finishes, too! New Turning Items- Something new from Ruth Niles Bottle Stoppers You can find more information at- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/stainless-threaded-inserts/ The folks at Woodturners Wonders have their 1" Purple Power Sanding Discs available- Prices and quantities are at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/purple-power-1-sanding-discs Everything Else- Mike Peace's videos from last week- Some would say I'm addicted to Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ). OK, I AM! But that doesn't mean I don't know how to use the "old time stuff". I got a bunch of wild cherry and have been roughing out bowl blanks. Just to prove I can turn with antiques- OK, so the next one I cheated- Safe turning and stay well
  3. View File Workbench Magazine Jan-Feb 1967 China Rack This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 03/17/2018 Category Arts and Crafts
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
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