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  1. Been really cold here, compared to last winter, even had some snow! Our Patriot Turners- @PostalTom asked a question about vacuum chucks. He received several responses on various brands. If you use a vacuum chuck, please help Tom with your experiences to help him make an informed decision. We had another entry into our "What's On Your Lathe" thread. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to more information and registration or you can use the following link- https://streamyard.com/watch/pNG2QZxkG2uY Picked this up from the Niles Bottle Stopper Newsletter- Live Remote Video Demos As you all know, we are doing live remote videos of any Niles product for turning clubs free of charge. There are presently 7 club videos scheduled, you can ask questions or comment and you do not need to be at the meeting, you can watch from home on your PC, smart phone or tablet. We also discuss other aspects of turning or can try to help with problems or techniques and finishes. Here is a list of the clubs we have scheduled so far for 2024. You can contact one of your officers for the link to get access to the video. Wed. Jan. 17 = Gold Country Woodturners, northern Sierra Nevada foothills. Threaded bronze urn inserts will be the subject. Thurs. Jan 18 = Georgia Assoc. of Woodturners, Metro Atlanta area. The Joyner Jig will be demonstrated with many of it's uses. Thurs. Feb. 15 = Diamond State Woodturners, Jacksonville, Arkansas. Bottle stoppers and other kitchen utensils. Sat. April 20 = Oregon Coast Woodturning, cover the whole coast of Oregon. Demo on various embellishments for your projects. Thurs. June 13 = Willamette Valley Woodturners, Oregon Threaded bronze urn insert rings is the subject. Thurs. July 25 = Beaver State Woodturners, Coburg, Oregon. The Joyner Jig is to be demonstrated. *note: We are working on a "Calendar" or "Events" page on our website where all club demos will be listed as they are scheduled. This will give you time to get the link to attend. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, contact Carl Jacobson at "[email protected]" or call 503-939-4565. For The Newbies- If you spend anytime watching turning videos, or visit another turners shop, you'll probably notice that the turner has an impressive assortment of chucks. We are not talking chuck jaws but complete setups. In this video, Richard Raffan discusses his collection. Ask "why" and they will tell you that they do not like taking the time to change jaws. If you haven't purchased a chuck, yet, consider a chuck that doesn't use screw to hold the jaws. Hint: the Easy Wood Tools "Easy Chuck"- I know, I know but I couldn't resist after seeing the video. Lyle Jamieson's Tuesday Tip can help with clearing chips when turning hollow pieces that have an entry hole smaller than the inside diameter of the piece. Expand Your Horizons- If you have a nice laser setup and thinking about making a segmented turning, Alan Stratton has you covered! @Gerald does a lot of embellishing using various tools. Mike Peace recently posted a video on making a chatter tool. Unlike tools that use wheels that are crosshatched or spiked, this tool uses vibrations to create unique patterns. New Turning Items- Not really new, but a recommendation from Tim Yoder about a supplier for turning blanks. I know some of our members are customers. If the Easy Chuck is not in your future, Woodturners Wonders has the Axminster Systems on sale- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/axminster?_kx=gV5SF2As_3IwtBi5TrpHVQM0F3UvGVbQKzhWGippDlk%3D.VJvU8R Everything Else- Safe turning
  2. I finally fell into a great deal. My friend taught a bowl class at our local Woodcraft. After his class he called me and told me they had some Record Power chucks they were going to discontinue and to call the manager. I went up to see the manager and he didn’t know what corporate was going to let him do so I left my name and number a couple of weeks ago. He called me today and told me what he had. He had three package deals, I only bought two. A RP SC 4 Chuck, 100 mm dovetail deep gripper jaws and a 4” dovetail ring. I got all of that for $74. A SC3 Chuck, 75 mm dovetail deep gripper jaws and 2” dovetail ring for $64. That ended up being around 30% off the jaws and rings and the chucks for free. In the picture the 100 mm is on the left and the 75 mm is on the right.
  3. OK gang, we are getting down to the wire and we still have $505 dollars to go. Don't wait until the final day. DONATE NOW!!! Our Patriot Turners- This week has seen a lot of activity by our turners. Some ornaments were the order of the day. @Ron Altier posted two of his creations, one of wood and the other of acrylic. First up is his wooden creation. Ron gives us an explanation of how he put it together- Ron's second post is about his acrylic ornament. The blank, originally destined to be something other than an ornament, Ron created this fantastic piece- Check out Ron's post on this beauty- Just for fun, Ron shared a video of turning colored pencils. Our members shared their thoughts- @HandyDan always comes up with some awesome original designs. This week he made some "kitchen aids"- As always, Dan provides detailed information on how he makes his projects. @Gerald pointed out that bowl turning/embellishing should also include the bottom of the bowl. Gerald posted several examples of what he does and challenged us to do the same. This is an example of what Gerald does- He received lots of comments and a few examples of the work of others- @Larry Buskirk asked our members for information on a Delta chuck manufactured by Nova, he had seen on Ebay. Several did research and provided input to Larry's question. Larry was able to steal purchase the chuck and posted pictures later in his post. @AndrewB has his new lathe bench finalized. He was putting the finishing touches on it last week, Andrew posted this update- Andrew had concerns about what seemed to be a small twist in the ways of his lathe. Our members provide input for what might have been the cause and possible remedies. Back in August we had a discussion on casting acrylic resins and pressure pots. Andrew bit the bullet and got himself a really nice pot from California Air. Looking forward to seeing his castings! @Masonsailor asked our members for some ideas on making fluted turnings. Checkout some of the ideas and suggestions from our members. Although Paul posted this in the equipment review forum, we thought it would be helpful for our turners to see it here. Paul, you lucky dog , got a new lathe! I just hope it doesn't rust from all of the drool! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to Cindy's site and registration. For The Newbies- Well, Paul got a new lathe. But what made him decide on this particular model? Here is a video with some things to think about when considering a lathe purchase. So you'd like to turn a bowl but you don't have a chuck. No problem- Mike Peace put together a nice little video that talks about wood turning consumables. We all know about sandpaper but there are other consumables that can be really useful in the shop. Expand Your Horizons- Alright, I'll admit this is a stretch even for me. The latest Tim Yoder video turning a coconut into a mood light. Please watch at least through the 7 minute mark... New Turning Items- Larry got a new chuck from a seller on eBay. Here's your chance to win that new Nova Pro-Tek chuck. Everything Else- Last week's YouTube woodturning videos from Rick Turns I don't have much experience turning cherry and it shows. It doesn't like to be turned extremely thin. Sap lines are very weak and have a tendency to crack along them. Whoops!!! Getting a little too thin! I was afraid that cole jaws would crack the bowl, even worse than already happened, so to finish the bottom I used a jam chuck. The hole in the middle is to permit the use of compressed air to pop the turning free. Embellished bottom with special message to recipient Finally Safe turning and stay well
  4. Before I tried bowls heavily, I started with an oak glue up and couldn't finish it because I was using a face plate at the time and didn't even have the right tools for the job or even a proper chuck for that matter. Now that I have the proper tools including the chuck I think its down right time to finish this one off. I had completely forgotten about this one doing a little bit of organizing in the shed/shop I found it tucked away. So I did a bit of turning on it evened it out and cut a tenon onto it. I had to straighten it up quite a bit because it was completely way out of whack but it should make for a nice piece in the long run. Should have a proper hss bowl gouge by Thursday so I should be able to fully hollow this thing out over the weekend. New bowl blanks arrive tomorrow so I think I'm set for a bit on that.
  5. Fairly active week here on our forum with lots of posts and discussions- Please remember that we only have about 2 weeks left to reach our fundraising. Plenty of Raffle tickets left. If you haven't made a donation, please consider it- One last bit of housekeeping. Please remember to add Tags to your posts. The tags make it easier for folks to find similar information throughout our site. Tags can be materials used, tools used, techniques used, finishes used, turner's names, object types, etc, etc. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB has been busy with his turnings. He is experimenting with various finishes as well as giving us a glimpse of his new toys to drool over! In one post Andrew took us along as he progressed through the making of this cup- He received lots of comments and there was a great back and forth as he worked on it. Andrew is working on a set of these hollowed forms- He gave us a nice pictorial journey with this on- Andrew also got a shipment of new toys. I hope he has had time to wipe off the slobbers from everyone drooling over them. You can see the rest of the haul at- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda continues to do live demonstrations. Check out her schedule at- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Demo.html For The Newbies- I have an account on Reddit. While doing a little exploring, I found this in the Turning Forum- https://www.reddit.com/r/turning/wiki/index Quite an extensive list of information for beginners and experienced alike. A nice project that can help you transition from spindle turning to glue block/chuck turning. https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/project-turn-a-trivet-and-wine-caddy/ This project is from the latest Woodworker's Journal Woodturning Monthly. The entire newsletter is available at- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email A lot of discussions centered around chucks this week. Here's a video on making a specialized chuck- the Longworth Chuck- Expand Your Horizons- We all like to think our workshops are perfectly laid out and will never change. But just in case, here's Ernie Conover discussing moving one of the heaviest pieces of equipment in the shop- Got an email from Ruth Niles the other day. In it was a repost of an article about selling your work. It's amazing to see how many "Makers" actually earn a comfortable living from their talents. Sorry about the formatting. "Can you make a living with your craft? Here are some excerpts from HANDMADE Business magazine article written by Patrice Lewis. Plus I injected some tips from my own personal experience! Finding your unique niche will probably be the single most enormous hurdle to overcome. The reason this is difficult is most people focus on making items they themselves like. You must consider what competition there is for that particular product and how many others share that interest. Can you make your craft item fast enough to meet demand. If you can only make one a week, you won't be able to make a living. You have to make your item fast enough, without loss of quality, so you can sell them at a moderate price. WHOLESALE vs RETAIL How to market your product will come down to determining if your craft business will be wholesale or retail. Retail is you, you, you: you sell the item, you go to craft shows, you open the storefront, you develop a web page. You probably will need help because if you're doing all this, you won't have time to make any new items. The good part is you keep all the sales money and charge retail prices. By selling wholesale, you don't have to worry about the time and expense of being away from home to sell your craft item. The craft shows are a lot of fun but are also a ton of work and preparation and you have to make a lot of products that you end up bringing home time and again! When you wholesale, you know what to make and how many. Statistics show, while most crafters still prefer retail shows, more revenue is generated from wholesale markets. DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB ...... YET. Rule #1: Until your craft business is profitable, you must live below your means. Don't make the mistake of blowing your early profit on luxuries like restaurant meals or unnecessary electronics. Rule #2: Ditch the debts. Pay off excessive credit card balances, pay down car loans, etc. Watch your spending so you are not tottering under the load of debt. HAVE REALISTIC EXPECTATIONS Can you look at your items unemotionally and rationally to determine which have the potential to be built into a successful business and which should stay as a hobby. Naturally we love what we make and the suggestion that not enough people would be interested in buying that particular item is sort of insulting. TARGET YOUR MARKET You won't do well selling hand-carved dolls at a motorcycle rally. Motorcycle people are not passionate about carved dolls! It's not a marketing match. Carving and painting or making bottle stoppers with hot-air balloons to sell at a Hot-Air Balloon Festival is perfect: or apples at an apple fest. SELF-MOTIVATION (this is my nemesis!) Doing a craft as a part-time hobby and applying yourself to a full-time home craft business is quite another thing. It's not hard to be in your shop producing, it's all the boring stuff that is the hard part. Those who know me, know I really hate the computer work on my website, making ads and doing bookkeeping. Also marketing research is necessary and not a lot of fun. This takes self discipline. No sleeping late and playing solitaire on the computer thinking "I have all day to get all the bowls done." " Last week we mentioned the use of tenos or mortices for a turning. "Rick Turns" posted a video illustrating what can go wrong if the wood isn't solid- New Turning Items- @Jim from Easy Wood Tools shared information about two of their new products. They have completely redesigned their parting tool. It permits deeper cuts than their previous parting tool. It still has the replaceable cutter, however, the new design replaces the cutter and its holder. The carbide tip is permanently affixed to the holder. No more lose tips to worry with. The second new product is a really handy set of flexible templates to help you create the exact sized mortise/tenon for any of the EWT chuck jaws. No need to hassle with calipers, compasses or dividers. Included is a magnetic holder to keep them right on the lathe ready for use. The set I ordered came today and they are so easy to use! Everything Else- Rick Turns posted his weekly list of YouTube turning videos- Started playing with the cherry logs. One of the logs I cut into blocks to try some hollow forms. Once it was rounded, I cut it in half. Less waste. Then created this form. It's partially hollowed. The wood is very wet and needs to dry before continuing. I've been experimenting with the soap solution drying method to reduce cracking. The piece will stay submerged for a couple of days, then moved to a bag of shavings. We'll see what happens. The other half of the block had a split. Turned it into a rough bowl. Got to use the EWT template for setting up the mortise. It's rough turned and submerged in the pot with the hollow form. Safe turning and stay well
  6. We are still about $400 short of our fundraising goal for this year- only 30 days left! Some great prizes available. Don't miss your chance to score big and be part of making Veteran's lives a little better. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier is our resident ornament designer. Ron experiments with a wide range of finishes. His current favorite is a U/V finish. Ron shows us just how versatile this finish can be- See this post for Ron's explanation- Ron goes on to show us some of the unique effects this finnish can produce- Here's his post and his comments- @Gerald finally obtained a special turning blank he had been looking for. He is creating a large platter from this beautiful wood- In his post, Gerald explains his technique for turning and drying his project- @AndrewB told us he is going to purchase a bowl blank from Rockler. For his current situation, it is easier for him than trying to locate FOG wood. We had quite a discussion about blanks and finishes. @Ron Altier jumped in with some comments about how the blanks are sealed and how we should prepare the blanks for turning. Andrew also gave us a quick view of a new hollowing tool he received. Here's his first reactions- What’s Coming Up- Last week we mentioned that Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools) and Carl Jacobson were teaming up to present a virtual Makers Fair. I had the chance to see most of the presentations and they were quite enjoyable and informative. These presentations were via YouTube. I can't find the entire presentation in one location but here are the links to the individual presentations- https://youtu.be/Gh6dZTt1mFI Carl Jacobson https://youtu.be/E0uF38pr8cI Jim Overton https://youtu.be/W1N4BbieIbY Jamie Page https://youtu.be/1uj4AX_jXw4 Annie Briggs https://youtu.be/hxnqHYD3_aU Zac Higgins https://youtu.be/h-KwHBcm_2s Darryl Jones https://youtu.be/f3oIhdzHwFM Scott Grove https://youtu.be/31iUD-0zOow Carl Jacobson Most were approximately 1 hour long and viewers could submit questions and comments. It seemed like the overall event was well received and if another one is planned, I know I'll be watching. For The Newbies- Mike Peace posted a new video to help new lathe owners pick out a chuck that will work for them- Expand Your Horizons- We have the lathe and we have the wood, so why buy something we can make- http:// https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/discover/woodworking/2020/june/turning-new-handles-for-old-tools?utm_source=Newsletter---Woodworking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=200629-Wood-How-to-Turn-New-Handles-for-Old-Tools New Turning Items- Everyone needs at least one new woodturning shirt! Ruth Niles is having a sale on all her instock shirts- T's and denims https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product-category/shirts/?v=7516fd43adaa Everything Else- Rick Turns' list of videos from last week- As for me, I finally put the finish on the little bowl I was making. Watco Danish Oil- The bowl was made from black locust and was about 7" x 2" The leftover chunk of locust was too big to throw out, so, it became a platter- Finished with the same Watco oil. About 7" x a little over 1" Safe turning and stay well
  7. Hope this finds all of you and your families safe and well. The weather here has been beautiful. Even had an awesome thunderstorm last night. Our Patriot Turners- @FrederickH managed to score some really nice turning tools and asked our members their opinions. Check out his post and see if you can provide some additional advice- Most of us have been asked to stay at home during this health crisis. One of the other forums, at the Patriot, is showing our members' quarantine project. @John Hechel posted a beautiful walnut bowl! John says it is his first ever bowl! Wish my first one turned out that nice!!! Check out his project- and other posts at- New member @Purpleheartguy posted some of his turnings in our gallery. He is just getting into turning but it looks like he sure has a knack for it. You can see his other images in the gallery beginning here- @FlGatorwood is turning his first inside-out ornament! He gave us a sneak preview of what it is going to look like! Check out his post at- What’s Coming Up- The Mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium is still planning to hold their event in September. Click on the above image for the link to their site and more information. As we mentioned last week, our sponsor- Woodcraft- is hosting a Turning Tuesday event each week. If you didn't catch it, Frank Byers demonstrates turning some garden tools. For The Newbies- @Purpleheartguy mentioned in his turning posts that he didn't own a chuck. Yet he turned some beautiful pieces with the tools he had. Here's a video from Mike Peace showing how to create a bowl, on the lathe, without a chuck. There are several videos on YouTube on how to do this- There's always some questions about what's the best way to dry green wood for the final turning. I found this video from Woodcraft San Carlos where the presenter discusses several methods. Easy to understand. Note: Use you wife's microwave at your own risk Negative rake scrapers can be helpful in getting clean cuts and less catches. Sam Angelo has a video demonstrating their use, sharpening and why you might want to consider adding one to your turning arsenal. Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace has a nice video showing how embellished an ash bowl. Not your typical finish. New Turning Items- If you like the idea of having one handle to be able to be used with a variety of lathe tools, this may be something you cam use- You can see more at- https://woodturningtoolstore.com/modular-woodturning-tool-handle-new-product/ Everything Else- Rick Turns posted his March list of YouTube woodturning videos. Please take a moment to give him a thumbs up, acknowledging his hard work. @Purpleheartguy's comments got me to thinking about some of the chucks I've made. A very useful one is simple a piece of hardwood drilled and threaded to match the headstock threads. Then a piece of scrape glued to the face. The scrape is a sacrificial piece to which the project is glued. Another really useful one is the Longworth chuck. It can be used for reverse chucking a bowl to finish off the bottom. I used the same type of drilled/tapped hardwood block for the mounting portion of the one I made. Sometimes you can get lucky and find a used tap, that matches your lathe threads, at the surplus store. Safe turning and stay well
  8. It might be a little late to call the florist and order flowers- tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier Showed us another gorgeous ornament- CHeck out his description in his post. Also notice his cool spray booth! @HandyDan and @DAB have been collaborating on bullet pens. These pens are spectacular and reasonably priced! See more about how they came out- @hawkeye10 asked our turners for input on Longworth and Cole jaw chucks. The thread ended up including input on vacuum chucks, as well. Our own @Steve Krumanaker posted a video showing us that turned wooden bowls can, in fact, be run through the dishwasher with no ill effects. Thanks Steve for the well documented instructions- @FlGatorwood reminded us of a new, monthly turning newsletter. Some of our members have signed up and looking forward to the new publication. Thanks, Steve! What’s Coming Up- Look for our friends from Easy Wood Tools! Click on the above image to link to more information. For The Newbies- Seems like the YouTube turner's have all been discussing various aspects of the scroll chuck. This one from Capt. Eddie has some good information as well- @hawkeye10 posted a link to a video geared towards turning your first bowl. Lots of good stuff in the video. The author even provided a "timeline table of contents" to help the viewer locate specific details of the turning operations. Although a little long, it's worth a look. One thing that caught my eye, that I do differently, is to use a spindle washer when mounting a chuck or faceplate. The torque, when turning a bowl, can really jam these onto the headstock threads. Expand Your Horizons- I've seen several ways to add "threads" to a vessel to allow a lid to be screwed into place. Capt. Eddie has a 2 part video showing how to cut/chase threads directly into the wood. Although the process requires special tools, those tools will work on most vessels. Part 2 is linked from Capt. Eddies YouTube page. New Turning Items- If you are considering doing variable pitch spiral flutes, here's a new piece of equipment that might work for you- https://flutemasters.com/variable-pitch-tool-by-flute-master/ Everything Else- The new Woodturning OnLine newsletter came. Read the entire issue at- https://www.woodturningonline.com/ Rick Turns uploaded his list of woodturning videos for January- Safe turning
  9. When installing a chuck never use the power of the lathe to snug up the chuck, just hand tighten firmly to a flush fit. Use of the lathe power will jamb the chuck tightly on the spindle and may be very hard to remove. Some will use plastic washers to alleviate this problem bu then introduce another problem, VIBRATION. Introduction of more items and possibly non flat items introduces a possibility of increasing vibration.
  10. Last day for relatives. Spent the day driving around the Gettysburg Battlefield. No matter how many times you go there, it is always sobering. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier posted a question about gluing acrylic to wood. He received a few responses. Pease check out his post and provide him with your experiences- Ron also posted a knitting needle vase he made for his wife- Ron describes the materials and their history in his post- @hawkeye10 is looking for some input on a new four jaw chuck. He received several comments on the one he was eyeing. Why not give him your opinion about what you like in your chuck- @Jim from Easy Wood Tools posted a picture of the Easy Wood Tools Christmas tree and it is beautiful. Head on over to Jim's post and see if you can find your ornament! There's still time (and room) to send your ornament to Jim! @Bob Hodge is using his turning skills to create works of art! Check out what he is doing with some beautifully turned bowls- Bobs post explains what he is creating- What’s Coming Up- The 2019 Florida Woodturning Symposium. February 8th – 10th, 2019 Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center http://floridawoodturningsymposium.com/ For The Newbies- Tim Yoder has a new video where he shows us the tools he uses in his shop. As turners we often wonder just what tools we need and Tim helps us figure that out. One of the biggest challenges in turning is trying to figure out how to hold the material securely. Unlike flat work, turnings are moving while we are working on them. Mike Peace offers a video on how to hold small pieces- Expand Your Horizons- I've been reading a lot lately about "wet sanding" and "sanding paste". Mike Peace has produced a couple of videos on the subject. His explanations are easy to understand and the video are not too long. Wet Sanding- Sanding Pastes- New Turning Items- Although not a brand new product, Easy Wood Tools has a super nice live center and cone attachments You can see detailed specifications at the Easy Wood Tools site- http://www.easywoodtools.com/live-center-3/ Everything Else- ...and just for enjoyment, Carl Jacobson make a hybrid turning. DON"T LOOK AT THE PEN!!! Safe turning
  11. Well I guess I'd better start thinking about doing some Christmas shopping, maybe on Saturday... Thanks to all of the woodturners who participated in our Gold Star Christmas Family raffle. It's going to be a great Christmas for those kids! Please continue to tag your posts. It really does make site navigation easier. @Steve Krumanaker posted a really beautiful walnut bowl. The finish is absolutely flawless. Checkout this post! @HandyDan made a BUNCH of string tops- Check out how he did it and his great repurpose of some of the wood- @Joe Candrilli posed a question about turning and dust collection. He is turning Alumilite and the curlies were not being collected by his dust collector. A great conversation about this ensued- We have discussed different dust collection techniques here, in the past. While looking for help on Joe's question, I did run across another solution that may work for other dust material collection. The video is a little long but you may get some ideas from it. While on the subject of Alumilite, turning, shavings and Christmas, Rick Turns creates an acrylic Christmas tree- Some of us may be lucky enough to get a little cash from Santa. If you are looking for a new lathe chuck, Mike Peace has posted a video comparing/contrasting some of the chucks on the market. While the information has presents is great, in my opinion he has overlooked the best chuck available anywhere- the Easy Wood Tools chuck. Buy the EWT chuck first and you'll never need to buy another. Merry Christmas! Safe Turning
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