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  1. Welcome to 2025! Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier created an beautiful ornament from a very old piece of wood! Ron tells us about the wood and where he found it, in his post- Some how I missed posting this when it was first added. @Fred W. Hargis Jr asked us our opinion concerning a source for turning blanks. This post has had a bunch of activity. Comments, suggestions and good old fashion drooling have been taking place. Sorry, Fred, for not posting this sooner. More entries on the topic of "What's your favorite wood"- And, some comments on this post about bowl turning/sanding- We have had more activity on the "What's ON/OFF The Lathe" Thanks to @kreisdorph, @RustyFN, @Gerald and @teesquare for "What ON"- Catchup on all of the comments and posts starting here- From "OFF"- @kreisdorph, @User74 and @RustyFN Lots of comments on the one from @User74's post. He was asking if we could identify the species used for his bowl. Please check the entire post and if you recognize the species, give him a shout! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and registration. For The Newbies- A couple of videos on sharpening and using the spindle gouge- Expand Your Horizons- The first of the month and the "4 Ways" Collaboration videos have been uploaded. Always interesting how different turners approach the same project. New Turning Items- Sorry... Everything Else- From Ron Brown's newsletter: New Year’s Resolutions for Woodturners Here are some woodturner's resolutions to consider for the new year: 1. Improve Tool Sharpening Skills 2. Commit to keeping your turning tools sharp and well-maintained for smoother cuts and more precise work. 3. Experiment with New Wood Types 1. Challenge yourself to try different wood species, exploring their unique characteristics and how they behave during turning. Turn wet wood cut less than 48 hours ago. Turn a resin project. 4. Expand Techniques and Projects 5. Push your creativity by trying new techniques 1. Such as hollowing, segmented turning, or use only a skew from beginning to end. 2. Try making a bowl from a board 1. Using a band saw to cut the rings at an angle 2. Cut rings at an angle with a thin parting tool. (There is a jig for that!) 6. Organize and Clean the Workshop 1. A tidy, well-organized workspace is essential for productivity and safety. Make it a goal to clean and reorganize your tools and workspace regularly. 1. Donate unused turning tools to your turning club or give them to a buddy just starting out. 2. Saw dust can be a hazard, this is a good time to sweep it away. 7. Focus on Safety Practices 1. Always wear appropriate safety gear and continually assess your turning practices for improvements to minimize the risk of accidents. Always wear breathing protection when sanding. 2. Stand to the side when turning in case something detaches from your blank. Be out of its path. 8. Master Finishing Techniques 1. Experiment with different types of finishes, oils, film such as varnishes, lacquers, water based, etc., Pick one you haven’t used. Enhance the beauty and durability of your turned pieces. 9. Set Monthly Goals 1. Set realistic, achievable goals each month to keep you motivated, such as completing a specific project or mastering a new turning technique. 10. Join a Woodturning Community 1. Connect with other woodturners through online forums, local clubs, or workshops to share tips 2. learn new techniques, and be inspired, YouTube videos are a good source. 3. Join the AAW if you are not already a member and read their magazine cover to cover. 11. Pick a time, once a month, to have other turner(s) over for a couple of hours and share what you’ve discovered recently. 12. Document Your Work 1. Take photos of your finished pieces and document the process. This will help track your progress and create a portfolio to showcase your craftsmanship. 13. Teach or Share Your Knowledge 1. Consider teaching others the basics of woodturning or sharing your knowledge with beginners, whether through workshops, tutorials, or informal mentoring. Safe turning
  2. Please checkout the update on our Operation Help a Hero Christmas Project Fundraiser 2024. There has been an additional prizes added to the raffle! Our Patriot Turners- Please welcome new turner @DE Turner! He sent me a couple of pictures of his beautiful work- Say Hi and encourage him to post more of his pieces! In our site's "Good Monday Morning..." forum, @Gerald posted a cool Christmas tree turning- His post can be viewed here- We have had a few additions to our continuing topic of "What's Off..." this past week! @User74 and @calabrese55 both added turning projects- Catchup on all of the new projects at- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda's tool talk "I'm looking forward to spending some time online with you at my free Tool Talk Livestream. It's this Friday, December 6th, at 2pm Eastern (19:00 UTC)" https://streamyard.com/watch/6QBkMFj5Crnh Live Interactive Remote Demonstrations December 10, 2024, Tuesday, 7:00-9:30pm, Eastern Time, Details of Hollow Form Turning https://lylejamieson.com/product-category/live-interactive-remote-demonstrations/ For The Newbies- We post a lot of the activities from Cindy Drozda. This past week she shared a tour of her shop. It's great to get to see how other turners' shops are equipped and laid out- Mike Peace posted a video discussing techniques for drying wood for turning. This video from Mike Mahoney, made available through Fine Woodworking Magazine, shows how to sharpen various woodturning tools. I don't think you have to subscribe to the magazine to view the video. https://www.finewoodworking.com/2015/03/25/episode-2-sharpening-turning-tools Expand Your Horizons- With Christmas fast approaching, a couple of season related turnings. One from Alan Stratton and one from Sam Angelo. The "4-Ways" collaboration turning series posted these videos. This month's concept is to demonstrates how to turn an enclosed vessel with a height greater than its diameter, using readily available tools. New Turning Items- Not new but on sale- Bowlsaver Max4 Coring System Save $100.!! https://woodturningtoolstore.com/product/bowlsaver-max4-coring-system/?receiptful=674cfd640a220e4070fe56ec&utm_source=CM Commerce&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter-408&utm_term=newsletter&utm_content=other&receiptfultype=newsletter Everything Else- Safe turning
  3. Looks like we might have to opportunity to help a deserving family for Christmas! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB updated us on his new lathe purchase. Really nice lathe stand for his new Jet. He mentioned there was some vibration as certain speed. I'm wondering if it might be a "heavy spot" in the bowl blank he was turning and creating a resonance vibration. Check out Andrew's post here: @Headhunter posted some of his Ringmaster turnings in our Ringmaster Sub-Forum He received lots of comments and some questions about the pieces. Check out his work at- @Bob Hodge posed an interesting question about an item he was asked to duplicate. After a lot of input, ideas and guesses, Bob decided to decline the request. We had some really interesting input! @RustyFN gave us an update on the beautiful winged bowl he turned. He said the picture is of the "unfinished" piece! Wish my unfinished turnings looked that good! We've had some entries on our "What's Off..." this week! @Gerald posted several of his recently completed items. Catchup with all of the images here- And, we've had entries in the "What's On..." too! @calabrese55, @Gerald and @Fred W. Hargis Jr added to the continuing post! There are a lot more images at- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration Lyle Jamieson is hosting an IRD on hollowing, December 10, 2024 Friday, November 22, 2024 at 2pm EST For The Newbies- Texturing tools can add a new dimension to your turnings. In this video, Mike Peace compares and contrasts several of the available tools. A short video from Alan Stratton on designs and where to get inspirations. Expand Your Horizons- Tim Yoder turns a HUGE piece of Osage orange JumBowl.mp4 A little late for Halloween and Thanksgiving but it gives you plenty of time for next year New Turning Items- Nothing for this week Everything Else- If you have been turning for any length of time, you will probably recognize the name Nick Agar. Nick has been diagnosed with cancer. Here is more information- The link to the Go-Fund-Me page https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-support-nick-agars-fight-against-cancer Safe turning
  4. Happy Thanksgiving. Hope your lives are filled with friends, family and food. For those in Pennsylvania, good luck on the first day of buck season on Monday. Our Patriot Turners- Last week, @RustyFN showed us his basket weave illusion vase. He added to his post the jigs he used to create the weave lines- @Gerald posted a Christmas tree turning that he embellished. Check it out. I really like the star topper! @Steve Krumanaker makes items for a local artisan who works in wool. Steve found the perfect adornment for the drop spindles he makes- In his post, Steve tells us where he got the inspirations- What’s Coming Up- Click on the image for links to registration and more information- Cindy Drozda's Live Online Woodturning is this Friday November 24. For The Newbies- Tim Yoder turns some recycled plastic! Some fun with messy stuff all over the shop. The link to getting the plastic blanks is below the video's description. Click on "Watch on YouTube" for all the information. Expand Your Horizons- Lyle Jamieson's ornament video talks about design and vibration reduction- New Turning Items- Boy, Santa is really keeping any new items under wraps. Can't believe something hasn't been released for the holidays. Everything Else- From Ron Brown's weekly newsletter- Easier The Second Time Most folks are afraid to try new things. Turners are no different. 1) Fear of the unknown a. Your imagination presents all kinds of scary scenarios. You aren’t sure how long something might take, or what else you could end up needing. You don’t understand the process. b. You are not sure exactly how to get started or what steps to take and in which order. 2) Fear of failure a. Probably the number one reason people never get started. b. Your vivid imagination will show you all kinds of ways it could go wrong, how you might get hurt, or how you might damage your equipment in the process. 3) Fear that it’s not what you are used to and that is uncomfortable a. I know folks that only turn bowls because that is what they are used to. It’s the same with some pen-turners. We all have things we are very comfortable making and have become very accomplished at those items. The thought of making something different seems uninviting. When you finally work up the courage to try something different, you are stepping out of your comfort zone. Since we are all creatures of habit, new stuff isn’t what you are used to and it feels awkward. The first time you try, it is usually as hard as you imagined it would be. In Order To Learn New Things, We Must Be Willing To Fail. The first time you mainly learn what not to do. The second time you already know mostly what not to do and you can think about improving your sequence to gain a better result. From the third time on, you can focus on alternative techniques and tools. After that, if you are still interested in making more of this new item, besides improving your techniques and methods, you can work on variations, larger, smaller, additional elements, etc. John Jordan, a very well know turner who recently passed, always said “Life is too short to turn crappy wood.” I recommend you actually do use crappy wood the first couple of times because failure is part of succeeding. You shouldn’t have to fail with expensive materials. I recommend that you step out and try something new this week. I think you will be surprised at how much fun it is. You never know what you might like making once you try it. Safe turning
  5. These small 1/4" thick and very narrow pieces of wood that has to be sliced down the middle so the two pieces of wood then has to be glued on each piece not sawed in two and sure is hard to handle going through the scroll saw blade. And it sure helps if the cut are straight enough for gluing to other pieces. Then you glue a bunch of pieces together and keep gluing things together you finally end up with something? Being small it didn't look this time consuming. This is after the third Christmas and still working on two or three sets.
  6. One of these days, I'm gonna surprise you all and actually do some turning. But in the meantime let's not forget our pledge to make our "adopted" family's Christmas the best ever- Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker added more birdhouse ornaments to the bunch he already completed. I think he must be staying up nights! Steve shows us some of the fantastic details on these, in his post- @HandyDan cranked out a slew of awesome looking Awls. As always, Dan provides detailed descriptions of his process. He also gives us a look at one of the "New Turning Items" we mentioned sometime back. @kmealy was inspired to turn some Christmas trees after seeing what the asking price was at a Craft store. Judging from what he saw, there's money to be made with lathe turnings! Check out Keith's post! @RustyFN is having fun turning lidded vessels. These can be turned from just about any wood- even glued up scraps- Please see his post and read all of the nice comments from our turners. Sometime back, we were discussing casting acrylic blanks. The conversation included inquiries about pressure pots. Rusty was kind enough to share his pressure pot build information along with some pictures. Head on over to his post and see what he used and how he made the conversion. What’s Coming Up- Here's something to look forward to! Click on the above image for the link to more information. If you don't want to wait that long, this might be something to keep your spirits up- This is a live YouTube event. Click on the above image for a link to the presenters. Each person does a live demo on their own YouTube channel. For The Newbies- A nice video on turning a natural edge bowl. This bowl is turned from some American Chestnut. Not much of that left any more. Nice way to preserve a once very common species. Expand Your Horizons- This is a very interesting way to embellish a turning- the art of Shou Sugi Ban. Although the process is typically used on cedar, the author of this video uses a pine blank- To learn more about this process use this link- https://shousugiban.com/ New Turning Items- To make up for those weeks I couldn't find anything on which to spend your money, open up your wallets! Thinking about getting a vacuum chuck? Here's a site that may have exactly what you need! Here is the link to their site- https://www.frugalvacuumchuck.com/home.html Our friends from Woodturners Wonders have a new CBN wheel for your Tormek sharpening station. You can check it out here- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/new-products/products/tornado-waterless-10-cbn-wheel-tormek-style-with-radius-edge-12mm-arbor They also have a pretty substantial savings on their complete lathe track system- The pieces are also available individually. Here's the link- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/lathe-track/products/full-lathe-track-system Everything Else- Last week's list of YouTube videos from Rick Turns- Safe turning and stay well
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