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  1. Looks like a thunderstorm brewing off to the west. Garden could use a little water. Our Patriot Turners- @Headhunter posted a couple of beautiful segmented bowls he created using a Ringmaster! These became gifts for friends. He tells us more about them in this post- Our What's ON/OFF Your Lathe again had some gorgeous content! From "ON"- @kreisdorph worked with several different species of wood to produce these lovely pieces- New items start here- And from What's OFF Your Lathe- @kreisdorph and @User74 showed us what they are doing! You can catch up and see more images here- What’s Coming Up- Just a reminder that this Friday, May 24, Cindy Drozda and Todd Raines are having a free Sharing Q&A Session on Zoom. Here are 2 links for signing up for the Zoom meeting. https://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/sharing-session-free-and-live-on-zoom-4/ If you don't have Zoom on your computer/phone, here's the link for the free download- https://zoom.us/download For The Newbies- Mentioned before that Sam Angelo has started a new YouTube channel to assist the new turner. This video compares and contrasts the spindle and bowl gouges. New turners are often confused why/where to use these two gouges. This is the opening lecture from a nine-hour seminar on how woodturning tools work, from Jim Rodgers. Lots of good information on the various HSS materials. Craft Supplies USA has a nice video on chuck maintenance. Although this video is for a specific brand/model, much of the information is common to all scroll chucks. Expand Your Horizons- If you have watched Richard Raffan for any length of time, you've probably noticed most of his turning tools have been resharpened many, many times! Not one to let tings go to waste, Richard repurposes an old spindle gouge. I remember @Gerald using various painting schemes and came across this method of creating a Cosmic Clouds motif with iridescent paints. I think this was done by Tim Yoder- Cosmic Clouds #shorts.mp4 Thinking about working with acrylics? Craft Supplies USA posted a start to finish hybrid handle. Casting and finishing tips included! Last week we posted that Niles Bottle Stoppers had their bronze threaded rings for sale. Carl Jacobson created a very stylish urn using a set of rings- If hand chasing threads is more your thing, Mike Peace recently posted this video creating threads in a piece of Palo Santo Wood, Bulnesia sarmientoi, from Argentina. Finally, the Woodworker's Journal published their Woodturner's Monthly newsletter. Here's the link to the entire newsletter- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email New Turning Items- OK, this is something you can create in your shop. I thought it was pretty neat as I do not have an accurate cross sled for my drill press. What is the vertex#diy #woodworkingtools #woodworking.mp4 Everything Else- A few thoughts from Ron Brown- Sharing Makes You Better Three reasons you will be better: 1) When you explain your process, you must organize your thoughts. You will discover some steps are unnecessary while others need more attention. 2) Your audience usually asks questions that spark new ideas to improve your process and ultimately the result. 3) Explaining how you do it will often uncover why you do it this way. There is always room to be more efficient and you usually discover them by accident often during an explanation. The skills you have learned are a gift and make you who you are. The laws of sowing and reaping are in full effect. The more you share what you have discovered, the deeper your understanding will become. This is true with any skill or knowledge set you have Safe turning
  2. OK, gang, it's that time of year where we get to make a difference in a wounded warrior's life. We all have been blessed with good fortune and here is our chance to give back. Please consider donating and along the way you could win some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- Just a reminder, we now have a new sub-forum for those turners using the Ringmaster tool. In addition, @John Morris added a new gallery section for you to post your images! https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/gallery/category/26-ring-master-turning/ Speaking of ringed bowls, @HandyDan showed us one of his turning. This was added to last week's Wednesdays... Dan used an idea from Mike Waldt to create a neat little box Dan received lots of positive comments and even some ideas for use- @Gerald does a show at his local Ag Museum. He was kind enough to post some images of some of the activities. Looks like the turned tops were a hit with the little ones! Gerald also gave us a heads up on an interesting video covering how to set up a new chuck. @Grandpadave52 posted an alert that the Woodturner's Monthly newsletter is available! Thanks for the heads-up Dave! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above images for links to registration and more information. This Saturday, November 20, there will be another Virtual Craft Show on YouTube. These cover a variety of skills as well as turning. For The Newbies- @Gerald's post on the chuck works in nicely with this IRD video from Mike Peace on hold work on the lathe- From the "Rebel Turner"- making a snowman on the lathe- Not sure if you will need a Facebook account to see this Tip video, on shear scraping, from Lyle Jamieson- http:// https://www.facebook.com/lyle.jamieson1/videos/320429766218298 From Capt. Eddies Worldwide Woodturners meeting, turning a mouse with Martin Clarkson- Expand Your Horizons- Here's a video, from Alan Stratton, on turning an ornament. Lots of tips and techniques in this video from "Turn A Wood Bowl" New Turning Items- Not a tool but a new site from Zac Higgins. If you are into resin casting, Zac has great tips and techniques. Check it out! OK, I know you can buy these and Cindy Drozda has a really nice one. However, Harbor Freight often offers these for free- Everything Else- Rick turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- A live Q&A from Mike Waldt with a wide variety of topics- Safe turning and stay well
  3. OK, gang, it's that time of year where we get to make a difference in a wounded warrior's life. We all have been blessed with good fortune and here is our chance to give back. Please consider donating and along the way you could win some awesome prizes! Our Patriot Turners- Just a reminder, we now have a new sub-forum for those turners using the Ringmaster tool. In addition, @John Morris added a new gallery section for you to post your images! https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/gallery/category/26-ring-master-turning/ Speaking of ringed bowls, @HandyDan showed us one of his turning. This was added to last week's Wednesdays... Dan used an idea from Mike Waldt to create a neat little box Dan received lots of positive comments and even some ideas for use- @Gerald does a show at his local Ag Museum. He was kind enough to post some images of some of the activities. Looks like the turned tops were a hit with the little ones! Gerald also gave us a heads up on an interesting video covering how to set up a new chuck. @Grandpadave52 posted an alert that the Woodturner's Monthly newsletter is available! Thanks for the heads-up Dave! What’s Coming Up- Click on the above images for links to registration and more information. This Saturday, November 20, there will be another Virtual Craft Show on YouTube. These cover a variety of skills as well as turning. For The Newbies- @Gerald's post on the chuck works in nicely with this IRD video from Mike Peace on hold work on the lathe- From the "Rebel Turner"- making a snowman on the lathe- Not sure if you will need a Facebook account to see this Tip video, on shear scraping, from Lyle Jamieson- https://www.facebook.com/100000091394781/videos/320429766218298/ From Capt. Eddies Worldwide Woodturners meeting, turning a mouse with Martin Clarkson- Expand Your Horizons- Here's a video, from Alan Stratton, on turning an ornament. Lots of tips and techniques in this video from "Turn A Wood Bowl" New Turning Items- Not a tool but a new site from Zac Higgins. If you are into resin casting, Zac has great tips and techniques. Check it out! OK, I know you can buy these and Cindy Drozda has a really nice one. However, Harbor Freight often offers these for free- Everything Else- Rick turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- A live Q&A from Mike Waldt with a wide variety of topics- Safe turning and stay well
  4. Just realized that yesterday was 55 years ago that I was discharged from the Navy. Left Treasure Island and took a 3 day train ride across this beautiful country. That was the year of the airline strike and there were no commercial flights anywhere. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB has been busy casting and turning resin. He showed us his cast blanks and they turned out perfect- Andrew describes the process in this post- From this casting he is turning a "dragon's egg"- More about the process in this post- @smitty10101 would like to do some "inside-out" turnings and asked our gang for some help. He has received several suggestions. If you do these types of turning, please hop over to Smitty's post and chime in- @HandyDan is always making such neat projects for his family. He posted these turnings- Our turners gave him lots of praise for making these! Check out Dan's post at- @forty_caliber has been busy in his workshop! In last Friday's "What's on your weekend agenda", he posted three projects he has in the works. The first is a jam chuck- Next is a bowl made from pecan. Some really beautiful grain in this one- A little more here- And, a handle for one of his turning tools- @Fred W. Hargis Jr Asked our turners for input on turning a pepper mill. Several of our members have turned them and were willing to give him some help. If you have any tips that can make Fred's first attempt any easier, please check out this thread- What’s Coming Up- The AAW reminds us of future events- More information at this link- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Events/AAW Virtual Events/Woodturner/Virtual-Events/Master-Series-Landing-Page.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=guGi2 Craft Supplies USA has training workshops- More here- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/p/205/7317/Workshop-Woodturning-201-with-Stan-Record-August-18-20-2021-(Deposit-Only)?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=record&utm_campaign=21-08-workshops Don't forget that S.W.A.T. is live this year- For registration- https://www.swaturners.org/swat-registration-2021.html For The Newbies- Here's a nice little project to add some piazzas to your desk. Mike Peace turns a cable grommet- Not everyone has this tool in their arsenal but it can create some interesting effects. Carl Jacobson turns a beaded bowl using a beading tool- Expand Your Horizons- How do you finish your turnings? Do you like no gloss, some gloss or maximum gloss? For maximum gloss and wear, some turners prefer a CA glue finish. Here's a video from Darryl Jones showing how he uses CA and obtains some spectacular results. New Turning Items- Not so much new, but some sale prices from Woodturners Wonders in conjunction with S.W.A.T. Check their site for prices and more goodies- https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- I mentioned that I had ordered some sanding/finishing products. They arrived yesterday and I had the opportunity to briefly try them. I need to do some experimenting with topcoats other than wax to see how they adhere. From what I've read, most any finish can be applied over the Yorkshire grit. That seems to fly in the face of convention as the sanding paste contains mineral oil and beeswax. I got a can of each Here is Mike Waldt's take on the product Safe turning and stay well
  5. Coming up on the end of January already! Time sure does fly during a Pandemic. A little less, this week, from our own but a lot more from others. Our Patriot Turners- We had a post this week from @ehbowen asking for some information about green wood. Eric got his hands on some freshly cut ash and wanted to know about preserving it. The post generated a lot of comments on turning, sanding project supplies and more. Maybe you can help give Eric some ideas. Check out his original post. @Pauley had a problem with some of his sanding discs and asked our turners for some ideas. The conversation yielded lots of sanding techniques information and sources for sanding supplies. @Gerald provided us with a link- https://www.turningwood.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Store_Code=T&Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=2S I checked one of my favorite sanding suppliers. Their prices were comparable to Gerald's- https://www.supergrit.com/view.php?pg=index @RustyFN gave us an update on the bowl jig he shared with us last week. He included pictures of how he mounted the jig on his bandsaw- @AndrewB Updated us on his pressure pot adventure. There was an interesting discussion as to how much pressure was needed to pressurize the pot for casting resins- Andrew, later, showed us the results of his first casting attempt- I often reference Alumilite in these posts. I have no connection with them other than learning a lot from their videos. This particular video provides tips and techniques for mixing casting resins. Most of the information applies to any manufacturer- What’s Coming Up- A couple of events happening on Saturday, January 30, 2021. Cindy Drozda is hosting the second part of her waterfall lidded bowl. Check Cindy's site for more information and registration- http://www.cindydrozda.com/ If you have insomnia, The first Virtual Craft Festival of 2021 starts at 2am (PST) Saturday morning and goes until 6pm (PST) Saturday evening. Click on the above image for the link to the schedule and presenters. This is a free event and all presenters use their own YouTube channel for their demonstration. There is a link for each presenter in their bio on the website linked in the above image. For The Newbies- Mike Peace continues his critique of carbine turning tools. If you've followed Mike for any length of time you know he has always used traditional HSS tools. This video is a little long but it not only demonstrates turning but also gives us some insights on design. Expand Your Horizons- If the previous "twig pot" video looked like something you might try, but, you wanted your turning to be more hollowed out, this video may help you decide which hollowing tool to buy/use. Looking for a way to make that cracked/split bowl a work of art? Here's one turner's take on what to do- Bowl Stitching! Good information- video of a demonstration- New Turning Items- The folks at Woodturners Wonders have a very nice sanding deal going on with the Roloc mandrels and pad holders Check it out, here- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/ultimate-sanding-system/products/ultimate-2-and-3-inch-sanding-kit This really isn't a new item but we touched on it a bit last week. The shop made steady Rest from Alan Stratton. This video shows a bit more about it- These links have more written details- https://www.aswoodturns.com/ https://www.aswoodturns.com/2014/09/steady-update/ https://www.aswoodturns.com/2013/08/lathe-steady-rest/ Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube video list from last week- I haven't been in the shop this week. Been writing Micro Credentials for the National Occupation Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI). A long time friend is the CEO and called to get some help in the Electrical/Electronics areas. I had forgotten how tedious writing those things can be! Safe turning and stay well
  6. I've been interested in trying resin casting and turning for bowls. Although I'm not interested enough just yet to purchase a pressure pot. I've been trying to research resins that I can mix that do NOT require a pressure pot and just time to cure with a bit of color as well. I think I want to try a couple of times with the resin so I can get familiar with it if I ever decide to get into the resin stuff. I do plan on going for the gallon bottles off the bat so that I know I have enough to make a couple blanks to test. But I'm unsure of what I would need to pick up for non pressure pot resins, I did do a google search only thing I've seen in research so far is Polyresin and it's recommending adding color. Now that I've got the lathe speeds adjusted Id feel more comfortable doing a bit of resin trials. Any other info would be good to know thanks.
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