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  1. Saturday is the twentieth anniversary of 9-11. Tragic national events have a way of sticking with us and we remember exactly where we were. I have vivid memories of two such event. President Kennedy's assignation- I was in Memphis going to Navy electronics school. The 9-11 attack- I was teaching at the Vo-Tech school. Our Patriot Turners- @Fred W. Hargis Jr had a little misfortune with a small bowl he was turning. We never know just how deep some of the cracks can be in a blank- Fred asked our turners what they thought he should do at this point and he received lots of helpful advice. @Gerald teste his new laser on his hollowing rig! What a fantastic turning rig. Gerald said it is from Tim Yoder. He tells us more about this tool and some modifications in his post- Gerald was kind enough to give us information concerning some of the vendors at S.W.A.T. in a response to last week's "Wednesday's..." Our turners have also posted some of their work in other forums here on the Patriot- In the "What's On Your Weekend Agenda" section, @forty_caliber showed us a little problem he had with his lathe- Powermatic sent him a replacement for the handle. Forty also posted some turning he is doing, here- In our "Good Monday Morning" section, Forty posted a lid he is turning for the bowl pictured above- And, in our newly christened "Hump Day" section, @Fred W. Hargis Jr gives us a quick update on some handle turning- @forty_caliber made a design change in the lid for his bowl- @Gerald is setting up for a club meeting- What’s Coming Up- As a reminder, a couple of AAW associated on-line events coming up. Click on the images for links to registration. For The Newbies- New lathes usually come with a faceplate. That one may, or may not, be ideal for your needs. Alan Stratton shows us how to make several faceplates and why you might want several different types- Lacquer can make a nice finish on a turning. Here is Sam Angelo discussing use, application and thoughts on a lacquer finish- Expand Your Horizons- Carl Jacobson takes his beading and burning techniques to the next level! Has this happened to you? Someone asks you to make a turning but you discover that your lathe isn't long enough to make the piece. Here, Ernie Conover gives us techniques to overcome the problem- sorry, it's not buying a bigger lathe And, just for the heck of it, watch Tim Yoder turn a gigundous platter- New Turning Items- The folks from Woodturners Wonders have a new smaller 4-in-1 CBM wheel. This one is 6" in diameter- Check it out at- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/6-inch-wheels/products/6-4-in-1 Everything Else- Rick Turns' list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Time to replenish my stock of rolling pins. The most time consuming part of them is making the walnut and cherry inserts- which does not require any turning. I had a cherry board in the shop but needed to drag up a few walnut boards from the wood storage shed. Each insert strip needs to be 10.5" long x 2" wide and .125' thick. I got started by ripping all the boards to the 2" width and 22" long. The thicknesses varied from about 1" to 1.25"- Next, surface plane to one good side- Then I need to re-saw the pieces into thinner slices. My old Taiwanese bandsaw doesn't do well with a rip fence so I scribe a line to follow. Just a tad under 3/16" Using a re-saw post and slice off a strip- After all the boards have the thin strip removed, it's back to the planer to smooth away the saw marks for the next strip. Wash, Rinse and Repeat until all of the boards have been converted into thin strips The strips have one smooth side- from the planer, and one rough side from the re-saw operation. They are all about 3/16" thick but have slight variations. To bring them to the final thickness and remove the saw marks, out comes the shop made drum sander. The drum sander was built just for this purpose. I used to use the oscillating spindle sander and a fence but I couldn't get consistent thicknesses along the length of the inserts. Notice there is no belt feed! Also, about the maximum I can remove with one pass is .01". This is gonna take a while!!! 3 passes thru and still need about 3 or 4 more to get to .125" Safe turning and stay well
  2. Friday is Christmas, guess I'd better start thinking about doing some shopping. Hope everyone here at the Patriot Woodworker has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year! Our Patriot Turners- Speaking of Christmas presents, @Masonsailor completed another turning to add to his list of items. Paul provides some process shot of this piece in his post- @Steve Krumanaker tried out a new design for his bird house ornaments. It's really quite spectacular- Steve tells us where he "appropriated" this idea- Steve wasn't just working on ornaments this week. He scored a fantastic maple slab and started a large bowl Steve's post shows us more images! @Ron Altier also finished up some hybrid ornaments. For someone who doesn't like working with acrylics, Ron really does a fantastic work! Please see the wonderful comments our turners left in Ron's post- It was extremely cold in @HandyDan's workshop! The wood ornaments he made turned into icicles! But, they sure do look nice on his Christmas tree @John Hechel had some time this week to get to his lathe. He turned some really awesome salt and pepper grinders. He used some of the Chromaply that Ron uses on some of his ornaments Head on over to his post and see what his wife thought of these beauties- Last week, @AndrewB showed us some of the tree wood he scored. He made one of the pieces into a nice looking bowl- Andrew's post tells us a little more and fills us in on just where this turning stands- Andrew is also looking for a new lathe. He goes into some detail in this post- @Bob Hodge posted a question on negative rake scrapers. He received lots of feedback from our turners. Please see his post and add any information that might help him. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to Brad's YouTube channel For The Newbies- This title is a little misleading but the video has some great tips on lathe maintenance- Nice turning project- Expand Your Horizons- @Steve Krumanaker makes some really interesting display stands for his ornaments. Here Mike Peace shows us what he does- Last week, Lyle Jamieson started a hollow form from a piece of crotch wood. This is part 2- Ashley Harwood shows us that not every idea comes out the way we want it. Her ladle is one example- More and more turners are relying on YouTube to showcase their work. While this isn't the definitive work on the subject, it might give you some ideas if you are thinking about how this could be done. This is the second part of a two part video. Also the author is working with only one video editing platform. There are many platforms available. New Turning Items- It's a little too late to be writing Santa for new stuff this Christmas, sorry! Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube video list from last week- I've been messing around trying to improve the dust collection at my lathe. It wouldn't take much to be an improvement. My first attempt failed to consider the need the dust collection point both laterally along the lathe and hw close the port needs to be to the turning for efficient pickup. Went back to the drawing board and redesigned- The position of the dust port can be moved back to collect from the maximum diameter the lathe can turn. I am considering changing the clamping devices I used- These hold well but take a bit of time to loosen/move/tighten. I'm thinking of replacing them with the toggle lever clamps- Might also replace interface adapter between the white PVC elbow and the top of the platform. The one I used was a modified 4" hose splice adapter. Could be shortened a little. Safe turning and stay well
  3. Received my prize burning kit today. Thanks TPW and Easy Wood Tools. Larry
  4. Hope this Wednesday finds all of you healthy and safe. I've added a few more videos this week just in case you are locked in the house/shop. If you watch and enjoy any video directly on YouTube, please give the author a "thumbs up" and leave a comment letting them know you appreciate their hard work. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier created another beautiful ornament. Ron has a magical talent for design and color! Along with the picture, Ron asked our opinion on making it into a tree topper. Check out his post on the star and see if you can give him some ideas- Ron also posted an inquiry concerning negative rake carbide cutters and acrylic blanks. Check out the post. If you can provide some insight on his questions, please let him know. Ron is this weeks big winner in the number of posts department! Using input from his negative rake cutters question, he showed us the gorgeous acrylic egg he turned. In his post, Ron tells us a little about his experiences. Ron gave us a heads up on a cool video for an open segmented turning. The video author sure has a light touch and sharp tools! And another video where the author turns an unusual object. I found this especially interesting in light of a question asked by member @FrederickH concerning the use files as turning tools. Check out the parting tool at about 6:32 @Masonsailor continues his work on the lazy susan tulips. He showed us the trimmed out "home" for it! Check out more images here- @Artie brought up a couple of observations on safety. He noticed the latest issue of Woodcraft Magazine pictured a turner working without a face shield and was wearing long sleeves. We had a great discussion as our turners provided their thoughts. How do you feel about it? Self Isolation- For The Newbies- A video from Lyle Jamieson on tool rest position and rough turning between centers- Easy Wood Tools has started posting very short videos demonstrating their products. You can check out all of the videos from links at this YouTube Video- Expand Your Horizons- The Woodworker's Journal has a nicely illustrated article from Ernie Conover on accessories for hollowing tall forms. The complete article is here- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/accessories-for-excavating-tall-hollow-forms/ @Ron Altier's experience with acrylics led me to this rather lengthy video. If you are considering getting into casting your own acrylic/resin blanks, there is a lot of good information. New Turning Items- Sam Angelo- The WyomingWoodturner- demonstrates the new Carter and Son Thread Chaser. If you are into pen making, Woodpeckers has some new kits- Check their website for more information- https://cdn.woodpeck.com/triton-rollerball-and-fountain-pen-kits.html?_bta_tid=32476282785476398023750574440026478214355615690754598719186774204374129149320745779994015069695242775658 The folks at Woodturners Wonders also a sale of until the end of March on many of their products- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/specials Everything Else- @Artie's post on safety gear was very timely. I had an old piece of locust that might have made a nice shallow bowl. I was getting a lot of tearout so I decided to experiment with different speeds and different negative rake cutters. I found that, for the outside of the bowl, the Ci2-NR2 (2" radius, rougher, negative rake) is awesome at high speeds. Unfortunately the blank had a defect that I didn't see. I still haven't found all of the pieces! Safe turning and stay well
  5. I want to share a project and finishing technique the CBs (Construction Battalion) use to build commemorative plaques for the troops departing their command here at Camp Lemonnier, Africa. They have a template of the African continent and use a scroll saw to cut the outline. All we get out here is pine so they try to dress it up by touching it with a propane torch. It adds a nice rustic touch. But the lettering!? This is the first time I was introduced to LiquiTex. Here's the snapshot: Print whatever you want on a piece of paper as a mirror image and cut away as much of the paper as you can. Coat the location on the wood where the lettering will go with the LiquiTex. Place the paper ink side down. Use a roller to get all the bubbles out. Let it dry (overnight) then use water and light pressure to wash away the paper. The option remains to finish it with varnish or shellac. This also works with full color pictures and pretty much whatever else you can print. The higher the quality of the printer, the better the results. It's not uncommon to bed a coin into the plaque as well, especially at the "Horn". Cheers, Matt
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