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  1. Came home from work Thursday and found a wonderful box full of goodies for making Shaker Oval Boxes. I ordered this starter set to learn how to make the boxes, from John Wilson box maker. It includes everything to get started from the water pan to bend the bands, to the forms to make box sizes from #0 through #4 and the copper tacks, the finger templates and a few more items to get started. I have Mr. Wilson's books that I purchased previously and enjoyed them so much, and I completely enjoy the man as well, I decided to go one further and acquire the set to get started. Home | Shaker Oval Box WWW.SHAKEROVALBOX.COM My goal is to learn these sizes, then as I progress I'll make my own forms and finger patterns for the larger size boxes. Any competent woodworker can create this kit on their own, but the reality is, I do like supporting a craftsman when I can, when funds permit it, and since I have came to know John Wilson through his books and videos, I like the idea of giving him my business anyway I can. Thanks Mr. Wilson! I'll build oval boxes along with my chairs and stools and other Shaker crafts and other items as well, and someday I'll get good enough to hopefully supplement our retirement when the time comes. I'll keep ya'll abreast of my box making progress.
  2. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Mr and Mrs @Smallpatch collaborated on this beautiful fireplace screen, what a wonderful family heirloom this will be, to be treasured for many years by all. Featured image @RustyFN created a beautiful winged box (vessel) with lid, see more at the topic Winged Box. Featured video This video features Harley Refsal, a woodcarver, teaching at the John C. Campbell Folk School. The school, founded in 1925, teaches traditional crafts and celebrates the heritage of the Appalachian region. Harley shares their expertise in Scandinavian flat-plane carving, demonstrating the techniques and discussing the history and symbolism behind the art form.
  3. I won the chapter challenge last year at our club with the lamp I made. That means I had to pick what everyone has to make for this years chapter challenge. I want to pick something that the newer turners could turn and the experienced turners could take to the next level. I chose a winged box. This is mine so far. Still have a ways to go.
  4. Our Summer fund raiser is still happening! Remember, this is to provide funds for the site operation and unexpected expenses. Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB posted a couple of new items he is working on, check out his posts! And- We had a post on our "What's Off Your Lathe And Finished" by @kreisdorph. That Black walnut sure is lovely! What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda posted the video of her live tool talk event from last week. Always some great tips! Cindy and Todd Raines will be hosting a Woodturning Sharing event on August 2, 2024 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=22337b94-ff08-4811-a511-019074232f14&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=EQRA4 https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=48fd6950-9604-44ed-b3d9-0190c7ad94e2&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=AQRA4 https://mawts.com/ For The Newbies- @AndrewB posted about learning to turn bowls. Member @Gerald was kind enough to locate a video from Stuart Batty on the subject. Reposting Gerald's link here- Also, here's a video from Kent Weakley on the correct use of the bowl gouge- Some great tips from Tim Yoder! Check out the one on turning speed. Expand Your Horizons- Do you do craft shows or just looking for some new ideas for turnings? Mike Peace has two neat turned "animals" that might interest you. New Turning Items- A couple of weeks ago, we posted a video from Todd Raines demonstrating the Robust "Tru-Arc" tool. Sam Angelo gives us his impression of the tool in this video- Everything Else- I did an Easy Wood Tools demonstration for The Catoctin Area Turners' club last Thursday in Leesburg, VA. I thought @Gerald would be interested in their Beads of Courage boxes shown during the show and tell portion of their meeting Well the rolling pin blanks are finally finished- yesterday! The demo/workshop is this Saturday. 24 blanks here and 2 more at the workshop location. I make my blanks 22" long and 2 x 2" square. The lathes available for the workshop max out at 15" and 17" so angles had to be adjusted for a pleasing look when turned. Also some of the supplied blanks were smaller that 2 x 2 all that required different cutting angles. Some blanks were larger (almost 3 x 3) and my jig for cutting the angles wouldn't let the saw blade reach a high enough point to cut the proper insert slots. Had to design another jig for those blanks. Now on to Mimi's honey-do list that has been expanding exponentially! Safe turning
  5. First time, for me, seeing this. Pretty cool.
  6. I learned how to make simple storage boxes from a Youtube video. I liked the simple design but i felt it was lacking so I added a handle or two, knob for opening the lid and a way to support the lid in the open position. I feared the weight of the lid in the open position (180° from closed position) might pull the hinge screws out over time so I wanted some kind of stop just past the 90° angle. On the first box I used a chain as a stop but it was difficult to locate the right positions for the chain attachments, determine the right length of the chain and keep the chain out of the way when I closed the box. My final solution was to open the lid to the desired position, place a small block of wood under the edge of the lid and screw it in place. Not necessarily pretty but for utilitarian use I'll take function over form every time.
  7. Jewelry Box Model with Compound Curves - I like to make "concept" models with Sketchup. This is my latest, Jewelry Box, a rather complex project that required some "workarounds" to get the most out of the program. What do you think? Is it okay to post these models that are not real world objects? Please forgive me if this is a duplicate posting. I thought I had posted here, but can't find it on the site. Dan
  8. We have a group of friends that has been meeting for quite a few years on Tuesday. We call the group Turning Tuesday. One of the older friends is more of a chip carver than a turner. He likes the boxes I have been making lately and asked me if I could make one out of basswood so he can chip carve it. The lid is Purple Heart because that is what he wanted. Here is the box, 8” tall and 5” in diameter. I can’t wait to see what he carves on it.
  9. I had posted this earlier in what's on your lathe, it's the first lidded box I've tried. As I mentioned this piece of wood is what Tim Yoder might call "durnifIknow" and it was a tough piece to work with, very dry and hard...had quite a few cracks as well. You can see some of the splits around the cracks in the lid and the foot.Overall, the learning from doing this was priceless. I worked some more on the bottom and never got it the way I wanted but I'm pretty happy about the way the rest of it went. I realize this isn't one of those top caliper turnings you guys do, but someday (maybe) I'll get there.
  10. There's a guy on a FB forum who has made the ubiquitous planter boxes from cedar pickets. He says, "Customer wants them painted/stained black, and sealed with a polyurethane." (Some of us) are trying to convince him that poly for an exterior finish and worse over paint, is a really bad idea.
  11. Think I posted the beginning of this in a Monday or Friday post. Wife wanted something special for grandson’s graduation. She found a box and wanted to put a 1k bill in it . Don’t make those anymore. So how about 1k in gold , too much hassle. Do she buys a 1k watch and I make a box and get engraved. Box is Bubinga.
  12. RustyFN

    New box

    This one I 5.5” in diameter and 4” tall. This is from some of the kiln dried maple I got. I bought some new flock and used blue on this one.
  13. Anyone tried the quarter/quarter/quarter method for boxes, drawers etc.?
  14. My wife got this idea for grandsons graduation to give him 1K in a box. The cash part has changed but the box is a go with engraved $1000 bill on top of lid and Bible verse on inner side. Well the box is done and lid goes to engraving Friday . Holding on finishing till that gets done.
  15. Vacillated on this or the Turning forum and this one won. I had a box with lid on the headstock of my lathe and every time I needed something inside it have to lift the top and probably drop something. So decided a drawer would work better. Used mostly scraps I had in the shop. Box was the easy part with an apron in front and the side toward the tailstock to act as slide guards. Used sliding dovetails for mounting drawer sides to face. Just happened that this piece of ply was a perfect fit for the bottom . Just had to cut it to length. Cut slots in sides for the back to fit and then glue it up. Had some Watco danish oil cherry from an estate to give the ply some color (not in pic) . Watco danish oil natural for the walnut front. Applied two blocks to underside on left and back to make a tighter fit to head stock. Waxed drawer sides and bottom. That little rim around the top makes a good retainer of round objects.
  16. I’m still waiting for the laminated door verticals to cure so I thought I would make a box for my daughter. It’s an easy build using one pattern and the shaper origin. I used 1/2” SOSS barrel hinges for the lid. Paul
  17. Our turning club has two TVs and sound system . We added two new microphones, a mixer and a PA speaker this month. The old DeWalt drill box is not large enough to handle all this so I set out to make a box which I fear is a bit oversize . However there will be padding added. measures about 18 l x 7.5 h x 12.5 deep. Did not want it to be too heave so planed the oak sides down to 3/8. As usual forgot pictures till done so staged on on the jig. This is what will go into the box plus the sound mixer. Router setup for finger joints. Had to change the clamps for 3/8 wood and didn't quite get it tight for first one and had to make a new end board That take care of and tight clamps left no problem. Laid out to check dado for continuity . The hard part here for me is to remember the order So I mark the corners to match. Test fit for sides. Now to make the top and bottom and hope I remember to take pics.
  18. I'm reading a Fine Woodworking book on "Boxes, Carcases, and Drawers." It's just a collection of articles from the early days of FWW. One of them is by Tage Frid, one of the major authors of the day. He writes, "Furniture construction is broken into two main categories: frame and carcase. In frame construction, relatively narrow boards are joined -- usually with a mortise and tenon joint -- as in a chair or table base, or a frame and panel door. In carcase construction boards are joined end to end using dovetails, tongue and groove joints and the like, as in a drawer or hutch." Seems simple enough, huh?
  19. I made Shaker berry boxes for a few Christmas presents this year. Four of the boxes have cherry sides and maple handles & bottoms. The fifth box is made from all poplar. The sides and handle are 1/8” thick and the bottoms are ¼” thick. The construction is 1/8” x 1/8” box joint. The finish is two coats shellac. Danl
  20. Begins with the sides... Rather, a Back and 2 sides...trying to get the grain to wrap around... Drawer fronts needed a blank or 2 to chose from.. The rest of these 2 will be for the front of the top tray...have some 1/4" stuff for the drawer sides and backs.. That pile underneath will be parts for the lid.. Maybe a raised panel? With a collar? Should be enough "parts"? Skinny stick for the front of the upper drawer runner? Still working out a panel for the bottom of the box...we'll see... Stay tuned..
  21. I made a box for a friends birthday. First time I mixed wood with acrylic. It was questionable with me but my wife loved it and said our friend would also. My son is visiting from Texas. I got some shop time with him and got him on the lathe for the first time. He wanted to make a pen so I helped him with that.
  22. Our Patriot Turners- @nevinc posted images of his walnut bowls and a question about warping. His beautiful walnut bowls changed shape after they set for a bit. Check out his post and see if you can provide more information or suggestions- @Gerald had a craft show this past weekend but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. This is one of his "Friendship Bowls" he had for sale- Head on over to his post to see more of the bowls along with other items he had for sale- "What's On You Lathe" continues to highlight our turners' work! Some of what was posted- You can catchup here- We had some interesting comments on last week's "Wednesday's" about chuck removal. I appreciate the input- What’s Coming Up- 2023 Mid Atlantic Woodturners Association Symposium. Click on the image for registration For The Newbies- Turners are often asked to duplicate another piece. This video from Sam Angelo demonstrates one technique. What I found particularly interesting was the story stick he made with the pencil point notches- Expand Your Horizons- Watch Mike Waldt turn a Spalted Beech Lidded Box This video, from Turn A Wood Bowl, gives a a little insight to the question asked by @nevinc concerning warping- It is less expensive to buy unhandled lathe tools and then turn your own custom handle. Alan Stratton explores the possibilities- New Turning Items- Ron Brown has a new parting tool kit. Check it out here- https://www.longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&search=PARTING TOOL K&product_id=475 Everything Else- Tim Yoder got a new "toy"- Safe turning
  23. With the club's long time charity deciding they don't want wooden toys any more, we needed to find a new place. One current place is the local children's hospital taking 30 small boxes a month for the patients to decorate while there and take home. So I started making some. The first batch (6 of them) was mitered corners with a sliding lid, used keys on the corners. Second batch (5) finger-jointed and solid top rabbeted. Looking for something a little more efficient in production. Third was a prototype with an inset lid held with a brass rod as pivot hinge. Ok, but finicky. Forth was today. Mitered corners and inset plywood top and bottom panel. Biscuits to reinforce the miter joints. I did another groove on the inside near the top. Then once the box was assembled and glue dried, did another pass with the 1/4" bit on the router table. This made a double rabbet to hold the lid in place. Saves having to do an inner layer insert. I'll do a run of these when I get some more lumber and plywood. I talked to a local furniture shop last week and they told me the set out their scraps on Monday afternoon for the trash man. I was there and picked some of their cutoffs from the scrap bin;. Most of it was 1/2" poplar, probably drawer sides. A bit of maple and some cherry. In another adventure, I got a bunch of leftovers from red oak flooring (one time find) . Well, started today to rip off the tongue and groove edges so I could do glue-up. Then I thought, hey, the ends are going to be hidden by miter joints, just use them to align the glue up and rip off only the top and bottom edges. Lesson learned. It appears that the groove side is slightly wider on the top than on the bottom. I'm thinking that's so the top joint is tight and the bottom does not matter so much. I got a lot of "cup" in the top that I needed to get out with cauls and now I looks like there's a gap on the bottom of that joint. Well, nice try. Wait for the glue to dry and rip them apart. On the other ones, I will try just trimming off a bit on the groove side to align it up.
  24. Version 1.0.0


    This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use.
  25. View File Workbench Magazine May-June 1968 Custom Made Tool Chest This is a scanned document of the now defunct Workbench Magazine of this era. Permission was granted by the new Workbench Publication for The Patriot Woodworker community to copy and use the old Workbench Magazine at our pleasure, and for free distribution and re-use. Submitter John Morris Submitted 04/08/2023 Category Shop Furniture  
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