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  1. A friend of mine called me and said a co-worker had a maple tree cut down and gave me the address. I went to check it out and everything was cut 8” to 10” thick. Too small for what I like to turn. My mentor gave me the idea to cut a bunch of small blanks for my Woodcraft classes. I thought that was a great idea. I brought home 4 pieces around 2’ in diameter. I got 25 6” blanks and 17 7” blanks all around 3” thick.
  2. Our Patriot Turners- @nevinc posted images of his walnut bowls and a question about warping. His beautiful walnut bowls changed shape after they set for a bit. Check out his post and see if you can provide more information or suggestions- @Gerald had a craft show this past weekend but unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate. This is one of his "Friendship Bowls" he had for sale- Head on over to his post to see more of the bowls along with other items he had for sale- "What's On You Lathe" continues to highlight our turners' work! Some of what was posted- You can catchup here- We had some interesting comments on last week's "Wednesday's" about chuck removal. I appreciate the input- What’s Coming Up- 2023 Mid Atlantic Woodturners Association Symposium. Click on the image for registration For The Newbies- Turners are often asked to duplicate another piece. This video from Sam Angelo demonstrates one technique. What I found particularly interesting was the story stick he made with the pencil point notches- Expand Your Horizons- Watch Mike Waldt turn a Spalted Beech Lidded Box This video, from Turn A Wood Bowl, gives a a little insight to the question asked by @nevinc concerning warping- It is less expensive to buy unhandled lathe tools and then turn your own custom handle. Alan Stratton explores the possibilities- New Turning Items- Ron Brown has a new parting tool kit. Check it out here- https://www.longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&search=PARTING TOOL K&product_id=475 Everything Else- Tim Yoder got a new "toy"- Safe turning
  3. RustyFN


    I went to play disc golf with my friend. We found a cherry tree that looked like it was just taken down. After we were done we went to my house and got my chain saw. The rest is history.
  4. Starting into another month already. This is April and taxes are due in a little over a week. Hope our turners post their new tools purchased with those gigantic refunds! Our Patriot Turners- @Reese Aukee showed us some more of those cute little hedgehogs she turns. Reese received lots of positive comments and some questions about her turnings. Check out her post- @Gerald posted a comment in our sub-forum for Ring Master Turning. We have an ongoing thread in our woodturners forum discussing how we decide what to make from a chunk of wood. @Gerald suggested this topic and we have had several entries. Please take some time to see the thought processes (or lack thereof ) when trying to decide what to make. We look forward to seeing your turnings and how they came to be. If you are into turning miniatures, @kmealy showed us a neat portable lathe. He received lots of comments! ¹ What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- Cindy Drozda has been offering both paid and free online presentations. If you would like to receive notifications of her events, check out this link- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- A hodgepodge of videos to help us be more knowledgeable as beginning turners- Have some wood from a downed tree? Ashley Harwood has a few tips on helping prevent logs from cracking- Of course you need to first get that tree cut into manageable chunks. Here Lyle Jamieson and Sam Angelo have some tips on using the chainsaw- In combination with a chainsaw, the bandsaw can be used to create turning blanks. Robo Hippy's informative video gives us lots of pointers- Expand Your Horizons- Once you get that tree log into a manageable blank, you can create a beautiful natural edge bowl. Lyle Jamieson shows us how. If a natural edge bowl doesn't thrill you, here, Kent Weakley shows us how to turn a "magnetic" paper clip bowl! With Easter coming up fast, a cool turning from Alan Stratton on turning the perfect egg- What is a Kuksa? And How to Turn One? Mike Peace does some turning, carving and shaping! Basket weave illusion bowls are quite popular. Carl Jacobson turned something a little more shapely using the basket weave process. New Turning Items- For the pen turners, Craft Supplies USA has a new pen kit- Hobble Creek Craftsman King's Camo Bolt Action Pen Blank Click on the image for the link to more information Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning ¹ Only available on April 1st.
  5. Sorry, not much to report this week. Please don't forget, we are into our site fundraising raffle. We started off like gangbusters but we still have about halfway to go! If you haven't already purchased your tickets, please consider checking out the fantastic prizes! All the proceeds from this fundraiser go to the operating costs of this site. Here's more: Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker came up with a neat idea for converting a patio table umbrella stand into a bird feeder Check out Steve's post for more details- What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to Cindy's sign up page. For The Newbies- Part 2 of selecting and using a bowl gouge, by Jim Rodgers- An informative video on cutting bowl blanks on the bandsaw. Gets a little repetitive but some good tips. Check out the informative links below the video (on the YouTube channel) for some other good tips. @RustyFN has been turning segmented bowls. Found this video series from Jim Rodgers describing the steps. This is Part #1 and the other parts are linked on Mr. Rodger's YouTube channel. Craft Supplies USA posted another video in their series "Woodturning 101". This one takes us through the steps of turning a platter. Expand Your Horizons- More from Alan Stratton on those Celtic knots. In this video he shows how to add the knot to a turning. I'm gonna have to try this! Mike Peace shows us how to make a great gift for that special person who knits or crochets. New Turning Items- There's still a few days left to pick up a free light from Woodturners Wonders- Click on the above image for the link to Woodturners Wonders. Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube woodturning videos for the past two weeks- Safe turning and stay well
  6. Gerald

    Six methods

    Drying Turned Wood by Gerald Lawrence I will cover the method I use as well as some other methods which have been up and down in popularity in the woodturning world to dry a blank in a method of turning called Twice Turned. First what is Twice Turned (TT) . TT is when you rough turn a bowl (usually only green wood) down to a wall thickness equaling one-tenth of the diameter of the bowl, the turn again when it reaches moisture equalization (MEQ) to final finish. 1. Bag & Chips OK that does sound like fast food but that is what I will call this method which is the one I use mostly. After rough turn I weight the bowl and place in paper (note plastic will not let moisture escape and cause mold) bag with shavings from the turning. This bag may get wet and for the first 1-2 weeks open it up daily to let out some moisture and possibly even change bags. I at one time weighed each time I went to the shop but now have that down to twice a week. After about two weeks or less when drying slows the chips can be dumped and keep in bag only. Continue weights and when the weight loss drops to average about 4 to 7 Gm a day take out of the bag and place on shelf. Store top down will slow the water loss some. When you reach MEQ or 1 Gm or less change you can stop weights and store till ready to do the second turn. 2. Alcohol Bath is based on the principle that alcohol attracts water . This means that the alcohol absorbs water from the blank . This alcohol will continue to absorb water to a certain point at which it becomes saturated and must be dumped. The alcohol used is 95% Denatured Alcohol (DNA). Use plastic buckets or barrel to place bowls in with it completely submerged in DNA. May need a weight to accomplish this. Leave in DNA for from 2 to 24 hours (studies disagree on the time so experiment) . Remove bowl and allow excess to dry . Wrap the outside only of bowl and rim with paper. Store on stickers to allow air flow. May be returned in as little as two weeks. 3. Seal and Store is a method used by many pro turners since time is of essence. Rough turn the bowl and seal endgrain inside and out with Anchor Seal and store the bowl. You can either wait a long period (six months or more) or use moisture meter to check for MEQ. 4. Microwave you would place bowl in microwave at high for about 20-30 seconds and weight after each cycle. Wood must be allowed to cool after each cycle for a period of at least 30 minutes.. This may take 6 to 8 cycles to get to MEQ but do not rush it or you can have burned bowl to contend with. The sie of bowl and type of wood also affect the use of this method. 5. Desiccant Drying is a fairly new method . This one uses desiccant crystals which can be bought in bulk on Amazon and other places . Right now 5 pounds runs around $30. Just place the bowl in a zip lock bag with enough desiccant to cover it. This can completely dry a bowl in as little as 24 hours. Some of these beads will change color as they absorb more water. Check weight or use meter to determine dryness. And repeat if needed. A good thing about this method versus alcohol is that these crystals can be recharged by drying them in the oven. 6. Kiln Drying is a method you can use for fast results. There are many videos and instructions on the internet as to how to make these. Most use a old refrigerator or even a dishwasher, two holes at least will need to be cut in it, a top and bottom to circulate air. Muffin fans can be used to circulate air and a light bulb to generate heat, Timers and thermostats can also be used to enhance the effect. These are mostly a short story on drying bowls and there are exceptions to every method and this is only to give a close overview of what to expect in use but not a guarantee of results. Different types of woods dry at different rates and some will dry catastrophically with a push method. Overall don't be afraid to try passive methods and experiment.
  7. First off I did order myself a pen making kit from rockler.com website. I also had placed an order for a set of cole jaws from Amazon website. and I ordered a bit of wood from Cook Woods out of Kalamath Oregon. Going to give them a try for bowl blanks their pricing is reasonable and ships rather fast if you're on the west coast. The coal jaws I havent quite got figured out as of yet, but once I get them set up I'm sure I'll be good to go. As for cook wooks I'm not sure of them as of yet but they may be receiving more orders. Not sure what the heck is up with UPS lately but I had a tool stolen out of a package I had ordered for a sander and yea wasn't thrilled with that but I got a refund for the trouble. The pen kit should be fun to try out I did order that off the rockler page. decent price as well get quite a few things with it including an MT2 turning jig for your lathe. So not too bad plus all the right drill bits youll need. So that should be fun and interesting to get into. Not to sure what everybody else's thoughts are on pen turning but I would like to give it a go. Also I'm not quite sure what to make of the odd angled cut maple blanks. Either way shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you guys have any suggestions for pen turning I'm all ears. (it wasn't a cheap kit)
  8. We are still about $400 short of our fundraising goal for this year- only 30 days left! Some great prizes available. Don't miss your chance to score big and be part of making Veteran's lives a little better. Our Patriot Turners- @Ron Altier is our resident ornament designer. Ron experiments with a wide range of finishes. His current favorite is a U/V finish. Ron shows us just how versatile this finish can be- See this post for Ron's explanation- Ron goes on to show us some of the unique effects this finnish can produce- Here's his post and his comments- @Gerald finally obtained a special turning blank he had been looking for. He is creating a large platter from this beautiful wood- In his post, Gerald explains his technique for turning and drying his project- @AndrewB told us he is going to purchase a bowl blank from Rockler. For his current situation, it is easier for him than trying to locate FOG wood. We had quite a discussion about blanks and finishes. @Ron Altier jumped in with some comments about how the blanks are sealed and how we should prepare the blanks for turning. Andrew also gave us a quick view of a new hollowing tool he received. Here's his first reactions- What’s Coming Up- Last week we mentioned that Easy Wood Tools ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools) and Carl Jacobson were teaming up to present a virtual Makers Fair. I had the chance to see most of the presentations and they were quite enjoyable and informative. These presentations were via YouTube. I can't find the entire presentation in one location but here are the links to the individual presentations- https://youtu.be/Gh6dZTt1mFI Carl Jacobson https://youtu.be/E0uF38pr8cI Jim Overton https://youtu.be/W1N4BbieIbY Jamie Page https://youtu.be/1uj4AX_jXw4 Annie Briggs https://youtu.be/hxnqHYD3_aU Zac Higgins https://youtu.be/h-KwHBcm_2s Darryl Jones https://youtu.be/f3oIhdzHwFM Scott Grove https://youtu.be/31iUD-0zOow Carl Jacobson Most were approximately 1 hour long and viewers could submit questions and comments. It seemed like the overall event was well received and if another one is planned, I know I'll be watching. For The Newbies- Mike Peace posted a new video to help new lathe owners pick out a chuck that will work for them- Expand Your Horizons- We have the lathe and we have the wood, so why buy something we can make- http:// https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/discover/woodworking/2020/june/turning-new-handles-for-old-tools?utm_source=Newsletter---Woodworking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=200629-Wood-How-to-Turn-New-Handles-for-Old-Tools New Turning Items- Everyone needs at least one new woodturning shirt! Ruth Niles is having a sale on all her instock shirts- T's and denims https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product-category/shirts/?v=7516fd43adaa Everything Else- Rick Turns' list of videos from last week- As for me, I finally put the finish on the little bowl I was making. Watco Danish Oil- The bowl was made from black locust and was about 7" x 2" The leftover chunk of locust was too big to throw out, so, it became a platter- Finished with the same Watco oil. About 7" x a little over 1" Safe turning and stay well
  9. I posted some picture a couple weeks ago of some walnut I'd scored. I spent the last few days working it into some bowl blanks. Basically I made a big mess in the back yard. I've still got three more little crotch pieces to cut into blanks but almost done. Did these this morning, some of them are near 20" diameter and may end up as platters, still haven't convinced myself a 20" bowl is a good idea. So far I've gotten just over 20 blanks, almost all of them crotch areas and I can tell there is going to be some really nice grain in them. Got my work cut out for me over the next few weeks though. It will give me a chance to practice with my coring system. I've still got two more huge sections of walnut to get home. They are big enough, I'll have to work them down before I can even load them in my truck. Figure there is another 20 blanks or so still to be had. Steve
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