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Found 14 results

  1. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. Please don't forget that we have started our annual Christmas project to help a veteran and their family- Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN posted an inquiry about a lathe stand for handicapped turners. If you have any plans, or know where plans can be obtained, please let Rusty know- @Gordon asked our members a question concerning bowl finishes appropriate for specific uses. He received some input from our members. Hop over to Gordon's post and let him know what your favorite bowl finishes are! @DAB turned some cute little ornaments. He posted it here- @Fred W. Hargis Jr had turned a Christmas tree finial. This is where he used it- Pretty cool project. Fred explains more, here- Fred's project prompted @JimM to show us his version. Notice the "finial" on his tree- Jim's post is just a few entries down from Fred's. What’s Coming Up- Signup at- https://community.woodturner.org/events/event-description?CalendarEventKey=421c6cad-b842-4f3e-8278-01934ad538d5&Home=%2fevents%2fird-demonstrations&_zs=ceDib&_zl=eLHJ4 For The Newbies- Just starting out and looing for a simple but useful project? How about a Garden Dibbler (Dibble). Watch how Mike Waldt creates his- Expand Your Horizons- A cool project from Glenn Lucas that will test your sphere turning skills! Carl Jacobson does a live demo on turning a lidded box using the bronze threaded inserts. If you are planning to do something like this, there are some good tips- Some more Christmas ornament ideas from Alan Stratton- @Steve Krumanaker does a lot of "Bee Specific" turned items. I saw this in a news letter from Niles Bottle Stoppers and thought I'd share it- Steve also turns birdhouse ornaments. For his work, he also turns the little birds that live in them. This Craft Supplies USA video demonstrates turning birdhouses along with a source for tiny premade birds. Visit- https://woodturnerscatalog.com/collections/new-products/products/mini-mushroom-birds-4-pack?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=product_shelf for the birds. New Turning Items- Nothing new but I did notice there are lots of "Black Friday" sales running at most of the woodturning sources Everything Else- Safe turning
  2. Looks like things are picking up, now that the holidays are over. Let's get to this! Our Patriot Turners- @RustyFN is participating in his turning club's annual contest. He has posted a couple of images as he begins to create his entry. Rusty has more in his post at- @forty_caliber gave us a look at another one of his Hays County pecan bowls- Monty supplied some additional information about his drying process- There have been a couple of new entries on our "What's On Your Lathe" continuing thread. @calabrese55 added some process images of this - Also posted was a red oak platter- Check out all the comments starting at- @Gerald is making a design change on his little spinning tops. I really like the new design and the colors he uses. In his post, Gerald added a picture of his previous design for comparison- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for more information and registration- Todd Raines continues his presentation on the spindle gouge- If you missed Cindy Drozda's live tool talk last week, here's the YouTube video- Also from Cindy- For The Newbies- The skew chisel is a powerful tool, once you have mastered it. Richard Raffan shows us how that done- Mr. Raffan goes further, in this video, demonstrating using the skew to turn finials- There are several ways to chuck mount a bowl. Two of the more popular ways are the Mortise and Tenon. I typically use the mortise because it allows me to finish the bowl bottom with my preferred method. The mortise, however, is not without pitfalls as Kent Weakley points out- Jim Rodgers demonstrates how to make a bottle stopper. Unlike the metal stopper kits, Mr. Rodgers uses corks to seal the bottle. Also check out the home made mandrel at the end of the video- Tim Yoder offers up a short video on turning a curve Although a chuck is a really nice piece of equipment to own, especially when making small items. Lyle Jamieson shows us the chuck is not the only way to to accomplish it. Expand Your Horizons- If you are ready to move up to bowl turning, Craft Supplies USA has a nice video illustrating the process step by step. The bowl blank in this demonstration was partially dried commercially- Never too early to start those ornaments for next Christmas! Here Alan Stratton creates an 8 point, 3 axis item! @Steve Krumanaker turns items for artisans in his area. Recently he started making "drop spindles" for a craftsperson who works with wool. I thought this might be another thing Steve could use as a money maker From Woodworker's Journal, a Three Winged Jewelry box. The how-to article is at- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/project-three-winged-jewelry-box/ Check out what Tim Yoder does with a small 3 branch crotch piece- New Turning Items- A sale on Woodturners Wonders LED lights https://woodturnerswonders.com/ Everything Else- From Ron Brown's newsletter- You Are Called To Be A Mentor You have to know something about your subject. First-hand experience is helpful. If you can explain What, How, and Why so a 5th grader can understand it, you will be a good mentor. It only takes a very small portion of your time (15 minutes to 1 hour) here and there to show individuals or groups of folks what you are talking about. You might need to take an occasional phone call to clear up misunderstandings. In this day and age, you might need to answer a text message or send a YouTube link addressing the issue. Unless you are a paid demonstrator, you must accept that you most probably will receive nothing material in return from those you help so unselfishly. Some won’t even say thank you and some will argue that you are wrong. A few of the people you help will go on to accomplish even greater things than you did. Some of the students will indeed go on to become the teachers. You need to accept and appreciate that others gave of themselves to help you achieve the things you know. Even if you learned most of what you know by yourself (so-called self-taught), chances are that you watched YouTube videos, attended a trade show demonstration, or a club demonstration. Perhaps you were just a member of the crowd and not in a one-on-one situation. Someone took their time to show you something you didn’t know in a way that helped you be more successful. Sometimes folks will want to be paid for their advice. They are still exercising mentorship. I was very fortunate during my early turning career to encounter some very talented and generous mentors; Nick Cook was the very first and Don Russell gave of his time and energy unselfishly on numerous occasions. I hosted Chris Stott from England for a full week! That turned out to be a magnificent chapter in my turning career. Kirk Deheer of Craft Supplies in Utah gently guided me over a period of several years and I will be ever grateful for his wisdom. Mike Mahony offered guidance and freely answered my list of 20 questions over dinner many years ago. Others have given their time and energy and are wonderful examples of mentorship even when they didn’t realize it. Of course, it required me to put their advice into practice to make it my own, but, as they say, the way you get to Carnegie Hall is practice, practice, practice. A mentor simply guides someone willing to learn. It is really that simple and anyone can and should do it when given the opportunity. Safe turning
  3. Hard to believe that April is almost over! Our Patriot Turners- One of our long time forum members @Mark Wilson posted a couple of his projects. First is a beautiful natural edge walnut bowl Mark's post has some progress shots! Mark also posted some cool screwdriver handles! In his post there are several different designs- If you get a chance, check out Mark's profile- https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/profile/1926-mark-wilson/?tab=activity @Steve Krumanaker was busy in his shop! This gorgeous goblet is for his club's President Challenge. Steve explains more in his post- Steve also works with a local gift shop. He turns custom lids for one of their products. Check his post to see where these beauties are used. A while back, @jthornton told us he was working on a "dizzy bowl". He got a chance to post his progress- More images in the addition to his original post- @HandyDan continues to amaze us with his tiny turnings. This week he used some really old red wood. The growth rings are really amazing. Check his post for more images- "What's On Your Lathe" continues to receive lots of interest. Thanks to everyone for making this a popular thread! What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- For The Newbies- A lot from Richard Raffan this week. Here he shows how to mark center and laying out diameters on a wood lathe. Considering turning a bottle stopper? Nice video with step by step instructions. Expand Your Horizons- Last week we posted a video from Alan Stratton on making inside out turnings. One of his turnings had a flame shape. This video takes us through how that turning was done. Mike Waldt turns a beautiful cherry vase from a log- If you add carved embellishments to any of your turnings, a carving stand can be invaluable. They can be purchased or as Mike Peace shows us- they can be made from simple materials New Turning Items- Setup jigs for sharpening lathe tools, from Ron Brown- https://www.longworthchuck.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=30&product_id=427 Everything Else- Had a little time at the lathe this week. Finish turning a roughed out little elm bowl. Still experimenting with the Easy Wood Tools beading cutters @Jordan Martindale. Tried to make the bead, at the lip of the bowl, set centered on the rim. The outside and top of the bead was pretty straight forward. To turn the inside portion, I had to run the lathe in reverse to get the proper angle on the tool. My lathe sets against a wall so access for turning is only from the front. Came out OK for my first try. A smaller bead as a foot sorta carries the theme from top to bottom. Safe turning
  4. Today, I had the greatest pleasure by being able to deliver all of the Ward 57 Christmas gifts to the Forney family. We met with Travis, Michelle and their two youngest sons- Houston and Levi. Great folks! Even though the kids' gifts have been purchased, there is still time to get in on the awesome prizes in our raffle. Your donations will be forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Forney to help out with raising their 5 young boys. So, be generous, I know they will appreciate it beyond words. Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber posted a video from Robo Hippy describing a uniquely shaped gouge. Forty also purchased that tool and showed us a little on how well it worked- Forty also posted some images of his new sander/grinder setup. I really like that flexible shaft idea! @Bob Hodge posed a query about what type of spindle gouge would be good for turning finials. Several of our turners had suggestions and also shared some of their turnings from their favorite type of gouges @RustyFNTurned a couple of beautiful bowls- one from pecan and one from walnut What’s Coming Up- https://meetthewoodturner.com/ For The Newbies- It's getting closer to Christmas and if you are short a couple of gifts, Carl Jacobson has an idea for a cute little bottle stopper- Another gift idea comes from Mike Peace. This is a two part video and part 2 is linked from Mikes channel- Kent Weakley offers some tips on how to reduce the stress and strain on your body during turning- Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton uses mixed media to produce really fantastic Christmas ornaments. Last week, we posted a link to threaded inserts for screw-on lids. In this 2 part video Mike peace demonstrates how to cut your own threads directly into the wooden turning. Part 2 is linked from Mike's channel- Richard Raffan has a short video discussing various finishes for turnings. These aren't your ordinary clear coat finishes- New Turning Items- These LED lights are similar to the ones sold by Cindy Drozda. Pretty good price. Available from Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/lamps/products/eclipse-led-lathe-lamp On a personal note: if you have a soldering pencil, an old 5 volt USB charging brick and cable and a rare earth magnet- you can get these and build your own. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Found this on social media and thought it described how many woodturners/woodworkers felt about their work Safe turning
  5. My wife needs some bottle stoppers for work.
  6. It's been a slow week here for our turners. However, Easy Wood Tools is helping veterans get started and enjoy the satisfaction of woodturning and dealing with their PTSD. You can help this awesome cause by purchasing T-shirts. Head over to the Easy Wood Tools site and order yours while there is still time- https://www.easywoodtools.com/ Our Patriot Turners- Everyone was busy cleaning their shops What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to more information and registration. The mid Atlantic Woodturning Symposium- From Craft Supplies USA- For The Newbies- Scroll chucks are are excellent for holding turnings but they can leave jaw impression marks on your work. In this video, Richard Raffan demonstrates how to almost completely eliminate them- A great video from Jim Rodgers on why catches occur when using gouges- Alan Stratton comes up with yet another method for turning scoops. This is a one piece scoop- Speaking of scoops, here's an old video from Tim Yoder demonstrating how he does it- Expand Your Horizons- How thin do you turn your bowls?? Here, Kent Weakley demonstrate techniques for turning really this bowls- Sometimes the turning we had in our mind isn't quite what comes off the lathe. Here, Tim Yoder makes design modifications on the fly. The results are pretty neat! If you have one of Ruth Niles' Joyner Off Center Jigs You know it can be a little frustrating imagining exactly what the final pattern will look like. In this video, from the AAW, Dawn Petrie-George shows how to create a template to help with this. Speaking of Ruth Niles, Cindy Drozda recently did a live stream on YouTube making bottle stoppers using Ruth's products- New Turning Items- Mike Waldt demonstrates a modular tool rest system. Not sure if this manufacturer is available in the U.S. Here in the U.S., there are several sources of similar products including Nova, Sorby and other woodworking outlets. Not a new item but a sale on sanding supplies from Woodturners Wonders- Check out the deals here- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/weekly-sale Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  7. lew

    Bottle Stopper1

    From the album: Bottle Stoppers

    Spalted maple with Ruth Niles stainless steel stoppers

    © Lewis Kauffman

  8. Our annual Adopt A Wounded Warrior campaign is going gangbusters! We are at about the 3/4 point in our goal. If you haven't made your pledge, please consider doing so in the next week. That gives our "Santa" a chance to do the necessary shopping to fulfill the Christmas wishes. Our Patriot Turners- Over the weekend, @forty_caliber posted one of his pecan bowl turnings. He added copper enhancements as a way to fill some voids. His post turned out to be one of the best conversations we have had in a long time, here in the Turner's Forum. I think you will find a lot of great comments that pertain not only to turning but also to creative thinking for any project. Another topic that crosses over from one forum to another was posted in the General Woodworking forum by @Gene Howe. Gene asked about our favorite wood species with which to work. Lots of great content and some super images. One of the images- @Bob Hodge is considering upgrading his lathe. His primary turning projects will be larger bowls, platters and hollow vessels. Bob asked the forum's thoughts on what might be a good lathe for his upgrade. Check out his post, our members comments and see if you can provide some input- Bob also took the time to share a couple of jewelry towers he has made. These would make excellent gifts for any wife or girlfriend (or both) who has a lot of bling! @Gerald updated us on the progress on some commissioned bowls. Looks like they are about ready to ship! Gerald also posed a question to the group asking if anyone had ever turned a full sized "Nut Cracker" soldier. None of members could really offer much in the way of useful information (although lots of wisecracks were offered up). If you have done this, or know someone that has, maybe you could help Gerald- @Ron Altier has been busy cranking out projects. The first one he showed us was some fantastic earrings. Ron has the awesome ability to combine the most gorgeous wood combinations- Ron also posted a new ornament he just finished! And speaking of ornaments, @Steve Krumanaker has made a bunch of birdhouses, Some of these are a new design for Steve and they are fantastic! He received lots of great comments and he offered additional information about how he makes the little birds. @Masonsailor is starting on his Christmas presents- I think I should take the hint! What’s Coming Up- If you are quick- Lyle Jamieson has an IRD, tomorrow (Thursday December 9, 2021), on turning natural edge, hollow forms. https://lylejamieson.com/product/december-9-2021700-930pm-eastern-time-thursday-natural-edge-hollow-form/ https://woodturningtoolstore.com/event/woodturners-retreat-six-turners-live-12-turnings-of-christmas/ For The Newbies- Hand made toys are always a treat for the little ones and with Christmas fast approaching this is a timely video from the AAW- We must be cautious when creating these, especially for those who might be thinking about chewing on the toys. The AAW has a short article with guidelines and some embedded links to more information- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Resources/Safety-Materials/Safety--Turning-Safe-Toys.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=k8mr2 Lyle Jamieson has some tips on lathe speed- Expand Your Horizons- A live edge bowl from "Turn A Wood Bowl" Richard turning a little bowl. Just nice to watch his skills- New Turning Items- Craft Supplies USA has ornament kits available. A short video showing some of the products and turning a snowman. https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/t/62/Ornaments?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=description&utm_campaign=videos Ruth Niles has a new bottle stopper design. It is functional as a stopper as well as being able to show off the stopper top- Check it out at Ruth's site- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/product/ss-1000/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of last week's woodturning videos on YouTube-
  9. Not too much happening this week- Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber turned a couple of bowls from a pecan log. That species surely has some lovely grain. First up is an incredible salad bowl- And then an awesome bread bowl- What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda- Click on the above image for the link to registration. For The Newbies- Mike Peace did an Interactive Remote Demonstration for the Fraser Valley Woodturners Guild, British Columbia, Canada. He covered spindle projects and methods of holding the turnings. This is a little long but lots of good information- Craft Supplies USA posted an instructional video for turning a goblet- Expand Your Horizons- Carl Jacobson celebrated Captain Kirk's return to space, this past week. I see social media has been having great fun creating memes about Mr. Shatner's voyage- It is not too early to start thinking about ornament turning! Here's your chance to turn a funnel (bowl) and not have it be a mistake!! My early turning creations tended to be useful kitchen items. Salt and pepper mills, salt cellars, sugar bowls and rolling pins. I never could figure out how to incorporate the Celtic Knot into the hollow vessels. Alan Stratton has solved that problem. All I have to do is build a jig!! New Turning Items- Some new stuff and some stuff on sale- Woodturners Wonders has Rikon and Jet grinders back in stock- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/rikon-grinders And this special deal- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/all-sanders/products/angle-drill-sanding-bundle Ruth Niles' October newsletter is now available. Ruth shares instructions on how to get setup for selling your turnings on eBay. You can sign up for Ruth's free newsletter at- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Finally finished up with the last batch of rolling pins. Then I realized I am out of holders. Looks like some flat work in my future- Safe turning and stay well
  10. Wow, just had the last remnants of tropical depression Fred move through. Got a little over 1.5" of rain in less than an hour but no wind or other damage. Our Patriot Turners- We haven't heard much from @Ron Altier, but he has turned a beautiful ornament made from a matched grain glue up- Here's his post explaining what he did! @Gerald belongs to the Magnolia Woodturners. They often have competition turnings to challenge their members. Gerald showed us a box he turned for the upcoming meeting. In his post, Gerald tells us a little about the techniques he used to create this lovely item! @AndrewB continues working on his Dragon Egg. In this post he shows us the finished sanding/polishing. Your turners gave him lots of kudos on his work- In the Patriot "What's On Your Weekend Agenda?" @forty_caliber posted pictures of a couple bowls he is in the process of turning. This one with some brass inlay- And this one, which has a really neat shape- There were lots of comments and questions following each of Forty's posts. Check out what our members said following each of the entries. What’s Coming Up- Cindy Drozda has and IRD coming up. Click on the above image for the link to registration. Several AAW events. Please click on the images for links to registration For The Newbies- Woodturning Monthly is available from The Woodworker's Journal- https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/woodturning-monthly/?utm_medium=email Bottle stoppers are nice gift projects and can supplement your inventory if you do craft shows. In this video, Mike Peace makes a really nice display piece for those stoppers- If you are looking for a source for bottle stoppers, check out https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/ @Gerald showed us a turned box he made. Here's a recent video from Craft Supplies USA demonstrating the techniques for turning a similar box- Expand Your Horizons- Jim Rodgers has a 2 part video on making open segmented turning. He demonstrates the glue up techniques and shop made jigs that assist in accurate, repetitive steps. And- If you are a member of the AAW, a recent email and magazine articles deal with color on turnings. Here's an excerpt from the email- Considering Color Adding color to woodturned objects is a fairly recent phenomenon. And, according to the late collector Arthur Mason, "There is no question that color can be a valuable design feature in wood art and that it can enhance the beauty and appeal of the work. But it also can diminish the pleasing effects of the natural features of wood. An artist’s decision to use color results from balancing these considerations, as well as from his or her ability to use color to an artistic advantage."* While applying color may not be for everyone, it can make the impact of a piece more dramatic and expand the artistic possibilities for a turned work. This week’s picks encourage you to consider and explore adding color to your work. New Turning Items- Sorry, couldn't come up with any new stuff. If you checkout the "Vendors Showcase" in the What Coming Up section, there are some hints as to what we can expect. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of last week's YouTube woodturning videos- I received a request to turn some bowls for a lady with whom I used to work. They supplied the wood (flame box elder and walnut) got a few finished, still have 2 to go- So far, I am really liking the Yorkshire Grit and Hampshire Sheen. My biggest concern was if finish would "stick" to the Yorkshire Grit finish. I used a piece of hard maple as a test subject. Following the instructions for surface prep- sanding to 240, using sanding sealer and then "sanded" with the Yorkshire product. From left to right, one application and no buffing- Mineral oil/beeswax, acrylic paint, gloss brushed on lacquer, gloss wipe on ploy, gloss spray on lacquer. These are the finishes I use most often. The film finishes seem to be unaffected by the sanding paste. The oil/beeswax doesn't penetrate deeply into the wood. A better test will be something dark like walnut. The acrylic paint would definitely need several applications and then a top coat for protection. Safe turning and stay well
  11. Typical August weather here this week and it's expected to get hotter as the week goes on. Good excuse to spend time in the basement shop. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker moved from hollow vessels to bowls. Steve posted a gorgeous maple bowl for us to slobber over- The grain and natural combine to make a magnificent piece! Steve tells us about this turning in his post- @forty_caliber created a lovely vase from a pecan log. He received lots of positive comments on this one. I especially like the shape and can't wait to see the results when he adds the finish! Check out more in his post- @HandyDan received a request to duplicate a spindle for a friend. Dan does these freehand- without the aid of a duplicator! They sure look good. Please see his post for more about the wood he used and some of the great comments- @AndrewB also received a turning request. This one was for a bowl. I really like his choice of woods. Andrew uploaded several progress photos in his post on this turning- What’s Coming Up- Received this information from Lyle Jamieson. If you or your club are considering personalized virtual instruction, this might be the way to go. Click on the image for the link- From "SWAT" about their upcoming event The AAW has several events coming in the future. Here's their landing page for what is currently in the works- For The Newbies- Mike Peace has a nice video on turning bottle stoppers. He uses a stainless stopper from Ruth Niles. Ruth's latest newsletter came this week. A nice article about Rebecca DeGroot. If you don't get Ruth's newsletter, you can signup at her website- https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/ Mike Waldt has been producing live question and answer sessions to assist the beginning (and not so new) turner. Although these are a little long, there is always lots of great information. This one is on design, esthetics and techniques. Expand Your Horizons- Andrew showed us a bowl created by gluing up boards. Here's more ideas using boards to create bowls- Mike Waldt uses the techniques in his previous video to turn an elm bowl- New Turning Items- You would not typically expect to find this a a woodturner's website, but Lyle Jamieson isn't your typical woodturner. I'm thinking this should be in everyone's workshop- Something new at the Nova site for woodturners- https://www.teknatool.com/product-category/shopnovapartsdirect/wood-blanks/?mc_cid=3dcac8d0b5&mc_eid=41cbcbe595 Some pretty good prices at the Woodturners Wonders site, too- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/sales Everything Else- Rick Turns' list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- There's a couple of products I have been anxious to try- Yorkshire Grit and Hampshire Sheen. Ordered a container of each today from Woodworld of Texas to see how it works. It's a little expensive but if it works... Kinda disappointed in the shipping costs- UPS from Texas to PA $19.41! Maybe it has lead mixed into it. Safe turning and stay well
  12. In the weekly thread for the woodworking agenda, I mentioned that i was working on bottle stoppers. Here's the one I am working on now, it had a cut in it so I am going to cut it off there, then finish shaping it. I also drilled the opposite end to make a second stopper, since this piece is so long. I see a few minor cracks, so i will fill those soon.
  13. From the album: Bottle Stoppers

    Maple and Walnut Celtic Knot bottle stoppers

    © Lewis Kauffman

  14. lew

    Bottle stopper2

    From the album: Bottle Stoppers

    Spalted maple with Ruth Niles stainless steel stoppers

    © Lewis Kauffman

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