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Found 15 results

  1. People brought this frame and metal bars for wife to put stained glass in. The clear glass was busted and gone. My problem is the frame is pressed cardboard and the new weight with metal frame and glass is 18.5 lbs. They are wanting the metal bar thing back on the frame after the stained glass is installed?? The first thing I did was install some 1/8" BB on the complete back side of the frame then for the hanger screws I drilled through the frame to the inside and counter sunk a couple of small bolts with eyes for the chain. Now hoping the 1" wide frame with a flat head on the inside of the frame going through a 1/8" hole with holes in the outside ends for the chain has enough strentgh to hold the weight. I hope will be strong enough so we won't get a come back all busted up. The finished glass in the window and the second picture is with the metal fancy cover installed is dull looking for it is inside and not in the window. Second picture is inside so the glass don't show up but it has the metal thing laying there but not screwed down yet.. Problem here, the metal frame was originally installed inside the wood frame. I just flipped it over so it will go one the outside of the frame leaving a smooth surface for the glass to lay on. But now if I drill small holes for the metal frame to be attached back and having to use the same holes only on the other side of the wood, the holes thats is already have been enlarged so the new holes to be drilled will have to have tooth picks with glue inserted in the holes to make them smaller... So since someone did not explain all this extra work on the frame to make it stout enough and how the metal front has to go on the outside of the frame in the same worn out holes I hope I have prepared it all so they will be happy and wife won't have to repair a bunch of busted glass. So the moral of this story is when dealing with customers, let them know what all has to be done before they get their things back. And there is no sense for something going back to the customer until you re completely satisfied with your work. I think the going price for each piece of glass installed is 10.00 I sure hope wife mentioned this to the owners.. smallpatch
  2. I thought this was an interesting build on the SO forum. Origin-built Lathe and Disc Sander - Projects - Shaper Community (shapertools.com) Paul
  3. Here in the midwest it's my understanding and experience that baltic birch plywood is extremely hard to find. One proposed explanation is the war with Russia and the Ukraine is limiting the product. Wondering what other thoughts there are on this subject or if the one explanation I gave is valid.. Thanks
  4. Here is a project I recently completed. 1/2" BB, #65 drill bit, all spiral blades olson #2, FD #2/0, minwax grey stain, 3 coats satin Poly, highlights with craft glitter paint. I used spiral blade to get the thickness of the kerf as close to the drill bit as I could.
  5. I have been making Christmas ornaments for a dozen or more years as a give away item. This year i made icicles and they were also good for a lot of skew practice. They will definitely get to a family and a few friends but because of Covid most will not be given out until hopefully next year. Made 60 of these and used 5/8" birch dowel rod for the blanks. Here is my tree with all those that I made over the years.
  6. Yes, I realize it is Thursday. But in my defense- I had this entire post written last evening and just before it was to be submitted- it disappeared. Not sure what combinations of keys I pressed but I was staring at a blank post entering screen. Please check the "Everything Else" topic about Ruth Niles! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald showed us the progress he was making on a beautiful piece of cherry burl- a gift from his son. Geral certainly did this piece of wood proud! @AndrewBis not one to sit around and waste time. He posted several projects he is working. First is a birch bowl. Andrew is really applying the suggestions you all have been providing and it shows in this piece. He is also working on a cup and a goblet- Finally, Andrew started on a fantastic looking piece of exotic wood (Bhilwara). Can't wait to see this when the finish hits it! A while back we were discussing finishes. There were several posts this week on that topic. First, @Ron Altier asked us about a home brew finish he read about. Our members had lots of input on this one. Another post dealt with oil and wax finishes. @AndrewB was curious about using sesame seed oil and beeswax. The type of oil used with this mixture must be carefully chosen to avoid it becoming rancid. @Gerald suggested using Walnut oil as a finish. Walnut oil, specifically formulated for this purpose, is food safe and will not create a problem for users with food allergies. The following link is useful for understanding the safety aspect. https://www.woodstockmagazine.com/2016/06/06/113196/walnut-oil-or-mineral-oil-learn-why-andrew-prefers-walnut-oil-to-protect-his-bowls This is one example of what is available- https://bowlmakerinc.com/product/oil-wax-finish-8-oz/ What’s Coming Up- Craig Timmerman is offering Interactive Remote Demonstrations. More information can be found at his website- https://www.armadillowoodworks.com/index.html For The Newbies- The other week we were having a discussion on how to handle grain tearout. @Gerald mentioned a reverse turning technique. "Rick Turns" posted a video on turning a vase. In that video, he uses the reverse turning technique. Expand Your Horizons- We have been looking for ways to make a wooden vessel waterproof. Here's a fairly low tech method- New Turning Items- I'd like to extend a big Thumbs Up to @FlGatorwood for this weeks new turning item! Retail price is $3799.99. I found it at Woodturners Wonders for $3500. Just in case you haven't saved up enough of your lunch money for the lathe, here's another offering. This is very similar to Jerry Marcental's chuck plate- https://woodturningtoolstore.com/product/special-elio-dr-safe-drive-set-of-two-2-5-3-5/ Everything Else- Rick Turns Youtube video list from last week- On a personal note, Ruth Niles lives a very short trip from here and I have visited her shop on several occasions. You won't meet a nicer person than Ruth. This past week some A**H*le hacked her Instagram account and set up a scam in her name. The scammer is impersonating her and advertising a seminar for turners. This is not Ruth! I played along with the scam to find out more. You register ( used fake info) by email. They tell you to buy a Nike gift card for $100. Then send them a photo of the card numbers so they can register you. As Ruth said, it is doubtful anyone would fall for that but she is really worried about her business reputation. Please spread the word that this is a scam and Ruth has no part in it. Thanks! Safe turning and stay well
  7. A long video, 52 minutes, but if you start watching, you may not be able stop, so grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, and enjoy. The final outcome is a beautiful refined piece of work.
  8. I have finished the box made from a damaged birch tree on my sons' property. He loved his birches. The box is a gift to my daughter-in-law. finished with 2 coats of brushed on varnish and 1 wipe on coat. The bark was finished using water based urethane.
  9. As some of you know, my sister has made it her life's work to make sure I get to heaven- fat chance! This time, she has me making a tithe box and shelf for her minister's church. I worked with him thru emails and Sketchup drawings to get the approval on the design/materials/hardware. The box is 1/2" thick birch and walnut stock with hand cut dovetails. Top and bottom are mounted in dados. The top is flush with the sides and the bottom is slightly recessed. The shelf is 3/4" birch plywood with shop made walnut edging. The hardware is a half mortised lock and a 110° stopped piano hinge. The minister has someone in the congregation do the finishing. The box is about 14" L x 7" W x 6" H. I did hit the walnut with mineral spirits to see what the grain would look like with finish- Thanks for looking!
  10. Here ye here ye here ye! Donate 10 dollars to Operation Ward 57 and recieve a very cool birch tree ornament! See details by clicking on the ornament below!
  11. Well we left off with our veterans appreciation plaques sanded to 150 in the last blog, and here we are with some images that will bring us to the completion of the project. After I sanded all the awards to 150 I continued on through the grits up to 600, I was happy with the burnished sheen the plaques were developing. And I decided enough was enough, time for some finish! I would typically mix my own wipe on oil, but I had a can of Watco Danish Oil sitting around and decided to use it, and not only did I have a nice can of handy wipe on oil at the ready, and also had a wonderful helper who was ready with a brush! My son Jeroid volunteered to brush a liberal coat of oil on the awards, and he had a blast doing it, as there really wasn't any caution he had to worry about, just slop it all on, wait a few minutes, and wipe it off. Easy peasy! Jeroid did a wonderful job, below are the award blanks all oiled up, and wiped down, they look wonderful I think. All 32 of them. After a couple days of letting the two coats of oil set up, I always love to wax my projects. I swear the project just looks far better with a coat of wax. The wax does a couple things, it creates an even sheen where just leaving a finished project with finish, leaves unleveled and differing sheens of finish, this is that final stage that I feel you must perform, before most finished projects are actually finished. I used the lighter Johnsons Paste wax for the light wood award blanks, and I used the darker maple Liberons Black Bison finishing wax for the darker woods. This project came down to the last few hours before the big event was ready to start, literally I was working on these the night before the big event, and I was applying the labels and medallions the next morning, the day of the event. I was so crammed for time, I decided to not install picture hanger hardware on the back of these awards, instead I opted to bore a 1/4" hole to make way for a nail on a wall. It actually turned out very well, it looked pretty neat to have a nice bored hole for hanging, instead of shiny hardware for hanging. I chucked up the 1/4" Forstner in my Drill Press, and clamped some guides so all I had to do was line up each award before boring, I simply set the award between the guides, and up to the fence. Each one was bored the exact same way. Since this was a last minute decision to bore holes instead of using hanging hardware, I had already waxed the blanks, so I had to be really careful of the face of the award blanks, so I laid a piece of cloth on the drill press table to protect the face of the award blanks. The timing could not have been better, true to Morris form, I called in an order of service award medallions just days before to be shipped to us from the east coast, and they arrived two days before the event, this was too close. I would not have had time to adjust for errors if anything arrived short, damaged, or otherwise. I was happy to see everything came in on time, and in one piece. Image below is the service medallions that were to be installed on the awards. Anady's Trophies and Engraving (sponsor partner of this project) also supplied the borders for the 2" service medallions to be inserted into. See image below, the medallions are inserted into the border provided by Anady's. The borders really set the service medallions off beautifully. Thanks Anady's!!! Also provide by Anadys Trophies and Engravings are the drop dead beautiful engravings they provided. These engravings are done on very high quality brass material, only the best for our veterans. The image below are the finished awards, I sat at our coffee table and applied the name labels, and the medallions, and stacked them two levels deep. There are 32 in total. I also made up the programs for our daughters club event. Those can be seen at the upper left, they turned out nice too. Our two daughters love our veterans, they volunteer countless hours performing local community service and we take them and their club out of town to help at Homes for Our Troops events. They have the burning desire of volunteerism in their hearts. We are so proud of these girls, and their little brother too, he is coming up the rear with the same volunteer ethics for community service and compassion to our fellow man. This is the last image I took before I loaded the awards and the girls up in our family wagon and took them all to the big event this last Friday. The event was a hit, the school district veterans had a great time, and it was all just perfect. Our younger daughter (left) and treasurer of the Patriot Tigers High School Club, and our oldest daughter to the right, the founder and President of Patriot Tigers. These girls are my crown jewels of my life, both Mrs. Morris and myself could not be more proud. The next blog installation will highlight the actual event, it was a total hit, the school district staff were talking about it all week long. Stay tuned! WOOPS! Last second images I forgot to install, as seen below. And once again, thank you to our sponsors of this wonderful project, for without each them, we could not have gotten this off the ground.
  12. Good Monday Morning Patriot Woodworker's! I must admit I woke up rough this morning, not so ready to attack the week with the abundance of enthusiasm I typically have. Just one of those day's! I didn't even feel like putting one foot off my bed onto the floor, but, the world moves on so shall we! This weekend I was able to jump into the shop and make some progress on some plaques I am making for our daughters high school veterans support club. I got them cut, edges beveled, and sanded to 150. I'll spend a few hours on them this week after work getting them sanded to 600 in prep for some wipe on finish. I did not think about how much work this was going to be, it's an easy project, cut squares, bevel the edges, but it's the repetition of work that is really time consuming on the projects like this. The sanding is the most time intensive part of this event. Each one will have a service branch medallion applied at the top half and the a name plate with a special message to the veteran the club is honoring. So, that was my Saturday, Sunday I rested. How about you all, what is on your work week agenda in the shop! Have a wonderful week ahead folks, and thanks so much for being here on our community forum.
  13. My name is John Morris, and I am the founder of The Patriot Woodworker. Our community was founded on the principles of sharing, mentoring, and learning from fellow woodworkers, and above all, we have one thing in common, we all support the men and women who serve our nation. And we pretty much take on any task or challenge for our veterans that is asked of us, with the help of our sponsors. Recently I was asked by my own daughters (Patriot Tigers) if The Patriot Woodworker's could support their high school club efforts to host a dinner for the faculty of their school disctrict, of whom are also veterans. I asked them what can we do for them, contribute funds to help offset the costs of food? Or possibly myself and some fellow local Patriot Woodworker's could stand at the entry way and welcome the veterans to the event? How about a valet? None of the above! DUH! Dad, build us some plaques, your a woodworker! "That's right!" I stated, I almost forgot! Thus the project began. We are building 32 each, 7" x 9" x 3/4" solid hardwood plaques. Sounds easy right? Well it is, but there is a good amount of time it takes to construct simple squares of wood that feel perfect to the touch, and are flawless to the eye. To start off, one of my daughters and myself took a drive into town to pick up some lumber for the project, we ended up at Reel Lumber of Riverside CA. I like the store, it's a small mom and pop outfit in appearance, but it has a pretty big backing in the actual company. We go there frequently for our hardwood and exotic purchases, and the staff is tops. With a very keen eye on the part of my daughter, we spent about an hour at the store looking for the boards that were "just right" for her. And we came away with some nice 4/4 walnut, figured maple, and birch. We had the gentleman cut the boards in half so we could fit them in our small Toyota Corolla with the rear seats folded down. (Note: Last year our neighbor totaled my pickup truck, and we have not been able to replace it, as luck would have it, the driver was uninsured!) We came home and stacked the boards on my workbench and let them set for a week before I commenced the project. To the right is Walnut, center is the Curly Maple, and left is Birch. I was able to get out to the shop and get the boards cut and sized, edges chamfered, and all the plaques sanded to 150 for now. Later I'll work through the grits up to 600 in preparation for wipe on varnish. I used a 45 degree 1/2" shank chamfer bit chucked up into my router table. My table is made by an outfit in Canada who sell the RT 1000 series router table, you can't beat the price, and the table is built very well, I have had mine for about 10 years now. The following image is the stock photo of the exact table I have. When I route any edges on any project that involves routing all four edges of a board, the long grain, and the end grain, I always start by routing the end grain first, the reason is it is possible that you may have some kick out at the tail end of the pass as you rout the end grain, and if that happens, you can always clean it up when you shape the long grain edges. It's just a simple process that gives you a second chance instead of destroying a perfectly good board by not planning ahead for mistakes. The image below does not show the board in the proper position for end grain routing, I took the image as is, but when I fired up the router table I rotated the board 90 degrees to hit the end grain edges first. After a few passes with the 32 boards (plaques) I now have something resembling a stack of plaques, ready for sanding. Whenever possible I gang sand boards, just as I gang plane boards, the more the merrier, and it cuts down on the work considerably, not too mention it's just better on your sanding pad as well, it's always better on the sander pad when you can sand a flat area instead of sanding on edge, it's less stress on your sander and keeps your sander pad from wearing on the edges. After a couple hours of sanding to 150 grit, I finally have some fine looking plaques that are shaping up to be something special, for some very special people. Later I'll take the boards to 600 before I use my wipe on finish. A word about our supporters: I'd like to thank our sponsors for helping us offset the costs of the lumber, our sponsors as shown on our home page, they pay money to have their advertising displayed in our community, and we in turn use those funds for projects like this, and much more, such as helping disabled veterans acquire machinery, tools and supplies for their own workshops, but this time we are leveraging sponsor's funding to fabricate some wonderful awards of appreciation for some men and women of a Southern CA school district, who served their nation. For this project we also have a new helper, Anady's Trophies and Engravings. They are a top notch outfit, and they adore our military and veterans as do we, so we are a perfect match. Anady's has come waaaay down on their costs to help us procure some wonderful engraved brass plates to mount on the plaques, the plates will have a thank you message, and the name of the veteran. Anady's is instrumental in making this project a success, and we'd love to thank them for their support. I'd also like to ask anybody who needs trophies, engravings, or supplies, to look up Anady's, they'll ship to you. Their name has a lot of history in our valley, and they are a top notch outfit to work with. And the staff is so polite and professional. Related Links: The Club who asked us for help has their own website, please see them at Patriot Tigers Club. The school district that employs our veterans, and who the event is being held for is San Jacinto Unified School District.
  14. My first go at hand cutting DTs. The drawer material is 3/4 pine from the BORG (2 drawers 24" sq outside on Blummotion heavy duty slides) The project is a pedestal for a front loading washer dryer It's made from mortised 2-by material. Shelled in with half inch birch. Will be filled and painted to match the appliances. nothing fancy Rise height 24" or thereabouts (emphasis on the thereabouts) The wheels in the rear are swivel type the ones in the front are Great Lakes Casters that pick the wheel up off the floor when I rotate a little star-wheel in the caster in order to lock them Three in front three in the back. I used my hand made DT saws. Note one is brass backed the other still has the back that came it from the BORG when it was a sheet rock mud scraper. I got lazy. Both are 24 TPI. Getting the "hang" for the handle was a bit of a trick as I didn't even know about "hang" when I started. I made the saws mounted handles and when I started a cut they just stuck solid like they were nailed to the wood. The handle's angle and location is important. The project Some tools My two DT saws The first Drawer all glued up with the bottom ( half inch Birch) Just stop and think about this a moment. All kinds of guys looking at some crappy pine drawer cobbled together with hand tools the fit is - well - - hey it's an effort - and it's some guy's first effort at cutting the joints and some people find this interesting? Really??? REALLY????? Well you may just BE a woodworker = coz ain't no one else going to find it interestin' ~!!! I haven't built a moxxon vice so I just used the project to hold the drawer sides. Marking out the pins or are they tails - - it gets so Konfoozin Ohh look~!! they might just fit. Fitment detail to follow And the thing is square too
  15. Couple days ago my neighbor came over and wanted me to make him a box to put hid $3000 revolver in. He said he wants it made of 1/4 inch birch plywood with inside dimensions of 12 inches long , 7 inches wide , and 2 1/2 inches deep. He also wants it to look really nice. My issue is I not sure if that's even possible with plywood. I bought some 1/2 inch birch plywood ( only 2 ft by 4 ft piece for $17) to think about it because 1/4 inch won't hold. Does anyone have any ideas on assembling to make nice? I personally think I need to find some solid birch somewhere. Any help on this project would be appreciated.
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