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  1. Just a couple of days left in our summer fund raiser. Please consider getting those raffle tickets, if you haven't already done it. Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald posted a fantastic walnut platter he just finished- Check out more images and the comments from our turners- @PostalTom moved his chess piece post into our woodturning forum. He has a great start on a bunch of the pieces. He is getting ready to turn the "Knights" and was curious about the procedure. Maybe you can help him with some ideas. What’s Coming Up- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/2022VirtualSymposium/2022-Virtual-Symposium---Main.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=kVAC3 For The Newbies- A chuck, stuck on the headstock threads, can be a real problem. In this video, Mike Peace discusses some of the ways to remove it and how to prevent it. Cindy Drozda hosts live tool chats from time to time. You can sign up for notifications when they will be available. http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html This is the video she posted from her last presentation- This video, from Kent Weakley, is on twice turning a bowl. What I found interesting is the type of chuck he used to hold the bowl to get it ready for mounting on his chuck. Expand Your Horizons- Last week we posted information on cleaning CBN grinder wheel. @Gerald pointed out there is some disagreement on whether or not this is necessary. Not having used CBN sharpening products, I was not aware of this difference in opinion. I searched the AAW boards for some more information and found this- https://www.aawforum.org/community/threads/cbn-wheel-cleaning.13014/ The discussion touches on several "cleaning" ideas as well as some other wheel care. Along the CBN lines, here's a video from Mike Waldt setting up a grinder with CBN wheels. Although the video is about a specific manufacturer, there are lots of great tips- From the AAW, a video on multi-axis spindle turning How does a true artist deals with the unexpected? Richard Raffan demonstrates- New Turning Items- Ken Rizza, from Woodturners Wonders, has a video demonstrating the Kodiak MAX sharpening system. Everything Else- The Richard Raffan video demonstrated how to work around the unexpected. Frank Howarth takes it to a whole other level. Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning
  2. Hard to believe that October is almost half over! Usually we have had a frost by now. Not too much happening, here, this past week- Our Patriot Turners- @forty_caliber finished up a gorgeous multi species bowl for his Mrs. He tells us more about the species, finish and how it got its name- @Fred W. Hargis Jr asked our turners for their input on bowl gouge use. Fred had started turning a bowl and was unsure of just how to get the best cut from his gouge. We had a very informative conversation with a lot of our turners. They offered their ideas, suggestions and links to resources - Head on over to the this thread and see if you can give Fred additional ideas- What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration- From the AAW- For The Newbies- If you are considering purchasing carbide turning tools, please consider checking out our sponsor Easy Wood Tools. To learn more about using the EWT products, they have added an "EWT University" tab on their website. Check out this link! https://www.easywoodtools.com/resources Thanks @Jim from Easy Wood Tools !! Expand Your Horizons- The AAW has made available this video on multi-axis turning by Barbara Dill Ms. Dill has another video on the same subject- Wanna turn a BIG bowl??? Watch Mike Waldt- New Turning Items- Hang on to your lunch money, this week. Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- How about a little fun with Tim Yoder and this year's Halloween project!! After a go of antibiotics and industrial strength decongestants, I was finally able to get back into the basement shop. The first order of business was to make a dust collector "hood" to do the sanding on the last batch of rolling pins. I cobbled it from scraps around the shop but did buy a piece of acrylic at Hobby Lobby. The hood attaches to my PVC port that was built sometime back. This port can be positioned along the length of the lathe as well as placed close/farther from the turning. Front view- the "hood" is 24" long End view- Back view- Interface between the PVC pipe and the collector- Top View- Bottom view- the bottom is a piece of aluminum trim coil. Oblique view- Mistake- the acrylic bowed up as I bent it into shape. The heat gun idea to bring it down was not a complete success To attach the hood onto the PVC, I used a pin through the 1.5" thick interface block and into the PVC pipe- Now, will it work? A strip of what passes for toilet tissue these days IMG_0241.MP4 IMG_0242.MP4 I power sanded 6 rolling pins thru 3 grits and there was no dust on the white bottom. I'm pretty happy. Safe turning and stay well
  3. It's been computer madness here so far this week! I think I need a vacation!!! Our Patriot Turners- @AndrewB used a glued up poplar blank for a pepper grinder. Looks really nice. He shows us some progression shots in this post- Andrew has found a new source for turning blanks. He gives us the low down in this post- @RustyFN gave us an update on the platter he started last week- Check Rusty's post for additional pictures and the start to finish thread- Rusty has also been busy with his segmented work. Here's another one of his beauties- This one garnered lots of positive v=comments! @Ron Altier received a request from his daughter. As always, Ron's projects are fantastic and use a variety of wood species. Lots of great comments about this on- @FlGatorwood received some sad news from a classmate. He decided to brighten her day with a "care package". Steve originally posted this in General Woodworking forum but I thought our turners would appreciate seeing what he made.- @Gunny puts a lot of us to shame with his organizational skills. He posted a utilitarian project he made on the lathe. Those projects that help us get things done are great to see (and steal)! Check out Curtis' post to see what this is used for. @Gerald finished up the coffee bar for his Mrs. He called it a coffee bar but I think it's more of a Coffee Shrine! Judging from the smile, I think she is happy. The entire project can be seen here- What’s Coming Up- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/WIT/WIT-Presents-Registration.aspx Mike Waldt is changing the format of his live presentations. A short video explaining what will be happening- For The Newbies- If you have decided to get into resin casting, Alumilite has free online video course to help you get started- https://www.alumilite.com/learn/casting/101?fbclid=IwAR3ngaxsteCcXRNZaKdNWel1wI6hFyvrFWOt2fld02AHzFiGfggv6zKM1_g Expand Your Horizons- Buying turning blanks can be expensive. Cutting your own blanks is fairly easy but is you can't turn them immediately they will deteriorate quickly. This PDF document, from the AAW, explains how to prepare and store the freshly cut blanks- Save turning blanks.pdf New Turning Items- Not really a new item, but Mike Peace covers the subject of Collet Chucks- If you are considering adding carbide tools to your arsenal, our sponsor Woodcraft, has Easy Wood Tools products on sale for the month of April- And they also have turning kits and supplies on sale- Ruth Niles' newsletter came this week. Lots of images of the items made by other makers. Some really great ideas. A cute idea from Rebecca DeGroot- You can sign up for Ruth's newsletters https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/ Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
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