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  1. Starting into another month already. This is April and taxes are due in a little over a week. Hope our turners post their new tools purchased with those gigantic refunds! Our Patriot Turners- @Reese Aukee showed us some more of those cute little hedgehogs she turns. Reese received lots of positive comments and some questions about her turnings. Check out her post- @Gerald posted a comment in our sub-forum for Ring Master Turning. We have an ongoing thread in our woodturners forum discussing how we decide what to make from a chunk of wood. @Gerald suggested this topic and we have had several entries. Please take some time to see the thought processes (or lack thereof ) when trying to decide what to make. We look forward to seeing your turnings and how they came to be. If you are into turning miniatures, @kmealy showed us a neat portable lathe. He received lots of comments! ¹ What’s Coming Up- Click on the images for links to registration and more information- Cindy Drozda has been offering both paid and free online presentations. If you would like to receive notifications of her events, check out this link- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- A hodgepodge of videos to help us be more knowledgeable as beginning turners- Have some wood from a downed tree? Ashley Harwood has a few tips on helping prevent logs from cracking- Of course you need to first get that tree cut into manageable chunks. Here Lyle Jamieson and Sam Angelo have some tips on using the chainsaw- In combination with a chainsaw, the bandsaw can be used to create turning blanks. Robo Hippy's informative video gives us lots of pointers- Expand Your Horizons- Once you get that tree log into a manageable blank, you can create a beautiful natural edge bowl. Lyle Jamieson shows us how. If a natural edge bowl doesn't thrill you, here, Kent Weakley shows us how to turn a "magnetic" paper clip bowl! With Easter coming up fast, a cool turning from Alan Stratton on turning the perfect egg- What is a Kuksa? And How to Turn One? Mike Peace does some turning, carving and shaping! Basket weave illusion bowls are quite popular. Carl Jacobson turned something a little more shapely using the basket weave process. New Turning Items- For the pen turners, Craft Supplies USA has a new pen kit- Hobble Creek Craftsman King's Camo Bolt Action Pen Blank Click on the image for the link to more information Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning ¹ Only available on April 1st.
  2. Don't forget, Valentine's Day is on the horizon. Time to start dropping hints for that woodturning item you have been eyeing! Our Patriot Turners- @Gerald turned a replacement bed finial for a friend. He challenged us to see if we can tell his turning from the original- You can provide your guess here- What’s Coming Up- Lots happening as the weather warms and fear of the virus diminishes. Click on the images for links to more information and registration. Cindy Drozda is hosting an on-line event- Lyle Jamieson's latest IRD will be on turning a goblet- Lyle also posted this to his Facebook page concerning in-person symposiums during 2022- The AAW associated "Women In Turning" is presenting Tania Radda- Another AAW associated presentation is- From Craft Supplies USA- For The Newbies- Lyle Jamieson posted this tip on Facebook. Hope you can see the video without a Facebook account- https://fb.watch/b2Ksz13F-V/ If you are just starting out, Jim Rodgers creates some great tool use videos. This one covers the parting tool and fluted spindle gouge. Interested in bowl turning? Ashley Harwood helps understand the tools need. Keep in mind, Ms. Harwood sells tools. If you have been turning for a little while, this shop made sanding station can really be an asset to your shop- Expand Your Horizons- Alan Stratton continues his series on eccentric turning with more ideas using his shop made jig/chuck- Alan also, demonstrates how to turn the perfect sphere without the aid of jigs- Mike Peace added a video on the topic of toxic wood. I know many of our members have had allergic reactions to various species. Along those same lines, I came across this video of a turner, garage engineering an HEPA filtration system. Passing it along for your enjoyment This one is for @Steve Krumanaker and his honey dippers. A really cool turned and beaded "honey box" by Carl Jacobson. New Turning Items- From the folks at Woodturners Wonders- https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/kodiak-sharpening-system Daryl Johns (Dread Knot Workshop) posted a review/demonstration of the new Robert Sorby Steady Pro for hollowing- Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Woodturning seems to run in fads. Everyone does bowls, then hollowing, then acrylics. Lately I noticed a lot of surface colors. I have to say, although they are amazing, I still prefer to see the natural color of the species. I found a couple of pieces of white oak left over from a gun rack I made for a friend. The pieces were cutoffs and about 12" wide and 1"+ thick. Thinking about making something- maybe a platter. Turning the years of storage dirt away, the wood was true to its name- white. The grain was nondescript. Played around a little with some coloring ideas. I thought maybe black toner cartridge dust might fill the pores- not so much- but it did make an almighty mess on the lathe. Then tried brown paste shoe polish- not bad. Then black opaque resin dye- about the same. Last was amber transparent resin dye- better. Keep in mind I was only trying to accentuate the grain pattern- not color the entire surface. Applied the color and then skimmed the surface. Brown shoe polish- Black opaque resin dye- Amber transparent resin dye- I might just use oil based poly to give the piece a nice mellow glow. Who says you can't get curlies from carbide cutters- Safe turning and stay well
  3. Ok gang, only two weeks left before the end of the raffle and we are not even half way there. Please open your wallets and buy some tickets. Part of your donation will help the Hine family with grocery money. And, you just might score some awesome tools from our very generous sponsors. Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanakeris creating federal housing for his local yard gnomes ! Steve turned some really clever little houses to decorate their lawn. Steve received some really nice comments on these- @steven newmanwas treasure hunting and proved that used lathes can be had for a reasonable price. He was kind enough to show us what in his area- Check out some of his other discoveries- @forty_caliber added some more images to his post from last week. He also added a new tool to his arsenal which looks like it came in really handy- More images in his post- What’s Coming Up- Lots of stuff cropping up! Click on any of the images for the link to more information and registration- The AAW has added the rotation of presenters for the next symposium- For The Newbies- The bowl gouge Part #2 from Jim Rodgers- This month's Woodturning Monthly from the Woodworker's journal. Click on the image for the link- A nice video from Rick Turns making a bowl with embellishments. Rick adds subtitles/cc with additional information during his videos. Expand Your Horizons- Mike Peace added an interesting video/project to his channel. Mike shows us how to make a "reversing bar" that can be used to finish off the bottom of a hollow vessel. New Turning Items- @RustyFN gave me a heads up for those of you using the Work Sharp sharpening station. The folks at Woodturners Wonders have replacement CBN wheels. https://woodturnerswonders.com/collections/cbn-wheels/products/cbn-discs-for-work-sharp Not exactly a new item, but this video, from Carl Jacobson, shows the possibilities when using Joyner off center jig from Ruth Niles. Check out Ruth's site at https://nilesbottlestoppers.com/. Sign up for her monthly newsletter, too!! A new affiliation for the Lyle Jamison hollowing tools. Click on the image for the link to the Woodturning Tool Store- Buffalo Woodturning Products has a sale on some of their finishes. Mahoney's- https://buffalowoodturningproducts.com/collections/finishes/mahoneys-finishes?utm_campaign=emailmarketing_114852986962&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email Doctor's Woodshop- https://buffalowoodturningproducts.com/collections/finishes/docs-woodshop?utm_campaign=emailmarketing_114852986962&utm_medium=email&utm_source=shopify_email Everything Else- Some of our members keep bees. This popped up while I was writing this weeks "Wednesday's...". Last weeks woodturning videos from Rick Turns- Sometime back, @Gerald, commented that he was surprised I didn't have a vacuum chuck. Although I have considered adding one, up until today I've always been able to use my shop made chucks/jigs to hold any turning. I was tinkering with a glue-up and decided to try a square bowl. My new Jet lathe has a 16" swing and I decided to go as large as possible. That calculated out to be a square a little over 11" on a side. Reversed it and turned the "bowl". Then when I went to finish off the bottom- getting rid of the mortice- I discovered that my Cole jaws just weren't quite big enough. Same with my shop made Longworth chuck. Finally tried my oldest (first), large shop made chuck. Got it to fit but absolutely nothing to spare! Needs more sanding and some finish. Safe turning and stay well
  4. Hey gang, don't forget, we are into our site fundraising raffle. We started off like gangbusters but we have a long way to go! If you haven't already purchased your tickets, please consider checking out the fantastic prizes! All the proceeds from this fundraiser go to the operating costs of this site. Here's more: Our Patriot Turners- @Steve Krumanaker set up a really cool way to visualize wall thicknesses when turning hollow forms. He mentioned it last week and had an opportunity to get his vase turned- Beautiful shape and colorization. Steve tells us more about this turning and also posted some images of the hollowing tools he made- Steve was out at one of the nation's largest "yard sales" and snagged a honey of an old turning caliper- Steve shows us more images and a little about his shopping experience- @AndrewB continues to create beautiful pepper mills. Here is his most recent piece- Andrew shows us some other views in his post- Andrew posted a couple of process shots in our "What's On Your Workbench" forum. Thought I'd add them here as well so you cans see what this pepper mill looked like along the way- Last week I posted a video of @Gerald's work but couldn't remember how I came across it. Gerald was kind enough to steer me in the right direction. The club Gerald belongs to is called the Magnolia Woodturners. They have a YouTube channel with a bunch of demonstrations. Check it out at- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxqC3z3zrAP-cICGwP-wiDw/videos @John Morris provided a link to download a portion of the September-October Workbench Magazine- the plans for a turned cherry planter. A simple project that could be turned from just about any wood. The PDF file- Workbench Magazine September-October 1967 Cherry Planter.pdf And the link to John's post- What’s Coming Up- https://www.woodturner.org/Woodturner/Events/Annual-Symposium---Conference/2021-Virtual-Symposium/Woodturner/2021-Virtual-Symposium/2021-Virtual-Symposium-Home.aspx?_zs=ceDib&_zl=NKsb2 Here's the link for signing up- http://www.cindydrozda.com/html/Signup.html For The Newbies- It's no secret that the skew is my archenemy with which I have a love/hate relationship. Mike Waldt has added another beginners guide to lathe tool use with this live demonstration and question/answer video. It is quite long but very informative- The forth in a series on lathe maintenance from Record Power- Expand Your Horizons- A nice kitchen project that involves some not too difficult offset turning from the Woodworker's Journal https://www.woodworkersjournal.com/project-double-offset-bread-knife/ Alan Stratton makes a wooden goblet from walnut- Everyone here knows my fondness for the Easy Wood Tools products ( @Jim from Easy Wood Tools ). I use their tools for almost all of the items I turn. The folks at Easy Wood Tools will be the first to acknowledge that having many types of tools (Carbide and HSS) in your arsenal is beneficial. What really bothers me is why many experienced turners tend to diminish the roll of carbide tools and their users. I recently came across 2 videos where the authors compare/contrast carbide to HSS. Both turners are well known and highly respected. Both expounded on what HSS tools can do and what Carbide cannot. In the first video, in my opinion, the presenter hasn't spent equal time learning the ins/outs of Carbide vs. HSS. It's disappointing because his was the first lathe book I ever had. This second presenter is more receptive to the idea that Carbide has advantages. It's still skewed somewhat to the HSS allegiance, but, that is to be expected as the presenter has their own line of HSS tools. END OF RANT. New Turning Items- From Woodturners Wonders a really nice sanding bundle at a great price. Note: this is a air powered device- https://woodturnerswonders.com/products/pros-wonder-weave-snubber-hose-bundle From Craft Supplies USA, a new item for those who make rings- https://www.woodturnerscatalog.com/p/58/7376/artisan-White-Ceramic-Inlay-Comfort-Fit-Ring-Core-8mm?utm_source=csusa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=white&utm_campaign=21-05-ceramic Everything Else- Rick Turns list of YouTube woodturning videos from last week- Safe turning and stay well
  5. Friday is Christmas, guess I'd better start thinking about doing some shopping. Hope everyone here at the Patriot Woodworker has a very Merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year! Our Patriot Turners- Speaking of Christmas presents, @Masonsailor completed another turning to add to his list of items. Paul provides some process shot of this piece in his post- @Steve Krumanaker tried out a new design for his bird house ornaments. It's really quite spectacular- Steve tells us where he "appropriated" this idea- Steve wasn't just working on ornaments this week. He scored a fantastic maple slab and started a large bowl Steve's post shows us more images! @Ron Altier also finished up some hybrid ornaments. For someone who doesn't like working with acrylics, Ron really does a fantastic work! Please see the wonderful comments our turners left in Ron's post- It was extremely cold in @HandyDan's workshop! The wood ornaments he made turned into icicles! But, they sure do look nice on his Christmas tree @John Hechel had some time this week to get to his lathe. He turned some really awesome salt and pepper grinders. He used some of the Chromaply that Ron uses on some of his ornaments Head on over to his post and see what his wife thought of these beauties- Last week, @AndrewB showed us some of the tree wood he scored. He made one of the pieces into a nice looking bowl- Andrew's post tells us a little more and fills us in on just where this turning stands- Andrew is also looking for a new lathe. He goes into some detail in this post- @Bob Hodge posted a question on negative rake scrapers. He received lots of feedback from our turners. Please see his post and add any information that might help him. What’s Coming Up- Click on the above image for the link to Brad's YouTube channel For The Newbies- This title is a little misleading but the video has some great tips on lathe maintenance- Nice turning project- Expand Your Horizons- @Steve Krumanaker makes some really interesting display stands for his ornaments. Here Mike Peace shows us what he does- Last week, Lyle Jamieson started a hollow form from a piece of crotch wood. This is part 2- Ashley Harwood shows us that not every idea comes out the way we want it. Her ladle is one example- More and more turners are relying on YouTube to showcase their work. While this isn't the definitive work on the subject, it might give you some ideas if you are thinking about how this could be done. This is the second part of a two part video. Also the author is working with only one video editing platform. There are many platforms available. New Turning Items- It's a little too late to be writing Santa for new stuff this Christmas, sorry! Everything Else- Rick Turns YouTube video list from last week- I've been messing around trying to improve the dust collection at my lathe. It wouldn't take much to be an improvement. My first attempt failed to consider the need the dust collection point both laterally along the lathe and hw close the port needs to be to the turning for efficient pickup. Went back to the drawing board and redesigned- The position of the dust port can be moved back to collect from the maximum diameter the lathe can turn. I am considering changing the clamping devices I used- These hold well but take a bit of time to loosen/move/tighten. I'm thinking of replacing them with the toggle lever clamps- Might also replace interface adapter between the white PVC elbow and the top of the platform. The one I used was a modified 4" hose splice adapter. Could be shortened a little. Safe turning and stay well
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