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  1. "What's It" Basic Rules Reminder For a full run down on this project and rules please go to: "The Patriot Woodworker and MWTCA "What's It" project" Only Patriot Woodworker Members are eligible to participate and receive the award. The MWTCA only accepts a verified source to support your answer, so one should be submitted with your answer, such as a patent, catalog entry, tool book reference, or a respectable website on the subject. Do not let these requirements prevent you from having fun and submitting educated answers on the subject without verification, we can worry about references later. All answers are welcome, as well as healthy debates regarding "What's It". If a verified and referenced answer is not arrived at by the end of each month's "What's It" project, a random draw will be performed for a "One Year MWTCA Club Membership". Only Patriot Woodworker's who participate in this "What's It" topic will be included in the random draw. Additional What's It Rules Unless you are completely sure what this item is, please avoid "definitive statements" that appear that you are without a doubt claiming that you know what the item is. For example stating, "this item is called a "widget xx" used for "insert purpose here". If you are making a definitive statement you must accompany your statement with evidence or proof from a secondary source. An example of acceptable statements within the realm of having fun and educated guesses would be something like this, "I believe it could be", or "It appears it's made for this or that", etc etc etc... Ok ladies and gentlemen, we now have our "What's it" live and ready! The image(s) below is a MWTCA "What's It" image for you to research, and tell us all here in this topic post, just what the heck is it! Project Details The information provided hereon is all the information that is provided, no further information on this item will be added.
  2. The Drawing Dear all, our contributors/donors names have been extracted from our data base and the personal checks we received were included as well, the single and multiple name entries were hand entered into a text (.txt) file by the amount contributed, the text file was then copy and pasted into an online Random Name Picker. As the names were drawn, they were assigned to each item provided by our sponsors in the same order as listed at the Warrior Family Project Page. I wish all who contributed could walk away with something, but I know that was not your priority, the family was at the center of all this, and I greatly appreciate that from you all. Recipients We'd like to congratulate the following recipients of the wonderful machinery and tools donated by our sponsors. Laguna 14|12 Bandsaw - @PostalTom Easy Wood Tools Parting Tool - @Masonsailor Easy Wood Tools Parting Tool - @Steve Krumanaker Woodriver Standard Block Plane with Adjustable Mouth - @Cliff Woodriver No.4 Bench Plane - Alfred Tickell Our Sponsors We also want to issue a hearty thanks to our sponsors of this annual tradition here at The Patriot Woodworker. Woodcraft Supply, Easy Wood Tools, and Laguna Tools, thank you for all your support in the past, now, and hopefully into the future. We are very appreciative of your support, we couldn't do any of this without your help. What's Next For our prize recipients, please message myself with your shipping address, so I can inform our sponsors where to ship your item. Also, within the next two weeks, we'll be doing the financial review of this project and once we get it all squared away and the numbers jive, we'll disclose the results here, and a check will be drawn for the remaining funds to be sent to the Hine family. I am thinking, and this is just an off the top of my head estimate, we brought in just under 3000.00 and we should be able to get a check out to the family in the range of 1500.00, I am sure this will help get them off to a better 2021. Remember, 100 percent of your contributions go to the family project. Thank you all once again, I am personally very proud of what you all accomplished here for the Hine Family, I know our Admins and Staff are proud of your efforts as well. You all did this, we just stood by and watched it happen, we are forever grateful for all you do Patriot Woodworker's and Guests, and so are the families we support each year.
  3. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Merry Christmas! This will be the last Monday topic before Christmas, so I just wanted to take this moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and be safe and sane, and please remember, if you are out and had a little too much joy in a glass, call a cab, an Uber, a sober friend, and get home safe, we expect everyone here to return to us after the Holidays, alive and in one piece! Also, for those of you who get some neat stuff under the tree this year, don't forget to share it all here, and brag a little! On a personal note, our Army daughter made it back home to us this past Thursday, for a two week stay with us over the Christmas Holidays. We finally have all three of our pups under the same roof again, we couldn't be more happier! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Community News We've met our goal for our Wounded Warrior Christmas Family project! I'd like to thank all those who have helped out thus far, and I'd like to thank everyone here on The Patriot Woodworker for making our community a wonderful place to be for the woodworker. Contributions will be accepted for the family all the way up to the New Year, 100 percent of the funds generated will go to the family, so you still have time to contribute. Thank you all once again! Please go here to donate. https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/clients/donations/ We also delivered the last of the Christmas presents to the Hine family yesterday! See this post. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Steve Krumanaker will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image The following article was written in 2018 just before Armistice Day. For 32 years, a 10-foot model of the battleship USS Louisiana has been taking shape — slowly, painstakingly — in Dr. Ron Kennedy's Baton Rouge workshop. Now, in time to celebrate 100 years since World War I ended, it's finally over, over there, and in its permanent home. Kennedy's meticulously detailed model of the warship will be unveiled when the USS Kidd Veterans Museum observes the centennial of Armistice Day at 1 p.m. Sunday. "This is what it looked like when she was launched," Kennedy said. "It's as accurate as it could be." Kennedy took up the project when then-U.S. Rep. Henson Moore suggested the museum needed a model of the ship, which was launched in 1904. It carried President Theodore Roosevelt to the Panama Canal in 1906, the first time a sitting president had left the country. From December 1907 to February 1909, it circumnavigated the world as part of the "Great White Fleet" that Roosevelt sent to display U.S. military power. The Louisiana saw little action in World War I, and it was sold for scrap in 1923. The figurehead on the ship's bow is displayed at BREC's City Park. Kennedy used to see the figurehead when he was a child. "So, I always had that in my mind, and when I started building models, I always thought one day I'd build a model of the Louisiana," he said. It took Kennedy longer to build the model than the real battleship actually existed, but he made every piece himself, and studied diagrams obtained from the National Archives and photos to get everything just right. "What I did was use the drawings to build it and use the pictures of the Louisiana to make it exactly like the Louisiana was as opposed to the other ships," Kennedy said. The museum's commemoration Sunday will include a talk by Steven Rabalais, author of a biography of Gen. Fox Connor, the chief of operations for Gen. John Pershing, who commanded Army forces that fought in World War I. The museum's World War I exhibit will be on display, and visitors will be invited to place poppies beside the names of those from Louisiana who died in that war. Article Credit: George Morris of The Advocate
  4. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Community News We've met our goal for our Wounded Warrior Christmas Family project! I'd like to thank all those who have helped out thus far, and I'd like to thank everyone here on The Patriot Woodworker for making our community a wonderful place to be for the woodworker. Contributions will be accepted for the family all the way up to the New Year, 100 percent of the funds generated will go to the family, so you still have time to contribute. Thank you all once again! Please go here to donate. https://thepatriotwoodworker.com/clients/donations/ Featured topic Our Featured topic by @aaronc will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. See Aaron's progress on his powder horn, the scrimshaw is being worked and highlighted. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image The making of a traditional Post and Rung Stool is shown using a shave. Source... Featured Video A short film that shows a gentler, more relaxed aspect to Green wood working. From the felling of the tree, to the finished stool, a nice relaxing film to start your day off with.
  5. "What's It" Basic Rules Reminder For a full run down on this project and rules please go to: "The Patriot Woodworker and MWTCA "What's It" project" Only Patriot Woodworker Members are eligible to participate and receive the award. The MWTCA only accepts a verified source to support your answer, so one should be submitted with your answer, such as a patent, catalog entry, tool book reference, or a respectable website on the subject. Do not let these requirements prevent you from having fun and submitting educated answers on the subject without verification, we can worry about references later. All answers are welcome, as well as healthy debates regarding "What's It". If a verified and referenced answer is not arrived at by the end of each month's "What's It" project, a random draw will be performed for a "One Year MWTCA Club Membership". Only Patriot Woodworker's who participate in this "What's It" topic will be included in the random draw. Additional What's It Rules Unless you are completely sure what this item is, please avoid "definitive statements" that appear that you are without a doubt claiming that you know what the item is. For example stating, "this item is called a "widget xx" used for "insert purpose here". If you are making a definitive statement you must accompany your statement with evidence or proof from a secondary source. An example of acceptable statements within the realm of having fun and educated guesses would be something like this, "I believe it could be", or "It appears it's made for this or that", etc etc etc... Ok ladies and gentlemen, we now have our "What's it" live and ready! The image(s) below is a MWTCA "What's It" image for you to research, and tell us all here in this topic post, just what the heck is it! Project Details The information provided hereon is all the information that is provided, no further information on this item will be added.
  6. "What's It" Basic Rules Reminder For a full run down on this project and rules please go to: "The Patriot Woodworker and MWTCA "What's It" project" Only Patriot Woodworker Members are eligible to participate and receive the award. The MWTCA only accepts a verified source to support your answer, so one should be submitted with your answer, such as a patent, catalog entry, tool book reference, or a respectable website on the subject. Do not let these requirements prevent you from having fun and submitting educated answers on the subject without verification, we can worry about references later. All answers are welcome, as well as healthy debates regarding "What's It". If a verified and referenced answer is not arrived at by the end of each month's "What's It" project, a random draw will be performed for a "One Year MWTCA Club Membership". Only Patriot Woodworker's who participate in this "What's It" topic will be included in the random draw. Additional What's It Rules Unless you are completely sure what this item is, please avoid "definitive statements" that appear that you are without a doubt claiming that you know what the item is. For example stating, "this item is called a "widget xx" used for "insert purpose here". If you are making a definitive statement you must accompany your statement with evidence or proof from a secondary source. An example of acceptable statements within the realm of having fun and educated guesses would be something like this, "I believe it could be", or "It appears it's made for this or that", etc etc etc... Ok ladies and gentlemen, we now have our "What's it" live and ready! The image(s) below is a MWTCA "What's It" image for you to research, and tell us all here in this topic post, just what the heck is it! Project Details The information provided hereon is all the information that is provided, no further information on this item will be added.
  7. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Pearl Harbor Day Pearl Harbor: Attack, Casualties & Facts - HISTORY WWW.HISTORY.COM Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, that was the scene of a devastating surprise attack by Japanese forces on... Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Gerald will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Here's a good resource for our What's It Participants Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image French Postcard – A gang of sawyers in India c.1900 (Source)
  8. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Happy Thanksgiving We hope you all have a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving, as a nation we have much to be thankful for, this is the time of the year when we see great deeds being done from one American to another, charities and Americans giving, neighbors helping one another, families coming together. From my heart to yours, please be safe, enjoy the day, the long weekend, and may God always bless this beautiful nation of ours! Freedom From Want Freedom from Want is the third in a series of four oil paintings entitled Four Freedoms by Norman Rockwell. They were inspired by Franklin D. Roosevelt's State of the Union Address, known as Four Freedoms, delivered to the 77th United States Congress on January 6, 1941. In the early 1940s, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms themes were still vague and abstract to many, but the government used them to help boost patriotism. The Four Freedoms' theme was eventually incorporated into the Atlantic Charter, and it became part of the charter of the United Nations. The series of paintings ran in The Saturday Evening Post accompanied by essays from noted writers on four consecutive weeks: Freedom of Speech (February 20), Freedom of Worship (February 27), Freedom from Want (March 6), and Freedom from Fear (March 13). Eventually, the series was widely distributed in poster form and became instrumental in the U.S. Government War Bond Drive. The painting shows an aproned matriarch presenting a roasted turkey to a family of several generations, in Rockwell's idealistic presentation of family values. The patriarch looks on with fondness and approval from the head of the table, which is the central element of the painting. Its creased tablecloth shows that this is a special occasion for "sharing what we have with those we love", according to Lennie Bennett. The table has a bowl of fruit, celery, pickles, and what appears to be cranberry sauce. There is a covered silver serving dish that would traditionally hold potatoes, according to Richard Halpern, but Bennett describes this as a covered casserole dish. The servings are less prominent than the presentation of white linen, white plates and water-filled glasses. The people in the painting are not yet eating, and the painting contrasts the empty plates and vacant space in their midst with images of overabundance. Source: Freedom From Want Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @HandyDan will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image Spoon knife by Jason A. Lonon, Woodworker and Iron Worker. "These are wonderful tools for carving the bowl of a wooden spoon or any other hollow shape. They work especially well cutting across the grain of fresh green wood. Blades are O-1 tool steel. Handles are made from a variety of hardwoods including maple, oak, cherry and walnut." Source: Spoon knives
  9. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Community news As you all know by now we are in the midst of our annual Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for Christmas Project 2020. I have already started the purchase of the kids gifts and we are more than a quarter of the way to our goal for the fundraiser! Though the project ends on New Years Eve, we'd like to have the goal reached by mid December, I am going to front the proceeds up to $2000.00 in hopes that by the end of the year, we'll have met that goal, for my comfort level though it'd be nice to see that goal met earlier, so I'm counting on you all to get the word out to your friends, co-workers, and within your other social media and forum arenas, and let em all know they can make some kids happy this year for Christmas. One thing I had not thought of was that we are in the midst of the Covid19, so that is going to have an impact on donations, many folks are out of work or low on funds, so our fundraising for this project may fall short. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for all the help many of you have provided for our Christmas project, past and future. If you have not yet donated, and wish to do so, head on over and meet the family and contribute today! Community update We changed servers again, and in the process we acquired more memory and server space, to do this we dipped into the funds raised from our Summer Raffle, you all may notice our site running much smoother and faster! We also recently had a core software update and our theme developer fixed some issues we had with the updates. There are also some pretty neat new things going on with our theme and how you view our community. Please see screen shot below and the two icons circled in red. Click on the icon on the left, and you'll be able to choose some nifty backgrounds for your viewing. Also there are two items I think many here will find are pretty cool, if you enable "Fluid Width" you'll be able to change our community view to full screen. If you enable "Larger font size for posts" you'll be able to view the text in a larger font within the topics, for our sight challenged folks, like me . Now click on the paint brush icon, we have always had the paint brush icon, here you can choose the main colors of your community view, play around with it, it's kind of fun! That's it from me this morning folks, running late and gotta run to work, have a wonderful week ahead, and thank you for being here!
  10. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Community news We are going through some major changes internally here at The Patriot Woodworker with our core software and upgrading, right now things may seem just a bit wonky with some colors, layouts, and menus misbehaving, I am sorry for that, please bear with me as I work these issues out. Also, I am behind on many things around here, the MWTCA What's It is one of them, I will have a recipient and new "What's It" very soon, again I apologize for the lateness of those items. The Patriot Woodworkers with Operation Ward 57 Adopt a Wounded Warrior Family for the Holidays - 2020 We are live, locked n loaded, and ready to roll troops! All hands on deck and up, up and away! It's that time of year again, and we are all now members of the Hine's Family! They have adopted us to be their family this year, and we are honored and excited to be a part of their Christmas. To see how you can help us help them, please go to the following project link posted in the Veterans Forum! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Have a safe week Have a safe week folks, and remember what Ralph Jones always says, "Keep your hands no closer than six inches from any cutting blade!" Thank you all and be well!
  11. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @FrederickH will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. No Featured download today, none were submitted this past week. Featured image "Earlier this year I decided to build a kid’s workbench as a prize for the Handworks hand tool event in Amana, Iowa. The idea was simple. Build the bench, then have kids write their name on the edge of a piece of basswood held in the bench’s leg vise, then plane off the shaving (along with their name) and place it in a box for a drawing the next day. The winner would take the bench home with them." Source: Popular Woodworking Featured video Watch the Nakashima Woodworker segment from the Landscape episode of Craft in America, which features George and Mira Nakashima. Source: YouTube
  12. Another Christmas is here As you all know, every year we adopt a wounded warrior or gold star family for Christmas and we all come together and provide Christmas presents and food for that family, I am proud to announce that today we have been invited back to Operation Ward 57 Adopt a Family For Christmas event for 2020. I am very proud that they keep having us back, and I am very proud of the big way you all come through for these families in the past. I just completed the application and I submitted it just seconds ago, later this month we'll know who our family is, and how many kids we are supporting! Our Past Projects Follow this link and scroll towards the bottom of that page to see some of our past projects with Operation Ward 57 Thank you In advance, I'd like to thank all of you who will no doubt participate in this annual tradition of ours to bring a little happiness to a warrior family for Christmas 2020! Stay tuned for your marching orders, and here's to another great Christmas Season! As always, 100 percent of the proceeds for our fundraiser raffle will go to the family project.
  13. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome.
  14. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @derekcohen will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. No Featured download today, none were submitted this past week. Featured image The Northmen Guild, completely handmade framing tools by the Northmen, displayed with a Land Rover. Source: The Northmens Guild Featured video At the August 2nd-4th (2013) in the far away of the Latvia (Latgale) couple of same minded friends came together on a hewing "Jam Session" with their families and helped to start rising a sheeps barn for one carpenter living and working in the self sufficient farm. Most of the hand tools and axes used were made by John Neeman Tools. We have been hewing also with some old Austrian and Latvian goosewing hewing axes. The timber we work with is spruce. Many thanks to all of the people who helped to organise this event. Source: Northmen Guild videos
  15. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Danl will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! No Featured link today, none were submitted this past week. Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. No Featured download today, none were submitted this past week. Featured image The Green Wood Guild in the United Kingdom gives classes in all sorts of green woodworking subjects, from the forging of tools to the creation of projects, below, a student carves a bowl at the guild. Source: The Greenwood Guild, London
  16. "What's It" Basic Rules Reminder For a full run down on this project and rules please go to: "The Patriot Woodworker and MWTCA "What's It" project" Only Patriot Woodworker Members are eligible to participate and receive the award. The MWTCA only accepts a verified source to support your answer, so one should be submitted with your answer, such as a patent, catalog entry, tool book reference, or a respectable website on the subject. Do not let these requirements prevent you from having fun and submitting educated answers on the subject without verification, we can worry about references later. All answers are welcome, as well as healthy debates regarding "What's It". If a verified and referenced answer is not arrived at by the end of each month's "What's It" project, a random draw will be performed for a "One Year MWTCA Club Membership". Only Patriot Woodworker's who participate in this "What's It" topic will be included in the random draw. Additional What's It Rules Unless you are completely sure what this item is, please avoid "definitive statements" that appear that you are without a doubt claiming that you know what the item is. For example stating, "this item is called a "widget xx" used for "insert purpose here". If you are making a definitive statement you must accompany your statement with evidence or proof from a secondary source. An example of acceptable statements within the realm of having fun and educated guesses would be something like this, "I believe it could be", or "It appears it's made for this or that", etc etc etc... Ok ladies and gentlemen, we now have our "What's it" live and ready! The image(s) below is a MWTCA "What's It" image for you to research, and tell us all here in this topic post, just what the heck is it! Project Details The information provided hereon is all the information that is provided, no further information on this item will be added.
  17. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Masonsailor will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Yes, Christmas is just around the corner, and as Mason Sailer points out, it's time to get back in our shops and make those small crafts for the masses. Check out Mason's Ice Cream scoop, a gift sure to please anyone. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! No Featured link today, none were submitted this past week. Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image London Green Wood is a not-for-profit cooperative and a community of green woodworkers based in Abney Park Cemetery, Hackney. Our aim is to encourage crafty-ness, creativity and self-reliance in everybody. From our outdoor woodland workshop, using locally felled wood, we bring heritage crafts to the heart of the city and make basic woodcraft skills available to all. We use hand tools and green wood straight from the log. Source: London Green Wood
  18. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Mark Wilson will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. As you all can see Mark built a wonderful cubby storage for his mothers kitchen. We are honored to have Mark with us once again and showing off his work, Mark is special Alumni in our community, Wounded Warrior, and a site challenged woodworker, yet he builds some pretty wonderful items and crafts in his shop. Have any of you wondered what it would be like to work in your existing shop, virtually blind? Well Mark does! He has the power machinery that we all have, and through special techniques Mark has learned to use the Tablesaw without losing any digits, and all the other mainstay powered equipment you'd expect to have as a woodworker. Job well done Mark! And it's great to see ya around here Mark! Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! E.C. Atkins Saw Blog submitted by @Grandpadave52. What a wonderful place to go do some research on your saw. Thanks Gramps! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image Gunsmith: David Cooley (American, Pennsylvania 1790–1856) Medium: Wood (curly maple, ash), steel, silver, brass David Cooley's rifles have an uncluttered appearance and feature crisp, high relief carving, fine engraving, and elegant overall architecture. This is perhaps the most refined of his few surviving works. He was strongly influenced by his proximity to two important schools of gunmaking: the Emmitsburg School, to the south in Maryland, and the Chambersburg School, to the west in Franklin County. Source: The Met150
  19. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Community news Please visit our topic regarding Hugh L. Ray. Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Masonsailor will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Not your typical olive drab ammo boxes many of us knew while serving our nation, these would make any General proud to own! Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image An incredible collaboration of art between husband and wife. See the full story here at House Brothers Project. Frank and Lally wanted to create a work of art that would be a composite of their individual mediums. The concept evolved into a unique, powerful sculpture they named Nechasin. Pronounced, nay-Cha-seen, a Lenape ~ Delaware name meaning 'to be watchful'. This mixed media sculpture is a testament of 18th century culture. Originally Frank imagined a rifleman or other entity that may have carried the sword, but as the idea evolved, Lally's artwork dictated that the piece should be Native American, specifically Delaware. This tribe was known for fierceness and tenacity as warriors, however, they preferred to choose a path of peace when possible. The sculpture incorporates a number of Frank and Lally's pieces, including a rifle, tomahawk, powder horn, and quillwork. Its head and hands are a composite of carved wood overlaid with mosaic bone and sculptured ivory. The body is willow-bough framework covered with cotton batting and homespun linen. Source: House Brothers Project
  20. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Community news Please read our topic on posting political topics in our community, thanks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Thad will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image By Peter Lanyon Furniture
  21. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! I had a semi productive time in the shop this weekend, got a good start on my Gun Range Shooting Bench for my son and I. We'll use it to shoot off of for sighting in, only spent a few hours on it, gluing the boards together, and getting some edges glued and nailed to the sides to help provide rigidity and to just give it a nice strong appearance. I'll install folding legs on it, and maybe a small drawer on the front for small "possibles and what not's". It was my dads 87th birthday on August 12th, but we drove up Sunday to his home in the mountains and visited, we brought up lunch, and we had a birthday cake for him, below is Dad with my wife, and my two kids, our other daughter is away in the Army, so she isn't seen in many of our most recent photos anymore . But Grandpa was happy, and he enjoyed his day. I also want to thank you all for the wonderful wishes you sent for the passing of my Army buddy, it's been a rough week last, his family has a long road ahead of them, I want to thank you all for your prayers. Community news @Cal won July's What's It, so he'll be getting a membership from them soon, along with that popular MWTCA magazine "The Gristmill" Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @FlGatorwood will also have been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". Please add your favorite links today! If a category is missing, just tell us, we'll install it and away you go! Featured download It's rare that a member shares a download with our community, if you would like to share a plan, a file, or even a drawing schematic, please do so at our Download department. Featured image Rifle by Bill Shipman Custom rifle maker at billshipman.com
  22. "What's It" Basic Rules Reminder For a full run down on this project and rules please go to: "The Patriot Woodworker and MWTCA "What's It" project" Only Patriot Woodworker Members are eligible to participate and receive the award. The MWTCA only accepts a verified source to support your answer, so one should be submitted with your answer, such as a patent, catalog entry, tool book reference, or a respectable website on the subject. Do not let these requirements prevent you from having fun and submitting educated answers on the subject without verification, we can worry about references later. All answers are welcome, as well as healthy debates regarding "What's It". If a verified and referenced answer is not arrived at by the end of each month's "What's It" project, a random draw will be performed for a "One Year MWTCA Club Membership". Only Patriot Woodworker's who participate in this "What's It" topic will be included in the random draw. Additional What's It Rules Unless you are completely sure what this item is, please avoid "definitive statements" that appear that you are without a doubt claiming that you know what the item is. For example stating, "this item is called a "widget xx" used for "insert purpose here". If you are making a definitive statement you must accompany your statement with evidence or proof from a secondary source. An example of acceptable statements within the realm of having fun and educated guesses would be something like this, "I believe it could be", or "It appears it's made for this or that", etc etc etc... Ok ladies and gentlemen, we now have our "What's it" live and ready! The image(s) below is a MWTCA "What's It" image for you to research, and tell us all here in this topic post, just what the heck is it! Project Details The information provided hereon is all the information that is provided, no further information on this item will be added.
  23. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @Smallpatch will also been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory". The following link submitted by @aaronc shows off his and his partners work on powder horns. Featured download Featured image High school woodshop, source unknown.
  24. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @difalkner will also been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory" Featured download Featured video This morning I thought we'd change things up a little bit, with a featured video instead of an image. Selfishly (my new interest) I have installed this video about a young man who builds Flintlock rifles from scratch, from the forging of the barrel, to the carving of the stock. Wallace Gusler was a well known gunsmith for period rifles, he has passed away but he left behind a legacy that is honored and sought after to this day. This film made in 1968, was shown in many high school wood shops and metal shops back in the day, an educational video. As woodworkers we have much in common with the gunsmith, and in this video you won't be disappointed. I sat down yesterday and finally watched the video from beginning to end, and loved it, it's almost an hour long, I know many just don't have the time to sit and watch a suggested one hour video, but if you find yourself in an "interested" mood, and you have an hour to spare, you'll love the craftsmanship that this young man at the time possesses, it's amazing what he knows, his talent is hard to find today, only a handful of gun builders can do what he did. Enjoy!
  25. Good Monday morning! Good Monday morning Patriot Woodworkers! What did you get done over the weekend, and what have you planned for the week ahead! Inquiring minds want to know. Please tell us what's happening in your shops, your life, and any events going on with you. Thank you for being here folks! Welcome new members To view our newest members and welcome them to our digs, please see our Members Page, you can "Sort" by join date and click on their names and be taken to their profile page where you can leave a message of welcome. Thank you for making our newest folks feel welcome. Featured topic Our Featured topic by @junglejohn will also been added to "Our Picks", this is a page for content that has stood out and been chosen for a special place in our community, and for a limited time showing on our Home Page for the world to see. Featured link Our featured links are website links added by staff and members, add your favorite links today at "Links Directory" Featured download Featured image Source: Alasdair Kilpatrick of Little Acorn Furniture
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