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  1. We have a few groundhogs around here and they dig/tunnel under our garden sheds. We're in town, and it was a surprise to see them here. They don't get relocated(live trapped) but visit the great groundhog heaven in the sky!
  2. The last couple of days, I've been repairing our back brick/flagstone walk(16 ft.) to the backyard. We've had a couple of chipmunks living around the area and they had undermined everything there, resulting in the slow collapse(2-3") of the brick/flagstone. I've had to remove everything, fill in the damage, relevel the bed, as well as pull the gate. With Leitha's help we dropped in the last piece of flagstone(3 times because it wasn't level) and can now enjoy the walk to our backyard without tripping.
  3. Thank you. The design is easy to layout with a compass and just looks interesting. Nothing to do with time!
  4. After purchasing a set of 3 sharpening stones from Drumone, I decided to build a storage box for them. I used white pine, dovetailed the box, and then painted and designed the box. It has 2 coats of shellac sealer, sanded between coats, 2 coats of base paint, and then a design drawn/painted on the top of the lid. Now, everything is accessible all at once.
  5. Will there be any Arkansas slipstones among the items for sale? Prices on the diamond?
  6. Last of the Matera, Italy panel door carvings. I just used a grey paint, with a little bit of silver, to finish the panel It apparently had a grey coat of paint in the past..... not too fancy. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/chiesa-del-purgatorio
  7. Thank you! Couldn't have said it differently!
  8. Thanks. I can't really say about the time because I work an hour here, two there, etc.
  9. Moulding didn't fit up as expected due to the difficulty of using the Stanley 55 but it's acceptable. I've decided to paint this in a darkish gray with a gilded center. If you remember that panel that I carved from Bilbao, it was off-white and that worked well. IMO. This shows the first of two shellac seal coats that I'll do. These will be lightly sanded down before the painting is done.
  10. Carving almost ready! Just a little sanding , some touchups and it will be ready for finishing. I'm also showing the surround moulding that I've made for the the plaque. This was made with my Stanley 55 molding plane and a couple of wooden beading planes.
  11. Why not split the angle? The two pieces would be of equal strength. This is how I built 6 of our garden tutors.
  12. Now, for the carving of the rosette.
  13. Project underway. There will be some lathe work done and then onto the actual carving.
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